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Exploring the role of archives in recovering the histories of teachers' lives and the potential of archival research as living inquiry, a non-traditional perspective is offered concerning life writing as a way into an epistemological storying of the past. Archival research as living inquiry is examined both as a methodological approach to theorizing practice, and as a method of gathering information in public collections that is rendered through life writing. The application of this emerging form of research has the potential to change structures of teaching and learning, and in the process, provide suitable methods to write accounts of educational histories. In this case, I document my archival quest into Bessie's story as an exemplar of how reflective practice can contribute to becoming a researcher of history through unorthodox approaches and methods. This inquiry is motivated by questions that include: Why should a teacher of the past matter to teachers today? What value do archives hold in teacher education? How might we rethink our methods of inquiry to give meaning to the lives of women teachers?  相似文献   

追问研究本意 纾解"学科情结"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
追根溯源,回到出发点,反思高等教育研究的本意、目的和使命,是要研究和解决高等教育活动自身的发展问题和变革策略,还是纯粹"源于研究兴趣"和"学术情怀",或者是为了获得某种"资质"和地位?追问研究的本意,有助于我们廓清迷茫,凝聚焦点,纾解"学科情结"。发展、提高我国高等教育研究的基本路径可以归纳为:深入实践,研究问题,解决问题(影响决策、指导行动),进而增进知识、丰富理论。本文提出,需要重视关乎"高等教育学科建设"的四个问题:其一,高等教育学的知识体系有何特性?是否存在一个慎密、精致、井然有序的理论大厦?其二,高等教育的理论体系如何建构?教科书式的理论著述是否应当"改弦更张"?其三,如何理解"范式"?是否要重视库恩替代"范式"的"专业基体"?其四,由谁来推进高等教育学科的发展?如何确保这一研究领域的开放性?  相似文献   

当今世界,科学技术突飞猛进,国际竞争日趋激烈。教育在综合国力的竞争中处于基础地位。而教育又是多媒体技术应用的主要领域。我们在教育教学中,应该怎样充分发挥多媒体技术的作用,让它更好地为我们服务?本从使用多媒体辅助教学时应当引起注意的五个方面进行了探究。  相似文献   


Where is the moving body in our written bodies of work? How might we articulate truly unspeakable and deeply moving moments of understanding? In what ways can we reflect and honor the knowledge of those who do not use academic words, English words, or any words at all? How might art move us to answer these questions differently—and more importantly, to ask different questions? These lines of inquiry have driven arts-based research movements within many fields including nursing, medicine, and education. In this article, we explore existing and potential uses of arts in adapted physical activity research and practice. We weave theoretical exploration, artistic engagement, and our personal experiences as researchers, practitioners and disabled movers. We do so in order to demonstrate how artistic epistemologies can enrich and expand our inquiry, understanding, and engagement in adapted physical activity.  相似文献   

In the past few years, worries about decreasing jobs or even the possible disappearance of the history of education as a field of study have frequently surfaced. Hence, the question arises as to whether the history of education, as a field of study, has a future – or is it, as many authors have remarked, in danger? This article starts from the idea that our field of study is definitely not alone in its struggle: many branches of the humanities have fallen victim to similar appeals of economic efficiency and relevance. In response to these developments, digital humanities in particular have been identified as a way out of the impasse. Therefore, this article explores the ways in which digital humanities or digital history can offer valuable contributions to the future of the history of education. This paper advocates that, although digital humanities or digital history cannot magically make our problems disappear, historians of education should further embrace the possibilities digital technology has to offer for the investigation of our educational past. I argue that digital technology not only has the potential to make our lives considerably easier; it can also help in addressing new research questions, give new meaning to existing concepts within the history of education and further enhance the interdisciplinary character of our discipline.  相似文献   

党的十九大提出加快一流大学和一流学科建设,实现高等教育内涵式发展的工作要求。作为一家有近百年历史的高校图书馆,正不断遭遇前所未有的危机和挑战。百年历史的高校图书馆如何转型,满足当前高等教育发展要求,文章以新疆大学图书馆为例,从读者服务、学科服务、创新技术等方面展开论述,讲述拥有百年历史的高校图书馆发展的新华章。  相似文献   

The academic study of Education1 1. A capital E is used when Education refers to Education as an academic subject or discipline. A lower case e is used to refer to education as a process. View all notes (as a social, historical, and theoretical phenomenon) is complicated by the fact of our immersion in it. This paper combines Said's idea of “contrapuntal reading” with Bourdieu's notion of reflexivity to explore what happens when students on an Education course directly confront the fact of their everyday involvement in their object of study, Education. How do the questions raised by post-colonial and other critical social writers “appear” from such a position? How does the fact of our involvement complicate our theoretical or scientific knowledge of these? By means of an episodic, narrative form of writing, this paper describes a life history pedagogy for teaching a compulsory “social issues” course online to New Zealand pre-service teacher education students. As data I draw on online conversations with and between students as they engage in the production of contextualized life history interview narratives.  相似文献   

The field of physical education/kinesiology is facing unique challenges. There are ongoing pressures for change and adaptation forcing us to look to our past as we face an uncertain future. In the past, we have been blessed with all-encompassing categories that may be called “umbrellas.” The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) has offered us an umbrella that some of us appear to be rejecting. We do so at our peril. Disciplinary development became energized in the 1960s; we now appreciate more fully that our field entails the study of human movement particular to physical activities such as exercise, sport, games, play, aquatics, dance, and athletics. As a profession, we need the undergirding knowledge that our disciplinarians are gradually providing. This knowledge should come from both the disciplinary and professional wings of our field. There is a continuing need for the services that physical education/kinesiology can provide. We will survive if we cooperate with our colleagues in the allied professions under the overarching umbrella of AAHPERD, if we achieve consensus about what it is we do under our own umbrella, and if we devise ways and means of keeping the struts of our own umbrella strong enough to fight off the strong winds that are presently tending to tear it out of our hands.  相似文献   

How do professionals in the field of sexuality education build a lasting career? Ever-changing policies from one administration to the next can add or eliminate funding for programs, shift the focus between science and ideology, and swing public support for or against effective curricula. At the 2017 National Sex Ed Conference, four experienced educators offered insights for creating meaningful work and sustaining it. Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner, Michael McGee, PhD, Mary Jo Podgurski, EdD, and Pam Wilson, MSW discussed their histories in the field, and offered advice to participants on how to keep engaged in the work as times change.  相似文献   

The discipline of educational psychology approaches the new millennium with a distinguished history, a compelling mission, and a sense of anxiety: given the prevailing turmoil in both education and psychology, what should be the shape of our field in the decades to come? I argue for refinement rather than redefinition. Our foundations as an applied science are sound, in my opinion. The challenge ahead is to bring together the scattershot elements of our accomplishments to date. A cornerstone for coherence can be found in the object of our investigation: the institution of schooling. In an effort to satisfy diverse clientele, American schools have virtually "disintegrated" during the past 50 years. By focusing our efforts – theoretical, methodological, and empirical, – on the reintegration of schooling, we can both assist education and re-establish a sense of disciplinary integrity. Examples are presented in three domains of practical importance: (a) curriculum and the architecture of knowledge, (b) instruction and discourse, and (c) development and learning.  相似文献   

在环境问题的研究中,历史学有着怎样的价值?这是关系到历史学研究环境问题之合法性的问题。回答这个问题的关键,在于环境问题本身的特点与历史研究的一致性上。环境问题关乎自然,但实质上却是一个社会历史问题,它具有累积突发、性质复杂、责任具体、影响持久、治理艰难等特点,这些都可纳入历史学的研究视野。在以往的环境问题研究中,历史学已经显露出自己的特色,那就是关注多重社会因素间的联系,挖掘深层次的文化根源,细腻而生动地描述事件原委,旗帜鲜明地宣扬价值取向,为现实的环境治理提供借鉴。历史学在政府环境决策和大众环境教育中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国教育根植于深厚的中国传统文化,受传统文化的影响。我国传统文化的价值观是什么样的?它究竟怎样影响着当代中国的教育?对这样的影响,我们应该采取怎样的态度?取其精华、去其糟粕又该怎样做?本文就一些文化现象对这些问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

At the turn of the century historians of education in the United States and in Europe look back upon four decades of fruitful and exciting work that has brought their discipline a high amount of visibility and acclaim in the scholarly community. Yet there exists also a sense of dismay and unease; a feeling that the enthusiasm, even euphoria, of the seventies has evaporated, and that the discipline lacks a sense of direction and purpose. What accounts for this turn of affairs'? How do we explain it?


在世纪之交 ,我国教育将以什么姿态跨入新世纪 ,是学校教育理论和教育实践工作者值得特别关注的问题。通过考察上海教育 ,感受到上海的基础教育改革的潮流 ,深刻地冲击着我们的教育思想和教育理念 ,使我们不得不思考 ,面向2 1世纪 ,我们应以什么样的教育行为 ,投身于中国教育改革的大潮。  相似文献   

从世界范围而言,各国妇女学的产生与发展有着相似的大背景和共同的目标,由于各国的国情不同,各国的妇女学必将走自己的路。在中国,妇女学从无到有,正在探索与形成之中。在大学开课,是妇女学发展的重要途径。本文探讨了在中国的高等院校进行妇女学教学应该回答的问题:妇女学如果作为大学的一门课程,或者是渗透于其它课程的教学内容,要达到什么目的和目标?应该讲什么?教学方法有什么不同?是否应该将其作为一门单独的学科来谈论和对待,就像是历史学或社会学?学术界的学者和教授,尤其是管理者应如何对其做出反应?它对中国的高等教育、学术研究、乃至政策将产生怎样的影响?本文将对这些问题的思考有机地融入怎样理解本土化,以及妇女学教学在中国的本土化应从何着眼这两条思考线索之中。  相似文献   

A King Over Egypt, Which Knew Not Joseph   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How does the current situation with respect to national goals and national testing relate to the Biblical account of Joseph in the time of the Pharaohs? What can we learn from the experience of past Yosephs in the field of education?  相似文献   

语文教育心理学是研究语文教育领域中的各种心理现象、特点和规律,探索语文教育与学生心理发展的相互关系,为语文教育改革提供科学依据的一门学科。它经历了解放前模仿引进西方心理学研究的起步阶段,建国后至1980年代初实验与理论探索发展阶段,以及1980年代后的系统研究阶段。在近百年的发展历程中,语文教育心理学具有注重实证研究的良好传统,基本建立了学科的理论体系,推动了语文教育改革的健康发展,但同时也存在心理学与语文教育结合不紧密、理论研究与教学实践结合不紧密、学习心理与教学心理联系不紧密、与新课程改革联系不紧密等不足。针对以上问题,进一步完善学科理论体系、注重实证研究、针对各学段学生加强语文学习心理的研究、面向实践研究解决语文教学改革中的新问题等,应是语文教育心理学今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

In this article we give a survey of recent literature on the use and value of the history of geometry in mathematics education. It turns out that many authors have contributed to the debate why we should apply history. Their arguments can be divided into conceptual, (multi-) cultural and motivational ones. The number of authors who concentrated on the methodological question “How could we introduce history into mathematics lessons?” is considerably smaller. Those who want to make history an integral part of mathematics education have to bridge the gap between theoretical arguments and practical ideas, and, connected with this,between historians and teachers, and ultimately between mathematicians from the past and present day students. We divided the various surveyed publications, mainly journal articles, into categories according to a framework in order to clarify the discussion on the role of the history of geometry in education. Details about content and purpose of the articles are presented in two appendices, which make the articles more accessible both for further research and for practical teacher purposes.  相似文献   

我国学校体育的发展历史,揭示了新时期的学校体育教学已经从过去传统的教育教学观念转变到"以人为本、健康第一"的现代教育理念,充分发挥学生主体性,促进学生全面和谐发展并突出人的发展上来.  相似文献   

A review of donors’ most recent policies highlights that the term ‘partnership’ is firmly embedded in the lexicon of international development. Most donors now only fund INGO programmes if they are partnering LNGOs. This article considers key questions in relation to such programmes: What is meant by an education partnership? Are there features common to all education partnerships? What are the features of an effective education partnership between an INGO and an LNGO? How do these features enable an effective partnership? Based on a review of international developments, research in the field, and case study data of the experience of a programme implemented in Ethiopia, the appropriateness of a planning, implementation and evaluation tool for education partnerships between INGOs and LNGOs, and the strengths and weaknesses of current programmes is explored.  相似文献   

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