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While the call for interdisciplinary studies has been loud and clear over the last decade or so, the number of interdisciplinary publications in sport sciences is rather limited. One of the reasons for this scarcity is the complexity of the research process itself. Still, the combination and integration of information from different scientific disciplines seems to be important to better explain how elite performance comes about. In this article, we focus on this issue and discuss the advantages of interdisciplinary research for understanding how elite athletes are able to achieve such high-proficiency levels. The first section provides an overview of the studies that investigated elite performance in sports. In the second section, we focus on the issue of interdisciplinarity and illustrate how the ecological–dynamical approach and the concept of dimensional reduction can be used to explain how elite performers cope with the complex nature of sport skills. In the last section, we present a research outline and some practical considerations that can be helpful for researchers who aim to study sport skills from an interdisciplinary perspective.  相似文献   

It has been argued that high school sports participation increases motivation and teaches teamwork and self-discipline. While several studies have shown that students who participate in athletic activities perform better in school than those who do not, it is not clear whether this association is a result of positive academic spillovers, or due to the influence of unobservables. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health and a variety of statistical techniques designed to distinguish between these hypotheses, we examine the effect of sports participation on several measures of academic performance. Our results provide only limited evidence that sports participation leads to enhanced academic performance.  相似文献   

An examination of 340 graduates of the master's degree program in guidance and counseling at Boston College revealed no meaningful differences in desirable counselor characteristics between those who had studied part-time and those who had studied full-time. It is recommended that further large-sample studies be carried out to examine the issue when reliable measures of counseling effectiveness are taken into consideration.  相似文献   

课题采用献综述、社会调查和数理统计分析等方法,在我国东部沿海9个城市,对不同年龄、性别、化程度、职业和参加与不参加大众音乐体育锻炼的人群,进行了历时一年的调研,提出了21世纪我国大众体育指导员队伍建设的构想.  相似文献   

Any pedagogy of media practice sits at the intersection between training for employment and education for critical thinking. As such, the use of projects is a primary means of structuring learning experiences as a means of mirroring professional practice. Yet, our understanding of the nature of projects and of project-based learning is arguably under-theorised and largely taken for granted. This paper attempts to address this issue through a synthesis of the literature from organisational studies and experiential learning. The article aims to shift the debate around project-based learning away from an instrumentalist agenda, to one that considers the social context and lived experience of projects and re-conceptualises projects as ontological modalities of doing, being and becoming. In this way, the article aims to provide a means for thinking about the use of project-based learning within the media practice curriculum that draws on metaphors of discovery, rather than of construction.  相似文献   

A major source of controversy between Deaf people and those who support a "social/cultural" view of Deafness as "a life to be lived" and those who see deafness within a "medical model" as a "condition to be cured" has been over the cochlear implantation of young deaf children. Recent research has shown that there are noticeable inequities in access to such procedures in western countries; inequities that give rise to the need for informed public policy discussions. It has also found that parents of newly diagnosed deaf children are not provided with access to all the possibilities for their children-including that of a "Deaf life." How this information can be provided to parents and the public via widespread discussions in the media and elsewhere and involving Deaf people in the implantation counseling process is an issue that needs to be addressed by those responsible for implantation programs.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that a predominant tendency in creative generation tasks is to base new ideas on well-known, specific instances of previous ideas (e.g., basing ideas for imaginary aliens on dogs, cats or bears). However, a substantial minority of individuals has been shown to adopt more abstract approaches to the task and to develop more original products as a result. Because domain knowledge is sometimes thought to be associated with more abstract representations, it is possible that these individual differences are linked to how much people have learned about the domain in question. The present study explored the relationship between domain knowledge, the tendency to rely on specific domain instances and both the originality and practicality of outcomes in a task in which participants designed novel sports. In addition to designing novel sports, participants rated their own knowledge about and participation in sports, and they took a short test of sport knowledge. As in previous studies, there were individual differences in approaches to the task, and participants who relied on specific known sports (e.g., basketball) produced less original designs. Neither the measures of sport knowledge nor the measure of sport participation related to the tendency to rely on specific instances in developing the novel sports or to the originality of those creations. However, there were links between tested knowledge and the rated practicality of the designs.  相似文献   

运用多种研究方法对内江城市在职居民不参与休闲体育活动人群进行调查研究.结果表明:这类人群按年龄结构呈现两头小、中间大的形态;性别差异较大;职业分类以体力劳动为主且工作不稳定的比例大于以脑力劳动为主且工作比较稳定的职业;学历越高,不参加休闲体育活动的人呈现出不断减少的趋势;当居民的收入能基本满足生活需要后,随着收入的增加,不参加休闲体育活动的比例呈逐渐减少的趋势.  相似文献   

The mental health and well-being of teachers is an issue of great policy concern. This is particularly true in England, where high workload and the associated stress is thought to be leading to a recruitment and retention crisis within the education profession. But do individuals who decide to leave teaching for another career actually see their well-being and mental health improve? We provide new evidence on this matter for individuals aged between 40 and 65, using the rich information gathered as part of the UK Biobank study. Our analysis shows that individuals who choose to leave teaching are somewhat happier in their work, but do not generally experience any improvement in their general well-being or mental health. We hence caution those middle-aged teachers who are thinking of leaving teaching that the grass may not necessarily be greener on the other side.  相似文献   

浅谈体育运动中的补液问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人体在运动时会损失大量的体液,会给身体造成某种程度的伤害,因此对如何补充这些损失的液体,是大家比较关心的问题。文章主要通过大量阅读文献资料从补液的时间、补液的内容上加以分析,以便能为大家提供一些有价值的参考。  相似文献   

A multi-institutional endeavor was initiated to integrate the findings of extant research studies directed toward the major science education research questions. The research questions were selected by a largely empirical process of identifiying the most frequently researched questions in the literature. These questions were assigned to various researchers who developed coding sheets and procedures with many features in common. This article describes the overall operation of the project, the research questions identified, and some rudiments of meta-analysis. The results of the several meta-analysis are reported in the other articles of this issue of the Journal. The final article in this issue deals with research topics for which data are drawn from one or more of the separate meta-analyses.  相似文献   

This study reports on the non-discursive aspects of the disciplinary enculturation experiences of five international doctoral students from East Asia in three Second Language studies graduate programmes in the United States. Based largely on interview data, this study examined how students participate in their graduate discourse communities and what may contribute to or hinder academic success. It appeared that the kinds of social capital accrued through social ties and networks are key to students' successful disciplinary enculturation, suggesting the importance of establishing positive personal interactions and locating oneself within supportive discourse community contexts. The present study also sheds light on the issue that disciplinary enculturation is an inherent cultural practice, which may not favour students who do not adopt mainstream socio-academic conventions.  相似文献   

Sports culture is central to the lives of many students, whether they participate in athletic competitions or sports fandom. Unfortunately, sports culture also reflects many sociopolitical issues and inequities that impinge upon our greater society in the present day (e.g., domestic violence, racism). For those reasons, sports-based text sets—diverse collections of texts about figures, events, and happenings in sports culture—stand to support teachers in honoring students' knowledge of and interests in sports culture while also facilitating critical literacy practices through the investigation of inequities that ail both sport and society. This article introduces the notion of a sports-based text set, addresses the types of texts that might be featured in such a set, and presents ideas for exploring specific texts with students, using the issue of inequitable compensation for male and female athletes as an example.  相似文献   

This study explores the motivation of ‘high-status’ professionals to change career and enter teaching, and their experience of undertaking initial teacher education (ITE) programmes in England. The study builds on previous research which found that career-changers are disproportionately more likely to fail to complete their ITE studies, and that those who do complete the transition into teaching frequently experience frustration with some aspects of induction and often feel undervalued by their new colleagues. The participants in this study were largely positive about most aspects of their ITE experience, and felt their professional background enabled them to be resilient when faced with the challenges of transitioning from being an expert in one domain to novice in another. However, they report variable experiences of mentoring, and for some, a sense of their previous experience being under-appreciated by ITE tutors and schools. The study also finds little evidence of personalisation built into ITE programmes to take account of the distinctive needs of career-changers. This paper concludes that the current policy focus adopted in England and in many other countries on entry quality may detract from the more fundamental issue of ensuring ITE programmes provide the flexible and personalised professional learning environments that enable a diverse range of entrants to flourish.  相似文献   

There is agreement in political and academic circles that partnership working between parents and professionals is critical to optimising educational provision for children who have special needs. Yet this method of optimisation often appears to be an elusive feature of current practice. In order to begin to explore this chasm between the largely hypothetical parent–professional partnerships set out centrally in British government policy and the widespread reality of parental dissatisfaction, this article identifies the key drivers and inhibitors to partnership working, as revealed within the empirical and theoretical literature. Much of the literature referred to here has its roots in organisational theory, economics, management and political studies – the aim being to learn from rigorous research undertaken in other sectors regarding partnership working, in order to begin to construct a more effective model of parent–professional partnership within special education.  相似文献   

In‐depth interviews with adult men regarding their childhood experiences with hegemonic displays of violence and bullying and the meaning they make of those experiences as adults were analysed using the theoretical work of R.W. Connell, and critiques of that work. The conclusion reached is that memories of childhood experiences of violence and bullying remain active in the adult psyche and the meanings of these experiences are framed by individuals’ relative distance from or proximity to local hegemonic ideals, often reducing this issue to a binary of hegemonic or non‐hegemonic. In doing so, males are able toemphasise the importance of personal power. Males who were proximate to hegemonic masculine practices either as students and/or adults are seen to reduce patriarchy to an issue of individual agency, while males who were less hegemonic in school describe themselves as largely powerless in the presence of hegemonic males. These males then recast their experiences in order to retroactively increase the power they possessed as agents. Together, these findings underscore some of the ways males work to focus privilege on individual merit and away from acknowledging complicit forms of masculinity, which in turn serves to maintain existing patriarchal structures and males’ privileged positions within it.  相似文献   

The call for reforms in science education has been ongoing for a century, with new movements and approaches continuously reshaping the identity and values of the discipline. The HPS movement has an equally long history and taken part in the debates defining its purpose and revising curriculum. Its limited success, however, is due not only to competition with alternative visions and paradigms (e.g. STS, multi-culturalism, constructivism, traditionalism) which deadlock implementation, and which have led to conflicting meanings of scientific literacy, but the inability to rise above the debate. At issue is a fundamental problem plaguing science education at the school level, one it shares with education in general. It is my contention that it requires a guiding “metatheory” of education that can appropriately distance itself from the dual dependencies of metatheories in psychology and the demands of socialization—especially as articulated in most common conceptions of scientific literacy tied to citizenship. I offer as a suggestion Egan’s cultural-linguistic theory as a metatheory to help resolve the impasse. I hope to make reformers familiar with his important ideas in general and more specifically, to show how they can complement HPS rationales and reinforce the work of those researchers who have emphasized the value of narrative in learning science. This will be elaborated in Part II of a supplemental paper to the present one. As a prerequisite to presenting Egan’s metatheory I first raise the issue of the need for a conceptual shift back to philosophy of education within the discipline, and thereto, on developing and demarcating true educational theories (essentially neglected since Hirst). In the same vein it is suggested a new research field should be opened with the express purpose of developing a discipline-specific “philosophy of science education” (largely neglected since Dewey) which could in addition serve to reinforce science education’s growing sense of academic autonomy and independence from socio-economic demands.  相似文献   

How girls and boys take decisions in the presence and absence of a teacher – This work is part of an innovative approach to physical and sports education in Tunisia, and team sports in particular. It uses language studies carried out within the framework of this teaching both to generate a reflective attitude on the part of students, and to identify the effect of gender as a variable in the ways in which they make decisions. Discourse analysis highlights the importance of language output by girls and boys in football teaching when a teacher is present or absent. The teacher is an institutional authority who imposes specific uses of language, and when he/she is absent, emotional tensions predominate and may reflect the repression of ideas that occurs when the teacher is present. Although girls appear to take part in the discussion, their utterances are fewer in number, and their analytical statements less effective than those of boys. Girls never gain the upper hand over boys. The study also suggests a redefinition of social role divisions on the basis of gender – masculinity and femininity.  相似文献   

A number of strategies relating to the evaluation of preschool programs have been changing. One change has been from evaluating service delivery systems and child development outcomes independent of one another. A second area of change has been from evaluating the impact of a particular intervention on an individual child to evaluating the impact of an intervention which is part of a dynamic (ecological) setting, on a child who is within that dynamic (ecological) setting. A third change has been from evaluating simply in terms of child development outcomes to evaluating both outcomes as well as those aspects of a child development program which can be manipulated or controlled by policy and management decisions. These are not mutually exclusive changes, and, indeed, a good deal of overlap will be evident. However, there are sufficient differences in approach to warrant separate treatment. Each of these areas of change will be described largely within the context of programs and concerns of the Administration for Children, Youth and Families (ACYF).  相似文献   

Educational selection has been a central issue for Structural Functionalist, Marxist and Interpretative sociologists of education. While knowledge about selection processes within schools has increased over the past two decades, as a result of ethnographic studies of schooling, the social process of collective teacher decision making, when teachers are engaged in institutional channelling, has been largely neglected. This paper explores collective teacher decision making at a point of allocation through the medium of a case study of setting in one 9‐13 years middle school. The paper argues that the discussion concerning the recent initiatives of educational selection embodied in modularisation, pupil assessment, common examinations and national testing should be informed by research of teacher interaction at points of allocation.  相似文献   

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