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While globalization poses challenges, it also offers powerful opportunities for the higher education community to play a key role in shaping the future. This article explores globalization as a policy paradigm, both from international and local (Australian) perspectives. It first looks broadly at various strands of globalization - economic, political, cultural, technological - and suggests how each may relate to higher education. The specific example of Australia is then used to illustrate how one government is currently addressing globalization issues of particular concern to it: the promotion, protection, and quality assurance of education as an international enterprise. The government has used concerns about globalization as a "lever" to introduce new legislation extending control over the higher education sector. The author concludes by arguing that, like governments and other bodies, the higher education community can "leverage" globalization to judiciously move debate and shape future policy directions.  相似文献   

One can extrapolate from the art of language instruction to discover methods applicable across the disciplines in higher education. The paradigm presented by language instruction is applicable throughout the arts and sciences. If cultivated—and there are institutional pressures working against it—such an art can impact the languages and codes of the individual disciplines so as to advance the research mission of scholars in those fields; it can also favor the interrelationships between the disciplines. How the student learns another language (L2) is comparable to the process of learning a scientific discipline.  相似文献   

The medical profession has for almost a century employed various types of “Rounds” as pedagogical tools to engage physicians, physicians‐in‐training, and their health care teams in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of patients. More recently, this validated paradigm of medical rounds (MR) has been extended to the field of education, where it is being used as an effective strategy for administrators to better understand their own domain. There are four distinct types of MR which can be further analyzed to find commonalities and parallels with the domain of education. The four types of MR are (1) Morning Rounds, (2) Chart Rounds, (3) Grand Rounds, and (4) Ongoing Collaborations—each have unique pedagogical characteristics and serve different functions. They are, however, unified by common threads of dynamic and interpersonal interactions wherein teacher (physician) and learner (physician‐in‐training) share learning and fluidly exchange roles in the pedagogy. MR models supplant the now outmoded theory of the “empty vessel” and corroborate the concept of the teaching brain. A formal analysis of MR underscores its ongoing utility in education both for its pedagogical innovations and for the Interactive and inherently human attributes that are required between teacher and learner for its efficacy.  相似文献   

本文旨在为成人学前教育美术专业的教师改进教学提供借鉴。成人学前教育美术专业教学中存在诸多问题:美术课程设置不够完善、美术师资力量不强、教学资源相对不足、教学内容与方法还不令人满意、学生的自学能力较弱等。针对这种现状,本文拟就所存在的问题作以探讨分析,进而提出相应的改进策略。  相似文献   

In education, art has often been perceived as entertainment and decoration and is the first subject to go when there are budget cuts or test‐score pressures. Drawing on Emmanuel Lévinas's idea of the primacy of radical alterity that breaks the totality of our being, enables self‐transformation and ethics, and ensures community as a totality of singularities, and on Maurice Blanchot's expansion of radical alterity to art, Guoping Zhao argues that the role of art in education must be reconsidered and greatly expanded. Art as alterity takes students beyond where they are and what they have, and teaches them to appreciate and respect difference and diversity. If art as alterity is so essential to human subjectivity and society, and if education is conceived as a process of human growth and formation, art as alterity is essential to education and needs to be more seriously engaged and more fully integrated into the whole educational process instead of being isolated in arts education. Zhao concludes the essay by pondering the pedagogical implications of such a reconsideration of art as alterity in education.  相似文献   

立足于传承和发扬中国插图文化,开设插图艺术课程能丰富函授美术专业课程内容,为成人院校的美术专业添上一笔与时俱进的色彩。同时可促使函授美术学生再就业和创业成为现实,使有稳定工作的学生获得充足的精神和物质财富,通过学习插图艺术丰富生活,成为一名合格的插画师。成人院校对不同层次的美术学生进行插图艺术培养,传承和发扬中国插图艺术,有着重要意义。  相似文献   

Residential outdoor environmental education (ROEE) programs for youth have been shown to yield lasting autobiographical episodic memories. This article explores how past program participants have used such memories, and draws on the memory psychology literature to offer a new perspective on the long-term impacts of environmental education. Qualitative interviews with 54 teens at two research sites 5 years after a ROEE experience revealed a variety of directive and social uses for their memories, including participating in outdoor recreation activities, being more knowledgeable about and appreciative of the local ecology, engaging in environmentally responsible behaviors, and reminiscing with friends about the experience.  相似文献   

In this essay I argue that online education, artificial intelligence, and market pressures are driving higher education to adopt the industrial model and to find a new paradigm for delivering education at low costs. In addition, there is tremendous pressure from the federal government to make universities more accountable while making higher education less expensive and more accessible. I argue that in the future faculty members will not be engaged with students in the ways in which they have historically been engaged and that the structure and operations of higher education institutions will be very different. New, potential paradigms are beginning to emerge.  相似文献   

采访手记 3月5日,当温家宝总理在十届全国人大三次会议上宣布,从今年起,将免除国家扶贫开发工作重点县农村义务教育阶段贫困家庭学生的书本费、杂费,并补助寄宿学生生活费时,台下两次响起热烈的掌声.  相似文献   

建构网络心理教育范式,既是心理教育理论建设与创新的需要,又是心理教育范式与时俱进的要求。网络心理教育范式的构建策略是:搭建网络心理教育范式的理论根基,树立现代网络心理教育的理念,建设网络心理教育世界的“科学共同体”和建设网络心理教育资源的复杂系统。  相似文献   

随着现代信息技术和网络技术的飞速发展,数字化教育资源一直被广泛关注。数字化教育资源是教学改革与培养学生素质教育的基础条件,本文以艺术设计专业为例,在教学中适度的采取数字教育资源授课,不仅可以帮助学生及时获取行业最新资讯、也可以帮助教师开发数字化专业教学资源,并且适应当代艺术设计类专业人才培养所要求的设计知识的多元化和设计知识的年轻化需求。  相似文献   

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