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Claiming that American intercollegiate athletics are amateur at the end of the 20th century is an anachronism, for colleges in the 19th century took on professional characteristics. The upper-class British concept of amateurism did not work effectively in a more egalitarian and achievement-oriented American society. Hypocrisy resulted when colleges claimed amateurism while accepting such professional practices as hiring professional coaches, allowing athletes to play summer baseball for money, and paying athletes through grants-in-aid. Attempts to preserve amateurism, such as the Graham Plan in the 1930s and the Sanity Code in the 1940s and 1950s, yielded to the professional spirit. Thus, while Americans had generally rejected the upper-class British social hierarchy that fostered amateurism, they retained the name amateur, continuing the hypocrisy that had begun in the previous century.  相似文献   

In this paper, amateurism and professionalism are treated as moral images, that is, as moral ideals whose point is to enliven and enrich our involvement in sport. Treating them as such enables one to assess their moral fitness as models of sporting conduct, an assessment made imperative by the apparent demise of the amateur ideal and the triumph of the professional ideal. That assessment is made more urgent because the eclipse of amateur sport by professional sport is a morally problematic development: While athletes are entitled to make a living off their athletic accomplishments, they are not entitled to turn sport into a commercial exploit, because doing so compromises and imperils the central goods that underpin and galvanize sport's practice.  相似文献   

The question of the relationship between amateurism and the essential nature of sport has long been the focus of significant debate within the sports studies literature. This commentary paper reflects critically upon the contributions to be found within four scholarly studies concerned with this issue—one historical, one largely journalistic, and two philosophical. Particular attention is paid to differentiations between those who participate in sports activities largely for the love of the game or other internal reasons and those who engage predominantly for external rewards. Following an extended analysis of points of both agreement and discord among the various authors, an exposition is presented of some important questions remaining to be addressed before the issue can be said to be resolved.  相似文献   

托收国际结算方式出口商的风险和防范措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国际贸易中货款的收付方式直接影响买卖双方的利益得失.采用托收商业信用结算方式是国际货款支付方式的发展趋势.在国际贸易中采取哪些必要的防范措施规避托收结算出口商的风险是值得我们认真探讨的.本文介绍了托收的基本内容,分析了出口商采用托收方式存在的风险,并针对风险提出解决措施.  相似文献   

走私普通货物、物品罪是一种严重的涉税经济犯罪,犯罪行为人实施的犯罪行为导致的偷逃应缴税款"数额较大"、"数额巨大"和"数额特别巨大"是该罪定性量罚的核心因素。对于偷逃应缴税款的计核,应当以走私行为发生日为标准,对于原产地不明的货物应当适用优惠税率,而且对于办案期间税率和税种发生变化的不能适用"从旧兼从轻"的法律原则。  相似文献   

The Interactive Two Feedback Loops Model (Narciss, 2008, 2013) suggests that not only providing external feedback but also prompting students to generate internal feedback may influence learning and motivation. This study aims at investigating the effects of internal and external feedback on achievement, strategy, and motivation in concept learning. Using a 2 × 3 experimental design with 121 teacher students we investigated the effects of combining internal feedback (i.e. self-explaining why a task solution is correct or incorrect) with three types of external feedback (no feedback; knowledge of result (KR); KR + knowledge about mistakes (KM)). Combining internal and external types of feedback was more beneficial for concept learning achievement, strategy use, as well as students’ intrinsic motivation, and perceived competence, than providing either internal or external feedback. Most notably, if students are asked to generate internal feedback in terms of self-explaining their responses, simple external KR feedback is as beneficial as elaborated KM-feedback.  相似文献   

高等学校行为的博弈分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等学校的组织属性契约本质决定了其外部与内部复杂的行为关系,以及彼此间一系列的博弈行为。高校的博弈行为一般伴随着利益冲突而进行,这种利益冲突必然引发教育资源的浪费和无效使用,从而对教育效率产生不利影响。  相似文献   

马克思认为,劳动力成为商品、按劳动力价值分配存在的条件主要是劳动者有人身自由与对生产资料的“一无所有”;今天,资本主义的发展,使绝大多数劳动者已经有部分生产资料,因此,马克思的理论必须根据新的情况进行发展;但是,马克思提出的基本思路仍然是正确的,劳动力成为商品、按劳动力价值分配存在的原因仍离不开所有制关系,其主要条件应该是劳动者对生产资料的绝对缺乏与相对缺乏。  相似文献   

高校作为中央或地方财政预算单位,现已全面实行国库集中支付制度,高校的财务管理也发生了重大变化。国库集中支付制度实行的好坏,很大程度上取决于国库集中支付制度内部控制的好坏。分析了国库制度实行后高校内部控制方面出现的问题,并结合实际情况综合运用COSO框架来构建国库集中支付条件下地方高校内部控制的基本框架,希望以此来完善高校内部控制体系,保障国库集中支付制度在高校有良好实施效果。  相似文献   

The public/private divide in higher education: A global revision   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Our common understandings of the public/private distinction in higher education are drawn from neo-classical economics and/or statist political philosophy. However, the development of competition and markets at the national level, and the new potentials for private and public goods created by globalisation in higher education, have exposed weaknesses in the traditional notions of public/private. For example, (1) the statist notion that higher education is always/already a public good blinds us to its role in producing scarce positional private goods, even in free systems; (2) because there is no global state, both statists and neo-liberals model the global higher education environment simply as a trading environment without grasping the potential for global public goods in education – goods that are subject to non-rivalry or non-excludability, and broadly available across populations, on a global scale. Yet higher education in one nation has the potential to create positive and negative externalities in another; and all higher education systems and institutions can benefit from collective systems e.g. that facilitate cross-border recognition and mobility. The paper sets out to revise public/private in higher education. Rather than defining public/private in terms of legal ownership, it focuses on the social character of the goods. It argues that public/private goods are not always zero sum and under certain conditions provide conditions of possibility for each other. It proposes (a) units in national government that focus specifically on cross-border effects; (b) global policy spaces – taking in state agencies, individual universities, NGOs and commercial agents – to consider the augmentation, distribution of and payment for global public goods. This paper has been adapted from a keynote address to the Conference of Higher Education Researchers (CHER), University of Twente, Enschede, 19 September 2004. The CHER conference was focused on the public/private question. Warm thanks to Erik Beerkens, Jurgen Enders, Marijk van Wende, Ben Jongbloed, Guy Neave, other colleagues who took part in discussion at the CHER conference, and the reviewers for Higher Education.  相似文献   

While there are several positive outcomes from implementing game design in a formal learning context, there are also challenges that have to be considered in order to improve game-based learning. This is explored in the article, using the concepts of activity frames and stancetaking, focusing on the social organization of the game design activity. Building on video data from one 6th grade class and one 7th grade class designing computer games based on their social studies curriculum, this article shows that tensions arise when students fail to agree on what the activity they are doing is really about: The academic content and what students commonly perceive as school activities, or a game design activity informed by their leisure time. The main argument is that the students position themselves as students, game designers or characters, and that this may cause tensions in the students’ social interactions.  相似文献   

Little is known about the instructional effects of narrative framing elements in child learning games. In this study, second and third graders (Mage = 8.24) played one of two versions of a successful, commercial mathematical learning game at home for 2 weeks (N = 95; between-subject design). The versions differed in the presence/absence of a background story conveyed through comic cutscenes at the beginning and the end of the game. Results showed that children played the game intensively in both conditions: despite not being forced to do so. Plus, they also learned from the game. As expected, children assigned to the cutscenes condition interfaced with the cutscenes. However, no between-group difference was detected in pre-post learning gains, parent-reported engagement, self-reported enjoyment, time spent with the game and the number of solved in-game tasks (all |ds| < 0.29). Altogether, no advantage or disadvantage from the narrative comic cutscenes was revealed.  相似文献   

关于消费需求制约因素的分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
有效消费需求,不仅指有支付能力的消费需求,而且还指现实消费需求即实现在商品或服务购买上的消费需求。制约有效消费需求的因素主要有:居民收入量及其变动,收入分配状况,消费者预期,供给状况等。  相似文献   

Research on the development of metamemory has focused primarily on children's understanding of the variables that influence how likely a person is to remember something. But metamemory also involves an understanding of why people occasionally misremember things. In this study, 5- and 6-year-olds ( N  =   38) were asked to decide whether another child's mistakes in a memory game were due to false memories or guesses. Some of the fictitious child's mistakes were similar to material he had seen earlier and some were not. Six-year-olds, but not 5-year-olds, consistently attributed more similar than dissimilar mistakes to false memories. Understanding the link between similarity and false memories improves significantly between 5 and 6 years of age.  相似文献   

面向实用的电子教育游戏界定及特征研究   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
本文在对已有电子教育游戏相关概念梳理的基础上,提出电子教育游戏从本质上讲是由游戏设计和制作人员创作、承载着具体教育和娱乐目的的计算机软件。并从游戏者角度作出进一步阐释,指出游戏者的游戏活动是游戏者在游戏环境中,依据游戏规则、使用游戏策略、为最终达成游戏目标而进行的一系列活动。在此过程中游戏者既可获得与日常生活不同的紧张、喜悦等感情,又可完善或者提高自身性能的某些方面。在对电子教育游戏概念研究的基础上,进一步提出了电子教育游戏的五个主要属性:目标性、规则性、策略性、自由性和娱教性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the student experience of pre-service teachers in a compulsory primary science education course that adopted a flipped classroom approach. Participants (n = 79) were surveyed at the conclusion of the course exploring their perceptions of engagement, enjoyment, and degree of learning as a result of participating in this course. At the end of this course, the majority of participants indicated they were happy with learning outcomes and enjoyed some aspect of the online videos; however, they also indicated they did not watch all of the eight mandatory weekly videos. In fact, the majority only watched about four out of the eight videos. This paper explores why students were reluctant to engage with the online videos and asks if there is an underlying aspect to flipped classrooms that disengages students.  相似文献   

贷款是商业银行最重要的业务之一,不良贷款日益成为影响金融、经济安全的重大隐患。按照国家银监委要求建立与贷款五级分类法相适应的会计制度,是当前银行业迫切需要解决的重要问题。  相似文献   

《海关法》第六十二条、《关税条例》第五十二条规定了海关追补税制度。因海关追补税系嗣后进行,有异于在货物进出口中报通关环节实施的征税行为,故其纳税主体亦有异于申报通关环节的纳税义务人,需要区分一般和特殊两种情形,对涉及的收发货人、海关监管货物保管义务人、物品所有人等相关概念及海关纳税义务人与关税税负人的关系进行辨析,并对报关企业与纳税义务人的责任区分及纳税义务人发生主体变更时纳税责任的承担等问题进行研究。  相似文献   

In this article, John Tillson discusses the conditions under which what he calls “knowledge insertion” would be desirable for the one who has knowledge inserted. He argues that making use of knowledge insertion would not be cost free; in particular, it would come at the price of relationship goods realized through teacher–learner relationships, and of the achievement of learning, at least for the knowledge inserted. Despite these costs, though, Tillson concludes that knowledge insertion would most often be desirable since the losses could usually be more than compensated by the knowledge gained or would matter little so long as one realizes the relevant relationship and achievements goods to a satisfactory level at some point in one's life.  相似文献   

组织内外不同群体需求的不一致性、优质资源的稀缺性、组织内部的相互依存性,以及矛盾运动的永恒性,致使高校教师评价中不可避免地存在组织冲突。在化解矛盾的过程中,会产生种种博弈行为和博弈心理。常见的博弈模型有以下几种:"拒绝游戏"的博弈,对等个体之间的"困境"博弈,非对等个体之间的道德博弈。分析这些博弈行为有利于改进高校教师的评价制度。  相似文献   

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