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In working together to deliver discipline‐specific workshops, we have had to focus on communicating effectively with each other. We have come to recognize that our biggest obstacle has been divergent ways of thinking and speaking, due to different disciplinary cultures. The metaphor we now use to conceptualize our relationship and deal more effectively with our miscommunications is ‘bridging cultures’ and ‘crossing borders’. We have learned a great deal from trying to make crossing borders more explicit in our work together; our learnings form the basis of this paper.  相似文献   

Teamwork is often seen as an inseparable part of sport. Other than work done by sport psychologists, however, the topic has received scant attention. The broad aim of this article is to stimulate discussion on the topic. Specifically, I examine how we can think about and “do” teamwork in an alternative way to that presented in current psychological literature. I illustrate how a psychologistic model of teamwork—teamwork as cohesion—is based on a positivist metaphor and argue that this is simply one possible interpretation. I then propose a different metaphor that has its roots in constructionist thought. I suggest that this constructionist metaphor leads to alternative research questions and methodologies and helps us to understand teamwork more wholly.  相似文献   


There has been significant interest in developing academics through Teaching Scholar Development Programs across the USA, Canada, the UK, and more recently in Australia. At their core, such programs develop academics across teaching scholarship, leadership, promotion, and award opportunities, where universities reap the benefits of developing such a cadre of leaders. This paper pays witness to one such a program in an Australian university to highlight enactments of caring passionately. We use qualitative survey evaluation data, metaphor analysis and reflective practice to nuance the pleasures, passions and challenges of the lived experiences using phenomenological and metaphor lenses to describe our experiences. Metaphors provide powerful insights into the dimensions of experience as they open up how programs are perceived and experienced. Our paper disrupts traditional linear writing through rhizomatic, multivocal and multitextual encounters to challenge dominant authorial voicing. The academic identity work and emotional work required in the program is unfolded through evolving, experiencing and reflecting on the program to inform design and highlight what we have come to (re)value in our academic work when we come together to learn, share, and lead. We forge ways to be and become with and against neoliberal agendas that have choked the soul of ‘the university’ to evolve rich spaces and practices of/for reciprocity and kindness where not only learning can thrive, but where love acts – a much needed revolutionary praxis for our time.  相似文献   


Linguists understand metaphors to be shortcuts to an individual’s tacit knowledge about the world. As ethnographers and planners building a university-school partnership and seeking to understand residents’ perceptions of their urban neighbourhood, attention to use of metaphor allowed us insight into an insider’s mental model of who is in the community. In this article, we describe how, in our interview-based ethnographic needs assessment, one of our project participant’s metaphors helped us discern the lived nature of social stratification as racialised economic inequality. This insight not only informs our partnership work but subverts some important assumptions about programme impact. Our experience suggests metaphor analysis contributes an important tool for ethnographic interpretation.  相似文献   

A tension has been identified between the acquisition and participation metaphors for learning, and it is generally agreed that this tension has still not been adequately resolved. In this paper, we offer an alternative to the acquisition and participation metaphors for learning: the metaphor of mastering. Our claim is that the mastering metaphor, as grounded in inferentialism, allows one to treat both the acquisition and participation dimensions of learning as complementary and mutually constitutive. Inferentialism is a semantic theory which explains concept formation in terms of the inferences individuals make in the context of an intersubjective practice of acknowledging, attributing, and challenging one another's commitments. We first introduce the key concepts of inferentialism and consider the perspective on learning that inferentialism inspires. Then, we condense the lessons of the inferentialist concepts into a single mastering metaphor for learning and argue that learning consists in the process by which learners come to master concepts and practices. We conclude by discussing how the mastering metaphor could be put to work in a theoretical reconciliation of the cognitive and sociocultural dimensions of learning.  相似文献   

《诗经》凡305篇,言及马者,共计51篇,篇什颇丰,向我们展示了一个奔腾飞跃的马儿的世界和周人丰富的马文化。《诗经》中马的名称、描写马的词语及马具名目繁多。通过《诗经》可以考察周人如何畜养马匹、马的主要用途以及马与周族之关系。《诗经》开始了以马喻人的传统。  相似文献   

After decades of meager results in school improvement efforts that work and that last, it may seem irrational to hope that this time it could be different—that we could learn and apply approaches to lasting school improvement. Obama (2006, The audacity of hope. New York: Crown publications) might refer to such hope as audacious. What gives us the impulse for hope in the face of continued disappointment? This is not to suggest that all of our efforts have come to naught. Having witnessed and participated in hopeful approaches for more than 40 years, I’ve seen noteworthy programs and heard exceptionally wise ideas. Islands of hope existed in each decade, yet even these remarkable islands drop below sea level when founders, principals or key teachers leave. As long as any one individual is indispensable, sustainability is a distant dream. As I’ve talked with educators, parents, students and community members over these years, I’ve been bombarded with questions. The question I find most compelling is: “We can now understand our schools as they exist. And, we have an improving image of what sustainable schools look like, but how do we get there from here? How do we find our way to the sustainability we yearn for?  相似文献   

不要忘记,在人生的路上,要想做成什么事,我们必须持之以恒。如果我们在学校里想要学好功课,就必须得勤奋,任何时候遇到难题都不要放弃。  相似文献   

This article argues that much of the meaning of artworks comes through metaphors, though we do not always recognise them as such. The argument draws on the work of Lakoff & Johnson, who assert a similar claim about metaphors in general (especially in language). It analyses the notion of a visual metaphor, gives a number of illustrations and claims that, contrary to linguistic metaphors, there can usefully be more than one visual metaphor (‘mixed metaphors’) active in a visual image and that visual metaphors can be interpreted in both directions. Verticality is presented as one basic metaphor in visual images.  相似文献   

This article reviews the major themes and issues emerging from this special issue on training school-based consultants. It is suggested that the building of anthills from individual and often seemingly disconnected grains of sand provides a useful metaphor for work in this arena. To date we have failed to establish a compelling and integrated body of empirical evidence addressing consultant training, although some excellent preliminary data have been reported. All agree that substantially more scholarly work is essential. It is proposed that the most important challenge facing us is the adoption of a unifying theoretical model to guide the organization and synthesis of our disparate "grains of sand" so that we can create meaningful and coherent "anthills" that can be of value to consultation trainers. Ecological and systems orientations are presented as the most appropriate and powerful approaches to achieve this goal. Small-N and qualitative research methodologies seem particularly well suited to this task. A number of specific research and practice ideas are suggested, although each has yet to garner sufficient empirical support and each is considered to be subsidiary to the adoption of an ecological paradigm to guide trainers and researchers in drafting a blueprint for future scientific work. As sure as worker ants can build phenomenally complex anthills from the most meager beginnings, so can we develop a scientific body of knowledge regarding consultant training. However, substantially more intellectual capital will need to be invested in this task if we are to succeed. Ultimately, it is up to us, as interested scholars, to make this happen.  相似文献   

认知语言学认为,隐喻是人类基本的认知方式之一,是人类通过结构清晰的始源概念来解释结构相对模糊的目标概念,是我们理解抽象概念和现象的主要途径。英语财经新闻中常借助隐喻的不同类型如结构隐喻、方位隐喻、本体隐喻等来描述和解析经济活动中的抽象概念和专业术语,使抽象的财经新闻变得通俗易懂、形象生动。  相似文献   

to state the theme that"sometimes,things change and they are never the same again,this looks like one of those times.That's life,Life move on,and so should we"Dr Spencer Johnson depict a story about change in a maze where four amusing characters look for"cheese"—cheese being a metaphor for what we want to have in life,whether it is a job,a relationship,money,a big house,freedom,health,recognition spiritual peace,or even an activity like jogging or golf.Each of us has our own idea of what cheese is,and we pursue it because we believe it makes us happy.If we get it,we often become attached to it.And if we lose it,or it’s taken away,it can be traumatic The maze in the story represents where you spend time looking for what you want.It can be the organization you work in,the community you live in,or the relationship you have in your life.  相似文献   


What do we mean when we say we want to put children at the centre of policy? What are the moral justifications for this approach? Has it become harder for us to understand this concept, when in practice paid work has been at the centre? In part confusion arises because the unpaid work of caring for children is invisible until it is marketized. In turn, the underlying problem is that we have forgotten our traditions of egalitarianism and adopted a powerful mindset that is proving to be paralyzing. Exploring New Zealand family policies such as paid parental leave (PPL), early childhood education, child tax credits (CTC) suggests that there is much room for improvement if the needs of children are to come first. But first and foremost we must have a very different, child-centric, colour-blind, non-judgmental change of heart.  相似文献   

Metaphor is an important device of the poetic imagination.Poets usually use metaphor to express their thoughts.Cognitive linguistics Johnson's conceptual metaphor theory.This paper takes Emily Dickinson's several poems as examples,including:I Could Not Stop for Death,I took one Draught of life,Twas warm at first like us,and analysis the metaphor about love and death in Emily's work,with conceptual metaphor theory.  相似文献   

The field of physical education/kinesiology is facing unique challenges. There are ongoing pressures for change and adaptation forcing us to look to our past as we face an uncertain future. In the past, we have been blessed with all-encompassing categories that may be called “umbrellas.” The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) has offered us an umbrella that some of us appear to be rejecting. We do so at our peril. Disciplinary development became energized in the 1960s; we now appreciate more fully that our field entails the study of human movement particular to physical activities such as exercise, sport, games, play, aquatics, dance, and athletics. As a profession, we need the undergirding knowledge that our disciplinarians are gradually providing. This knowledge should come from both the disciplinary and professional wings of our field. There is a continuing need for the services that physical education/kinesiology can provide. We will survive if we cooperate with our colleagues in the allied professions under the overarching umbrella of AAHPERD, if we achieve consensus about what it is we do under our own umbrella, and if we devise ways and means of keeping the struts of our own umbrella strong enough to fight off the strong winds that are presently tending to tear it out of our hands.  相似文献   

Conclusion It is the responsibility of instructional designers not only to create good products but, in the process, develop sound theories and do work that is rooted in the notion that we must work to make the world a better place. Design-based research is an approach that can help us to produce theory by putting our design work in naturalistic contexts while assessing learning. Critical design ethnography can help us to do good work by offering a process that includes prolonged engagement with participants, co-creating social commitments, design, and broad scale implementation. We must think deeply on our collective tripartheid ethical responsibility and continue to develop ways to serve these ambitions. We must work to develop better ways of exploring the nature of learning so that those who come after us can stand on our shoulders and ennoble our work by carrying it further still.  相似文献   


This essay comprises multiple sets of dialogues between us as colleagues and friends as we revisit the question of the status of English as a global language. Through the metaphor ‘multiple classrooms of life’, we share reflections and narratives arising out of our experiences with English that are embedded in our professional work, scholarship, pedagogy and creative interests. Our discussion encompasses a range of artefacts, including excerpts from our diaries, poems, vignettes, visuals, letters, songs and anecdotes. This amalgam of materials represents our personal engagement with English, as distinct from treating the spread of English simply as a metanarrative played out at a remove from personal experience. We reconstruct ‘sparkle moments’ arising from personal encounters and social interactions that have caused us to reflect on the role of English in our lives. We thus focus on ideology as personally felt and lived from within and through inter-personal interactions.  相似文献   

Demands for institutional accountability in higher education have been increasing and have led to greater attention to the evaluation of teaching, the assumption being that improved teaching will result in enhanced learning. In our work as academic developers, we are increasingly helping academic managers make explicit teaching policies and practices that seem fair and equitable. To help us in this work, we have developed a framework for evaluating the practice of teaching. What is unique about this framework is the language it provides to differentiate aspects of teaching. For instance, it provides a basis for differentiating and linking criteria to standards, i.e. the level of achievement desired or expected. Standards are critical if the evaluation of teaching is to be seen as fair and equitable, yet they are often unexamined in other representations of the evaluation of teaching. Although the original intent of our efforts was to provide a framework for academic managers, we have come to find it useful in our own work as university teachers and as academic developers. Examples of all three uses are provided in the paper.  相似文献   

蔡萍 《海外英语》2012,(14):133-134,148
Metaphor is a common linguistic phenomenon and always realizes its value within a certain context.Metaphor uses words to indicate something different from their literal meaning-one thing is described in terms of another so as to suggest a likeness or analogy between them.A metaphor can easily be seen as a bridge which links and comprises the known and the unknown,the familiar and the unfamiliar.Some people hold that metaphor tends to be seen as a way of coloring the ordinary plain language.Meanwhile some people think that metaphor is regarded as a way of experiencing the world.An analysis on English and Chinese metaphor translation will help to strengthen our understanding of different languages as well as different cultures.This paper focuses on the structure and features of metaphor,correspondences and several techniques in metaphor translation.  相似文献   

This article examines the significance of how learning objects have come to be conceptualized and utilized, particularly in higher education. While many articles critique the term and its origins, an examination of the role metaphor plays in our conceptualization of ‘data’, ‘information’ and ‘learning objects’ helps us move beyond a fixation on the term to its promise and challenges. Although much has been written about how learning objects should be developed, accessed and stored, much less has been written about how they should be designed and used. This quest for understanding of the role learning objects will play in the future of learning leads to new strategies which encompass such issues as a reusability, knowledge management, efficient infrastructure design and innovative course design.  相似文献   

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