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At Smith Street Elementary School, the globalizing education trends that English language learner (ELL) teachers face focus on measuring student achievement through testing and the English mainstreaming of non-dominant students as opposed to the cultivation of the students’ linguistic and cultural diversity. The ELL teachers at Smith Street Elementary School decided to establish their research agenda by designing a project aimed at fostering ELL student success through reaching out to families to learn from them.  相似文献   

奈保尔的《米格尔街》描写的是米格尔街上的一些卑微的小人物的喜怒哀乐。在米格尔街上,形成了类似于巴赫金所说的狂欢化的世界和一种狂欢化的存在状态。奇特是狂欢化的主要表现形式,所反映的实际上是米格尔街人生命中被压抑的激情。而透过米格尔街人狂欢化的生存状态的背后,体会到的却是米格尔街人生命中那深沉的悲凉。从其中可以体会到奈保尔对人,特别是对故乡的人的生存处境的关注。  相似文献   

易语言编写的可逆加密算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种用易语言编写的可逆加密算法,对算法的优点进行了说明,并推荐一种面向对象的全中文的集成开发环境--易语言.通过算法简要介绍易语言的易学、易懂、易用、易写、易交流的特点.  相似文献   

山塘街是吴文化的活地标,是一条有一千一百多年历史的千年古街,是曹雪芹在《红楼梦》一书中开篇隐指的地方,被誉为"姑苏第一名街"。但如今在山塘历史文化街区的保护与发展中还存在着体制、定位、特色、管理、资金以及设施配套等一系列问题。因此,在对山塘历史文化街区的保护中,应做到理顺体制、明确主体、强化特色、巧于运作、抢抓机遇,从而全力打造好这一中国吴文化产业街区。  相似文献   

在《秦腔》中,贾平凹用粗线条勾勒了"清风街"众多面目含糊,行动粗鲁,浑身沾满泥浆的人,而在这些人中,几个不健全的人物尤其值得注意。在这几个不健全的人身上蕴含了贾平凹对清风街乃至整个广大的农村乡土文明逐步丢失的思考,哑巴、引生、女婴牡丹的身上分别烙下乡土文明步步遗失的过程。  相似文献   

This paper traces the developmental history of Sesame Street from the initial efforts to obtain funding and set goals to present day importation of programs to other countries. The author argues that while the original objectives were necessary and appropriate for the late 1960's, a revised approach is called for now. Specifically, Sesame Street producers should answer critics who point to research findings which show Sesame Street to be ineffectual in producing significant learning gains and in narrowing the academic achievement gap between advantaged and disadvantaged children. It is recommended that Sesame Street producers incorporate Piagetian theories on cognitive development in order to realize learning gains.  相似文献   

“香椿树街”是苏童小说颇具特色的修辞幻象,其逐步生成的轨迹表现为:文本系列化的修辞选择——推动“香椿树街”修辞幻象生成;“少年人”——赋予“香椿树街”修辞幻象以生命;词语制造悬念——渲染“香椿树街”修辞幻象的神秘氛围;叙述形式独特——产生“香椿树街”修辞幻象真实感的动因。  相似文献   

"香椿树街"是苏童小说颇具特色的修辞幻象,其逐步生成的轨迹表现为:文本系列化的修辞选择--推动"香椿树街"修辞幻象生成;"少年人"--赋予"香椿树街"修辞幻象以生命;词语制造悬念--渲染"香椿树街"修辞幻象的神秘氛围;叙述形式独特--产生"香椿树街"修辞幻象真实感的动因.  相似文献   

和其他编程语言相比,易语言最大的不同是彻底中文化,且拥有自下而上的全部自主知识产权,并且由于易语言支持现有的先进编程理念和技术,与其他编程语言能够相互融合贯通,是最好的编程教育工具。本文主要从程序运行效率与代码量两个方面与其他编程语言进行了比较研究,体现了易语言编程的优越性。  相似文献   

《一个陌生女人的来信》、《生死劫》、《红颜》三部当代女性电影以全新的女性视角和肆意的“阴性书写”观察社会,观照中国现代女性生存现实,表现出鲜明的女性意识和女性情感。在男权依旧膨胀的现代社会,女性电影的探索历程势必是艰辛、漫长和充满矛盾的。讲究方法策略,正视性别问题,重建个性尊严、自由平等的社会正义,这理应是中国当代女性和女性电影共同的理想彼岸。  相似文献   

中东路事件发生后,针对中共中央提出的“拥护苏联”、“保卫苏联”等不切实际的宣传口号,陈独秀致函提出批评,指出在中东路问题的宣传上要考虑中国人民的民族感情,把斗争矛头对准国民党政府的误国政策;宣传工作要结合中国社会实际和群众的思想实际,做到革命的原则性与策略的灵活性相结合,以争取人民群众的支持拥护为目的。今天实事求是地看,陈信中的意见和建议是符合当时中国社会实际和客观形势的。  相似文献   

城乡统筹发展是一项事关我国经济社会健康发展的重大战略。沈阳白清寨位于城乡结合部,是城乡统筹重点区域。白清寨山清水秀,历史悠久,自然人文景观组合好,区位优越,政策给力;根据白清寨特点与条件提出其旅游发展理念和战略构想,规划了观光游赏、运动休闲、宗教朝觐、民俗体验、文化创意和康体养生等六大旅游产品体系;构造了一条产业大道,两大旅游景区,三大功能分区,四大龙头项目,三个主题小镇的旅游发展格局,对于白清寨的统筹发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在相关研究的基础上,文章建立了历史文化街区休闲旅游发展潜力的模型及其评价指标体系。运用层次分析法对八廓街、东关街、文明街进行了量化实证比较分析,旨在为研究和认识历史文化街区休闲旅游的发展潜力与发展前景起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

城市化进程中,随着城市向大型化、现代化、经济化方向发展,历史文化遗产赖以生存的环境正日益遭到侵蚀。如何处理好保护与发展的关系,既是学术界要研究的重大课题,也是各级政府要解决的现实问题。以湖州衣裳街、小西街历史街区为个案,从街区的文化内涵、城市化对它的冲击以及城市化进程中如何进行保护三个方面进行论述,以期探索城市化进程中历史文化遗产保护的有效路径。  相似文献   

"占领华尔街运动"起源于公众对社会分配不公、华尔街左右政治等现状的不满,由具有民主意识和能力的美国公民发起。而这些公民的民主意识和能力实际上得益于近百年来的美国民主教育。没有民主的教育,就没有"占领华尔街运动"。教育在社会民主化进程中的作用在当代依然具有现实意义和价值。  相似文献   

This paper describes a series of classroom trials during which we developed Summary Street, an educational software system that uses Latent Semantic Analysis to support writing and revision activities. Summary Street provides various kinds of feedback, primarily about whether a student summary adequately covers important source content and fulfills other requirements, such as length. The feedback allows students to engage in extensive, independent practice in writing and revising without placing excessive demands on teachers for feedback. We first discuss the underlying educational rationale, then present some results of the trials conducted with the system. We describe the collaborative process among researchers and teachers which enabled the development of a viable and supportive educational tool and its integration into classroom instruction.  相似文献   

The Differentiated Child Behavior Observational System (DCB, Ross, 1971) which provides for systematic recording of children's interactions in ongoing classroom activities, was applied in 48 classrooms with children aged five to eight. Three groups were studied: the first, representing a nontraditional, open-classroom approach was drawn from the Bank Street School for Children (middle-income); the second, with a similar approach, from Bank Street Follow Through classes in public schools (low-income); and the third, from traditional classes in public schools (low-income).The groups showed striking differences in amount of children's interactions, with significantly greater amounts in the two nontraditional groups. Analysis of the content of the interactions revealed further important differences. The Bank Street School and Bank Street Follow Through groups totalled significantly more higher-order cognitive statements and questions, and more autonomous behavior. Results indicated that although in SES background, Follow Through classes were more like the traditional classes, the interactions of the Follow Through children were more like those of the (nontraditional) Bank Street School.1 This presentation is limited to the most salient points of definition. A comprehensive listing of examples for each subcategory component is presented in the Observer's Manual.2 The incidence of such behaviors is reflected by the following mean total frequencies for the three groups: Bank Street School = 1.9, Follow Through = 10, and Comparison = 10.More recent work with the DCB can be found in Sylvia Ross, Herbert Zimilies and David Gerstein, Children's Interaction in Traditional and Nontraditional Classrooms. New York: Bank Street College of education, 1975.Notes  相似文献   

论文从区别朦胧诗和《尚义街六号》中“今天”观念的不同着手,讨论于坚的“文革经验”和“知识构成”形塑了《尚义街六号》的意识形态,并提出了“第三代诗歌”与“朦胧诗”平行构成新诗潮起源的观点。  相似文献   

数字视频技术是一种重要的外语教学辅助手段,它主要用于外语类数字视频资源的二次开发。此类技术如WinAVI Video Converter、Premiere6.5和Easy RealMedia Producer,可以协同完成外语教学中有关DVD光盘资源的素材获取、编辑和输出。这种多媒体教学应用为师生建立了一个多元化的情境式学习环境,可以提高了学生的语言理解和运用能力。  相似文献   

为了验证刘绍龙关于翻译自动加工"绿色通道"的假设,用TAPs有声思维法对一个英译汉句子进行实验组和控制组的对比翻译实验。仔细观察受试对于句中观测点词组sandwich generation的信息加工模式,发现两组受试在信息加工过程中同时存在自动加工现象,表明自动加工绿色通道是普遍存在的。翻译初学者的自动加工是以单词或词组为加工单位。自动加工对翻译初学者产生消极影响,易导致翻译新手的翻译腔。  相似文献   

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