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在美国这个多民族、多种族的移民国家,存在盎格鲁主流文化和其他亚文化。长期以来,美国华裔一直在寻找自己在美国社会的位置。汤亭亭通过自己的作品,描述了美国华裔从文化冲突、文化调和到文化共存的内容,反映了她成长的多元文化环境和她倡导的和谐、融合、包容、和平的主题。  相似文献   

This essay examines representations of U.S.–Latino identity on the ABC television program Ugly Betty. The analysis argues that the show articulates a tension between ethnic “otherness” and cultural assimilation that symbolizes current negotiations of individual and collective identities among young, English-speaking Latinos in the United States. Furthermore, the essay argues that Ugly Betty symbolically endorses a new conceptualization of Latino identity in the United States. The conceptual framework of the analysis is the relationship between media representation and identity.  相似文献   

少数民族非物质文化遗产的教育传承,不仅是一种被长期忽视的民族民间文化资源进入主流教育的过程,一种民族古老生命记忆的延续,同时,也是一个对民族生存精神和生存智慧及活态文化存在的认知过程,是一个更具人性发现和理性精神的民族文化整合过程。个人、家庭、社会和学校相互交融、重叠和互补,构成文化传承的教育主体,共同传承和创造着一个具有民族文化基因特色和持续发展的美好未来。  相似文献   

闽籍翻译家林纾、林语堂分别以文化及文明的“引入者”和“输出者”两种不同的角色,致力于他们所处年代的中外文化交流和文明互鉴。民族危难的时代背景催生了林纾的翻译救国思想动机,旅居国外的林语堂精通中西文化,形成向西方传播中国古代文明和古老智慧的译创思想。由于翻译思想迥异,他们在文化输入与输出、醒民救亡与性灵闲适选题、归化意译与异化美译策略方面存在差异,但林译小说和林语堂译创的英文作品所传递的思想内容不但与目的语社会主流意识形态相契合,而且满足目标读者的期待,因而在译入语社会得到广泛传播,并对目的语社会文化和主流意识形态产生构建作用。  相似文献   

We discuss findings and issues regarding community service by youth in the United States, for example: Is school-based required service as effective as voluntary service, and if increasing numbers of youth are doing service, why has political engagement not increased? We next present a theory proposing that certain kinds of service can contribute to the development of social identity. Such service would be challenging, bring youth into direct contact with the strange “other,” and engage youth with organizations which represent moral and political traditions. We conclude with speculations on ways community service might benefit identity development in German youth and help to resolve tensions in contemporary German society.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the metaphorical images of “teacher” produced by 55 Spanish and 72 Turkish preservice teachers at Universitat de Barcelona, in Barcelona, Spain, and at Ege University, in ?zmir, Turkey. It is based on a theory of teacher socialization which affirms that cultural values have an impact on the teaching and learning environment, as well as on the teachers within their cultures (Richards in Beyond training: perspectives on language teacher education, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998). The prompt was “A teacher is like….because….” In this research the data were analyzed qualitatively. Metaphors were identified, and five conceptual themes were developed. The results indicated that: Spanish participants described “teacher” as a guide contributing to society, democratic values and citizenship; Turkish participants focused instead on traditional values, dedication, enlightenment and emotional support.  相似文献   

Asian Americans are commonly perceived as the diligent and high‐achieving “model minority.” This positive stereotype has negative consequences for this ethnic minority group because it trivializes their social and mental health problems. This image of success has made many overlook the true nature of the struggles many Asian American families have to face in the United States. Scientific literature suggests that Asian American children experience major adjustment problems in school including loneliness, isolation, withdrawal, rejection, anxiety, low self‐esteem, and interpersonal distress. Cultural barriers exist between the Asian and the dominant society and influence Asian Americans' cognitive appraisal and coping choices when personal and emotional problems arise. These barriers also prevent clinicians from identifying and subsequently providing effective mental health services for Asian American children and their families. In this article, the authors examine the Asian cultural conceptions of mental health and various cultural barriers in an attempt to promote cultural understanding and competence among clinicians working with Asian American children and their families. Recommendations for clinical practice and future research directions are provided. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study discusses the educational constraints facing Muslim Hui students and the measures that should be pondered by the Chinese government to address these constraints. Three key research questions are addressed: (1) How does the mainstream Han, Confucian, or the state ideology interact with Hui students’ culture? (2) In what ways do ethnic boundaries and educational uniformity affect the engagement of ethnic minorities in education as well as the larger society? (3) What are the major educational constraints faced by Hui migrant students of Muslim background? Through the mixed-methods research design, I find that the yearning of Muslim Hui Chinese students to achieve educational success and social mobility is limited by social, cultural, and educational factors that regard them as the “other”; they still face issues of marginalization—educationally, socially, and culturally—that delay them from achieving higher educational success.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate linguistic and cultural issues around the status of English as a lingua franca and intercultural understanding as presented in one set of Taiwan's (English as a Foreign Language (EFL) high school textbooks. The methodology centres on the analysis of textbook content as categorized in three central themes: (1) the status of English language in international communicative settings; (2) intercultural/interpersonal understanding and diversity in English language texts; and (3) the linguistic and cultural effects of globalization on Taiwan and the world. Results found that the textbooks generally legitimate the hegemony of American English and British English as the only acceptable varieties or standard forms of the language. Furthermore, most of the texts are limited to specific aspects of societal issues and regions that represent influential cultures and their commercial commodities. The United States receives the most attention, followed by the United Kingdom and certain dominant Western European nations, where the image of ethnic and cultural homogeneity prevails in the texts. Most content focuses on reporting achievements, cultural practices, and perspectives of dominant groups in the United States, Great Britain, and Europe with little or no critical analysis of content.  相似文献   

In “That Seductive Thing: Representing the Illiterate as Readers”, it is argued that a historical approach to representations of readers and reading may highlight some issues pertaining to books and education. Far from being simple and neutral illustrations of some cultural practices and commodities in the past, both images and texts about books, reading and the illiterate are here considered as forms of perception and normalization of reading through the representation of (socially) contrasting readers. Thus, images and texts are in fact cultural discourses used to promote and to impose certain models of social behaviour. Yet, they are also part of the doxa which legitimate the “natural” supremacy of written forms of cultural transmission and, therefore, the excellence of books and schooling in the making of “the reader”. This guiding perspective in understanding problems of books and education is analysed here with a closer look at questions of age, race and schooling in Portuguese society during the first half of the 20th century. In that period, several institutions (State, School, Church and so forth) participate, not necessarily in the same way, in what we might call “the Portuguese battle for (national) literacy”. Books and school education are important topics within those social politics fighting “illiteracy”, generating images which represent the advantages of education and of a “culture of books” and, though in different and divergent ideological and political circumstances, creating a certain sociology of reading.


Adults implicitly judge people from certain social backgrounds as more “American” than others. This study tests the development of children's reasoning about nationality and social categories. Children across cultures (White and Korean American children in the United States, Korean children in South Korea) judged the nationality of individuals varying in race and language. Across cultures, 5‐ to 6‐year‐old children (= 100) categorized English speakers as “American” and Korean speakers as “Korean” regardless of race, suggesting that young children prioritize language over race when thinking about nationality. Nine‐ and 10‐year‐olds (= 181) attended to language and race and their nationality judgments varied across cultures. These results suggest that associations between nationality and social category membership emerge early in life and are shaped by cultural context.  相似文献   

Using postcolonial and decolonial theory as a framework, this study focuses on the lived experiences of international students of color entering the United States for the first time in their lives from the global South. Our goal was to understand how they communicate/perform their dis/located identities in relation to “race” when immersed for the first time in a White settler society context. Findings from this qualitative study underscore discomfort with U.S.-centric race logics, production of ambiguity in relation to identity and race, and the growth of compassion for cultural Others as a result of becoming racial Other. The decolonial implications of such dis-identification with U.S. colonial race categories are discussed.  相似文献   

民族文化课程是实践多元文化教育的重要载体。聚焦MOOC带给民族文化课程开发的影响,从MOOC本质及当前民族文化MOOC发展现状着手;从提升地方性知识的本土教育价值、切合多元文化教育的全球理念、突破民族文化课程开发的原有制度制约三个角度阐述M OOC给民族文化课程开发带来的机遇与挑战;借助“长尾理论”剖析这一实践行动的思想基础;以基于知识视觉化的资源数字化为其技术路径;最后探讨了联合开发、推进国际化、注重协作的开发策略。  相似文献   

《了不起的盖茨比》作为一战后美国“迷惘一代”的代表作之一,极为准确地传达出了“美国梦”的精神内涵,是美国“爵士时代”的华丽挽歌,在美国文学史上占有重要地位。从语言学的视角出发,要了解语言在翻译过程中发挥的作用,了解同一个隐喻在不同文化背景里出现的新含义,特定语境下的人物对话出现的新变化。  相似文献   

中美文化的差异表现在价值观念、思维方式、行为准则、语言表达特点等方面的不同,语言产生千变万化的原因和语言使用习惯千差万别的重要原因是由于文化意识上的差异。各民族使用不同的语言,其所表达的内涵也有所不同。从而所表现出的思维方式、宗教信仰和价值观念组成文化意识。文章通过对中、美两国不同文化意识对其语言使用的影响的分析,以及各自文化的差异对双方交流的严重影响,进一步来探讨中美文化在个人和社会的对比关系,从而使双方的交流共进一个平台。  相似文献   

民族文化融合是中国文化与文学发展的一个重要的驱动力。东北古代文学的繁荣也是民族文化融合的艺术结晶。民族文化融合不是单向的,是多元的、双向的。杨义先生倡导重给中国文化地图"边疆活力说",肯定了东北文化与文学的贡献。从东北文学的发展史来看,民族文化融合,不仅促进了东北古代文学的发展,也促进了中国文学的繁荣。  相似文献   

贵州是一个有着17个世居民族的多民族省份,民族教育问题一直为社会所关注.民国时期吴泽霖、陈国钧等著名学者在对贵州民族社会进行调查的过程中,一直关注贵州少数民族教育发展.汇于《贵州苗夷社会研究》一书中上述学者的相关论述,代表了一代爱国忧民学者对贵州民族教育发展的关注、认识与期待,其中显现出的大力发展苗夷教育,提高民族文化素质,以化愚昧为文明;重视民族妇女的教育和培养民族地区基层干部,以促进民族社会进步;将学校教育与社会教育相结合,以教育促进经济发展;要有针对性地开展爱国救国教育,以提高民族意识和国家意识;在教育中加强中华民族主流文化的传播,以抵御外来文化侵袭,掌握教育的主动权等等观点,对于当代贵州民族教育的发展、贵州民族人口文化素质的全面提高仍然具有多方面的启示意义和价值.  相似文献   

Extending an important rhetorical tradition of investigating women's positioning/positionalities in the national imaginary, in society, and in the law, this essay examines how non-US citizen women and their experiences are deployed toward objectives of the US state. Specifically, I analyze the rhetorical significance of two precedent-setting gender-based asylum cases, those of Fauziya Kassindja and Rody Alvarado, to understand the different ways non-US women are positioned by the state. These cases reveal that women claimants, depending on the nuances of their claims, are incorporated into the state as “good” women, pushed to the margins because their rhetoric is “threatening,” or appropriated by the state because their “otherness” provides an image that the United States can deploy in demonstrating itself as the “good” state that protects and supports women.  相似文献   

“生活·实践”教育在继承杜威“教育即生活”、美欧新教育运动以及中国近现代教育理论本土化探索成果精髓的基础上,充分汲取陶行知生活教育学说和马克思主义实践哲学理论精华,紧密结合习近平总书记实践育人重要论述,具有深厚的历史渊源和坚实的理论基础。其对当下落实“双减”政策,推进劳动教育,促进个体全面发展,培养符合未来社会所需人才以及构建中国特色教育学术话语体系具有深刻意义。  相似文献   

《飞天》中的主人公齐兹不是在现实社会中依靠白人的力量找到身份根源,而是借助神奇的时空之旅跨越种族的隔阂,在历经各种窘境之后完成了身份形成过程。这表明文化的杂糅和变革在身份缺失者重新把握文化身份中发挥着举足轻重的作用,同时也启示人们要用发展和积极的眼光看待民族文化和主流社会的关系,要在继承和批判的基础上吸取其他文化,重构文化身份,不断探索新的生存之路。  相似文献   

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