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创新是高校科研人才队伍创建与发展的关键因素。现阶段,高校科研管理能力的提升离不开创新发展,因此高校科研管理工作应实施创新改革,完善管理制度,改善发展体系,以具备更有效的发展策略与发展模式。文章对高校科研管理工作的现状进行分析,阐述现阶段创新对高校科研管理的重要性,并提出有效的管理策略,满足当下高校科研管理的需求,有助于高校科研管理顺应新时代发展。  相似文献   

在就业市场由“卖方市场”转向“买方市场”的今天,高职院校必须摒弃传统的“人才评价的学校标准”,而代之以“人才评价的社会标准”,高职院校的人才培养也应该培养满足市场和企业需求的“高素质技能型人才”.作为行业办学性质的司法警官院校,其特色创新与发展、方式转变,关键之一是学校能否与司法行政单位建立长期有效的合作育人机制.抓住这个关键,不仅容易解决内涵发展中的诸多问题,而且可以像“分水岭”一样甄别出办学特色.  相似文献   

重点发展领域人才需求预测、培养是人才战略实施的重点。因此,高校学科方向调整、人才基地建设、科研项目等都将优先考虑为重点领域服务。高校的专业设置更要适应重点发展领域的人才需求,实现高校专业设置与重点领域发展的紧密对接。  相似文献   

从提高认识、明确责任;确定方向,突出重点;增加投入,加强建设;创新机制,主动服务4个方面介绍了广西中医学院中药药效研究筛选重点实验室作为高校重点实验室充分发挥自治区中药企业自主创新单位科技依托作用的做法和经验,并对该重点实验室下一步的工作思路作了简单阐述:将以项目为纽带,形成高校与企业的双向互动,以新药研究带动实验室的软硬件建设,完善新药研发体系和人才梯队建设,进一步加强技术平台的建设,争取与企业联合申报建立博士后流动站.  相似文献   

加强师资队伍建设,抓好教师队伍素质的提高是办好学院,提高学院教学、科研水平和人才培养质量的关键。高等职业院校师资队伍的素质要求,既不同于普通高校,也不同于中等职业学校,这是高等职业教育的人才培养目标所决定的。根据学院总体发展目标和目前教师队伍的实际情况,制定2005—2010年师资队伍建设规划。  相似文献   

协同创新是高校提升"人才、学科、科研"三位一体创新能力的有效路径,依据复合系统协调度模型,可以构建高校内外部协同创新协同度测度模型以及协同度测度指标体系。运用2012年至2017年山西省18所高校相关数据对高校协同创新复合系统协同发展状况进行测度,并对协同发展趋势存在差异的3所典型高校进行分析发现:山西省多数高校经历了从低度协同到一般协同的转变,高等教育资源的匮乏会影响高校协同创新整体发展水平;外部协同创新有序度是影响高校内外部协同发展的关键因素;高校自身的先赋性基础对内外部协同创新的有序发展也有很大影响。  相似文献   

高校体育产业发展与人才培养之间存在着必然联系,为了更进一步地拓展和运用这种联系,必须要重视二者的融合。从体育实践体系的形成、实现课程体系的转变、培养发展高校体育产业的人才三方面进行融合对策运用,最终实现体育产业的可持续性人才战略发展。文章进行了高校体育产业发展与人才发展的相关性研究,并提出了体育产业发展与人才发展的融合对策,为高校体育产业发展提供了人才培养策略。  相似文献   

Athletes strive to reach expert performance in sport. However, evidence has shown that the talent development environmental factors significantly influence elite performance. This review study aimed to identify and classify the environmental factors that are essential for effective talent development in sport. A number of talent development environmental factors (e.g., media coverage, sport participation rate, birthplace, long-term development, and quality preparation) emerged from the literature. They were then grouped into three categories: milieu, individuals, and provisions. Implications for the practical practice and future research regarding effective talent development were provided.  相似文献   

世界一流大学建设的关键是人才。在创新驱动发展时代,以人才为核心的一流创新团队建设,一定程度上决定着我国在新一轮全球科技竞争中能否赢得主动。中国科学技术大学潘建伟院士领衔的量子信息研究团队敢为人先、开拓进取,经过长期的不懈努力,探索出一条立足中国本土培养世界一流人才的新模式,在量子科技领域实现了从跟跑到领跑的蜕变。总结其成功经验,可归纳为四个方面:注重培育具有世界影响的领军人物;着力构建灵活高效的人才培养与激励机制;科学规划切实可行的阶段科研目标;秉持服务国家、造福人民的使命担当。  相似文献   

高校高层次人才引进的风险及预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高层次人才的引进是高校增强自身实力和核心竞争力的重要手段,高层次人才已成为各高校竞争的焦点。与此同时,高层次人才引进的风险也与日俱增。加强高层次人才引进风险研究对于有效预防风险的产生,减少高校在此过程中的不必要损失具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The study investigates the practices of academic staff talent management at international branch campuses, with the aim of identifying a range of practical strategies that may address the unique challenges of managing talent in campuses located far away from the home country. These strategies are intended to improve service quality and add value to institution profiles. Based on an online questionnaire, ad hoc email correspondence and publicly available information, five case studies are presented. Talent management emerges as a key strategic area, directly managed at dean/president level. Referrals and online portals are commonly utilised as channels to attract talent, and the need to sometimes uplift local packages to recruit and retain talent is recognised. It is concluded that the development of academic staff should be viewed as an investment, and the availability of research funding and teaching awards on campus may be used to attract, develop and retain talent.  相似文献   

以科研促教学是提高高职高专院校人才培养质量的有效途径。高职高专院校要树立以科研促教学的理念,将科研成果及时转化为优质教学资源,将科研促教学的相关内容融入人才培养方案中,促进专业和课程建设,以科研协作搭建校企产学研合作平台,真正注重人才培养的实际成效,进而促进人才培养质量的提高。  相似文献   

研究型大学在美国科技研发中的地位与作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
科技研发活动(R&D)在本质上促进了美国的知识创新和经济增长。研究型大学是美国科技研发,特别是基础研究的重要执行部门。美国研究型大学在数量上占全部高校的6%左右,却从联邦政府获得大部分科技研发经费,发表大量的科技论文,培养了超过60%的科学工程博士毕业生,获取超过90%的高校专利。这表明美国研究型大学的科技研发是知识生产与人才培养的良好结合,是研究型大学履行职责、服务社会的有效方式。  相似文献   

随着科技的进步,STEM教育已成为当前教育研究的热点话题,也是基础教育阶段重点关注的教育领域。本文结合中国知网(CNKI)数据库最近六年2015年1月~2021年1月收录的以“学前STEM教育”为关键词的文献作为研究对象,运用citespace5.7软件,采用词频分析和聚类分析的方法分析了解我国学前STEM教育的研究热点和发展趋势。经过分析发现,当前我国学前STEM教育研究大多集中在“对国外学前STEM教育的学习与借鉴”、“我国学前STEM教育的价值”、“STEM教育在幼儿园的教学与实践”和“我国学前STEM教育的人才培养”四个方面,在今后的研究中要注重发挥STEM教育的跨学科性,增加不同学科、不同领域学者之间的交流合作机会;加强实证研究、混合研究方法的使用,实现量化研究与质性研究的有效结合;扩大学前STEM教育研究内容覆盖的范围,深化研究主题。  相似文献   


As a strategic focus of talent cultivation in the new period, in recent years China’s vocational education practice has seen “leapfrog” style development. A systematic look at the current state of Chinese vocational education research and exploration of its core research institutions, most frequently cited works, research “hot topics,” and leading research is clearly needed and meaningful, and the method of using knowledge maps based on knowledge metrics provides an effective path to resolving this. Knowledge map software CiteSpace III was used to obtain quantitative statistics on works related to vocational education recorded in the Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index database and to explore the date, distribution by journal, and characteristics of the works; draw institutional cooperation maps; examine the core research institutions and their influence; draw publication citation maps; reveal most frequently cited works and their characteristics; draw key word co-occurrence maps; and explore the distribution of research hot topics and leading research.  相似文献   

The greater Boston region’s eight research universities play a key role in the region’s economic health and welfare. They are magnets for research and development talent and for billions of dollars in investment. These institutions contribute $7.4 billion dollars to the regional economy, jobs for about 50,000 university employees and 37,000 workers in related areas. They produce an annual talent pool of 31,000 graduates many of whom elect to remain in the region and contribute to the exploitation of university patents and licensed technology that sustain the regional economy, as well as its social and cultural institutions. Drawing on economic impact studies conducted for eight institutions in the Boston region we will describe the impact of these universities on the Boston region. We will review the implications of this large concentration of research activity on the region’s economy, labour force, pre and post university educational structures, political leadership, funding sources and social and environmental quality. This paper will explore the issues facing these eight research institutions as they pursue their desire for sustained growth and development. Among these are changes in national research funding priorities, financial incentives for innovation, conflicts with non-university sectors of the economy including competition for housing, manpower and economic resources.  相似文献   


The greater Boston region's eight research universities play a key role in the region's economic health and welfare. They are magnets for research and development talent and for billions of dollars in investment. These institutions contribute S7.4 billion dollars to the regional economy, jobs for about 50,000 university employees and 37,000 workers in related areas. They produce an annual talent pool of 31,000 graduates many of whom elect to remain in the region and contribute to the exploitation of university patents and licensed technology that sustain the regional economy, as well as its social and cultural institutions. Drawing on economic impact studies conducted for eight institutions in the Boston region we will describe the impact of these universities on the Boston region. We will review the implications of this large concentration of research activity on the region's economy, labour force, pre and post university educational structures, political leadership, funding sources and social and environmental quality. This paper will explore the issues facing these eight research institutions as they pursue their desire for sustained growth and development. Among these are changes in national research funding priorities, financial incentives for innovation, conflicts with non‐university sectors of the economy including competition for housing, manpower and economic resources.  相似文献   

转变经济发展方式是中国现阶段经济发展的必然要求,实现经济发展方式的转变必须依靠提高自主创新能力,而创新人才是实现自主创新和提高自主创新能力的关键所在。因此,高校必须创新人才培养模式,提高创新人才培养水平;政府应该大力优化人才环境,促进创新人才成长;企业要搭建良好平台,培育创新人才。以共同培养和造就庞大的创新人才队伍,促进中国经济发展方式转变。  相似文献   

One critical challenge for organizations today is building and sustaining a strong talent pipeline through effective management of human assets. Talent management focuses on developing talent that is strategically important for an organization's future. Research in talent management typically focuses on managerial or leadership talents, yet there are other important career tracks within an organization. Although preparing employees for promotion into management remains critically important, technical expertise such as engineering is often the key competitive advantage in the global knowledge economy. Research has repeatedly emphasized that technical workers look for different things. But most of the studies concerning technical talent management focus on the management of technical professionals and experts in isolation. This study was undertaken to address unique problems in attracting, developing, retaining, and transferring the knowledge of engineers, whose abilities are critical in a knowledge or innovation economy. Through in‐depth interviews with selected best practice companies on how they operate their technical talent management system and programs, the study examined shared characteristics of selected organizations with programs geared to engineers. The results are summarized in a systematic model that describes common elements of effective technical talent management programs.  相似文献   

中小型企业发展的过程当中,人才是促进企业发展的关键。自国家实施人才强国战略以来,企业也越来越重视人才,人才引进成为企业发展的核心。企业在发展的过程当中,通过引进优秀人才对促进企业发展、成本降低以及科学的管理具有重要的作用。基于中小型企业在人才引进工作中的现状分析,发现当前中小型企业在人才引进工作中存在的问题,并提出中小型企业吸引人才的有效机制。  相似文献   

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