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紧紧地攥住梦想,因为梦想一旦夭亡,生活就像折翼的鸟儿再也不能飞翔。紧紧地攥住梦想,因为梦想一旦消逝,生活犹如荒芜的田地覆盖着雪霜。难度系数:☆☆☆☆H old fa st to d re am s,F or if dre a m s d ie,L ife is a b rok e n-w in ge d b irdT h at ca nn ot fly.H old fa st to d re am s,F or w h en d re am s go,L ife is a b arre n fieldF roze n w ith sno w.梦想@L. Hughes @徐觉庆…  相似文献   

岳雯 《阅读》2005,(11)
当我们熟睡的时候,月亮走来偷偷地看,偷偷地看着我和你,莹莹的星星亮晶晶,在我们做梦的时候,一起偷偷出来看。While w e a re s le e ping,Moon c om e s pe e ping,Pe e ping a t you a nd m e,Cle a r s ta rs a re gle a m ing,While w e a re dre a m ing,All c om e s te a ling out to s e e.当我们熟睡的时候@岳雯  相似文献   

张帷帷 《阅读》2006,(9):48-48
A little fat cat, Is sitting in a big black bag. On the head of the little cat, Is a big red cap. A Little Fat Cat At night-time when I go to bed, A million stars shine over head. But when I wake up in the day, There 's just one sun to light me play. Day songThe re w a s a gre e n hous e , Ins ide the gre e n hous e the re w a s a w hite hous e , Ins ide the w hite hous e the re w a s a re d hous e , Green HouseIns ide the re d hous e the re w e re a lot of little bla c k ba bie s .Tink…  相似文献   

My Birthday     
沈佳阳  施莉娜 《阅读》2006,(1):46-46
Today is the 18th of Septem ber. It is m y birthday. There are one big birthday cake and som e birthday pre- sents on the table. They are from m y parents and m y friends. Oh,the doorbellis ring- ing. M iss Panda com es. She gives m e som e notebooks as a present. I like them very m uch.Butw ho is she? she is m ybestfriend,Gao Tianlin. Now ,allofus are singing the song“ Happy Birthday to You”.Im ake a w ish and blow out (吹灭)the candles on the cake.Let'shave the cake now . How happyI…  相似文献   

My Bedroom     
Ihave a bedroom .Itissm allbut very nice.There is a sm allbed in m y bedroom .There is a bookshelfbe- side it.There are a lotofbooks on the bookshelf.Ilike reading books, so m y parents often buy books for m e as presents.There is also a desk beside the bookshelf. There are som e textbooks,exercise books and a dollon it.The dollis a giftfrom m y grandparents.Every evening w hen I do m y hom ew ork atthe desk ,Ifeel she is sm iling at m e and saying, “ Do your hom ew ork carefully!”M y be…  相似文献   

My Family     
Ihave a good fam ily.W e all likeeach other very m uch. M y father isan engineer.H e’s funny.And he is busy,too.But if he isfree, he always com es back. W hen he com es back, we willvery happy,because he always does all the housework.Besides,he tells jokes and m akes us laugh. M y m other is a teacher.She is very kind.She can teach her students very well.I am astudent. I am helpful. I have m any friends in our school. Ilove m y fam ily.My Family$南京市琅琊路小学分校六(2)班@张煊…  相似文献   

施燕 《阅读》2006,(12)
All Are BusyAre you busy, Peter? -Yes, I’m reading a newspaper. Are the girls playing chess? -No, they’re making a dress. Is Tom playing with a yo-yo? -Oh, no. He’s cleaning the window.难度系数: ☆☆☆w. Square, square, Here’s a square. Its four sides are the same. Turn it round, it doesn’t care. Circle, circle, Here’s a circle. It goes round and round. No end can be found. ShapesWe are going camping, Alice! Would you please come with us? When the stars twinkle in the sky, We’ll cook on the open fire. We Are Going...  相似文献   

A Dream     
Hi, m y nam e is ZhuJiaJia. I’m an o-ceanographer(海洋研究者).NowI am swim m ing in the ocean. I see five colorful fish playinggam es beside a sunken(沉没的)ship。I im m ediately(立即)take m ycam era out。 Then a piece of bread com es down from a fishingline,and two fish com e and eat it。。H ow funny。Iwill tell m y classm ates about the ocean.“Get up, it’s tim e to get up,” M y alarmclock is shouting. Oh, it’s only a dream 。 Anice dream 。A Dream$海门市海门镇中心小学剑英兴趣班@朱…  相似文献   

L ast Sunday m y parents and I visited a farm.W e saw m any anim als there.It’s so funny that a horse wasonly six years old but it’s m uch bigger than m e.On the farmwe could see som e pigs were asleep.The geese m ade a lot ofnoise when they saw us.At feeding tim e,we fed the chickenswith corn.Then we wanted to let the ducks out of their houseand gave them their breakfast.To our surprise,we saw they hadlaid m any eggs.So we helped to collect their eggs.In the after-noon we m ilked cows.T…  相似文献   

A CarFather:!I’ve promised(许诺 ) to buy you a car if youpassed your exam, and youhave failed( 失败). What wereyou doing last term?Son: I was learning todrive a car.A Set of DrumsFather:!I tell you, son, I’m not going to buyyou a set of drums(一套鼓).Son:!But, Dad, I promise I’ll only playthem when you are sleeping.父子对话(英文)@毛国锋…  相似文献   

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