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本试验主要采用黑光灯在粮仓内定时开关、进一步探索了前期仓库害虫的趋光类群,掌握了主要优势种群成虫的发生规律,对麦蛾发生高峰与麦类进仓的关系作了分析,并用飞行百分率作为衡量标准对优势种群害虫的飞行能力进行了比较.进一步证明了黑光灯诱集仓库害虫在贮粮昆虫测报以及综合防治等方面的应用价值。  相似文献   

1 恰当引用数据和资料所起的作用在物理教学中恰当引用数据和资料会起到很好的促进作用: 1.1 可以把物理教学与社会主义建设实际、工业和农业生产、日常生活密切联系起来。如讲到紫外线时介绍在农田里捕杀害虫的黑光灯发出的紫外线招引大量飞蛾。黑光灯周围安上了高压电网。一支20瓦黑光灯诱虫面积达75亩。引用数据和资料可以使学生知道在生活中遇到的一些物理量的大小。如学生喜欢的收录机,磁带速度是4.76cm/s。在录音或放音状态下卷带力矩是3.5×10~(-4)~7.5×10~(-4)牛·米。 1.2 可以突出物理学是一切自然科学的基础、是  相似文献   

设计了一种利用太阳能为能源、纯物理驱捕田间害虫的系统,实现了全自动全天候的工作,利用超声波驱虫和黑光灯诱虫技术,达到绿色灭虫的目的。并针对空气对机械波的阻碍作用,造成声波在空气中随距离而减弱的问题,利用声波定向技术,使机械波在额定的功率下传播的更远。  相似文献   

生物体都具有应激性的基本特征 ,也就是说 ,任何生物体对外界的刺激都能发生一定的反应。这一生物学基本原理 ,应用到灯光诱虫养鱼生产中 ,可广辟饲料来源 ,降低养鱼成本 ,提高养鱼效益 ,是理论与实践相结合的一例典范。1 原理应用灯光诱虫养鱼是一种集生态学、生理学有机结合的理想养鱼方法。鱼类有较强的趋光性 ,夜间在池塘水面设置灯光 ,鱼就会聚集在光亮处 ;各种昆虫 ,也都具有较强的趋光性 ,塘面设置灯光后 ,各种昆虫也会趋向灯光 ,碰灯落水 ,成为鱼的可口饲料。2 实践意义昆虫含有丰富的蛋白质和一定量的脂肪、糖类及维生素 ,一落于…  相似文献   

在2005年和2006年,以外激素诱剂为诱饵制作的诱捕器进行诱捕以及辅助进行人工采集虫果饲养等方法,对潞西市芒果园实蝇种类的发生进行了监测调查研究,并对潞西市芒果园实蝇发生的种类以及数量进行了分析报道。  相似文献   

带蟑螂离家出走蟑螂是一种爱耍赖的昆虫。一旦它决定呆在你家,无论是诱虫剂还是拖鞋,都很难将它赶出家门。瑞士科学家花了三年时  相似文献   

张志刚 《生物学教学》2004,29(12):53-53
高中《生物》教材提到了黑光灯,所以经常有学生问到黑光灯、灭蚊灯和紫外线灯有何不同。因为三种灯都可以发射紫外线,所以黑光灯和灭蚊灯都属于紫外线灯。由于使用目的不同以及灯管发出紫外线波长的不同,所以在名称上有所不同。  相似文献   

<正>许多在黑暗中发光的实验都需要黑光灯才能进行。本次实验活动中,我们将学习制作一盏简单的黑光灯,并在黑暗中创造一个专属于你自己的发光标志!实验条件及材料带照相灯(或小手电筒)的手机透明胶带纸荧光笔(最好是黄色的)蓝色和紫色的记号笔  相似文献   

瓢虫科是鞘翅目中常见的昆虫,在农田、林地、菜园、果园、苗圃等处处可见.它们捕食小型的危害植物的昆虫,如蚜虫、介壳虫、粉虱和有害动物叶螨,或者取食叶虫甲类的卵粒,对农林生产有益.只有小部分是食植的,对农林影响也不大.思茅因具独特的气候和环境条件,瓢虫种类和数量十分丰富.调查了思茅城区和郊区的瓢虫种类及数量,并对主要种形态作了描述.  相似文献   

虫药是中草药的重要组成部分,云南具有大量的虫药,通过查阅、整理大量资料,得出云南省药用昆虫共计10目34科87种,并详细列出了各药用昆虫在云南省的分布地,药用部分和药用价值。  相似文献   

南阳市园林植物灯下昆虫群落结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对南阳市园林绿地植物7~8月份诱虫灯下昆虫群落的调查,摸清了其常见的昆虫种类,结果表明:园林绿地植物灯下昆虫群落包括5个目,21科,50种;其中有害虫45种,害虫天敌4种和杂食性昆虫1种.同时,根据害虫的发生数量及对园林绿地植物的危害程度,从群落的角度分析了园林绿地植物害虫的优势种(类),主要有暗黑鳃金龟、淡剑夜蛾、茶长卷蛾、斜纹夜蛾、土蝽等;从生态功能分类的角度把这些绿地害虫分为植食性昆虫、肉食性昆虫、传粉昆虫、杂食性昆虫4大类,其中这些害虫主要来自于鳞翅目、同翅目、直翅目、鞘翅目、半翅目五个目,为园林绿地植物在群落水平上进行综合治理提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

The concept of emotional affinity and connection with nature using the term of ‘biophilia’ along with its counter-part ‘biophobia’ has been merely researched in the area of environmental education. In this study, it was hypothesized that children’s negative emotions (biophobia) such as fear towards insects can be changed into affinity (biophilia) through an environmental education program. One hundred and four third-grade students from an elementary school in Seoul, South Korea participated in the honey bee environmental education program, and their emotional changes were measured with Inclusion of Nature in Self and Connectedness to Nature Scale. The result after the program implementation showed that the participants’ affinity toward nature was significantly improved. This empirical study suggests that an environmental education programs on insects of which children initially feel scared can be effective in helping to overcome fear toward insects and nature, and to revive their innate biophilia. Especially, honey bees, one of the most crucial insect species providing priceless ecosystem services can be a good medium for environmental education program to promote children’s innate love towards nature. This study, to the authors’ knowledge, was the first research which attempted to link an insect-mediated environmental education program to children’s connectedness to nature with the biophilia–biophobia approach.  相似文献   


This article explores elementary children's ideas about insects. The study involved 20 children from each grade level, kindergarten through fifth-grade, for a total of 120 children. The data collection procedure was designed to investigate what an insect means to children, through the use of three different tasks: draw and explain, interview about instances, and the formulation of a general rule. Considering children's responses to the three tasks, I found that their ideas about insects reflect understandings based on physical characteristics of size and shape, arthropod characteristics, insect characteristics, human-insect interactions, life habits of insects, feeding habits of insects, and means of locomotion. Children's understandings are juxtaposed to that of a scientific perspective, elucidating implications for curriculum development and instructional practice.  相似文献   

本文利用生物信息学软件分析了23种昆虫线粒体Cytb基因序列的同源性,并构建分子进化树。序列同源性分析表明:蚕蛾科昆虫间的序列相似性较高,其次是螟蛾科,再次是大蚕蛾科;意大利蜜蜂与其它22种序列的相似性最低,东亚飞蝗与其它22种序列的相似性也较低。分子进化树分析表明:膜翅目的意大利蜜蜂与作为外群的斑节对虾聚为一支(A群);直翅目的东亚飞蝗与鳞翅目昆虫聚为一支(B群),双翅目昆虫聚为一支(C群)。  相似文献   

The femtosecond optical trapping capability and the effect of femtosecond laser pulses on cell viability were studied. The maximum lateral velocity at which the particles just failed to be trapped, together with the measured average trapping power, were used to calculate the lateral trapping force (Q-value). The viability of the cells after femtosecond laser trapping was ascertained by vital staining. Measurement of the Q-values shows that femtosecond optical tweezers are just as effective as continuous wave optical tweezers. The experiments demonstrate that there is a critical limit for exposure time at each corresponding laser power of femtosecond optical tweezers, and femtosecond laser tweezers are safe for optical trapping at low power with short exposure time.  相似文献   

通过对新乡夏玉米田昆虫群落进行系统调查,总计调查到47种昆虫,分属于10个目的 30个科.在此基础上,把夏玉米昆虫群落划分为4个营养层、7个功能集团、17个类群.其中植食性昆虫占42.6%,捕食性天敌占31.9%,寄生性天敌占14.9%,其余为中性昆虫.优势种和关键种随玉米生育期的不同而发生变化.最后,分析和讨论了关键种、优势类群和功能集团在害虫综合治理中的作用.  相似文献   

Insulin is one of the most extensively studied protein hormones, and its structure and function have been elucidated in many vertebrate species, ranging from human to fish. Insulin-like peptides (ILPs) also have been found and characterized in different invertebrates, including nematodes, mollusks and insects. However, insect ILPs turned out to be a structurally diverse group encoded by large multi-gene families that are expressed in the brain and other tissues and serve functions different from vertebrate insulin. Recent physiological and genetic studies have revealed that, in different insect species, the conserved insulin signaling pathway plays a key role in the regulation of a variety of fundamental processes, such as metabolism, growth, reproduction and aging. Here, the structures, distributions, conserved signaling pathways, and physiological functions of insect ILPs are reviewed in detail.  相似文献   

为了解赣南师范学院黄金校区访花昆虫种类,笔者于2010年10月-2011年10月开花期间在校园内采用随机取样和系统取样法,以网捕和手捕方式采集访花昆虫并进行鉴定.结果表明:师院校园共有访花昆虫135种,分属于7目,39科.从目级分类阶元物种数量水平上分析,鳞翅目>膜翅目>鞘翅目>双翅目>半翅目>蜻蜓目>同翅目,其中优势访花昆虫种类为意大利蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)、黑带食蚜蝇(Episyrphus balteatus)和异色瓢虫(Harmonia axyidis).  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Entomopathogenic nematodes of the generaSteinernema and Heterorhabditis have been used tocontrol a wide range of agriculturally important insectpests (Kaya and Gaugler, 1993). The mechanism bywhich these nematodes are able to infect and repro-duce in the insect host involves a mutual relationshipbetween the nematode and the symbiotic bacteria,Xenorhabdus spp. and Photorhabdus spp. (Akhurstand Dunphy, 1993; Forst and Nealson, 1996). Poinarand Thomas (1966) established tha…  相似文献   

The question of how an insect finds its way between foraging areas and its shelter has been investigated in cockroaches,Blattella germanica. Our aim was to demonstrate that they integrate the characteristics of their outward trip to estimate direction and distance, which enable them to return to their shelter, relying on path integration mechanisms using kinesthetic cues. The return path pattern was characterized by a nearly linear oriented-to-the-goal trajectory, an arrest, and a systematic search at a much slower speed. The arrest position indicated that the insect’s home vector was back to zero and that it was the estimated shelter position. If the shelter failed to be at the arrest position, cockroaches started a nonrandom systematic search directed mainly around the arrest. They looped back and forth around the arrest position and increased the size of their loops with time. The pattern of this search seems to be an ubiquitous trait in insects.  相似文献   

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