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Terry McLaughlin's death earlier this year came as a devastating shock to all his many friends. He will be remembered by all as a gifted scholar whose lifelong commitment to education was etched in his every thought, word and deed. The list of his achievements in the educational world is a long, honourable and deeply distinguished one, including a notable period of editorial duty on CJE from 1992 to 2003. Terry will be remembered with profound affection and respect by all those who were fortunate enough to know him. For each one of us, his memory will forever be a joy, and his example an enduring inspiration. The following lines are extracted from the address given at his memorial service at St Edmund's College, Cambridge on 11 April 2006.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between monopolistic service providers and customer satisfaction and commitment. The authors investigated how the ethical perceptions of service consumers, their perceptions of service quality, and satisfaction effect commitment to the long-term relationship with monopolistic service providers. Results indicate significant relationships between the constructs, supporting previous study findings and logical thought. Results, managerial implications and research implications are included.  相似文献   

母校承诺是指大学生对母校的心理认同和情感依恋,培养大学生对母校的积极情感,是大学生情感教育的重要构成部分。研究结果表明:大学生母校承诺的心理结构包含认知承诺、感情承诺和责任承诺三个部分,高校教育服务质量通过母校支持感的部分中介作用对大学生母校承诺发挥积极影响。因此,高校应从认知、情感和责任三维角度来加强对学生母校情感的综合培养,通过提高高校教育服务质量和学生的母校支持感进而增强其母校承诺。  相似文献   

加缪之所以饮誉于世界文坛,是与其独特感受世界的方式描摹并刻画着"疏离"、"荒诞"、"反抗"、"自杀"、"自由"与"正义"为重大主题的戏剧作品有着密不可分的关联。更需引起关注的是,他以高瞻远瞩的视域警醒地审视着当下人类现实的处境,强而有力地明示了己身存在意义所隐含的生命意识——"活得最好"与"活得最多",导出了"荒诞"意识背后隐潜、凝现着的种种生命精神与真实存在,势必给予人们可贵的生命思想以最新指引。  相似文献   

孔子将个人意欲出人头地的志向与救世卫道的社会使命感叠合为一体,并借助办学这一行为模式付诸社会实践,勇敢地担当起正宗文化传播者的职责,促成弟子成为一个有理想、有志向、有作为的人,从而构成了他的真诚的教育性格。这是孔子最终成为一个伟大教育家的根源所在。  相似文献   

在中国现当代文学发展史上,赵树理之所以具有独特、重要的位置,就在于他成功地开创了大众化文学潮流。赵树理的大众化文学思想和创作的特征有:首先是立足农村发展和农民利益,勇于提出一些敏锐、重要的社会问题,构成他所谓的"问题小说";其次是扎根于农民中间,与他们同甘共苦,在创作中真实地表达他们的生存状态、思想感情,准确地表现农村的时代变化、民情风俗;再者是真正把农民看作推动历史前进的主体,塑造出多种多样的农民形象来,让农民在文学舞台上占据应有的位置;最后一点是坚持文学为农民服务的思想,把民间艺术作为文学发展的基础,创造出一种通俗的、大众的、民族的审美形式来。  相似文献   


A Student's Attitude toward his school's atmosphere, facilities, personnel, learning and extracurricular activities significantly affects his motivation, commitment, and satisfaction with the school. Positive school satisfaction has been shown to make the compulsory school day more enjoyable and stimulating for the student (Epstein and McPartland, 1978). Therefore, a major educational concern has become the development of programs and curricula that nurture and maintain student satisfaction (Bloom et al., 1971; Jackson, 1968; Jencks et al., 1972; Krathwohl, 1964; Lortie, 1975). Presumably, enhanced student satisfaction is related to greater commitment and motivation to pursue one's studies. Despite this trend, very few studies have investigated the specific variables related to student attitude toward school. This issue becomes of even greater importance in our Jewish supplementary schools, where the goal of a life-long commitment to Judaism is exchanged for a few hours of educational and spiritual exposure in temple per week.  相似文献   

美国犹太作家伯纳德.马拉默德在其成名小说《店员》中,以独特的犹太幽默、乐观的笔触描述了一位命运不济却甘愿为人类的罪行而默默“受苦”的愚者形象——犹太老人莫里斯,他用特有的犹太道德品质“救赎”和感染身边所有的人,在逆境和困苦中莫里斯的人性达到了完美境界。小说中“苦难”和“救赎”的意义激起读者对美好生活的憧憬,使读者看到苦海中孕育着的顽强生命力,更体现了作者人道主义仁爱、乐观的人生态度。  相似文献   

Traditional studies of teacher commitment often ignore the effect of interactions between personal characteristics and school environment and the implications of their findings are inevitably limited. Responding to this research gap, the present study aims to investigate the contingency relationship of school organizational health to teacher commitment with multi-level statistical analysis. The study was a survey involving 20 aided primary schools and 423 teachers in Hong Kong. The findings suggest that three school organizational health factors such as morale, consideration and institutional integrity are related to teacher commitment through interactions with the teacher personal characteristics such as position, marital status, and length of service in the school. The result supports that the relationship between school organizational health and teacher commitment is contingent upon teacher characteristics. The interesting findings can provide implications for school improvement and future research.  相似文献   

乡村旅游服务质量被广泛认为是区别乡村旅游产品及建立竞争优势的主要因素。本文利用SERVQUAL模型,从有形性、可靠性、响应性、保证性、移情性五个维度对安徽省蚌埠市禾泉农庄的服务质量进行调查,发现该农庄所提供的服务质量和顾客期望之间存在的差距,并对产生该差距的各因素进行分析,从而得出提升其服务质量的对策。  相似文献   

以杜甫的大量作品为依据,对其忠君恋阙、伤时忧国、反映战争破坏、黎民苦痛,希望地方官吏施行仁政,反对横征暴敛、继承儒家诗教传统,发挥诗教功能等方面进行了分析,对于杜甫坚持儒家观念问题进行较为系统的探讨,指出杜甫坚守儒家价值观,具有突出的实践性特点,这些方面同时对于当今构建社会核心价值体系和社会普世性价值观念体系具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

In this study I examine the role of HRD, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment in voluntary turnover decisions. A sample of managers from public service agencies who voluntarily left their job in the previous year is compared to a sample of currently employed managers in the same or equivalent position. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used to determine if attitudes towards HRD were a factor in the turnover decision for those who voluntarily left and if it would be a factor in influencing turnover intentions in those currently employed in comparable positions. The level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment are also compared between the two groups of respondents. The implications of attitudes towards HRD and levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the decision to turnover among public service managers are examined along with recommendations for further research on the role of HRD in turnover decisions.  相似文献   

This paper highlights ways in which understandings about masculinity intersected with concepts of vocation, career and character in the life and work of an Australian teacher, Victor Pavia. Firstly, it outlines his vertical career path from teacher to headmaster and then inspector, made possible in a bureaucratised state school system that institutionalised the patriarchal dividend. Secondly, it shows how his manly character was forged in social relationships with men and women. Thirdly, there was his vocational commitment to associational activity where he consolidated his position among men. However, Pavia’s ascendance to the top of his profession was by no means assured for there were many tensions along with expanded opportunities at each stage of his career.  相似文献   

存芥川龙之介的生命历程中,尽管他以自戕作为对人生的终结,但对死亡的承担意识始终贯穿他的创作,并深入地影响着他的行为逻辑和生命甘苦。死亡承担本于近代存在主义大师海德格尔向死而在的生命哲学,指的是把死亡这一最本己的可能性担当起来。芥川对死亡的承担主要表现在他对自强不息精神的追求,对健康生命力的向往,以及对英雄主义的彰显,这正是芥川所认同的向死而生的生命哲学。  相似文献   

从教育服务承诺看高等教育的政策调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国加入WTO签定的教育服务承诺具有鲜明的政策性意义。履行这一承诺要求对现行的教育政策尤其是高等教育政策作出一些必要的调整。高等教育政策调整主要包括宏观管理政策、招生政策、财政政策和高校教学政策等方面。调整教育政策又特别需要加强政策研究。  相似文献   

In ‘Problematising Critique in Pedagogy’ Jörg Ruhloff develops a concept of critique that is motivated by a deep concern for the state of humanity. This is a thought‐provoking development of critique, but I find myself disagreeing over, or rather simply unconvinced by, his understanding of the human condition, and, connected to this, of criticism. Referring to Nietzsche, I start by illustrating one way in which a concept of critique such as Ruhloff's may in some sense be implied in educational praxis, focusing mainly on his concern that critique is not domesticated by political, economic, or other forces. In the second section I draw on Stanley Cavell to discuss some contentious aspects of Ruhloff's construal of criticism. Here I focus on Ruhloff's claim to universality, as contained in his appeal to what he calls the condition of human rationality and to a procedure of critical‐transcendental‐sceptical deliberation over the presuppositions of different standpoints. Ruhloff's understanding of criticism exemplifies an attitude that presents itself as a hostility to the ordinary. Connected to this, I sketch a conception of scepticism that is different—viz. more dynamic—than his understanding of it as a kind of methodological tool in the service of exposing presuppositions. Scepticism needs to be acknowledged in existential terms, as inherent to the human condition: a condition of life with language. With further reference to Cavell, the importance of expression, of revealing oneself as an exemplar, can then be emphasised. I conclude, in the third section, by indicating in what sense I find that a commitment to substantial judgements is lacking in Ruhloff's conception of critique and criticality.  相似文献   

从游客的视角探讨了游客感知到的旅游企业服务质量对旅游客企关系质量的影响,发现服务质量中的交互质量维度能够显著提高游客的满意和承诺水平(BH1=0.630,T =13.246;BH3=0.455,T =8.328)高交互质量更易于使游客产生满意。环境质量维度能够显著提高游客的满意度、信任度和承诺状况(BH4=0.623, T =13.000;BH5=0.280,T =4.766;BH6=0.376,T =6.609),高环境质量也易于使游客产生高满意度。就关系质量的三个维度而言,游客满意更易于提高游客的承诺水平(BH7=0.217,T =3.625;BH8=0.503,T =9.482),游客信任并不能直接激发游客的承诺(BH9=0.200,T =1.325)。  相似文献   

In this interview with Harvey Siegel, Israel Scheffler reflects on his career in philosophy of education. Beginning with his unusual entry into the field, he discusses the connections between his own early projects and that of R. S. Peters and Paul Hirst to make philisophy a central part of teacher education programmes, and articulates his view of the importance of general philosophy for work in philosophy of education. He reaffirms his longstanding commitment to the central importance of rationality in education, and reconsiders the fact/value distinction and the place of analysis in philosophy of education. He discusses the enduring legacy of Dewey, and assesses changing trends in the philosophy of education and the current state of the subject.  相似文献   

权力与可信承诺是国家理论的核心问题.在经济学文献中诺思将权力、可信承诺和经济绩效问题一起考察,并开创了交易费用政治学.他对权力与可信承诺问题的分析改变了他之前的政治经济学分析视角,并深刻地影响到了后来的许多学者,也真正开启了制度变迁从比较静态到动态过程的研究.  相似文献   

陈炯明是近代史上一个颇有争议的人物。考察陈氏起起落落的政治生涯,可以发现,他和惠州结下了不解之缘:他从由惠州淡水举义后登上广东军政舞台,一度创造了"惠州人的广东"的神话;他与孙中山决裂后,在东江、潮梅一带进行了长达3年的拉锯战,最终以惠州的易手为标志而落败;最后,他病死香港,归葬西湖。陈炯明的成也惠州、败也惠州、归骨惠州,可以从三个维度来进行解读:风云激荡的时代,成就了他在近代史上的地位;地势险要、战略地位重要的惠州,与他的政治生命息息相关;出于强烈的地方主义情绪,他视惠州为生活的丰沛之地。  相似文献   

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