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从生命全程发展观论大学生入学适应   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
生命全程发展观强调人生重要转折对个体心理发展速度与方向具有重要影响,启发人们重视转折期适应具有的发展含义。从生命全程发展观看,进入大学这一积极的生活事件实际上构成了青年期的重要发展转折,既为个体提供了新的发展机会,也使个体面临多方面的挑战。进入大学的适应任务主要由个体在学习、人际、生活自理、环境认同、身心体验等方面的适应构成,其中,学习和人际适应是相对困难的方面。大学入学适应可以被视为特殊的发展类型,在性质与过程上具有独特性。充分认识大学生入学适应的丰富发展内涵、性质及其影响因素具有重要的理论与实践指导意义。  相似文献   

Mothers' total weekly work hours and psychological work involvement were examined in relation to children's achievement behaviors and mothers' parenting. 105 middle-class children ( M = 6 years old) and their mothers (both employed and not employed) participated in this study. Data were collected from lab observations, teacher ratings, and parent surveys. Findings of interest include. (1) for the full sample, higher weekly work hours were associated with poorer teacher ratings of children's grades, school work habits, and aspects of personality conducive to achievement: (2) within the employed sample, as mothers' weekly hours of work increased, daughters' grades were higher but sons' grades, work habits, and ego control were poorer, and (3) mothers' psychological motivation to work related to mothers' support of children's achievement and girls' stronger achievement motivation. The study findings point to the utility of including multiple measures of work involvement and children's achievement-related behaviors.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查的方式对247名中学生进行调查.考察中学生家庭教养方式与社会问题解决技能的关系,以及自我效能感在其中的中介作用.发现积极教养方式能正向预测社会问题解决技能,消极教养方式能负向预测社会问题解决技能;一般自我效能感、学业自我效能感和自我调节学习效能感能正向预测社会问题解决技能;一般自我效能感、学业自我效能感和自我调节学习效能感在积极家庭教养方式与社会问题解决技能之间起部分中介作用;自我调节学习效能感在消极家庭教养方式与社会问题解决技能之间起部分中介作用.这表明自我效能感在家庭教养方式与社会问题解决技能之间起中介作用.  相似文献   

Changes in the patterning of adolescents' beliefs about the legitimate domains of parental authority were modeled in 2,611 Chilean adolescents, 11–16 years old. Transitions in adolescents' belief patterns were studied over 3 years. Latent transition analysis (LTA) revealed 3 distinct patterns of beliefs— parent control , shared control , and personal control— that differed in the extent to which adolescents believed that parents had legitimate authority over personal, prudential, and multidomain issues. Younger adolescents with fewer problem behaviors, higher self-efficacy, and more parental rules were more likely to espouse the parent control belief pattern. Adolescents' patterning of beliefs was relatively stable over time. Older adolescents with more problem behaviors and fewer parental rules were most likely to move away from the parental control status.  相似文献   

Mobile social media often feature the ability to “Like” content posted by others. This study examined the effect of Likes on youths' neural and behavioral responses to photographs. High school and college students (= 61, ages 13–21) viewed theirs and others' Instagram photographs while undergoing functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). Participants more often Liked photographs that appeared to have received many (vs. few) Likes. Popular photographs elicited greater activity in multiple brain regions, including the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), a hub of the brain's reward circuitry. NAcc responsivity increased with age for high school but not college students. When viewing images depicting risk‐taking (vs. nonrisky photographs), high school students, but not college students, showed decreased activation of neural regions implicated in cognitive control.  相似文献   

The study evaluates how marriage and the parenting alliance affect parenting experiences over time. Couples ( N = 79) with school-age children who have mental retardation completed self-report and observational measures of marriage, the parenting alliance, and parenting attitudes and behaviors at 2 periods, 18–24 months apart. Longitudinal structural equation modeling demonstrated significant effects of marital quality on changes over time in self-reports of perceived parenting competence for both the mothers and the fathers, and in observed negative mother-child interactions. Also, in all cases, the parenting alliance mediated the effects of marriage on parenting experiences. There was little evidence of reciprocal causation in which parenting variables predicted change in the quality of marriage and the parenting alliance. Interactions involving child age suggested that teenagers as opposed to younger children were more reactive to negative features of their parents' marital functioning and parenting alliance. Implications are discussed regarding stable but negative marital functioning and regarding possible differences in mothers' and fathers' parenting in the context of marital distress.  相似文献   

This paper describes the origins of parenting stress, defined both as tensions in the parent-child relationship and as broader changes in five family domains as men and women make the transition from couple to family life. Despite significant change in their average level of functioning, parents show continuity in their level of adaptation from pregnancy through the first five years of parenthood. Parenting stress emerges from the context of parents' individual and marital adaptation before the child is born. It is possible to identify expectant parents who are at risk for later parenting stress and lower well-being across employment and family domains. Path analyses show that men's and women's prior well-being and their involvement in paid work during pregnancy are associated with higher parenting stress—and lower self-esteem, marital satisfaction, family work satisfaction, and job satisfaction—two years later when their babies are 18months old. Stress in the parent-child relationship at 18 months postpartum compounds preexisting stress in other family domains to reduce well-being in other aspects of family life. Links among parenting stress, parenting quality, and children's adaptation to school lead to suggestions for preventive interventions early in the family life cycle.  相似文献   

This paper describes the origins of parenting stress, defined both as tensions in the parent–child relationship and as broader changes in five family domains as men and women make the transition from couple to family life. Despite significant change in their average level of functioning, parents show continuity in their level of adaptation from pregnancy through the first five years of parenthood. Parenting stress emerges from the context of parents' individual and marital adaptation before the child is born. It is possible to identify expectant parents who are at risk for later parenting stress and lower well-being across employment and family domains. Path analyses show that men's and women's prior well-being and their involvement in paid work during pregnancy are associated with higher parenting stress—and lower self-esteem, marital satisfaction, family work satisfaction, and job satisfaction—two years later when their babies are 18months old. Stress in the parent–child relationship at 18 months postpartum compounds preexisting stress in other family domains to reduce well-being in other aspects of family life. Links among parenting stress, parenting quality, and children's adaptation to school lead to suggestions for preventive interventions early in the family life cycle.  相似文献   

The author describes how her perspectives as a teacher educator and as a parent were extended and enriched as her daughter entered school and learned to read. She highlights the importance of prioritizing love in her engagement with her child's teachers and in her professional thinking and actions as a teacher educator.  相似文献   

新一轮课程改革的标志性变化,是要促进学习方式的改变,变原来单一的、被动的、接受式的学习方式为自主探究、亲身实践、合作学习的方式。促进学生学习方式改变的关键,在于教师观念的转变,尤其是教师角色的转变,这是学生学习方式改变的瓶颈。那么在新的课程实施过程中,教师角色应发生什么样的变化呢?一、变灭火者为点火者———让学生愿学传统教育存在的突出问题是过分关注学生基础知识和基本技能的掌握,而对学生积极的学习态度、兴趣、情感不重视。例如对考试分数进行排队、公布;对学生评价过于强调甄别和选拔……所有这些,既加重…  相似文献   

苏联特权阶层:内涵界定、形成时间、角色转化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏联特权阶层是对苏联以权谋私的党政干部的特称,这个阶层形成于勃列日涅夫时期,在戈尔巴乔夫时期,这个阶层实现了角色转换,抛弃了苏联共产党和苏联社会主义.  相似文献   

The present 8‐year longitudinal study examined how multiple aspects of family relationships change across the transition from adolescence (Mage = 15 years) to young adulthood (Mage = 22 years) among 821 individuals. Results showed that there was more discontinuity than continuity in family relationships across this transition. Whereas a normative decline was evident in all measured aspects of family relationships during adolescence, this decline persisted for only a few dimensions of family relationships during young adulthood. Other aspects of family relationships stabilized or rebounded. There was little variation in these trajectories as a function of ethnicity or gender, suggesting that these changes in family relationships are generally normative. Results suggest that the transition to adulthood is a period of significant transformation in family relationships.  相似文献   

1952年后中共中央领导人决定立即采取逐步过渡的办法走向社会主义,是基于过渡性的新民主主义社会正处在深刻的变动之中,这个决定适应了国家工业化的需要,适应了民主革命遗留任务完成后国内生产关系、阶级关系和主要矛盾的变化.  相似文献   

为了考察愤怒在歧视知觉与留守青少年自伤之间的中介作用及其性别差异,以体验回避模型和性别角色理论为基础,采用歧视知觉量表、愤怒分量表、青少年自我伤害量表对662名留守中学生进行调查。结果表明:(1)歧视知觉、愤怒、自伤间两两显著正相关;(2)歧视知觉不仅直接影响留守青少年自伤,还通过愤怒的中介作用间接影响留守青少年自伤,且该中介作用的后半路径受到性别的调节,愤怒对女生自伤行为的作用比对男生的更强。研究认为愤怒和性别在歧视知觉与留守青少年自伤之间起有调节的中介作用。  相似文献   

Objective. This multimethod, prospective study examined whether child and parent gender moderate the relation between interparental discord and changes in parenting practices over a 1-year time span. Design. Self-report questionnaires of interparental discord and parenting as well as an observational measure of interparental discord were collected from a sample of 226 mothers and fathers of kindergarten children. Results. Multigroup analyses using structural equation models indicated that the relation between a multimethod assessment of interparental discord and changes in parent-reported childrearing practices varied significantly as a function of child gender only. Interparental discord predicted decreases in parental responsiveness to boys' distress while predicting increases in parental responsiveness to girls' distress. Moderating analyses further indicated that interparental discord predicted significant increases in parental use of psychological control with boys only. Conclusions. The considerable heterogeneity in previous research examining prospective linkages between interparental discord and parenting practices may be attributable, in part, to the moderating role of child gender. Differences in the moderating role of child gender across separate dimensions of parenting highlight the importance of distinguishing among specific parenting practices in examining gender differences in family pathways.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that an early adolescent brain growth plateau and spurt exists and that this plateau and spurt influence students' ability to reason scientifically and to learn theoretical science concepts was tested. In theory, maturation of the prefrontal lobes during early adolescence allows for improvements in students' abilities to inhibit task‐irrelevant information and coordinate task‐relevant information, which along with both physical and social experience influences scientific reasoning ability and the ability to reject scientific misconceptions and accept scientific conceptions. Two hundred ten students ages 13–16 years enrolled in four Korean secondary schools were administered tests of four prefrontal lobe activities, a test of scientific reasoning ability, and a test of air pressure concepts derived from kinetic‐molecular theory. A series of 14 lessons designed to teach the concepts were then taught. The concepts test was then readministered following instruction. As predicted, among the 13‐ and 14‐year‐olds, performance on the prefrontal lobe measures remained similar or regressed. Performance then improved considerably among the 15‐ and 16‐year‐olds. Also as expected, the measures of prefrontal lobe activity correlated highly with scientific reasoning ability. In turn, prefrontal lobe activity and scientific reasoning ability predicted concept gains and posttest performance. A principal components analysis showed that the study variables had two main components, which were interpreted as an inhibiting and a representing component. Therefore, theoretical concept acquisition was interpreted as a process involving both the inhibition of task‐irrelevant information (i.e., the rejection of intuitively derived misconceptions) and the representation of task‐relevant information (i.e, complex hypothetico‐deductive arguments and counterintuitive scientific conceptions about nonobservable entities). © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 44–62, 2000  相似文献   

Intelligence scores of children in a longitudinal study were assessed at 4 and 13 years and related to social and family risk factors. A multiple environmental risk score was calculated for each child by counting the number of high-risk conditions from 10 risk factors: mother's behavior, mother's developmental beliefs, mother's anxiety, mother's mental health, mother's educational attainment, family social support, family size, major stressful life events, occupation of head of household, and disadvantaged minority status. Multiple risk scores explained one-third to one-half of IQ variance at 4 and 13 years. The stability between 4- and 13-year environmental risk scores ( r = .77) was not less than the stability between 4- and 13-year IQ scores ( r = .72). Effects remained after SES and race, or maternal IQ, were partialled; multiple risk was important in longitudinal prediction, even after prior measurement of child IQ was accounted for; the pattern of risk was less important than the total amount of risk present in the child's context.  相似文献   

Interview, self‐report, peer report, and observational data were used to examine parent and peer relationship qualities as predictors of relative changes in attachment security in a community sample of adolescents followed from ages 14 to 24. Early maternal supportive behavior predicted relative increases in attachment security from adolescence to adulthood, whereas psychological control and interparental hostile conflict predicted relative decreases. Peer predictors of relative increases in security included collaborative and autonomous behaviors and lack of hostile interactions, with peer predictions growing stronger for relationships assessed at later ages. Overall, models accounted for sufficient variance as to suggest that attachment security across this period is well explained by a combination of stability plus theoretically predicted change linked to social relationship qualities.  相似文献   

The author examined the conditions (i.e., social support and dysfunctional coping) under which perceived stress predicted psychological well‐being in 459 college students. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated a significant 2‐way interaction (Perceived Stress × Social Support) and a significant 3‐way interaction (Perceived Stress × Social Support × Dysfunctional Coping) predicting well‐being. Low social support deteriorated the association between stress and well‐being. Only the frequent use of dysfunctional coping exacerbated the association between stress and well‐being across high and low social support. Implications for counseling college students are discussed.  相似文献   

随着新技术革命的诞生和信息时代的到来,大众传播对青少年的影响越来越显并呈多元化发展趋势。为了使大众传播能更好地影响并指导青少年及整个人类社会的发展,本拟以重点研究大众传播对青少年的影响,并初步探讨大众传播如何引导新一代青少年更快、更好、更新地学习、生活。  相似文献   

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