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Cultural exchanges with foreign countries have a long history in China, as the Chinese nationkeeps introducing and integrating the cultural essence of other nations to enrich and develop its own culture, the ancient Chinese intellectuals, scholars and monks devoted themselves or evensacrifice themselves to the cause of international cultural exchange, leaving many legacies of much-told stories and much-visited relics: from the Silk Road in the Qjn and Han dynasties to Fa Hsien's travel to South Asia.  相似文献   

Samarkand is one of the most ancient and famous cities in the world.By its age,Samarkand can be compared to such ancient cities as Rome.Athens and Babylon.In 2007 Samarkand will celebrate its 2750th anniversary.Samarkand can doubtlessly be called the"Pearl of the East".Standing on the crossroad of the great Silk Road,it took and preserved until present times the culture,art and unique architeeture of the ancient world civilizations.  相似文献   

Stories about Sanxingdui Culture published in the magazine before have caught readers' great interest. So far there are three major viewpoints about the origin of this mysterious culture. Some experts note that unearthed artifacts in Sanxingdui were legacies of the ancient Shu Kingdom and have nothing to do with foreign cultures. But since no written records have been left about this culture existing more than three thousand years ago, those who support this hypothesis have to resort to a smattering of clues in ancient documents of ensuing periods as well as legendary stories. A rivaling opinion argues that this culture has some relation with the ancient civilizations of Western Asia, Central Asia as well as Aegean Sea. It is believed that Ancient Egyptians already knew how to produce bronzes in the period between 3 800 and 3 500 BC and it is quite possible that the technology was imported to China in some way. In recent years, however, some scholars, based on extensive studies, assert that Sanxingdui is a result of cultural exchange and assimilation. They hold that some tribe lost its way during the great migration of the ancient India-Iran tribes and misled itself to Sanxingdui. The tribe settled there and developed a culture that blends elements from both ancient central China and ancient India-Iran areas.  相似文献   

When elegant images of Chinese porcelain and the huge character of "Cha", meaning "tea", were shown in the hi-tech scroll of Chinese ink painting at the opening gala of the Beijing Olympic Games, the global audience seemed overwhelmed by the brilliant history of Chinese ancient civilization as represented by the miraculous Silk Road through which tea and porcelain accounted for major exports of the Central Kingdom. Recognized as a symbol of Chinese culture, the art of tea has been demonstrated at the Olympic opening ceremony and in the Olympic Village for the first time in history.  相似文献   

Stories about Sanxingdui Culture published in the magazine before have caught readers' great interest. So far there are three major viewpoints about the origin of this mysterious culture. Some experts note that unearthed artifacts in Sanxingdui were legacies of the ancient Shu Kingdom and have nothing to do with foreign cultures. But since no written records have been left about this culture existing more than three thousand years ago, those who support this hypothesis have to resort to a smattering of clues in ancient documents of ensuing periods as well as legendary stories. A rivaling opinion argues that this culture has some relation with the ancient civilizations of Western Asia, Central Asia as well as Aegean Sea. It is believed that Ancient Egyptians already knew how to produce bronzes in the period between 3 800 and 3 500 BC and it is quite possible that the technology was imported to China in some way. In recent years, however, some scholars, based on extensive studies, assert that Sanxingdui is a result of cultural exchange and assimilation. They hold that some tribe lost its way during the great migration of the ancient India-lran tribes and misled itself to Sanxingdui. The tribe settled there and developed a culture that blends elements from both ancient central China and ancient India-lran areas.[第一段]  相似文献   

In the end of the 19th Century, Richthofen, a German geographer coined the term Silk Road that refers to the route from China toRome.Then in the early 20th Century, the Silk Road attracted many people of Western countries, such as KozIov of Russia who led an expedition to Inner Mongolia and Tibet, Stein of UK, Pelliot of France, Greenwood and Le Coq of Germany who arrived at Central Asia and Xinjiang for adventure and plundering, and the Otani expedition of Japan reached Tibet. The Western powers only came to look for the Buddhism that founded by Shakyamuni in the 6th Century BC, Buddhist antiques and other artworks with thousands years history in Central Asia, Xinjiang, Dunhuang, etc.  相似文献   

The Silk Road has played an important role in facilitating intellectual exchanges and cultural integration between East and West, economic globalization and diversity of human civilizations. In the new era, thanks to ever-closer economic and cultural ties between China and other countries along the Silk Road, this ancient route has been rejuvenated and embraced new development opportunities. Building the Belt and the Road is therefore our inevitable choice following the trend of the development ofthe time.  相似文献   

In his state visit to Kazakhstan in 2013, Chinese President Xin Jinping proposed the strategic initiative of "co-building the Silk Road Economic Belt", which attracted the extensive attention of countries and regions along the Silk Road. What role will culture play in this ambitious initiative? Prominent figures from the cultural and business communities voiced their opinions.  相似文献   

Editor's words:Over the sweep of history,Chinese people have paid heavy price in their struggles with the ocean.A large number of sunken ships are evidence that testifies to the history of South China Sea as an important maritime passage linking the mainland to the outside world since the Song Dynesty dating back to more than 1000 years.In 1987 the discovery of the sunken Song-Dynasty ship"South China Sea No.1"in the border area between Yangjiang and Taishan counties in Guangdong Province is the landmark event for China's underwater archeologists.20 years from then on,surveys and excavations done to this ancient ship have witnessed the development of Chinese underwater archeology.With decades of efforts by experts from various fields,the sunken ship was eventually salvaged out of water in 2007 and will be housed in the newly-built Maritime Silk Road Museum in Guangdong...  相似文献   

The mysterious ancient Silk Road, which stretched over 7,000 kilometers, linked different nations on the Asia-Europe continent for more than 2,000 years. On this trade route of historical significance, there is one place where four great ancient civilizations of the world, Chinese, Indian, Greek and Islamic, converged - Xinjiang. From the 3rd century B.C. to 10th century  相似文献   

Hetian, also known as "Yutian" in ancient times, means "a place producing jadestone". It is located in the southernmost tip of Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region,neighboring Taklimakan Desert in the north and Mt. Kunlun in the south. For hundreds of years in history, it was a strategically important town along the southern route of the Silk Roads.In Chinese culture, jade is a symbol of virtue, dignityand goodness. Jade produced in Hetian is generally  相似文献   

The Tang Dynasty(618-907 AD)was one of the most powerful dynasties in Chinese history.Its flouishing economy and brlliant civilization attractde merchants and scholars from Asia,Europe and even Africa to come to China via the Silk Road for trade and cultural exchange,thus making it a world economic and cultural center of the time.Today,we can still  相似文献   

Over the sweep of history, oceanic boats have been recognized as proof of the scientific evolution of mankind. During the Song-Yuan period, China had witnessed growing exchanges with other nations. A large number of Chinese emigrated abroad and brought advanced products of China to local people. At the same time, exotic treasures and produces continued to import into China, remarkably promoting the development of China. In the past two decades, sunken boats of ancient China continued to be discovered in Chinese seas, testifying to prosperous maritime trade of past dynasties. "South China Sea No. 1" and "Huaguang Corral", discovered in Taishan, Guangdong and Xisha Islands respectively, are the two sunken ships of the Song Dynasty that have attracted nationwide attention of both archeologists and general public alike.  相似文献   

"Bund" derives from an Anglo-Indian word for an embankment along a muddy waterfront. In the late 19th century after Shanghai was forced to open to Western colonists, the Bund became the site of some of the earliest foreign settlements and now is known as one of the most recognizable architectural symbols of Shanghai. But the Bund is not a feature exclusive to Shanghai. Similar styles of architecture also appear in other coastal or river cities in China, such as Wuhan, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Fuzhou. And few people know that Ningbo Bund even enjoys a much longer history than Shanghai Bund. In the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Ningbo was a starting point of the Silk Road on the sea and one of the three major foreign trade ports; the other two were Yangzhou and Guangzhou. In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Ningbo, Guangzhou and Quanzhou were the  相似文献   

Beijing enjoys a long history as the capital of six dynasties in ancient China. Historical and cultural legacies accumulated over the sweep of history have made it possible to develop a booming private collection market. So far the city. sees the largest number of curio and antique markets in China,  相似文献   

Henan, located in the heart of China, is known as one of the most important birthplaces of Chinese civilization. A long history and numerous ancient sites and monuments have gained her reputation as "a natural museum of history". Founded in 1927, Henan Museum boasts large collections, thanks to the province's endowed geographical location and rich resources in cultural heritage.  相似文献   

Pioneered over 2,000years ago, the Silk Roads started at Chang'an, capital of the Western Han Dynasty, stretched through Hexi Corridor; the Pamirs, Central Asia and Western Asia, and eventually reached Africa and Europe. Over the sweep of history, the Silk Roads served as an artery of transportation, cultural exchange and trade contact between East and West, bearing the spirit of peace, cooperation, openness, inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit.  相似文献   

The China-Arab States Forum of Cultural Ministers under the framework of the 3rd Arab Arts Festival took place at the National Mu- seum of China in Beijing on Septem- ber 10. The participants from the offi- cial cultural delegations of China, 10 Arab states and the League of Arab States conducted discussion and ex- changed views on such topics as increas- ing cultural exchange and cooperation, co-building the Belt (the Silk Road Eco- nomic Belt) and the Road (the 21st-cen- tury Maritime Silk Road) in the field of culture, and enhancing people-to-peo- ple communication. Chinese cultural minister Cai Wu and cultural ministers of the 19 participating Arab States ad- opted the Beijing Declaration.  相似文献   

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