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美国高瞻课程中的学前教育评价系统影响深远,具有真实、全面、持续时间长和富有情境性的特点。它鼓励多元主体、采用多样方式参与评价;运用《学前儿童观察评价系统》作为评估工具,评估标准和细则契合课程目标和内容,极具借鉴价值。课程模式中学前儿童评价系统及其相关评估工具对我国幼儿教师树立真实性评价理念、了解儿童发展水平以及开展家园合作具有重要意义,对于制定科学有效的、具有中国特色的学前儿童学习和发展评价系统具有参考价值。  相似文献   

根据高校实践类课程提质增效的迫切内需和新时代高等教育体系高质量发展的内涵要求,文章基于OBE理念三原则,以成果产出为起点,以建立质量闭环、加强评价内涵、落实育人观念、提升评估实效为主线,系统构建了双循环评估模型、产教融合评价要素、OBE学生视角质量标准和大数据教学感知评估方法有机融合的实践类课程评估模式,并根据OBE教育的基本思路,对实施效果进行了分析,以期为高校开展实践类课程改革和评估提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目前大学英语的评估考核体系有形成性评估和终结性评估之分。对于大学英语课程评估考核体系,已有的研究同样可以运用到大学英语后续课程的评估。但是由于形成性评估有许多方式和手段而且运用起来大多比较繁琐,如何能让形成性评估做到更加全面、客观、准确、科学,此次研究尝试将管理学中的控制理论引入后续课程的评估模式,并就如何运用控制理论、简化形成性评估提出了建议。  相似文献   

赵倩 《考试周刊》2007,(42):68-69
本课题旨在从课程设置的角度讨论形成性评估在大学英语写作教学中运用的必要性。研究工作的理论框架融合了对课程的描述和对课程质量评估的标准,在此基础上,着重讨论了形成性评估区别于其他传统评估方式的优势所在,进而结合当前英语写作教学在实践和效果两方面的现状,总结了需要运用形成性评估对教学质量进行改善。  相似文献   

学前融合教育的实施离不开课程的支持。文章以美国学前融合教育课程中颇具代表性的乔沃尼奥课程为例,说明该课程是如何通过整合一般儿童及特殊儿童的兴趣与需要,提高学前融合教育质量的。研究者介绍了该课程的提出背景、基本构成,归纳了该课程的特点,提出我国学前融合教育课程在构建过程中可以借鉴其成功经验,通过转变观念,创设适宜的融合教育环境,运用灵活的融合教学策略,增强教师的融合教育能力等途径,落实"融合保教"。  相似文献   

课程建设是学前融合教育的核心工作,为了让所有儿童都接受高质量的、适合其独特学习需要的教育,就必须重视融合教育课程的构建,调整课程的形式、内容与实施策略。新津县幼儿园3个融合教育大班,以健康领域中的"动作发展"主题作为切入点,探讨学前融合教育健康课程建设的内容与实施效果取得了预期效果。  相似文献   

文章选取国外学前教育课程模式中的高瞻课程与华德福学前课程进行对比,介绍了两者在理论基础、目标、内容和方法上的特色,分析了两者的异同点,从中归纳值得借鉴之处,旨在更好地促进我国学前教育课程模式的构建与完善。  相似文献   

课程评估是课程建设的一个重要环节。本文结合中央电大开展课程试评估的情况,对广播电视大学课程评估的目的、步骤进行了探讨;同时,对课程评估指标体系设计的原则、标准和主要内容结构,从理论上进行了架构,对广播电视大学的课程建设及评价,具有一定的实际指导意义。  相似文献   

远程教育课程评估指标体系设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远程教育课程评估是教育评估领域中的专项评估,是课程建设后使用时期的终结性评估。远程教育课程评估是在多种媒体教材评估和考试成绩分析研究的基础上,进一步做课程评估的研究。本文从远程教育课程质量保证的课程方案、多种媒体教材、教学条件、教学管理、教学过程、教学质量等六方面基本要素,探讨远程教育课程特点、基本要素关系和功能、评估指标。本文的设计将用于中央电大计算机专业部分课程进行评估。  相似文献   

近几十年来,国外许多学前教育课程模式在理论和实践上都取得了一定的成就,一些优秀的课程模式在世界范围内得到推广,其中意大利的瑞吉欧课程模式和美国的high scope课程模式引起了学前教育课程理论与实践者的高度关注。作为两种最受欢迎的课程模式,瑞吉欧课程模式和high scope课程模式在理论背景、儿童观、环境设置、课程与教学、教师角色等方面有许多异同之处,可以从两种课程模式的异同中寻求适合于我国学前课程的课程模式。  相似文献   

对幼儿园进行等级评估是各省市教育行政部门对幼儿园进行业务管理的重要手段,很多省市相继出台或修订了幼儿园评估标准。竖于我国地域广阔,各地自然状况与社会文化经济发展水平差异显著,各地确实需要因地制宜,制定地区性的标准,但逐步实现省域范围内标准的统一还是比较适宜的,这不仅便于分级管理,而且利于横向比较,也是符合国内外评估体系建构与使用趋势的。评估标准应始终体现当前幼儿教育的主流价值观,以消除幼儿教育市场化产生的各种不良影响,如可对办园规模、所用教材、课程等进行明确规定与限制,以消除幼儿园小学化倾向及其商业化行为。评估标准应主要围绕教师、设施、课程、儿童四个教育基本要素,建构能够真实反映幼儿园教育质量的指标体系,包括各结构性指标与过程性指标,并科学考虑各指标的权重。在此,要特别强调设施设备等物质为教育教学服务的理念,有关办学条件和设施的指标所占分量应恰当,以避免幼儿园之间在环境创设上的无意义攀比。同时,还应考虑哪些指标是在短暂的评价期间就能观察和了解到的,特别应将幼儿园在幼儿发展评价方面所做的工作列为评价内容,将对班级教育工作的评价作为重点,将幼儿在教育过程中可观察的行为表现列入评价指标。在最终的评价结果上,宜采取先...  相似文献   

当前我国幼儿园教育质量评价工作的误区及调整策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文针对《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》颁发后各地需要重新调整分级分类验收标准的形势,分析研究了验收过程中存在的基本问题,如:评价内容及标准自身的缺陷,评价中缺乏对“硬件”使用效率的关注,评价方式缺乏量与质的统整,评价主体单一化,评价的信度效度缺乏监控等问题,并在分析的基础上,提出了相应的调整建议与策略。  相似文献   

本文针对《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》颁发后各地需要重新调整分级分类验收标准的形势,分析研究了验收过程中存在的基本问题,如:评价内容及标准自身的缺陷,评价中缺乏对“硬件”使用效率的关注。评价方式缺乏量与质的统整,评价主体单一化,评价的信度效度缺乏监控等问题,并在分析的基础上,提出了相应的调整建议与策略。  相似文献   

Analysis of children's spoken narratives represents a potentially informative approach to language assessment within early childhood settings. Yet, narrative assessment is not readily amenable to at-scale use given the time needed to collect, transcribe, and analyze a child's narrative sample and the lack of consensus regarding what aspects of narrative expression ought to be examined (e.g., language form, language content). The purpose of this study was to describe a direct assessment of children's language abilities within a narrative context, the Narrative Assessment Protocol (NAP), which examines five aspects of language: sentence structure, phrase structure, modifiers, nouns, and verbs. In this study, we present findings regarding internal consistency, test–retest reliability, construct validity, and the concurrent and predictive validity of the NAP. NAP scores from 262 3–5-year-old children participating in preschool programs were assessed for these purposes. Findings indicated that the NAP exhibits reasonable psychometric properties across the areas addressed, to include significant concurrent and predictive relations with a norm-referenced measure of general language ability. Although more research is needed, preliminary findings indicate that the NAP provides professionals with a valid and informative assessment approach for examining children's language skills within a narrative context; such information may be useful for establishing and monitoring children's language growth within preschool programs or language interventions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and validate an observation measure designed to assess classroom quality in inclusive preschool programs, the Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP). Developing the rating scale entailed systematic fieldwork in inclusive settings and review of the literature on preschool inclusion. Results from the validation study showed that the measure has good inter-rater agreement, is internally consistent, and shows a good factor structure. Correlations with other measures of classroom quality provided initial evidence for construct validity. This paper argues that traditional measures used to assess quality in early childhood classrooms are useful but may not be sufficient in capturing dimensions of quality that pertain particularly to the support for children with disabilities included in preschool programs.  相似文献   

德国不来梅州是最早创办和发展学前全纳教育的城市之一,目前已经从理论到实践形成了一个完整的学前全纳教育体系。本文简要介绍了不来梅州学前全纳教育的相关理念和实践问题。  相似文献   

早期教育机构质量的重要性、内涵与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪末以来,教育质量研究已成为学前教育领域的重要研究主题.国外大量研究已证明高质量的学前教育有利于儿童在认知、社会性、情感等方面的发展,尤其对处境不利的儿童帮助更大.这促进了人们对早期教育机构质量重要性的认识,并促使研究者从不同的视角对早期教育质量的性质、内涵构成及表现指标进行了较为广泛而深入的研究,确定质量应是一个哲学术语而非技术术语,应全面关注质量的结构性、过程性与结果性要素,同时积极开展了学前教育机构质量评价实践,形成了多个具有一定影响的评价量表.研究者还须在评价方法的多样性、内外评价关系处理、评价工具的开发与客观运用等方面加强研究.我国早期教育机构建设应在借鉴上述研究成果的基础上,突出主流的质量价值观,强调过程性评价,结合自身实际,构建科学的多元的质量监控机制与评价体系,以推动我国学前教育机构健康可持续发展.  相似文献   

In this qualitative study, we examined the lived experiences of three typically developing children participating in inclusive preschool programs for children with special needs. Inclusion has been considered a best practice in early childhood programs for many years; however, some may still argue that the benefits for children with disabilities are greater than for those without. Prior research has explored the benefits of inclusion for young children with special needs but has not focused as intentionally on the benefits for young children with typical abilities. In this study, we followed three preschool children with typical development for one school year. Employing an hermeneutical framework, we used observations, interviews with teachers and parents, and artifact reviews to examine how these three children made meaning of their experiences. Findings indicated that all three children made social gains and demonstrated improved perceptions of peer with disabilities after participating in their respective programs. The results suggest that inclusive preschool programs may be viewed as beneficial for all children.  相似文献   

As inclusion of young children with disabilities into preschool programs has become more prevalent, there have been concomitant changes in the roles assumed by the professionals and paraprofessionals in these programs. In this paper we examine the ways in which inclusive models influence the roles assumed by the program staff and the factors that affect the ability of staff members to assume these roles. Data, which included interviews, participant observation and document analysis, were collected as part of a multi-site national study of inclusive education programs and practices. From these data, themes emerged regarding the changing roles and relationships of staff members in inclusive early childhood programs. These themes are discussed as both facilitators of and barriers to successful inclusive programs.  相似文献   

Facilitating the Development of Assessment Literacy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When STARS reform efforts were launched in 2000, teacher training in assessment was seen as crucial to the success of the program. The STARS reform efforts focus on both supporting the implementation of quality classroom assessment practices and implementing a district-based accountability system. The training programs described in this article were developed in response to one or both of these needs. Two of the programs were designed to provide training to experienced teacher. The other two programs were designed to meet the needs of pre-service teachers. Evidence suggests that the training programs have had a positive impact on teacher confidence, knowledge, and skill in key areas of assessment. In addition, there also appears to be evidence, while somewhat limited, which suggests students also experience positive outcomes.  相似文献   

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