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文章分析了目前阐释信息概念的几种做法,指出它们的不足之处。提出以系统的整体观看待信息概念的新思路,由此引出“信息概念体”的看法。并对“信息概念体”的几层含义及相互关系进行较详细的分析。对一些学科直接引用狭义信息论的信息定义提出不同的看法  相似文献   

社会已进入到信息时代,面对信息的爆炸式增长,高校档案工作者必须提高自身的信息素养,以应对信息社会的挑战。本文从什么是信息素养入手,分析了信息素养的概念以及概念的发展,就加强高校档案工作者信息素养培养的重要性进行了分析,初步探讨了培养高校档案工作者信息素养的途径。  相似文献   

根据Klinge和Nicolle的论述,句子的成分可分为命题内容和操作成分两类。命题内容传递概念信息.而操作成分则传递程序信息。句子表达的语言意义就是程序信息与概念信息的结合。概念信息和程序信息这两个概念有助于人们更好地理解英语时态的意义。  相似文献   

数学不仅是较简洁、较深刻表达物理概念、规律的语言,而且是研究物理学的抽象思维和推理的工具.在物理发展过程中,观察和实验是物理学的基础,而数学是物理学研究不可缺少的工具,借助它收集信息、分析信息、处理信息,进而建立物理概念和推演物理规律,建立物理学的理论体系.例如天体力学结合数学推导,  相似文献   

信息的特征和功能魏韵琴一、信息的内涵信息是当代自然科学、社会科学以及日常生活中都广泛使用的概念。但是,这一广泛使用的概念在学术界并没有一个确切的定义。据有关资料统计,仅有文献可查的信息定义已超过200个。信息论的创始人美国科学家克劳特·申农曾于194...  相似文献   

移学语言中的信息差是普遍存在的,正确认识信息差的概念及教学语言信息差的基本类型、形成原因、调控方法等相关问题,科学调控信息差,对推进教学改革、提高教学质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

信息搜索是主要的互联网应用技术之一.本阐述了信息搜索的概念、方法、高级技巧、需要注意的问题等,以提高获取信息的能力,培养信息素质。  相似文献   

从信息素养的概念、信息素养的构成要素入手,提出了职业院校教师信息素养培养的三条途径与方法。  相似文献   

性信息传播对儿童的影响卜卫一、有关概念和说明在讨论这个问题之前,有两个概念需要界定和说明,一是儿童的性信息范畴,一是媒介传播。儿童的性信息范畴比我们想象得要广泛和复杂。它的核心是性行为,但成人社会通常对儿童保密,大部分公开的媒介几乎不演示性行为,所以...  相似文献   

关于教育信息若干问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文围绕教育信息这个主题,探讨了与其相关的若干概念、教育信息传播模式、教育信息的增值与增殖、教育信息传播链的干扰等问题,尤其从新的角度探讨教育信息的增值与增殖,对教育传播理论建设有一定的启示  相似文献   

Good conceptual understanding of physics is based on understanding what the key concepts are and how they are related. This kind of understanding is especially important for physics teachers in planning how and in what order to introduce concepts in teaching; connections which tie concepts to each other give direction of progress—there is “flux of information” so that what was learned before provides the basis for learning new ideas. In this study, we discuss how such ordering of concepts can be made visible by using concept maps and how they can be used in analysing the students’ views and ideas about the inherent logic of the teaching plans. The approach discussed here is informed by the recent cognitively oriented ideas of knowledge organisation concentrating on simple knowledge organisation patterns and how they form the basis of more complex concept networks. The analysis of such concept networks is then very naturally based on the use of network theory on analysing the concept maps. The results show that even in well-connected maps, there can be abrupt changes in the information flux in the way knowledge is passed from the initial levels to the final levels. This suggests that handling the information content is very demanding and perhaps a very difficult skill for a pre-service teacher to master.  相似文献   

网络时代为编辑工作提供了快捷的信息传输和丰富的科技信息资源,编辑的理念也呈现出新的变化。通过探讨网络时代编辑理念变化因素及趋势,提出编辑必须更新思想观念,改变传统的工作模式,提高综合素质,以适应网络时代的发展要求。  相似文献   


In view of the lack of work on the understanding of resistance concept, we studied the understanding that high school students (from the eighth to the twelfth grades) were able to develop with regard to the interrelationships between this concept, and the potential difference and current concepts (Ohm's law). In addition, we explored the immediate effects of exposure to electricity courses on the intuitive mastery of these relationships. The participants were presented with information on potential difference and intensity of current and asked to predict the corresponding resistance values. In this current-potential difference context, the resistance concept was difficult to understand. For the majority of participants, resistance was a direct function of both current and potential difference, which is more reminiscent of the concept of power than of the concept of resistance. The systematic teaching of electricity concepts and Ohm's law had only limited, positive as well as negative, effects on the understanding of these relationships. The implications for education are discussed.  相似文献   

The theoretical background and different methods ofconcept mapping for use in teaching and in research on learning processes are discussed. Two mathematical projects, one on fractions and one on geometry, are presented in more detail. In the first one special characteristics of concept maps were elaborated. In the second one concept mapping allowed students' individual understanding to be monitored over time and provided information about students' conceptual understanding that would not have been obtained using other methods. Regarding the students' individual concept maps in more detail there were some additional findings: (i) The characteristics of the maps change remarkably from fourth grade to sixth grade; (ii) There is some evidence that prior knowledge related to some mathematical topics plays a very important role in students' learning behaviour and in their achievement; (iii) Concept maps provide information about how individual students relate concepts to form organised conceptual frameworks; (iv) Long-term difficulties with specific concepts are able to be traced. These findings are discussed with regard to results of other studies as well as to their implications for the teaching of mathematics in the classroom.  相似文献   

"杭州图书馆面向所有读者免费开放"很好地体现了现代图书馆服务均等、知识自由、文化公平、政治民主、社会包容等现代理念。服务均等消除了身份差异,对弱势群体给予了关爱。知识自由使所有人都能自由地获取知识,改变命运;文化公平解决了现实社会文化信息不公平的矛盾,实现了文化信息资源公共、公开、共享;政治民主是图书馆进行民主教育的最终目标;社会包容促进社会民主与社会和谐,减少或避免社会排斥。解读现代图书馆五大理念,对提升现代图书馆的社会责任具有现实意义。  相似文献   

教学信息化与教学理念革新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代化信息技术改变了人们对阅读、写作和计算的认识,对教育革新带来了几乎无尽的可能性。教学过程的信息化是新技术与新观念相互作用的过程。教学信息化对教师、学生角色的冲击为树立正确的教学信息化观念提出了迫切要求。应用现代化信息技术深化教学改革,首先要树立正确的教育信息化观念。  相似文献   

“话题”(Topic)是和“述题”(Comment)相对的话语层面的概念,语义上的“有关性”(Aboutness)是话题和述题之间的基本关系属性。从词性上看,体词性或谓词性的句法成分都可以充当话题;从数量上看,话题可以不止一个。话题是“准话题”(Further-topic)的现实表现。“话题”和“焦点”(Focus)是从不同的语用层面进行的分类,两者可以在信息新旧度上建立起一个由旧到新的连续统。  相似文献   

整合就是指一个系统内各要素的整体协调、相互渗透,以使系统各要素发挥其最大作用.课程整合是使分化了的教学系统中的各要素及其各成分形成有机联系并成为整体的过程.信息技术与化学学科的整合,就是以化学学科知识的学习作为载体,把信息技术作为工具和手段渗透到化学学科的教学中去,形成一套行之有效的化学概念探究式教学模式.  相似文献   

知识经济的兴起对现代财务管理的环境、观念、目标、方法和手段等带来极大影响,要求对建立在传统经济基础之上的财务管理模式加以改革。要树立以人为本的观念、知识化观念、信息化观念、风险观念以及竞争与合作相统一等新的理财观念;要提高财务管理人员的综合素质,以适应知识经济对财务管理的要求。  相似文献   

信息社会的到来使高职院校图书馆面临其他信息服务机构的竞争和读者流失等诸多挑战,将营销的理念引入高职院校图书馆势在必行.文章对图书馆营销基本概念做了阐述,在分析了高职院校图书馆引入营销必要性的基础上,从5个方面探索了高职院校图书馆服务营销策略.  相似文献   

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