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童年期的出现是人类特殊的进化过程的产物,童年期的延长是生物进化与社会文化发展的必然要求和产物。童年是自然赋予,剥夺儿童享受童年的乐趣,就是剥夺儿童的生命权,是对自然人性的扭曲,对自然规律的践踏。  相似文献   

对童年期和童年文化本质的认识是早期 (幼儿 )教育理论研究的一个重要课题 ,因为早期(幼儿 )教育理论只有建立在对童年期和童年文化本质的跨学科探索的基础上 ,才能努力摆脱当前的肤浅和狭隘 ,才能谈得上真正尊重幼儿。文章试图从幼态持续这一问题入手 ,对童年期和童年文化的本质进行初步探讨 ,同时 ,强调童年文化的核心是儿童在其身心发育的原发性基础上 ,在其生活的微环境中 ,通过与父母及周围人的对话、交往 ,积极、主动地建构自己的心理世界。儿童的发展是一个自然历史和文化历史两条发展路线相互交织、融合和建构的过程。  相似文献   

儿童与童年期的分离,首先剥夺了儿童的游戏权.随着儿童游戏权利的剥夺,同时也就剥夺了儿童的体验权.  相似文献   

童年期是个体心理发展的一个重要阶段.在童年期个性和社会性的发展过程中,家庭教育对儿童自控能力的影响很大.独裁型、惩罚型或溺爱型的家庭教育方式,会剥夺儿童练习自我控制的机会和动力,而使之缺乏自我控制能力.教育和调节儿童与环境的关系对儿童自我意识的发展起着重要作用.咨询师在学校心理个体咨询辅导中发现,外显的是儿童自我控制能力和自我意识发展不良引发的常见的儿童心理行为问题,内隐的是儿童母亲作为儿童成长的重要他人,给儿童心理成长所带来的影响,因此将儿童母亲情绪管理的改善作为切入点进行心理支持,将使儿童的心理问题及行为得到改善.  相似文献   

童年是进化史的产物,是"幼态持续"的结果,是一种自然意志、自然设计、自然趋向、自然目的的体现。儿童本质上是赤子、"天人""自然人"。童心主义乃古代中国哲学的内核,是古代中国人具有世界意义的伟大思想。尼采与海德格尔对赫拉克利特"主宰是儿童"的支援和阐释,揭示了儿童的存在论统治地位。儿童本位不只是现代教育学的基本原则,也是建设现代社会、文化、伦理、政治的根本法则。儿童、儿童世界与儿童研究均是复杂的隐喻系统。童年哲学或成"未来哲学"体系的核心,并将有助于促成中国哲学的复兴。  相似文献   

农村儿童大部分时间生活在寄宿制学校并度过德性成长关键的童年期,凸显童年议题的重要性.农村儿童的童年有三个层面的德育价值,包括农村家庭中的情感童年、村落习俗中的文化童年、人类命运中的乡土童年.农村寄宿制学校使儿童脱离家庭、村落并进入集镇导致童年断裂,对农村儿童德性成长造成不良影响,具体表现为:"宿而不家"的寄宿生活分离儿童与家庭使情感童年转向寄宿童年;"教化上移"的现代学校分离儿童与习俗生活使文化童年转向知识童年;"离乡离土"的寄宿 制学校分离儿童与村落使乡土童年转向城市童年.农村寄宿制学校应从三方面复归童年:通过"寄宿而家"关爱童年营造道德的寄宿生活;通过"教化平移"拓展童年生长的地方文化空间;通过"重建乡土"守护人类童年的乡土伦理根基.  相似文献   

儿童期的特性及文化环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童的存在不仅具有生物学上的意义,更体现着文化学的理解。对儿童期意义与特性的探讨表明了人不仅是进化的产物,也是历史的结果。人的“生理”童年期对于人的成长是必不可少的时期,而“社会”童年期的长短则取决于人类社会发展的成熟程度。“生理”的童年期与“社会”的童年期相互影响、相互促进,儿童期作为人的发展中的一个特定阶段,需要充分的时间来发展自我、超越自我。  相似文献   

●童年生态正面临根本性危机中国目前儿童教育危机的最根本的症结是童年生态的被破坏。一个主要表现就是童年的身体生活的被挤压甚至被剥夺,从而造成了儿童生活中的身体不在场。基于功利主义的打算,成人对书本文化顶礼膜拜,却抽取在儿童成长中具有原点和根基意义的身体生活。这  相似文献   

近年来,儿童社会化的速度不断加快,"儿童成人化"问题日益突出。服装、娱乐和文学作品的成人化趋势是当今"儿童过度社会化"的主要症结和表现,其根源在于成人和社会以"小大人"和"工具化"为表现的儿童观。只有真正地认识、了解儿童,重视童年期的价值并提倡"无为",才能让儿童真正拥有属于自己的童年世界。  相似文献   

一、析因:当下小学生的“浅层感悟”源自童年身体生活的缺乏 当前,儿童的童年生态出现了严重的危机。其中一个主要表现就是童年的身体生活被挤压甚至被剥夺,从而造成了儿童生活中的身体不在场。  相似文献   

幼儿教育的“实然”状态主要表现为远离幼儿现实生活,忽视幼儿当下生活。幼儿教育的“应然”状态应达到让幼儿成为幸福幼儿的目标,这要求幼儿教育必须关注幼儿的现实生活,把幼儿当成幼儿,让幼儿生活在童年里;关注幼儿的可能生活,为幼儿创造发展的条件,引导幼儿积极建构他们的完美生活。  相似文献   

Issues of pedagogy are critical in all aspects of early childhood education. Early childhood mathematics is no exception. There is now a great deal of guidance available to teachers in terms of high‐quality early childhood mathematics teaching. Consequently, the characteristics of high‐quality early childhood mathematics education are clearly identifiable. Issues such as building on young children’s prior‐to‐school knowledge; engaging children in general mathematical processes; and assessing and documenting children’s learning are some of the key aspects of high‐quality early childhood mathematics education. The extent to which teachers of four‐ and five‐year‐old children in primary schools in Ireland incorporate current pedagogical guidance in early childhood mathematics education was explored in 2007 in a nationally representative questionnaire survey of teachers of four‐ and five‐year‐old children attending primary schools. This paper presents some of the findings of the study in relation to teachers’ self‐reported challenges, difficulties and priorities in teaching early childhood mathematics. Implications are drawn for professional development, curriculum guidance and educational policy.  相似文献   

Kate Adams 《Education 3-13》2013,41(5):523-537
Notions of a good childhood are inextricably linked with well-being. Both concepts are central to a contentious debate about the quality of childhood in the UK, which is partly situated within the ‘childhood in crisis’ discourse which opponents claim is overstated. This study contributes to the debate by hearing thevoices of children as co-constructors of their own childhood. Perceptions of childhood were collected through semi-structured group interviews with 56 children aged 7–11 in a school in an economically deprived town in east England.Children spontaneously identified childhood in a positive way. Further questioning was required to explore the negative aspects. Childhood was mostly considered preferable to adulthood which was deemed tedious and stressful although children also identified advantages to being older. Implications for primary schools’ well-being agenda, and the place of the school in shaping childhood, are discussed.  相似文献   

成晓娟 《成才之路》2020,(3):106-107
电化教育和传播媒体呈现的生动形象的视频、动听的音乐、美轮美奂的画面,迎合了幼儿不同的感觉器官,符合幼儿的认知规律。信息技术运用于幼儿教育活动中,是时代发展对幼儿教育的要求,可以有效地促进幼儿核心素养的形成和发展,也使幼儿教育焕发出新的生命活力。文章对如何让信息技术助力幼儿核心素养教育进行探讨。  相似文献   

蒋勤 《天津教育》2021,(11):171-172
幼儿教育是针对学龄前儿童的教育,目前幼儿教育往往是有严重的小学化倾向。为了解决当前幼儿教育中小学化的趋势,有必要分析其表现和形成原因,最终制定完善的解决策略,提高幼儿教育的效率,使儿童在良好的教育体系下实现健康稳定的发展目标。  相似文献   

卢琪 《成才之路》2020,(5):100-101
民间游戏是传统文化的表现形式之一,具有较强的趣味性和文化性,能够满足幼儿教育的发展需要。将民间游戏融入幼儿教育,能激发幼儿学习兴趣,调动幼儿学习的积极性,让幼儿在游戏的过程中获得丰富的文化知识,达到寓教于乐的目的。文章结合幼儿教育实践,对巧用民间游戏提升幼儿综合素质进行探讨。  相似文献   

The inclusive education of children with disabilities is considered best practice, yet many early childhood educators feel unprepared to deliver appropriate instruction for children with disabilities and often require supports to successfully meet the children’s unique needs. Young children experiencing autism spectrum disorder are being diagnosed at a young age and they are commonly receiving their education within inclusive early childhood settings. This article presents two methods to meet the needs of children with autism spectrum disorder. First, early childhood educators can provide interventions tailored to the children’s learning needs. Second, educators can adapt the environment, materials, activity, instruction, and assistance they provide so that each child is appropriately supported, while still being encouraged to succeed as independently as possible. This article summarizes research-based interventions and adaptations that early childhood educators can implement within inclusive settings to meet the diverse needs of young children with autism spectrum disorder and presents a case study to describe how these practices can support young children with autism spectrum disorder within inclusive settings.  相似文献   

Bullying is a serious problem that affects the young children’s well being. Early childhood educators find it difficult to manage bullying in the classroom. Preschool is the first environment outside of the home setting where children encounter difficulties when they socially interact with their peers. Based on the principles of protecting and establishing a safe environment for all children, the purpose of this review is to present current empirical evidence about the nature and distinctive facet of bullying among preschool children. It defines both the concept of traditional school bullying and bullying in early childhood education, describes the social context of young children’s bullying, differentiates between bullies and victims in early childhood education, discusses the young children’s interpretations of bullying, describes the young children’s functions in bullying, and provides a rationale for the use of bully prevention programs for young children.  相似文献   

This article is a synthesis of research on the consequences of obesity for all stakeholders in the field of early childhood: young children, family members of young children, and teachers of young children. The article examines the effects of obesity on the wellness, self-esteem, peer relationships, and social status of children/families and early childhood teachers. The argument is set forth that discrimination on the basis of body size is often thinly veiled classism and racism and the paper calls for an acceptance of size diversity in the early childhood field. Practical recommendations for working with children who are seriously overweight and with families conclude the article.  相似文献   

提倡基于近现代童年观的儿童教育,使儿童过上应有的童年生活,享有应有的童年欢乐,从而帮助他们顺利度过童年,并使他们的根基变得茁壮。发展充满后劲。  相似文献   

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