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The article deals with the results achieved by the adoption of the SAPPHO method (developed by the Science Policy Research Unit of Sussex University) to the conditions of the Hungarian electronics industry. The results coincide to a great extent with those established in the course of the survey made in England, although there are some significant differences.  相似文献   

基于农业技术采纳意愿和行为理论,界定设施蔬菜信息技术概念及分类,从农户角度系统分析了设施蔬菜信息技术采纳行为;从生产者、政府、研究单位和技术角度探索我国设施蔬菜信息技术推广扩散机制,探寻设施蔬菜信息技术推广应用的最佳推广扩散路径,并提出设施蔬菜信息技术发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

ICTs and Internet adoption in China's tourism industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fast development of information communication technologies (ICTs) and the expansion of the Internet have changed industry structures around the world. New technologies have been adopted in the tourism industry in Europe and America for more than 30 years, and the trend is likely to continue into the future. China, as a fast-growing developing country in Asia, is gaining importance in the international tourism market for its historical and cultural attractiveness as a destination. It is also becoming a booming tourism source country as its population starts travelling overseas. This study examines how the ICT and Internet gradually change the tourism industry structure in China; how important such changes are, and to where such changes will lead China's tourism industry. This exploratory research is conducted based on information collected from several tourism organisations, such as airlines, hotels, tour operators, visitor attractions and the tourism authorities within China.  相似文献   

市场化并不等于完全放弃政府干预,转轨经济时期我国高新技术产业市场化过程中应该赋予政府更多的职能。在借鉴发达国家经验的基础上,本文指出对高新技术产业市场化建设我国政府应该在战略决策、法律支持、政策环境、协调功能、服务功能以及产权改革中发挥作用。  相似文献   

纺织业可持续发展的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别从自然、经济、科技、社会环境及政府、行业协会、企业管理能力等入手,分析它们对纺织业可持续发展的影响,指出自然资源是基础性因素,经济发展是动力性因素,技术创新与技术进步是主导性因素,社会环境是决定性因素。  相似文献   

甄峰 《科研管理》2016,37(2):29-36
本文利用我国纺织业规模以上工业企业数据,应用扩展的Cobb-Douglas生产函数和渐进引入变量的系统比较方法,测度不同企业群下自主研发、引进吸收、员工培训等创新行为对劳动生产率的影响。结果表明不同创新行为均能够提升生产率,多种创新行为协同作用有更为明显的效果;自主研发在中等规模企业、私营企业和港澳台投资企业有更强的作用力,在外资企业中影响力不显著。引进吸收在国有企业和外资企业中有更强的影响力。山东比江苏、浙江等纺织业强省的创新影响力更强。  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple profitability-based decision model to show how synergistic gains generated by the joint adoption of complementary innovations may influence the firm's adoption decision. For this purpose a weighted index of intra-firm diffusion is built to investigate empirically the drivers of the intensity of joint use of a set of complementary innovations. The findings indicate that establishment size, ownership structure and product market concentration are important determinants of the intensity of use. Interestingly, the factors that affect the extent of use of technological innovations do also affect that of clusters of management practices. However, they can explain only part of the heterogeneity of the benefits from joint use.  相似文献   

纺织业可持续发展能力评价指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合我国国情和纺织业自身发展实际,探究我国纺织业可持续发展能力评价指标体系构建的原则,从资源支持水平、经济发展水平、科技发展水平及与社会环境协调发展水平等四个方面构建纺织业可持续发展能力评价的指标体系。  相似文献   

Smart tourism and the sharing economy within it are transforming human lives and are considered a huge innovation in the industry. This change inevitably creates huge resistance, which did not obtain much attention. Thus, this study focuses on sharing economy's risk aspects, which have become a social issue. It investigates how risks affect the development and diffusion of the sharing economy, especially in Airbnb. This study adopts extended model of goal-directed behavior and depicts the decision-making process of potential Airbnb users to analyze risk effect. Results of structural equation modeling applied to 300 potential customers indicate that privacy and financial risks negatively affect the intention to use the sharing economy. However, physical and performance risks are positively related with behavioral intention or desire. This risk paradox can be explained by the disruptive innovation of the sharing economy and the characteristics of risk engagement in tourism. Implications for research and practice are discussed along with the findings of the study.  相似文献   

“十三五”期间,再生资源产业发展备受重视,规模不断扩大。可以预计的是,该产业与其他产业间的关联关系将更加紧密,对国民经济的影响也将加大。然而现有文献对这方面的研究相对较少。本文基于投入产出方法,采用2007年、2012年中国投入产出表,实证分析再生资源产业的关联效应和宏观经济效应。结果表明:① 再生资源产业前向关联大于后向关联,即对下游产业(如钢压延产品加工业、造纸和纸制品业等部门)的支撑大于对上游产业(如塑料制品业、有色金属压延加工业等部门)的拉动;② 再生资源产业受国民经济发展的拉动作用大于其对整个国民经济的推动作用;③ 再生资源产业投资效应最强,就业和出口效应较弱,消费效应为零;④ 样本期内,产业关联和宏观经济效应均有所提升。可见,该产业未来的发展势头良好,除了具有显著的环境效益之外,也将发挥良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

本文主要根据运筹学原理并依据纺织服装产品的不同,具体探讨了其采购模型及库存预测与优化模型的建立等相关问题。  相似文献   

为实现羊绒产品全过程的绿色供应链管理,有必要对羊绒纺织业制造供应链的绿色化程度进行评价.通过对羊绒纺织业制造供应链各阶段对环境的影响及绿色化途径的分析,针对供应链不同阶段的特点开发了基于实现绿色化的手段和绿色化可能实现的环境绩效的羊绒纺织业制造供应链绿色化评价指标体系.根据指标的特点设计了基于三角白化权函数的灰色聚类评估模型的对羊绒纺织业制造供应链整体绿色化程度评价模型,同时基于系统协同度模型设计了评价羊绒纺织业制造供应链各阶段绿色化协同程度的评价方法.特定评价指标的开发与协同度评价的提出有助于提高供应链绿色化评价的准确性并可以为绿色供应链管理决策提供更丰富的信息支持.  相似文献   

Qing Mu 《Research Policy》2005,34(6):759-783
This paper examines the growth of technological capability in the telecommunication industry in China. We apply a modified version of Lee and Lim's [Lee, K., Lim, C., 2001. The technological regimes, catch-up and leapfrogging: findings from the Korean industries. Research Policy, vol. 30.] model of technological learning and catching-up. Using the three cases of the Shanghai Bell, the CIT-led R&D consortium, and indigenous companies such as Huawei, we analyze how the catching-up in the telecommunication industry occurred. We find that the important factors in the catch-up are the strategy of “trading market for technology,” the knowledge diffusion from Shanghai Bell both to the R&D consortium and to Huawei, and industrial promotion by the government. As a condition for successful catch-up, the paper points out that the technological regime of the telephone switches is featured by a more predictable technological trajectory and a lower cumulativeness. These conditions and strategies helped the Chinese firms to achieve a stage-skipping catch-up, namely, by skipping the stage of analogue electronic switches to jump to digital electronic switches.  相似文献   

随着城市化的发展和人均收入的提高,中国居民对猪肉的需求日益增长。猪肉生产耗水量大,其包括饲料作物生长所消耗的水,也包括生猪生产过程所消耗的水。本文从生猪生产的角度计算了2001-2012年生猪生产耗水,结果表明生猪生产水足迹由2001年的3.39m3/kg下降到2012年的3.31m3/kg,但生猪生产耗水却从2001年的1 910亿m3上升到2012年的2 650亿m3,增长了38.95%。运用对数平均迪氏指数法(Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index,LMDI)对影响生猪生产耗水的因素进行了分析。在影响生猪生产耗水的3个因素中,人口的增长和猪肉消费量的增加导致生猪生产耗水的增加,而生猪生产水足迹的降低则会降低生猪生产耗水,三者中,猪肉消费量对生猪生产耗水的贡献最大。同时,农场耗水所占比例不断增加。本研究第一次揭示了长时间尺度,中国大、中、小规模化及散养养殖情况下,生猪生产水足迹的变化以及生产耗水。这有助于处理中国生猪产业的快速发展和耗水量不断增加的关系,促进生猪产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The comparative kilogram-price of an equivalent product group in international trade is a rough indication of underlying technological capability. Although there are many theoretical and practical difficulties involved in applying this approach to East-West trade, these difficulties can be minimised by a careful selection of product groups. In this connection, advanced chemical products are particularly suitable because the chemical industry is one in which both kilogram-prices and technological sophistication tend to increase hand-in-hand at successive stages of manufacture. The results of this enquiry are quite striking. From the standpoint of bilateral trade, the kilogram-prices of Soviet and East European exports to the EEC countries are consistently lower than those of corresponding imports from the EEC. Throughout the period 1960–1972 these differentials appears to be closing either very slowly or not at all, while the Soviet and East European share of the EEC marked has remained more or less constant or has declined since the mid-1960's. From the alternative perspective of the “neutral” Yugoslavian market, the kilogram-prices of EEC exports are again consistently higher than those obtained by the Comecon coun tries. Moreover, there has been a considerable eroson in the market share of the Comecon countries since the mid-1960's. These general findings are broadly in line with other kinds of estimates and suggest that in these relatively advanced and dynamic sectors of industry, Soviet and East European technology is at present substantially inferior to that of the Common Market countries.  相似文献   

产业集群内关键共性技术的选择——以浙江为例   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
虞锡君 《科研管理》2006,27(1):80-84
产业集群内关键共性技术的选择不仅是提升产业集群自主创新能力的现实抓手,也是构建区域创新体系的重要环节。总结浙江的新鲜经验,区域科技创新服务中心、骨干企业的研发中心、引进大院名校共建的研发机构是产业集群内关键共性技术的三个创新载体。"三链分析法"、三结合选择法和市场化选择法是产业集群内关键共性技术的三种选择方法。  相似文献   

The innovative broadband Internet industry is characterised by inertia phenomena in terms of technology choice, as well as selection of Internet service providers (ISPs). Within the set of firms providing the Internet, very often in Europe the incumbent operator has the lion's share of end-customers and supplies the dominant technology. Focusing on the French case, this paper shows that although inertia on the supply side (partly due to the regulation process itself), helps to explain the technology mix reached to date, a more complete picture of the inertia can be obtained when we consider the existence of costs faced by customers when switching between ISPs. We calculate these so-called “switching costs”. The closing section of this paper derives several implications in terms of policy.  相似文献   

Permissioned blockchain utilized by any organization is commonly known as Enterprise Blockchain (EBC). EBC represents a popular investment option as enterprise system in the service industry. This paper aims at analyzing the perception of EBC among practitioners in service industry. As significant hype prevails about EBC usefulness in service industry, we examine if the perception of the usefulness of EBC among practitioners is borne out of knowledge of theoretical benefits of EBC, or is it borne out of the hype. A scale for measuring EBC benefits is developed. In order to test the hypothesized relationships, structural equation modelling (SEM) is used. We extend the concept of perceived usefulness from technology acceptance model for service supply chain management (SCM) and measure the perceived usefulness of EBC for six supply chain dimensions in the service industry. We examine if the service industry managers perceive EBC to be profitable based on the practical usefulness of EBC in various dimensions of service SCM. Moderating effects of 5 factors are analysed on relationships of our research model. This paper provides insights about the dimensions of service SCM, in which service industry practitioners perceive EBC to be useful and may contribute to increment in organization’s profitability.  相似文献   

探讨了产业集群中企业开展技术创新所依赖的知识基础的分布性和知识基础的两种类型,并在此基础上提出了产业集群创新网络的两种表现形式和特征,进而研究了基于全面型创新网络的交互式学习的组成,最后以东莞大朗的毛织产业集群为例,分析其知识基础的组成和创新网络中的企业基于不同知识基础的交互式学习。  相似文献   

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