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In the absence of a dedicated subject for teaching general religious education, the inclusion of Civics and Citizenship education as a new subject within the first Federal Australian Curriculum provides an important opportunity for teaching the religious within Australian schools. The curriculum for Civics and Citizenship requires students to learn that Australia is both a secular nation and a multi-faith society, and to understand religions practised in contemporary Australia. The term ‘secular’ and the need for students to learn about Australia’s contemporary multi-faith society raise some significant issues for schools and teachers looking to implement Civics and Citizenship. Focusing on public (state-controlled) schools, the argument here draws on recent analysis within the Australian context to suggest that religion remains an important factor in understanding and shaping democratic citizenship in Australia, that this should be acknowledged within public schools, and that a constructivist, dialogical-based pedagogy provides possibilities for recognising the religious within Civics and Citizenship education.  相似文献   

受历史因素影响,澳门中小学公民教育整体水平比较落后。回归后,随着经济的持续快速增长,各种社会问题不断出现,澳门特区政府日益认识到提高公民素质、进行公民教育的重要性。然而,缺乏本地合用的教科书,导致公民教育的成效并不理想。为此,澳门教育暨青年局与人民教育出版社合作开发了《品德与公民》教科书。针对青少年国家观念与公民意识的缺失的现状,"公民与政府"分册的编写进行了有益的尝试,以提升公民参与能力,促进澳门社会的繁荣与稳定。  相似文献   

工学结合本质上是一种教育活动,也是教育与生产劳动相结合理论的特殊实践。由于生产劳动对教育活动具有规定性作用,工学结合需要依据生产活动的规律和要求对教育教学活动进行调整,同时也就具有了由当前生产活动所决定的性质特点。工学结合的过程实质是以工作过程为基础向学习和教学转化的过程:在目的上,需要在促进企业生产中实现学生的职业能力发展;在各主要要素的关系上,需要在生产活动的主客体关系基础上实现教育的主体性。  相似文献   

多媒体学习理论是一个贯通了学习理论与教学理论的科学体系。作为学习理论的多媒体学习认知理论基于双重编码理论、工作记忆模型以及生成加工理论,解释了学习者通过加工语词与画面所呈现的材料来建构知识的学习机制,属于解释性理论;作为教学理论的多媒体教学设计理论发展出一系列教学设计应遵循的原则,为教育实践提供了具有处方性意义的行动指南,属于处方性理论。解释性的学习理论为处方性的教学理论提供了扎实可靠的科学基础。在多媒体学习研究从学习理论向教学理论转化的过程中,多媒体教学设计理论是实现跃迁的关键环节,而认知负荷理论则是理论跃迁成功的关键变量。基于认知负荷理论,梅耶提出多媒体学习认知负荷三元模型,包括必要认知加工、外来认知加工和生成性认知加工。围绕这三类认知加工,梅耶及其同事进行了大量的实验研究,最终确定了12项与多媒体学习认知理论及其前提假设保持高度逻辑一贯性的多媒体教学设计原则。这些原则都是经得起实践检验的,但教学设计人员在应用的过程中,应明确各项原则的问题情境、适用范围等边际条件。  相似文献   

李松林 《教育研究》2012,(8):95-100
当前的教学论研究面临三大瓶颈:一是强调回到原点的教学论研究没有形成基于原点的研究问题域;二是试图改变教学论无"学"的尴尬境地,但对于教学条件下的若干机制性问题的探讨又非常欠缺;三是极力倡导教学论的原创性研究,但总体上仍然未能摆脱逻辑演绎的研究范式。推进教学论研究的突破口在于:回到原点,着力研究"学科"、"知识"、"能力"、"学习"、"发展"几个方面的原点问题;以学习与发展为主题,聚焦于教学条件下学生学习与发展的内在机制问题;以教学事实为基础,注重对实践经验的归纳概括。  相似文献   

This study identifies predictors of Hong Kong students’ civic learning. It has adopted a cross-sectional quantitative design using secondary data from the 2009 International Civics and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS 2009; Schulz et al., 2010). Multi-level analysis reveals that most of the variance in student achievement can be accounted for by school level rather than individual level factors. Student background variables are largely insignificant suggesting the resilience of many Hong Kong students. Regarding Hong Kong students’ achievements in civic learning, a possible explanation is made and implications are developed for both theory and practice.  相似文献   

教学行为关系到学生的学习效果,学生的学习行为一旦形成科学的模式,就能独立自主地开展思维活动和学习活动。寻找科学的教学模式,需要经过艰苦的教学实践过程,其中,既要注重事实的获得,又要崇尚价值观。我们需要的教学模式,应该是实践上被证实、理论上站得住、合乎时代精神的模式。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国情感教学研究大致经历了借鉴模仿与潜隐酝酿、初创形成与多元发展、深化拓展与反思总结三个阶段,发展出多种情感性教学流派,形成了稳定的研究领域。在情感教学的涵义、特征、目标、理论基础、过程、模式、策略等方面的研究取得了显著进展。情感教学与情感性教学之间存在着诸多情感共识和显著差异。情感教学研究在一定程度上存在着研究范式的心理学取向、教师情感的规约性取向、研究主题的操作性取向所导致的研究视角单一,研究思维固化,研究深度不足等突出问题。未来研究需要超越心理学研究范式,秉持复杂性研究立场,强化基础理论研究。  相似文献   

In late 2013 a new curriculum for Civics and Citizenship education was published by the Australian Curriculum and Assessment Reporting Authority for use in Australian schools. In line with previous curricular initiatives concerning education for citizenship in Australia a key rationale behind the new subject is the education of “active citizens”. Research evidence over the last 25 years paints a mixed picture regarding the extent to which the translation of policy intent has been successfully implemented within Australian schools. Exploring the new subject of Civics and Citizenship in Australia in the context of previous initiatives and existing research evidence, we explore the contested and complex nature of active citizenship around three key issues – the scope and form of action that constitutes citizenship in one’s communities, how young people themselves conceptualize and experience participation, the potential that active citizenship opportunities are interpreted as being synonymous with the use of active teaching and learning methods. On this basis we argue that the new curriculum provides some optimism for those committed to education for citizenship in Australian schools, but that this optimism needs to be tempered with a degree of caution.  相似文献   

Many students have found the learning of multiplication a difficult task. Without mastering multiplication facts, a student will always resort to fundamental strategies which may be undesirable in problem-solving. Many teachers and educators agree that learning basic facts in the four operations are the fundamental steps that precede learning harder facts. Referring to the aspect of computational errors, Knifong and Holton (1975) indicated that computational errors accounted for 49% of the total errors made by 35 students who sat for the Metropolitan. Achievement Test. Suydam (1975) and NCTM (1977) stressed the importance of basic facts even though calculators and lately computers have been introduced into the school curriculum. The purpose of this study was to investigate the methodology of teaching basic facts which would alleviate the problems of teaching these facts to low achievers of Mathematics. A review of studies on thinking strategies shows that very few were carried out in learning the thinking strategies, particularly in multiplication using low achievers as the target. The success of using thinking strategies to teach multiplication number facts to most students does not imply its success in teaching all students. One of the intentions of this study is to investigate what strategies are useful in helping the low achievers in learning mathematics.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the Cambodian government's attempt to promote civic and moral values in Cambodia schools through the subject “Civics and Morals”. The paper argues that the tensions and challenges associated with civic and moral education are linked to a fundamental difference between the traditional view of education in Cambodia, and the modern view of education promoted by the Cambodian government and external donor agencies. It is further argued that policymakers need to promote the effective teaching and learning of civic and moral values with the support of the local community and religious institutions in Cambodia.  相似文献   

建构主义的知识观、学习观、学生观、师生角色的定位及作用、学习环境和教学原则等理论对教与学给予了新的诠释,为现代多媒体环境下的英语教和学提供了新的模式和视角。把建构主义学习理论、外显知识和内隐知识理论和学习层次理论应用于指导语法多媒体课件的开发与课堂教学有重要的实践价值。通过多维语境、视听剪辑以及结构解析等手段改革传统的语法教学,不仅使习得者有目的、有兴趣、主动地学习,从而实现外显知识和内隐知识的有机结合和转化;而且有利于教师更新教育教学观念,改进教学方法,优化课堂教学。  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论是当代西方一种新的学习理论,为我们提供了全新的教学观。根据建构主义学习理论的教学设计原则,结合西方经济学的教学特点,探讨在西方经济学教学中运用启发式教学、角色模拟和案例教学法、合作协议学习和体验式教学等教学方法,有助于提高西方经济学的教学效果。  相似文献   

文中从人类认知规律出发,针对物理基本内容和初中物理教学实际,论述了原型启发在初中物理教学中的重要作用及对培养学生能力的作用.结合教学实际给出原型启发在教学实践中的应用方法.  相似文献   

规范教学论的局限性来自两个失误:一是方法上的失误,二是主题的失误。存在于现实中并关怀存在的未来性,这就是教学论的意义所在。因此只有放弃知识论态度代之以另一种目的论态度去对待教学事实这一特殊的存在论事实,才能发现其中那种具有特殊意义的存在论问题。教学论在根本上是为了教与学双方生活的,凡是与“教育”观点缺乏距离感的“教学论”都是反对生活的理论,它们总是劝导每一个学生去过“标准”的生活,即他人的生活,这正是使教学变得没有意义的最主要原因。教学论以教学生活的根本问题为主题;教学生活的根本问题是生活本意或者说生活本身的目的;教学生活本意在于创造幸福感。  相似文献   

研究性学习是一种以学生为主的学习理念,它关注学生感受、理解知识产生和发展的过程,知识的自主建构是其实质与灵魂。对数学研究性学习概念、目的及本质的错误和片面认识,严重影响了数学教育对大学生个性健全发展的作用。地方高校公共数学开展研究性学习,应坚持以生为本理念和实事求是的态度,注重知识的铺垫和探究时间的保障,切实搞好教学方案设计、教学资源开发、具体教学实践等课前课内工作,确保研究性学习的有效性。  相似文献   

基于自我指导学习理论的成人教育教学设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成人学习相对于儿童学习,具有更强的自我导向性。因此,在成人教育的教学中应着重发挥成人学员自身的特点。诺尔斯的自我指导学习理论,对于指导成人教育的教学,制定适合成人学员的教学设计有积极的指导作用。  相似文献   

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