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以《中国高考评价体系》为研究前提和依据,架构2020年新高考数学全国Ⅰ卷分析框架,采用定量研究方法分别研究了新高考数学全国Ⅰ卷的考查内容、考查要求和考查载体.研究表明2020年新高考数学全国Ⅰ卷能够贯彻执行《中国高考评价体系》"一核四层四翼"的基本方略,突出数学学科的科学与教育价值的考核,注重函数、几何与代数的考查,数学建模能力的考查力度显著提高,但数学文化浸入数学考卷的力度还需要加强,创新性的考查还不够充分,探索创新和生活实践类问题情境上的考查相对较少.展望未来的新高考,统计与概率知识的考查应该会加大比重;数学建模能力的考查可能会持续加强;数学文化的考查将会逐步浸入到填空题与解答题之中;推陈出新的创新性题目将会层出不穷;生活实践类问题情境的创设可能会适当增加.  相似文献   

采用课程标准与喻平观点相整合的数学学科核心素养测评框架,对2020年高考数学全国Ⅱ卷(文科、理科)、浙江卷及海南卷中数学学科核心素养的考查情况进行比较分析.研究发现:4套试卷对数学思考类素养考查最多,其次是数学观察类素养,数学表达类素养考查相对最少;数学学科核心素养中知识迁移水平考查最多,知识理解水平次之,知识创新水平考查相对最少;4套试卷侧重考查的数学学科核心素养及水平各有特点;六大核心素养3个水平在4套试卷中考查的分值分布无显著差异.基于此,高考数学命题应全面评判核心素养的教育价值,统筹各核心素养水平的梯度,适当加强对数学表达类素养、知识创新水平的考查;深度挖掘教材中的核心素养素材,在积极开发多类型试题资源的同时兼顾核心素养水平考查的公平性,在及时总结试题测评核心素养有益经验的基础上不断完善数学学科核心素养测评框架.  相似文献   

一、高考复习中数学思想方法教学的必要性 高考试题重在考查对知识理解的准确性、深刻性,重在考查知识的综合灵活运用.它着眼于知识点新颖巧妙的组合,试题新而不偏,活而不过难;着眼于对数学思想方法、数学能力的考查.  相似文献   

1 2010年高考数学《考试大纲》对创新意识的考查要求对创新意识的考查是对高层次理性思维的考查.在考试中创设比较新颖的问题情境,构造有一定深度和广度的数学问题,要注重问题的多样化,体现思维的发散性.精心设计考查数学主体内容,体现数学素质的试题;反映数、形运动变化的试题;研究型、探索型、开放型的试题.2 2010年高考数学《考试大纲》对创新意识的能力要求创新意识:对新颖的信息、情境和设问,选择  相似文献   

高考试题重在考查对知识理解的准确性、深刻性,重在考查知识的综合灵活运用.它着眼于知识点新颖巧妙的组合,试题新而不偏,活而不过难;着眼于对数学思想方法、数学能力的考查.  相似文献   

06年广东省高考数学试题基本沿袭了05年试题的特点:总体结构、题型、考查的知识面基本保持稳定;试题在考查数学基础知识的基础上,注重对数学思想方法、数学能力的考查;试题的难度明显低于去年,更加符合考生的实际水平.基本达到了多角度、多层次、较全面地考查学生综合数学素养的要求.但试题间的层次性不够,甄别选拔功能不强,调控综合程度不太合理.具体分析有如下特点:  相似文献   

从高考分省命题以来,各省数学卷逐步形成了各自鲜明的特色和风格,但是"知能并重,深化能力立意;突出对创新意识和作为数学核心能力的思维能力的考查;注重对数学应用意识的考查",也就强化学生的数学素质考查作用.  相似文献   

近年高考《考试大纲》更加注重考察学生的数学思想方法,高考试题重在考查对知识理解的准确性、深刻性,重在考查知识的综合灵活运用.它着眼于知识点新颖巧妙的组合,试题新而不偏,活而不难;着眼于对数学思想方法、数学能力的考查.  相似文献   

著名数学教育家张奠宙先生认为数学本质的内涵包括:①数学知识的内在联系;②数学规律的形成过程;③数学思想方法的提炼;④数学理性精神的体验.本文基于数学本质阐释课标课程高考对不等式的考查要求,并对不等式的考查进行回顾和展望.  相似文献   

考研数学考什么?怎样复习才能考出好成绩?这是历届考研同学所想、所问的共性问题.只要认真、深入、细致地分析自1987年统考以来数学文理科的试卷,不难回答:考研数学考查的是三大基础——基本概念、基本理论、基本运算;考查的是多个知识点的综合分析能力;考查的是数学的建模能力——分析求解简单应用题的能力;考查的是运算熟练程度——解题速度.针对考什么的问题,考生应该采取的相应措施——  相似文献   

中国与俄罗斯高考的改革走向完全相反,俄罗斯长期以来一直进行高校自主招生,在试点的基础上将于2009年推行国家统一考试.俄罗斯试行的统一考试,其数学试题与我国雷同,但评价细则与我国有明显的差异.我国高考数学评价细则的制订应注意以下3点:(1)评价应着力体现学生解决数学问题的整体能力;(2)评价应更多关注学生的解决数学问题的过程;(3)评价应充分反映数学学习的内在价值。  相似文献   

发端于20世纪70年代末的高考改革已经走过了30余年。本文仅以考试技术的发展作为纵线,回顾和解析高考改革所走过的非凡历程:引进标准化考试技术的改革;普通高中毕业会考与高考的整体性改革;从知识立意到能力立意的渐交性改革;理论与现实中走向开放的"3 X"改革等。高考改革建立和完善了适合我国特点的考试制度,尤其是在理论上和技术上有了长足的进步,对教育发展产生了积极而深刻的影响。  相似文献   

The present study addressed two research questions: (a) the extent to which students who were exposed to meta-cognitive instruction are able to implement meta-cognitive processes in a delayed, stressful situation, in our case—being examined on the matriculation exam; and (b) whether students preparing themselves for the matriculation exam in mathematics, attain a higher level of mathematics achievement and meta-cognitive awareness (knowledge about cognition and regulation of cognition) as a result of being exposed to meta-cognitive instruction. Participants were 61 Israeli high school students who studied mathematics for four-point credit on the matriculation exam (middle level). About half of the students (N = 31) were assigned to meta-cognitive instruction, called IMPROVE, and the others (N = 30) studied with no explicit meta-cognitive guidance (control group). Analyses included both quantitative and qualitative methods. The later was based on students’ interviews, conducted about a couple of months after the end of the intervention, immediately after students completed the matriculation exam in mathematics. Results indicated that IMPROVE students outperformed their counterparts on mathematics achievement and regulation of cognition, but not on knowledge about cognition. Furthermore, during the matriculation exam, IMPROVE students executed different kinds of cognitive regulation processes than the control students. The theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

数学素质教育是提高学生数学考试水平的关键   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
数学考试水平要求学生具有良好的数学“双基”、数学能力与数学品质,但数学“应试”教育并没有充分挖掘学生的数学考试能力,只有实施数学素质教育,才能真正提高学生的数学考试水平,以提高学生的数学考试水平为突破口,逐步推行数学素质教育,是一条现实的、可行的和有效的途径。  相似文献   

Poor matriculation mathematics results in Bophuthatswana led us to make exploratory efforts to identify possible non-pedagogical factors responsible for such results. Two small scale studies were carried out to examine relationships of socio-personal variables to mathematics achievement. Study 1 looked into the impact of socioeconomic background, school alienation, sex, self-concept and attitude toward mathematics on mathematics performances of secondary school pupils, while study 2 was aimed at examining relationships of dogmatism and mathematics anxiety to mathematics achievement of first-year university students. The data of these two studies invite the attention of mathematics educators to the importance of attitude toward mathematics, mathematics anxiety, and dogmatism in mathematics achievement of Bophuthatswana secondary school and university students.  相似文献   

常妍 《成才之路》2020,(9):112-113
数学教学中,单元检测是检验学生阶段性学习效果的重要手段。文章结合多年的数学教学实践,对中学数学教学中如何分析学生的学习水平,巧妙设计单元检测试题进行论述,并结合检测结果进行科学合理的评价,从而较客观地反映学生的学习态度、知识深度理解、数学思维方法等,帮助学生实现自我能力的突破。  相似文献   

Little is known about the development of mathematics anxiety in elementary school students. To address this gap in knowledge, the authors evaluated students in Grades 3 and 6 on measures of mathematics anxiety, school test anxiety, and attitudes toward mathematics to determine (a) whether different forms of mathematics anxiety exist, (b) whether mathematics test anxiety differs from school test anxiety, and (c) whether mathematics anxiety is related to different attitudes toward mathematics. Evidence was found for two distinct forms of mathematics anxiety: test and problem-solving anxiety. Mathematics test anxiety increased with age relative to mathematics problem-solving anxiety; this result demonstrated that children become more anxious about mathematics testing situations as they progress through school. Mathematics test anxiety was related, but not identical, to school test anxiety, and students in both grades were less anxious about math tests than about academic testing generally. Finally, older students tended to show more positive attitudes toward mathematics than did younger students, and relations between these attitudes and the two forms of mathematics anxiety also changed between Grades 3 and 6.  相似文献   

近年来瑞典教育在国际排名中呈现下降趋势。为此,瑞典已推出多项旨在提高教育质量的改革措施,最新的改革是在小学教育中实施全国统一考试。标准化考试的一个可能的不利因素是带给学生考试焦虑,而考试焦虑可能影响考试成绩。本研究选择了三年级的40名学生样本,运用现代化的标准测试来测量学生在数学和瑞典语两门学科的考试焦虑。结果表明,考试焦虑与瑞典语的成绩不佳有关;数学笔算成绩与考试焦虑有着显著的相关关系。  相似文献   

This paper explains the variance in matriculation mathematics achievement of mature internal and external students at the University of Papua New Guinea. The 1984 and 1985 intakes of the Preliminary Year and Matriculation Studies were taken as samples. Six instruments were developed and administered. Data were analysed using path analysis. Over 40% variance in mathematics achievement was explained both for internal and external students. Background variables seem to be more important in the learning of mathematics compared to mediatory variables for external students than the internal students.The author conducted the research for this Short Communication, when he was holding a position of Senior Lecturer at the University of Papua New Guinea, Waigani, Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the interplay between test anxiety and working memory (WM) on mathematics performance in younger children. A sample of 624 grade 3 students completed a test battery consisting of a test anxiety scale, WM tasks and the Swedish national examination in mathematics for grade 3. The main effects of test anxiety and WM, and the two-way interaction between test anxiety and WM on mathematics performance, were modelled with structural equation modelling techniques. Additionally, the effects were also tested separately on tasks with high WM demands (mathematical problem-solving) versus low WM demands (basic arithmetic). As expected, WM positively predicted mathematics performance in all three models (overall mathematics performance, problem-solving tasks, and basic arithmetic). Test anxiety had a negative effect on problem-solving on the whole sample level but concerning basic arithmetic only students with lower WM were affected by the negative effects of test anxiety on performance. Thus, students with low WM are more vulnerable to the negative effects of test anxiety in low WM tasks like basic arithmetic. The results are discussed in relation to the early identification of test anxiety.  相似文献   

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