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春秋诸国林立,争战不断,郑国在不同阶段采取了不同的外交策略;建国初期实行强硬霸主外交,中期采取与诸小国共通的“唯强是从”态度,后期向强国争取自主平等对弱国威兵相加。郑国这种外交政策的变化与其国内和当时国际形势的变化紧密相连,它既反映了春秋小国外交的共同特点,又体现了郑国外交的特色。  相似文献   

The past two decades have been a period of far-reaching policy experimentation in state financing of higher education. Between 1986 and 1999, 21 states adopted prepaid college tuition plans. Thirty-one states adopted some form of college savings plan. Both kinds of policies were designed to enhance the affordability of higher education during a time of growing concern about college costs. Using event history analysis, we explore various factors leading to the programs’ adoption, paying particular to the role of policy privatization, electoral competition and timing, and certain system characteristics of higher education. We find that more liberal governments were more likely to adopt prepaid tuition plans, that states with more competitive elections were less likely to adopt any type of prepaid or savings plan, and that states with decentralized governance were more likely to adopt one of these kinds of policies.  相似文献   

Several states had an assessment that they considered to be an alternate assessment based on modified academic achievement standards (AA-MAS) in place, or in development, when the April 2007 federal regulations on modified achievement standards were finalized. This article uses publicly available information collected by the National Center on Educational Outcomes to analyze changes in states' AA-MAS between 2007 and 2008. The article compares across the 2 years the number of states that had an assessment they considered to be an AA-MAS, states' participation guidelines, and the characteristics of these assessments. We also provide information about the number of students who participated in this assessment option during the 2006–07 school year. In 2007, six states (Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma) either had or were in the process of developing an assessment they considered to be an AA-MAS. In 2008, California, Connecticut, and Texas also offered this assessment option. Six of the nine states that have been early implementers of the AA-MAS were states that had offered an out-of-level testing option until federal policies required that option to be phased out. Most states had fewer items on their AA-MAS than on their regular assessment. States that had participation guidelines for the AA-MAS in 2007 developed them prior to finalization of the federal regulations, and some changes between 2007 and 2008 in states' participation guidelines appear to have been made to better align the guidelines with the regulations. The characteristics of the assessments states consider to be AA-MASs are changing rapidly and will probably continue to change rapidly over the next few years as more is learned about the advantages and limitations of this assessment.  相似文献   

Macrophages have a diverse set of functions based upon their activation states. The activation states, including resting (M0) and polarizing (M1 and M2) states, of macrophages derived from the mouse bone marrow, spleen, and peritoneal cavity (BMs, SPMs, and PCMs, respectively) were compared. We evaluated the macrophage yield per mouse and compared the surface markers major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II and CD86 by flow cytometry. The relative mRNA levels of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-1β, mannose receptor (MR), and Ym1 in the M0, M1, and M2 states were also compared using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. Bone marrow yielded the most macrophages with the best homogeneity, but they were polarized toward the M2 phenotype. All three types of macrophages had the capacity to polarize into the M1 and M2 states, but SPMs had a stronger capacity to polarize into M1. The three types of macrophages showed no differences in their capacity to polarize into the M2 state. Therefore, the three types of macrophages have distinct characteristics regardless of their resting or polarizing states. Although bone marrow can get large amounts of homogeneous macrophages, the macrophages cannot replace tissue-derived macrophages.  相似文献   

Mothers read stories to their children (N=41) aged between 3.3 years and 5.11 years old, and children then completed two false-belief tasks. One year later, mothers read a story to 37 of those children who were also given four tasks to assess their advanced understanding of mental states. Mothers' early use of cognitive verbs in picture-book reading correlated with their children's later understanding of mental states. Some pragmatic aspects of maternal input correlated with children's later outcomes. Two different factors in mothers' cognitive discourse were identified, suggesting a zone of proximal development in children's understanding of mental states.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether (a) states have altered their definitions and/or eligibility criteria for learning disabilities (LD) since the last review; (b) states have specified-IQ cutoffs below which a child would not be eligible for LD services; (c) the types of methods states use to quantify an ability/achievement discrepancy vary; and (d) an increase in the number of children identified as LD is related to the method or criterion used to quantify an ability/achievement discrepancy. States' guidelines and/or information obtained from state directors of special education were analyzed for all states and the District of Columbia. Results of the review revealed that 40% of states had revised their guidelines between 1988 and 1990; 76% of the states specified a method for determining an ability/achievement discrepancy and the method recommended most frequently was the standard score comparison method. No significant differences were obtained between type of discrepancy method employed by a state and its yearly increase in LD. However, a significant relationship existed between magnitude of a state's ability/achievement criterion and its yearly increase in LD from 1987-88 to 1988-89. The review also revealed an increase in the number of states that specified an IQ cutoff below which a student would not qualify for LD services.  相似文献   

岳红琴 《天中学刊》2005,20(3):103-106
商代的"方"有多种涵义,除表示方位、该方向之土地或土地神、祭祀方法等之外,还有一个很重要的涵义,就是表示方国的泛称。有商一代,方国林立,但其社会性质却不能一概而论。商代方国在地理分布上主要位于商王朝势力范围的边缘或之外。当他们臣服于商时,即被纳入商之势力范围之内,反之,则不属于商之势力范围,这就造成了商王朝疆域的复杂与多变。  相似文献   

西周初年,周王将其两个股肱之臣——周公旦和姜大公封于今山东境内。虽两国地城毗连,但因采取了不同的治国方略,使两国走上不同的历史发展轨道。在后来的春秋战国时期,两国的实力及在各诸侯国中的地位大为不同,齐国保持了强国地位,而鲁国却一直未能称雄于诸侯。两国不同的治国、用人方式值得我们研究与思考。  相似文献   

Observations were made on 40 newborns prior to hospital discharge in which states were scored every 10 sec in two 35-70-min periods separated by 6-48 hours. Newborns' states, particularly sleep states and crying, were fairly reliable across observation sessions. Cluster analyses identified 3 separable state profiles that subsequently differentiated infants on the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale with Kansas Supplements (NBAS-K) at 2 weeks of age. Additionally, state observations and NBAS-K exams showed significant agreement on individual differences in neurologically based measures, such as startles, tremulousness, and lability of state.  相似文献   

本文从历时性角度追溯迈锡尼国家的起源与特征,认为迈锡尼国家并非公元前2千纪中期突然出现于希腊大陆,而是新石器时代以来希腊社会发展的产物,并受到整个东部地中海形势的影响。对迈锡尼国家起源的研究表明,在国家起源过程中,生产技术的变革固然不容忽视,但生产组织方式的变革以及统治阶级对某些手段的独占,可能也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Spontaneous speech samples collected from 6 autistic and 6 age- and language-matched Down syndrome controls over the course of 1-2 years were analyzed for the presence of language referring to different psychological states. Utterances containing lexical terms for desire, perception, emotion, and cognition were functionally coded to distinguish conversation uses of such terms from actual reference to mental states, and for perception terms to distinguish reference to perception from calls for joint attention. The main findings were that autistic children were comparable to the Down syndrome control subjects in their talk about desire, perception and emotion. However, they used significantly less language to call for attention and to refer to cognitive mental states. These results are discussed in relation to current theories about the nature of the psychological deficit in autism.  相似文献   

State implementation plans required by PL 94–142 were collected and reviewed to determine whether psychologists were mentioned as appropriate members of multidisciplinary evaluation teams. Questionnaire data from 625 directors of special education also were analyzed to determine the frequency with which psychologists actually participated on the evaluation teams. The review revealed an apparent reluctance on the part of states to specify psychologists as appropriate team members. When psychologists were mentioned, school psychologists and other types of psychologists were identified with near equal frequencies. Even though states' implementation guidelines infrequently identified psychologists for participation on multidisciplinary teams, 81% of the surveyed teams actually included a psychologist. However, psychologists' rate of participation varied among the states. Implications of the minimum state requirements and varying participation of psychologists among states are discussed.  相似文献   

美国联邦政府通过《彭德尔顿法》后不久,州政府的文官制度改革也随即兴起。州政府的文官改革大致可分为两个阶段:1883-1939年是自发改革的阶段,1940年以后是在联邦政府引导下进行改革的阶段。到1979年时,已有35个州进行了比较全面的文官体制改革,其他州也迫于联邦政府的压力在某些领域实施了不同程度的改革。文官制度的发展在很大程度上克服了政党分肥制的弊端,但同时也带来了一些负面的影响,因此在最近的30年中美国各州又出现了修正文官体制的改革趋势。  相似文献   

论汉初藩国文士的文学觉醒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉初藩国文士以策士之才被藩王招纳,但汉初严峻的形势又使他们竭力摆脱策士身份。为苟全性命于乱世,藩国文士对自身策士身份的消解就成为必然之势,而这恰巧是其文学意识的觉醒的开始,觉醒的藩国文士除了有意识地远离政治外,将更多的精力用于文学,使文学产生一些新的特征。汉初藩国文学的一些新的特点,就是和文士们这种角色转换有密切关系的。  相似文献   

Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that impacts word reading accuracy and/or reading fluency. Over half of the states in the USA have passed legislation intended to promote better identification of individuals with dyslexia. To date, no study has been conducted to investigate the potential impact of state laws on the identification of specific learning disability (SLD), and limited data has been presented on the rate at which students in public school settings are identified with dyslexia. The first aim of the current study was to determine if any detectable changes in the identification rates of SLD have occurred in states implementing dyslexia laws because most states do not report number of students identified as dyslexic but rather those students identified with an SLD. The second aim of the study was to characterize the rate of identifying dyslexia in the two states (Texas and Arkansas) that require public schools to report the number of students identified with dyslexia. The third aim was to characterize the identification rate across first to 12th grades. Current SLD rates range from 3.2 to 8.5% in all 50 states. Analysis of SLD prevalence rates did not vary between states with and without dyslexia laws in place. Moreover, there was no change in the identification of SLD once states had implemented these laws. Rates of dyslexia in Arkansas and Texas were less than 5%. Given the persistent levels indicating lack of reading proficiency, our review of data suggests that overall students with dyslexia are being underidentified.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the programs for medical diagnosis of child abuse and neglect in three states and efforts to establish state-wide programs in two states. To describe common themes and issues that emerged related to the establishment and maintenance of these programs. METHODS: Five states were selected as case studies to represent a range of experience and type of function embodied in programs that address medical diagnosis of child abuse and neglect. Individuals knowledgeable about the programs or efforts to establish state-wide programs in their home states described these in detail. Inductive analysis was used to identify themes and issues that emerged across the states studied. FINDINGS: Themes emerged in three general areas: funding, services, and training. Findings related to funding were: 1) State funding was vital for initiation of statewide programs; 2) Alliances with other groups with parallel interests were successfully used to garner support for child abuse programs; 3) Services needed to be adequately reimbursed to be sustained; 4) Political climate often affected funding. With regard to services we found: 1) There was no optimal way to organize services, but rather many ways that worked well; 2) It was critical to address local service needs; 3) Provision of standardized quality services was essential. With regard to training: 1) Professional training was an integral part of all statewide programs; 2) New technologies, including televideo, have been explored and implemented to assist in training in statewide programs. CONCLUSIONS: Each state has taken a unique approach to programs for the medical diagnosis of child abuse and neglect. However, there are commonalities, particularly among the states that have been successful in establishing and maintaining comprehensive services and/or training.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the impacts of maltreatment reporting policies and reporting system structures on four aspects of entry into the child protection system (the maltreatment referral rate, the percentage of referrals screened in for investigation, the screened-in report rate and the substantiated report rate). Using secondary data from several sources, eight multiple linear regression models were created and analyzed. Results from a sample of 44 states indicated significant effects for system structure but no effects for reporting policies. Specifically, states with decentralized reporting system structures were significantly more restrictive in access than other states. These results have implications for child welfare administrators and policymakers seeking to maximize access for maltreated children and their families.  相似文献   

In 1964, North Carolina became the first state to enact a testing program for initial certification of teachers. Today, almost all states and the District of Columbia are actively planning or implementing teacher testing programs; six are administering tests in the specific area of learning disabilities. The objectives and content areas of knowledge included in competency testing programs within this specialized area of teacher competence were analyzed, and comparisons were completed across knowledge areas and among states. In general, much similarity exists in what teachers of students with learning disabilities in different states are expected to know. This information represents a strong foundation for planning, implementing, and evaluating training programs for all teachers.  相似文献   

This study explored factors of students’ mental states, including emotion, intention, internal mental representation, and external mental representation, which can affect their learning performance. In evaluating students’ mental states during the science learning process and the relationship between mental states and learning achievement, valid, reliable, and scalable measures of students’ mental states and learning achievement are needed. This paper presents the development of the Mental State Conceptual Learning Inventory (MSCLI) to identify students’ mental states before and after learning about acids and bases. This instrument is time efficient and convenient and can be administered to large student samples so that teachers and researchers can gain profound insights into their students’ learning of acids and bases in science class. The results of this study indicate that students’ mental states are highly correlated with their achievement. As a whole, low-achieving students tended to have negative emotions and low intentions, were not good at internal visualization, and were unable to interpret graphics and draw pictures. In contrast, high-achieving students had positive emotions and intentions when learning life-related topics about acids and bases, and were good at internal visualization and drawing and interpreting graphics.  相似文献   

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