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The extent to which students profit from a university course depends on the lecturers?? approach to teaching, with a student-focused approach being more supportive for student gains in competences than a teacher-focused approach. Little is known, however, about how to foster a student-focused approach to teaching. In this paper, we want to investigate how to frame the feedback lecturers obtain from students?? course evaluations in such a manner that a student-focused approach to teaching is encouraged. In two studies using either a qualitative or a quantitative methodology it can be shown that providing lecturers with a feedback on students?? subjective gain in competences (output-focused teaching evaluation) is more effective in promoting a student-focused approach to teaching than a feedback on how satisfied students were with the lecturer (process-focused teaching evaluation). Results are discussed in the context of the Bologna reforms which demand a continuous evaluation of all university courses.  相似文献   

Several studies show that university students in Germany still have problems in reasoning mathematically although this already should be fostered at high school since the implementation of standards for school mathematics. Mathematical argumentation is a core competence and highly important, especially in academic mathematics. To foster mathematical argumentation at the beginning of university studies, competence models are needed which give more detailed insights in the skills that are necessary for reasoning. As mathematical argumentation is a complex process, especially at the higher secondary level or at university, many little steps are needed to complete a competence model for argumentation at the secondary–tertiary transition gradually. A possible step can be to initially identify several aspects of mathematical argumentation competence that influence the reasoning quality. The empirical basis for identifying those aspects is a cross-sectional study with 439 engineering students who participate in a transition course in mathematics. We address the following questions: (1) how is the quality of student’s reasoning? (2) Which kind of arguments do students use? (3) What resources do students who reasoned correctly use for solving the problems? (4) Does the content of the tasks play an important role? The results show a great influence of the content on the reasoning quality, especially if the content is abstract or concrete. Argumentation quality of students decreases with an increasing level of abstraction of the content. Furthermore, the results reveal that students often use routines for solving the problems. That indicates that procedural approaches still play an important role in school mathematics. If procedures could be used for solving the tasks, students are more successful. Competence models for mathematical argumentation at the beginning of the tertiary level should, therefore, include these factors.  相似文献   

Was Jerry Right?     
吕浙  碧群 《初中生》2005,(27):40-42
《WasJerru Right>译文:1.有人报警说一个著名小说家杰克死在了自己的家里。侦探杰里前往现场察看。2.走进杰克的屋子,杰里看到杰克伏在桌子上,死了。他手里握了把手枪,一颗子弹射穿了他的右太阳穴。3.桌上放着杯咖啡,表明杰克死前喝过咖啡。他新近出版的一本小说摊放在桌子  相似文献   

No one in the United Statescould forget that sad day,April14th. 1 Abraham Lincoln was shot.That night, 2 a very busy day,the president and his wifewent to Fod’s Theatre.where a new play was goingto be 3.Near the theatre there lived a25-year-old actor 4 John Wilkes Booth,whowas strongly against Ihe 5 though he had notfought for the South 6.As the play started after  相似文献   

1.Peter tom one of his fi'iemlsthat he was out of work. “Whv didn’t the boss(老饭)let you work there?”said his friendin sm33rise(惊奇). 2.“Oh.”answerelj Peter.“t{【)you know what he usuall.y dot,∥He just stands there with his hanf i、in his pockets and only wat(、hes hi-men working.”Who Was the Boss?@姜红伟 @刘碧群…  相似文献   

In this article I address some assertions made by one of the most outstanding educational historians, Diane Ravitch, regarding the relation between immigration rates and academic achievement among children in the United States. In her book The Great School Wars Ravitch asserted that low immigration levels during the 1920s to early 1960s period played a large role in producing a golden age of education in New York and probably in the United States. The research undertaken for this article does confirm some of Ravitch's assertions but questions whether other claims of hers may be overly simplistic. Among her assertions that the research supports are that academic achievement rose among New York City elementary and secondary students during this "golden age," children from most immigrant groups did perform poorly compared to children born in the United States, and that the increased volume of enrollment and language factors did exert added pressure on the school system. Nevertheless, other factors lead one to believe that Ravitch's claim, although possessing merit, may be overly simplistic. For example, certain immigrant groups performed very well academically after coming to the United States. This fact supports the notion that the makeup of the immigrant population may be as important as the immigration volume. In addition, the decline in American student academic achievement in the 1960s and 1970s began well before the United States fully liberalized its immigration policy. One would not expect this, if immigration has the level of impact that Ravitch claims.  相似文献   

MrJohnsonwashavingtroublewithhisstomach,sohewenttoseeadoctor.Thedoctorexaminedhisstomachcarefully,buthecouldntfindanyproblem.Thenhesaid,“Well,MrJohnson,takeiteasy.Theresnothingserious.Stopsmokingandthenyoullbeallrightverysoon.”“Butdoctor,”answeredMrJohnson,“Ineversmoked.Idontlikesmokingatall.”“Oh,Isee,”saidthedoctor.“Thenstopdrinkingalcoholfromnowon.”“ButIdontlikeaclohol,”answeredMrJohnson.“Dontdrinkanyteaorcoffee,then,”thedoctorsaidtohim.“Idontdri…  相似文献   

The present study was conducted in the Deutsches Museum in Munich, the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt am Main and the Landesmuseum Schloß Gottorf in Schleswig. 160 museum visitors were asked about their conceptions of learning in school and learning in a museum. These conceptions generate a persons’ individual concept of learning. It is formed by the influence of the subjectively different experiences each person makes in varying learning situations. Since every learning environment offers different opportunities and possibilities for learning, it can be assumed that there are location-specific concepts of learning. The results of this study show that concepts of learning in school can be differentiated from concepts in a museum; albeit reactive and constructive concepts of learning were found for schools as well as for museums. In addition it was found that different people’s concepts of learning depend on their places of learning.  相似文献   

1.Oneday,apolicemancaughtathiefinthestreet.2.Thethiefwasaskedtopayafine(罚款)of100dol-lars.3.Thethiefbeggedtobefinedless,buthewasre-fused.4.“Icantbreaktherule,”thepolicemansaid.“ButIcansetyoufreeforanhour.”15.“ButIdontknowwhy?”thethiefgotpuz-zled.6.“Youcantrytogetmoredollarsduringtheperiodandthencomebackhere,”thepo-licemananswered.Why Was He Set Free?@冯智强$吉林白城一中 @陈敬岩$吉林白城一中…  相似文献   

The increasing use of competence models for modelling domain specific knowledge in school raises the question to what extent such models can represent cognitive processes. The article analyses the recent development of models for competence scales, competence stages, competence structures and so-called cognitive diagnostic models and taxes their value in the context of subject specific educational sciences and developmental psychology.  相似文献   


This is a co-written narrative essay about our lives as religious educators in white-dominant spaces of education and educational structures. This co-narrative expression embodies for us the different ways that People of Color and Women of Color have to function as part of the guild and as part of honoring our vocational commitments to anti-colonialism and anti-racism.  相似文献   

MrsGreenworkedinabigshop.Onemorning,alittleboywalkeduptoherwithbig,sadeyesandtoldherhewaslost.MrsGreentookhishand,gavehimareassuringhug(安慰的拥抱)andtoldhimnottoworry.Shewouldhelphimfindhismother.Theylookedhereandthere.Everytimesheasked,“Doyouseeyourmother?”theboyanswerd,“No.”Atlast,MrsGreentookthechilduptothefrontoftheshopandstoodhimonacounter(柜台).Shetoldhimtolookaroundverycarefully,andoncemoresheasked,“Now,doyouseeyourmother?”“No,”answeredthechild.“Imjustlookingformydaddy!”…  相似文献   

Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet den Umgang mit Studierendenanliegen iwS an Fachhochschul-Studieng?ngen. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf die Zust?ndigkeiten der beteiligten „Stakeholder“ im Fachhochschulwesen und deren Interaktion gelegt. Im Zentrum stehen die Rollen der Studiengangsleitung, des Fachhochschul-Kollegiums sowie der Studierendenvertretung. Diese Stakeholder sind ma?geblich beteiligt an der Qualit?tssicherung der Lehre an Fachhochschul-Studieng?ngen. Das Fachhochschulstudiengesetz (FHStG) wurde durch das Qualit?tssicherungsrahmengesetz (QSRG)* umfassend novelliert; dadurch ergeben sich auch ?nderungen in bezug auf den Umgang mit Studierendenanliegen. Dieser Beitrag stellt die neue Rechtslage nach dem QSRG dar. Abschlie?end wird thematisiert, inwieweit die im Fachhochschul-Recht grundgelegten Verfahren und die Aufgabenverteilung zwischen den beteiligten Personen und Organen den Erfordernissen einer effizienten und effektiven Behandlung der Studierendenanliegen entsprechen.  相似文献   

The Sphinx was a make-belive animal of long age.It had the head of a person,  相似文献   

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