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本文基于行动研究探讨大学英语学习环境下教师在学习者自主中的作用以及教师如何中介学生自主能力发展。通过对自主学习模式和课堂教学模式的对比分析, 及对自主学习模式的行动干预结果分析,发现: 1) 教师是大学英语学习环境下学习者自主的必要构念: 2) 基于行动研究范式的教师介入有助于提高学习者自主学习能力、 心理和行为。文章最后讨论本研究结果对实施大学英语自主学习的启示。  相似文献   

自主学习是学习者自觉主动地对自己所需知识的学习。自主学习需要学习者的动机,自我认知和学习策略三方面的支持。应用自主学习促进英语口语教学的方法有:语言强化训练、调动学习者积极的情感以及提供良好的自主学习环境。  相似文献   

外语学习者的学习需要语言环境的大力支持,而现实中的高校外语学习环境却并不理想。为此,本文提出具体的改进措施,旨在通过构建包括外语电台、外语自主学习中心和“外语活动园地”的外语学习者自主学习环境,创造校内使用外语的环境和机会、培养学习者主动学习及独立研究的意识。  相似文献   

文章介绍了网络环境下的大学英语自主学习的概念,探讨了元认知策略对网络环境下英语自主学习的支持与提升。结合目前英语教学现状,提出如何运用元认知策略协助英语学习者自我定位并确定学习目标,指导学习者对学习行动进行自我监控,引导学习者对学习活动自我评价与调节,从而全面提高学习者自主学习的能力。  相似文献   

日益发展的专题学习网站为学习者的自主和协作学习提供了广阔的空间。自主学习能力和协作学习能力也是数字化生存中学习者需要具备的核心学习能力。本文就如何在专题学习网站环境下培养和开发上述两种能力展开论述。  相似文献   

语言自主学习中心集成了现代教育技术手段与教育教学理论,对培养学习者的自主学习能力有着不可估量的优势。但学习中心本身并不能必然带来学生学习效果和自主学习能力的提高。这就需要教师和学习者采用相应的策略,才能保证语言中心环境下学生自主学习的真正实现。顺应新时代外语教学改革的要求,研究如何在语言自主学习中心环境下培养学生的自主学习能力便显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

杨明  吕茂丽 《考试周刊》2010,(27):97-98
自主学习是能负责自己学习的能力,即学习者能够独立作出并实施影响他行动的选择的能力和意愿。在大学英语教学中,教师应积极探索自主学习模式,引导、组织学生培养自主学习能力,使学生成为真正的自主学习者,提高学习效率。  相似文献   

行动学习理论是指通过实践行为促进学习,其主要特征为学习者以小组的形式定期开展活动。中央民族大学“高校英语专业教学与思辨能力培养工作坊”以该理论为指导,开展以小组学习为主的行动学习,内容包括分专题自主学习、开展专题式探讨、进行合作反思、撰写学习日志、在教学实践中检验所学知识。作为小组学习的重要补充,对外交流学习也有效地促进了行动学习的效果。在行动学习的过程中,学习者面临的问题还包括教材、评价体系、教学设施等无法满足思辨式教学的要求等等。这些问题的解决需要多方积极行动起来,方能为思辨式教学的推广提供一个良好的环境。  相似文献   

远程教育学习者是学习者中特殊的群体,本研究重点探讨远程教育学习者的自主学习及其特点,远程教育学习者的自主学习具有自发、自由和自律的特点。研究远程教育学习者的自主学习的特征及其学习方法、学习习惯可以为远程教育教学工作提供依据。  相似文献   

基于学习风格的自主学习环境设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自主学习环境是除学习者本身之外的所有能刺激和支持学习者自主学习的客观条件 ,由信息银行、表现场所、建构工具包、任务管理者等构成。自主学习的环境设计是建构主义学习理论中个人建构的重要方面 ,也是当前教育心理学中一个活跃的研究领域。创设适合开放教育学习主体学习风格的自主学习环境 ,有助于促进开放教育学习主体完成学习任务、得到全面发展  相似文献   

本文探索高职院校模具专业“教学工厂”,段递进式工学交融人才培养模式,实施企业化运作模式,教育,为高职教育工学结合改革提供新思路与新方法。按企业架构创建具有真实生产环境的实践教学平台,创新四有效提高学生高端技能水平与职业综合素养,强化创业创新  相似文献   

Subjectivity, lifeworld, and work organization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The bases of the article are the results of an empirical study about traditional work places in industry. There were made group discussions and special qualitative interviews with workers and employees of a German factory. The article tries to interpret and to integrate these subjective concepts in the actual discussion of theoretical perspectives in sociology, social psychology, and adult education. The theoretical discussion refers to German, Austrian, French, and American social scientists. The result of this discourse is a theoretical construction of a hidden informal lifeworld, which is embedded in the concrete industrial working process. These informal lifeworlds influence the cooperation of the workers and the relationship between work and learning.  相似文献   

The concepts and instruments required for the teaching and learning of geometric optics are introduced in the didactic process without a proper didactic transposition. This claim is secured by the ample evidence of both wide- and deep-rooted alternative concepts on the topic. Didactic transposition is a theory that comes from a reflection on the teaching and learning process in mathematics but has been used in other disciplinary fields. It will be used in this work in order to clear up the main obstacles in the teaching-learning process of geometric optics. We proceed to argue that since Newton’s approach to optics, in his Book I of Opticks, is independent of the corpuscular or undulatory nature of light, it is the most suitable for a constructivist learning environment. However, Newton’s theory must be subject to a proper didactic transposition to help overcome the referred alternative concepts. Then is described our didactic transposition in order to create knowledge to be taught using a dialogical process between students’ previous knowledge, history of optics and the desired outcomes on geometrical optics in an elementary pre-service teacher training course. Finally, we use the scheme-facet structure of knowledge both to analyse and discuss our results as well as to illuminate shortcomings that must be addressed in our next stage of the inquiry.  相似文献   

英国工业革命时期,随着工厂制度的确立,现代工厂的管理制度也逐渐形成。工厂主制定了严格的规章制度,并且通过罚款、解雇和体罚等强制措施迫使工人服从,从而保证了工厂的纪律。他们还运用复式簿记的方式实现了对生产成本和企业利润的核算;通过对产品质量的把关,确立了对生产过程的监督;通过制定恰当的销售方案,促进了市场的开发,这些都直接促使了工厂管理制度的建立。但是,由于工业革命时期工厂的所有权和管理权尚未分离,真正的管理阶层还没有完全形成,所以那时的工厂管理还处于工厂管理的初级阶段,即家长式或父权制的管理,也就是企业家直接管理工厂,而且也只是初步实现了对工人的管理和对生产过程及产品的管理。  相似文献   

创知学习就是创造新知识、新思想、新理论、新方案、新活动、新方法、新技术的学习,它不仅是人的本质和人的自身生存与发展的需要,也是社会发展的需要;它与传统学习有本质区别;创知学习和以创知为基础的终身学习是人类学习的新境界;要搞好这两种学习,就必须改变观念,营造良好的学习环境,掌握新的学习方法和完善终身学习制度。  相似文献   

工作过程系统化课程设计及其教学实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
德国职业教育在新的“学习领域”课程指南中明确规定,“学习领域”课程就是工作过程系统化的课程,而工作过程导向是“学习领域”课程方案的基础。因此,基于工作过程的行动导向教学过程设计必然要注重对职业教育和职业培训过程进行工作情境设置,以明确“工作过程为导向”的职业教育目标,其目的在于使职业教育培训能更好地适应工业发展中注重工艺流程过程的需要,以及技术创新和机制改革的需要。本文在对基于工作过程的教学过程设计作了介绍和分析的基础上,提出了一个学习领域课程设计的案例。  相似文献   

Involvement in a number of action-learning programmes and associated development opportunities has led the Professional Development Centre Limited to question the relevance of a strict adherence to the ‘rules’ of action learning as described by Reg Revans. A deliberate focus of one such programme to a financial services organisation offered some insights into the challenges of introducing action learning into the field. Pressures on organisations of time and business expedients might make them believe that action learning is too slow a technique to offer real rewards. However, elements of the action-learning story do resonate in the workplace, key concepts that appear to ‘stick’ are listening, questioning and equality. The utilisation of these skills enhances leadership and organisational development and can still provide a useful set of actions to aim for. This is especially true in problem solving and the way in which respect and equality can re-create a different environment or development space.  相似文献   

This article grapples with the problem of how to track a student's real progress in learning, which cannot be absolutely quantified at any given point as a result of a particular intervention. Results are presented for a long-term qualitative and quantitative classroom study, during which the method of concept mapping was applied and interpreted in light of the semiotic paradigm developed by Charles Sanders Peirce (1931–1958). Peirce's semiotic paradigm was thought to have sufficient intellectual rigour and flexibility to give new access to the multiplicity of processes at work in the learning environment. A natural learning environment was built over a four-year period in a Finnish primary school. The students, ranging in age from 9–12 years, were encouraged to use qualitative judgement (intuition, tacit knowledge) to give them greater intellectual access to the meanings of the concepts taught. The goal was to bring them to Vygotsky's stage of ‘conceptual learning’, and to evaluate the effectiveness of concept mapping as an ‘advance organiser’ used in conjunction with Peirce's semiotic paradigm. This article evaluates the success of concept mapping in constructing a conceptually-meaningful learning environment. The qualitative results - and certain quantitative evidence - show that concept mapping provided a means for students to discover tentative meanings for the concepts taught. In parallel, Peirce's semiotic paradigm provided a pragmatic framework for tracking the process of ‘updating meanings’ which is intrinsic to learning. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

构建适应学习者个性需求的学习环境是实现学与教方式变革的基础。智慧学习环境是虚拟学习环境和个人学习环境的高端形态,它可以实现虚拟环境与学习主体的深度融合,突出学习者在学习过程中的主体地位,重视教师在学习过程中的指导作用,支持学习者的社会性协作交流。智慧学习环境的构成要素包括个人学习空间、社会化学习平台、学习资源中心、课程管理系统、辅助学习工具五个模块。在智慧学习环境设计过程中要遵循先进性、实用性、个性化的原则。基于模块化面向对象的动态学习环境和社会性网络服务平台而构建的开放、真实、协作的智慧学习环境,能够支持学习者在网络环境下进行便捷、舒适、有效的个性化自主学习。  相似文献   

Engaging social work students in research is challenging, in part, because of the way research is taught in the classroom and the need for learners to effectively develop connections between the “abstract world” of research concepts with the “real world” of professional experiences. This article describes the experiences of graduate social work students involved in a process and outcome evaluation of a community-based program. Analysis of student learning outcomes and the team-based model used to engage students in the evaluation are provided to put forth a paradigm of teaching social work research through direct, supervised, and collaborative engagement.  相似文献   

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