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乒乓球被誉为我国的“国球”,几十年来一直处于世界领先地位,特别是第四十五届世乒赛,我国乒乓球健儿奋力拼搏,再次囊括全部金牌,全国上下再次掀起了乒乓热。目前,我省各中小学校打乒乓球的人数日渐增多,有许多学校团体或个体开设了乒乓球培训班。这是一件好事。但是,由于少年儿童对乒乓球运动知识了解甚少。击球动作不求规范,直接影响少年儿童乒乓球技术的提高和进步。所以使少年儿童掌握正确的动作定型非常关键。  相似文献   

通过对参加2005年福建省少年儿童乒乓球锦标赛运动员握拍方法和打法类型的调查分析,结合2003年、2004年的观察统计,与2002年调查结果进行对比分析并访问了多位调研员和部分知名教练,总结出福建省乒乓球后备人才的打法现状,并提出了一些培养福建省乒乓球后备人才的发展对策,以便有关决策人员及基层的教练员作参考。  相似文献   

1989年四川省少年儿童业余体校乒乓球比赛于7月中旬在乐山举行。受省乒协的委托,比赛期间,我们对我省少年儿童乒乓球训练的一些问题作了调查统计,并以此为根据,进行了定量分析研究,其结果如下:  相似文献   

乒乓球运动训练中损伤的一般规律及预防   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
运用统计学方法对有效问卷进行了详细统计,从生物力学、解剖学方面进行了分析,对不同层次和不同打法类型的乒乓球运动员,分别进行了纵向和横向的对比,对乒乓球运动损伤的一般规律进行了初步探讨,并总结出了一些预防措施和解决方法。  相似文献   

对我国乒乓球削球打法进行了回顾,分析和阐述了第47届世界乒乓球锦标赛削球打法成功的原因,提出加强我国削球打法的后备人才培养刻不容缓。  相似文献   

中国横拍五十年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从1952年的首届全国锦标赛算起,新中国的乒乓球运动至今已有52周年,与乒乓球终生结下不解之缘的我,50多年来对乒乓球尤其是对横柏,始终关注不渝,无论是身历其中还是冷眼旁观,皆未尝稍息。温故而知新,今天我想系统地回顾一下中国横拍运动员的这半个世纪。  相似文献   

中国队乒乓球在世界乒坛中的整体领先实力短期内难以逆转,但通过国际乒联对现行乒乓球比赛规则的不断修改,将会对中国乒乓球的霸主地位形或新一轮的冲击。通过对第47届世界乒乓球锦标赛的剖析,一个新老交替、打法多样、风格各异的发展格局已见端倪。  相似文献   

乒乓球专项打法风格特点繁多,少年儿童阶段的专项基础的有效建立是重要培环节。速度快、变化多构成了乒乓球运动的特点。速率与效率自然成为技术领域的主体要素。当前横拍快攻结合弧圈打法突出展示了专项运动的特征。(以下简称快弧打法)如何建立提高该打法特点?如何在少儿阶段培养过程有效地打好基础,对运动员之后的发展将起到决定性的作用。本文以现役国家队刘诗雯少年阶段训练为例,作论述探讨。  相似文献   

对我国乒乓球各种打法发展现状与趋势的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文对我国乒乓球各种打法发展现状与发展趋势进行了研究,提出了乒乓球运动水平和运动成绩的提高,与运动员握拍方法,各种打法类型分布等一系列客观因素有关,只有合理解决上述问题,才有利于我国乒乓球队在世界乒坛永远保持领先地位。  相似文献   

魏秋珍 《湖北体育科技》2004,23(2):232-233,236
乒乓球运动发展的100多年中,器材与规则的不断改革始终贯穿其中,促进了乒乓球技、战术的不断创新,文章分析了乒乓球发展史上历次重大改革对乒乓球运动发展的影响作用,旨在正视改革现实,勇于改革创新、适应改革创新,继续保持中国乒乓球运动的领先地位。  相似文献   

David Fairchild explains that sport is an evocative symbolic system that demonstrates the apparently ‘natural’ division of humans into two separate and dichotomous genders, and also demonstrates the apparently ‘genetically based’ hierarchy between the genders in terms of sporting results. Additionally, this hierarchy of performance translates into a hierarchy of authority, such that men occupy the most powerful positions in coaching, administration and the sports media. The initial section of this paper will follow on from Fairchild to suggest some changes that are necessary before women will gain semantic authority over their participation in sport. The paper will then suggest that the expansion of the discursive space in sport to include alternate standpoints produced by women [and other marginalised groups] can follow tactics employed by feminist standpoint theorists to expand discursive space in other fields. The final section of the paper will look at how a feminist politics in discursive sport will need to challenge what William Morgan has suggested is the recently acquired dominant position of ‘interpretative broad internalism’ in sport philosophy as one of the foundational underpinnings of internalism explains sport as a perfect practice. This underpinning has been used in substantive practice to undermine the knowledges of women athletes and commentators. This final section will look at some examples of translating private authorship into political authority for women in sport.  相似文献   

试论羽毛球运动的心理素质调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩晶娜 《湖北体育科技》2009,28(4):493-494,462
羽毛球技战术水平的高低是比赛取胜的基础条件之一,当比赛过程中运动员双方技战术相互制约时,运动员心理素质的调整就成为比赛取胜的关键因素。通过分析羽毛球动动员比赛过程中的过度激动、过分紧张、胆怯、淡漠等比赛消极性情绪的表象与其产生原因,提出有效调节消极情绪对策。  相似文献   

林继宏 《福建体育科技》2012,31(4):33-34,61
结合自己长期从事篮球运动教学与训练的体会,在剖析篮球运动战术功能的基础上,从理论与实践的结合上提出了提高篮球运动技战术水平的意见。  相似文献   

Artificial rugby union playing surface installation is increasing. This prospective cohort study aimed to examine the effect of playing surface on match injury types within 157 players of two UK professional rugby union clubs playing 209 matches (96 on artificial surfaces and 113 on grass) over three seasons. There was no difference in overall injury risk between the two playing surfaces with injury incidence on artificial 80.2 (CI 69.9–91.7) and on grass 81.9 per 1000 match-hours (CI 72.2–92.5), with an incidence rate ratio (RR) of 0.98 (CI 0.82–1.17). There was a higher rate of concussion (RR 0.52, CI 0.34 – 0.78) and chest injuries on grass (RR 0.26 CI 0.07, 0.95), and a higher rate of thigh haematoma (RR 2.25, CI 1.05–4.82) foot injuries (RR 4.12, CI 1.10, 15.40) and injury to players being tackled (RR 1.46, CI 1.00, 2.15) on artificial. Whilst there was no higher injury risk for matches played on artificial versus natural grass surfaces, the higher incidence of concussion and chest injury on grass, and the higher rate of foot injuries on artificial surfaces may be related to tackle and footwear-to-surface interface factors.  相似文献   

Women's basket ball, which was adapted into the game now known as netball, developed in the late nineteenth-century in the US when education for women was in its early stages. Exercise in these institutions was promoted by early educationists, partly to offset the deleterious effects of 'brain work' for women. While vigorous exercise for women was a contested activity, basket ball and then netball in England were accepted because despite being vigorous games they appeared to conform to dominant understandings of femininity as a form of physical restraint. This acceptance saw netball become the leading women's game in many Commonwealth countries throughout the twentieth century. Both games are examined as cultural artefacts, embodying the values of their time.  相似文献   

青少年羽毛球运动员“球感”的培养   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
球感是羽毛球运动员经过长时间的专项训练发展起来的专门化知觉能力。运动员形成和发展了这种能力,能使之得心应手和随意地稳、准、狠、快、巧地进行各种形式的击球。提出了青少年羽毛球运动员“球感”培养的若干方法。  相似文献   

通过对羽毛球运动技术美的探讨,论证羽毛球运动技术美的特性与价值,让更多的人了解、喜爱羽毛球,提高对羽毛球运动的兴趣,以满足人们的精神享受需要,更好地促进羽毛球运动技术的提高.  相似文献   

Alex Law 《Soccer & Society》2014,15(2):203-221
By the time of Euro 2012, deepening tensions of nationalism and internal social struggles were developing across Europe in worsening conditions of systemic crisis. The official football ideology of UEFA conceives Euro 2012 as a civilizing platform for mutual respect and brotherhood between competing nations. In contrast, what I call Hyper-Critical Theory conceives of football competitions like Euro 2012 as part of a de-civilising ‘sports mode of production’ that necessarily produces crisis conditions, alienation and violence on a mass scale, fostering nationalism, militarism and racism. Between these polar perspectives, the figurational sociology of sport associated with Norbert Elias proposes that major international football competitions like Euro 2012 creates and dissipates contingent tensions of ‘group charisma’ and ‘group disgrace’. Study of Euronews ‘post-national’ coverage of Euro 2012 allows their explanatory adequacy to be compared. In a competition structure like the Euros no social group – players, officials, media or fans – is able to disregard entirely the field capabilities of the ‘best minority of 11’ in the serious game of exemplifying the group charisma of nations.  相似文献   

John Laumakis has offered a thought-provoking, but ultimately unpersuasive argument in favor of playing to your opponent’s strength(s) (PTS) instead of playing to their weakness(es) (PTW). In the course of this reply, we hope to show (1) that the idea of PTS not only undermines the real goal of athletic competition, but it also (2) rests upon a confusion between matters of morality and the aims of sports, as well as (3) equivocations on the kind of ‘excellence’ one pursues, and the nature of the ‘challenge’ involved in sport. We also (4) plan to raise a serious objection against the logical consistency of PTS and (5) note its incompatibility with real-world game smarts and tactics. Finally, we (6) offer our own explanation for why ‘it is improbable that many coaches and athletes will shift their strategy from PTW to PTS.’  相似文献   

体育赛场危机管理研究及其系统框架的建立   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
体育赛场是各种危机频发区,赛场危机管理的形势非常严峻。在分析了体育赛场危机的特点和管理现状的基础上,提出了体育赛场危机管理的六大子系统,由此构建了基于信息技术的赛场危机管理系统,以期为赛场危机进行有效预防、快速处理和综合评估提供有利帮助。  相似文献   

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