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戮》I最朝气蓬勃的生命力及自由、冒险与r‘一了砚二一宙珍.团结的精神!船长是海盗团的灵魂人I一左代吧,狄楼一月 .物,海盗团往往以船长的名字或外号砂都放在那里月粗嚣耀跨伴煞黔是这个海恤与司纷拥有橡皮果实能,J——全身可自由自在地伸缩.. 惊人的战斗能山——他在短时J日J里把东海恳赏奖金超过l千万Ⅱ!里的3名海盗。h倒,成为东海的N0 l,可以说足相当的厉嵩。 以:,J流剑术驰名东海.11]以闩曩由使出3把刀,无论受了多重的伤也会 “顽强地站起来, 。, 腕力大,时常练功,常挥动趟苇的黪刀来锻炼自己的肌肉.、 ii●滔的兰把刀: 滋:—_。 一…  相似文献   

ONE在英语中是一个形式简单,但用法较为复杂的单词。现将其用法简述如下:  相似文献   

替代词one与that在英语句子中是十分常见的,然而许多学生却常常误用。鉴于此,笔者对one和that作替代词的用法作一分析。请先看下面两个句子:H is w hole life w as one of public service.(one=a life)他的一生是为公众服务的一生。Life here is som ewhat different from that in A m erica.(that=thelife)这儿的生活与美国的生活有点不同。one与that都可以用来代替前面出现过的名词,以避免重复,但从上面两个例句可以看出,one代替“a 可数名词”;that代替“the 名词”。这是两者之间的根本区别。下面分述如下:一、one作替代词的用法1.one…  相似文献   

JAKE: Hello, Roger.ROGER:Jake. What are you doing here? How's the storycoming? I think your viewers will like it.JAKE: So do I... I'm surprised at you, Roger.ROGER:What do you mean?JAKE: I don't get it. You were always good at whatever youdid. Why would you ruin a good career to go to work forThomas Ames?  相似文献   

初听这张唱片的人可能无法立刻找到合适的字眼形容自己的感觉,音乐中传递出的强烈悸动与深刻感情、兴奋之  相似文献   

针对机会网络的路由算法基本上是考虑完全合作情况下进行设计的.本文对节点的合作性进行了分析,在机会网络环境ONE平台上,通过不同的转发概率对传染路由算法Epidemic的合作性进行了测试和分析.仿真结果表明,节点之间的合作性对路由算法的性能有着不同程度的影响.  相似文献   

问题1 ..........决定作为海盗出海,你的目标是?A 我要成为海盗王! 5分B 我要成为世界第一大富豪3分C 我要成为世界第一大剑豪4分D 我想看遍整个世界1分E 啊……其实无论如何我也不想出海啦!2分  相似文献   

初到异国,真是尴尬一箩筐。本以为美国的食物不外是汉堡式的fast-food,比起咱们源远流长的美食文化,点份食物填饱肚子是最容易不过的。唉!谁知,连个最易应付的早餐都让中国的茅晓玮目瞪口呆,不知所谓……  相似文献   

one作为数词、形容词及代词的三种词性,其用法可以概括为以下十一种。一、数词1.形容词作用,意思为“一”。He is blind(瞎)in one eye.他有只眼是瞎的。  相似文献   

A practical method for computing the one-way rectangular orthotropicplate(isotropic plate as a special case)is suggested in this paper.The supported condi-tions in two opposite edges may be simply supported,continuous or supportednonsymmetrically and the other two opposite edges are slide-supported or free.A series ofsimplified formulas are given for calculating the bending moments along the cross section(loaded section),in which the acting point of the concentrated load or the center of a rec-tangular uniform load is located.The valid range and accuracy of these formulas were stud-ied and the approximate results were examined and compared extensively with those by thetriangular series solution or finite element method.  相似文献   

正九阳股份(002242)于2008年上市,在普遍以价格取胜的中国制造业公司中吹起一股新风,提出追求健康生活体验,其不以低价抢占市场,而是打出为消费者提供优质优价的高品位消费体验的口号。2007-2008年是九阳股份高速增长的两年,三聚氰胺事件是重要的催化剂,唤醒了国人对食品安全的重视,而豆浆植物蛋白含量高,是中国人的牛奶,九阳股份两年内收入从9.3亿做到43.2亿,且经营性现金流远好于利润表现,借助轻资产和外包生产,获得来自供应商的外部无息融资3.6亿。2010年之后,  相似文献   

This article examines the efforts of Sunday school attendees to challenge racism in America during the 1930s, '40s, and '50s. Participants formed alliances with nonreligious Black activist movements such as the Southern Youth Negro Congress and the Youth Council of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to address issues that impacted African-American youth and adults as a result of racism and White supremacy while fighting for social, political, and economy equality and status as first-class citizens in America.  相似文献   

This study followed up on a 7‐day, 5th‐grade intergenerational project on aging. The “Age Doesn't Matter” (ADM) project was interdisciplinary; incorporating dance, health education, history, art, and poetry to teach about growing older. Older adults came to the school to interact with the students and the students also went on field trips to a nursing home and a retirement hotel. Thirteen of the original 19 ADM students were still in the same school 1 year after the project's completion. These students were matched by grade, gender, and race with a comparison group (n = 13) one year after the project's completion. Three experts in the field of gerontology were asked to blindly review the students' responses to open‐ended questions about aging and to rate each student concerning his or her attitudes toward aging. The ADM students were judged to have significantly (p < .05) more positive attitudes toward aging than the comparison group students.  相似文献   

As is true of so many women professionals, Joyce Tsunoda recognizes that, although shefulfills multiple roles,she is "only one me." Inthis accountingof a typical 1-month period in her hectic career, Dr. Tsunoda re ects on the philosophy that allows her to keep her many "selves" together and focused. In both her personal and her professional lives, Joyce Tsunoda dwells in the international realm. Her children and grandchildren are divided between Hawaii and Japan. Her professional responsibilities include heading a statewide system of seven community colleges spread over six islands, yet also handling international responsibilities for the 10-campus statewide University of Hawaii System of which the Community Colleges are a part. This article recounts a one-month period during which Joyce traveled from Hawaii to Japan, back through Hawaii to the East Coast of the mainland United States, and home once again to Hawaii. Her Japanese heritage, combined with her American upbringing, proves to be a two-edged sword as she experiences both her "grandmother" role and her professional role in Japan. Through all the travel and the many personal and professional demands on her time, she steers her true course by remembering life's many Ls: leading, listening, liking, learning, letting go, and language of the lullaby.  相似文献   

高静  武小龙 《甘肃教育》2023,(4):107-112
直观想象能力作为人类智能构造中的一个重要组成部分,在高中数学教学中发挥着重要的作用。文章着眼于数学学科中的空间能力提升,注重STEM与数学课程的深度融合,通过将数学三视图与3D建模课程相结合,探索如何有效提升高中学生的空间立体感,辅助高中学生学习三视图与实物图的互相转换。以此为基础开发了STEM与数学学科融合的空间能力提升案例课程——巧借3D ONE学习数学三视图,包括案例设计、案例实施、案例分析与反思等。作为探索STEM与数学学科融合的新型教育模式,该案例课程产生了提升学生直观想象能力的教育成果。  相似文献   

新时代有新机遇,也有新挑战。在新形势下由于多种因素的影响,有些研究生导师不能很好地尽职尽责,甚至出现违反师德师风的现象,引发了一些舆情事件,引起了社会的高度关注。新时代研究生导师在落实“立德树人”根本任务方面的问题是多方面的,有多种多样的表现,简单概括大致表现在这样十个方面:不能很好地坚定政治方向,不能很好地自觉爱国守法,不能很好地传播优秀文化,不能很好地潜心教书育人,不能很好地关心爱护学生,不能很好地坚持言行雅正,不能很好地遵守学术规范,不能很好地秉持公平诚信,不能很好地坚守廉洁自律,不能很好地积极奉献社会。究其原因,既有外因也有内因,既有客观原因也有主观原因,既有历史原因也有现实原因,既有制度原因也有人为原因等等,大致可以从教育行政部门、高校、研究生导师自身、研究生及其家长、社会环境等方面去寻找。  相似文献   

陶汝信 《贵州教育》2009,(22):28-28
根据政教处的安排,我又一次不幸地参加“后进班”的家长会。那是一个秋阳暖暖的下午,我和班主任早早地等候在教室门口,家长们拖着沉重的步子,陆陆续续地走进了校门,畏畏缩缩地见过了老师,心灰意冷地走进了教室。孩子的分数,总是让他们揪心。  相似文献   

自实施新课改以来,教学过程逐步优化,教学改革不断深化,但目前的课堂教学还普遍存在着学生规规矩矩地坐着,面无表情地看着,唯唯诺诺地举手,小心翼翼地回答问题等局面,教师与学生之间只有灌输,而缺乏交流,这种状况对小学英语教育极为不利。  相似文献   

一个具有创造性思维的人能够科学地使用大脑,发挥自己的创造才能,得心应手地解决矛盾,攻克难关。近年来,随着生产力和科学技术的迅猛发展,创造性思维越来越受到重视,成为各级各类学校教育教学中必不可少的重要因素。充分地利用信息技术这种新的教学方式,可以大容量、快节奏、高效率地进行教学,使学生顺利地掌握计算机知识,提高智力和非智力因素水平,加强学生创造性思维的培养。  相似文献   

又放假了!我终于可以过过我的电视瘾了!今天,我照例慢悠悠地走到电视机前,打开电视机,又慢悠悠地走到沙发边,懒洋洋地躺下来,津津有味地看起了《动物世界》。  相似文献   

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