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毕飞宇在小说创作中创造性地把第一人称和第三人称的叙事视角融合在一起,在双重视域的融合中衍生出独特的“影子人物”叙事,此种立场的陈述形成了价值判断层面的对峙形态,使作品更具独特的审美张力。  相似文献   

呼兰河传》的叙述视角是复杂的,全文有过多次叙述角度的转换。总体上说,是第三人称全知视角向第一人称限制视角转换;个别章节还短暂出现过视角越界,即第一人称限制叙述向第三人称全知叙述越权侵入;同时还有儿童视角与成人视角的双重叠加。  相似文献   

汉乐府叙事诗所采用的叙事角度多为第一人称及第三人称叙事视角,也有不少作品根据情节设置的需要转换视角,不同的叙事角度产生不同的审美效果。  相似文献   


Prior literature has begun to demonstrate that even young children can learn about complex systems using participatory simulations. This study disentangles the impacts of third-person perspectives (offered by traditional simulations) and first-person perspectives (offered by participatory simulations) on children’s development of such systems thinking in the context of the emergent complexity of honeybee nectar foraging. Specifically, we worked with three first-grade classrooms assigned to one of three conditions—instruction through use of a first-person perspective only, third-person perspective only, and integrated instruction—to engage ideas of complex systems thinking. In each condition, systems concepts were targeted through instruction and assessment. The integrated and third-person classrooms demonstrated significant gains while the first-person classroom showed gains that were not statistically significant, suggesting that third-person perspectives play a critical role in how children learn systems thinking. This work also puts forth a novel assessment design for young children using multiple-choice questions.


Research Findings: Children’s ability to tell stories and to understand the stories of others typically emerges in early childhood, supported by primary caregivers and educators. This article reviews instruction designed to foster children’s narrative skills in preschool and kindergarten settings and examines the effects using meta-analysis. The review covers more than 3 decades (1980–2013) of experimental research (k = 15 studies, 28 effects). The findings showed that verbal scaffolding, alone or in combination with other strategies, was the predominant teaching approach. The meta-analysis revealed average effects (weighted for sample size) for narrative expression (.50) and a slightly larger effect for comprehension (.58). These effects were unrelated to the duration of instruction. However, when verbal strategies were combined with nonverbal ones, such as engaging children in enacting stories or in telling stories with props, the effects for expression increased (i.e., children’s storytelling improved more from pretest to posttest). Practice or Policy: The review indicates promising strategies for supporting narrative skills. Furthermore, the studies identified can serve as a resource for practitioners by suggesting diverse kinds of verbal scaffolds, complementary nonverbal approaches, and storybooks that have been used effectively to foster narrative competencies among young children.  相似文献   

作为出色的文体学家,凯瑟琳.安.波特在中短篇小说中采用了独特的叙述技巧,尤其是每篇作品中叙述视角的选择可谓独具匠心。有限全知视角、第一人称视角和第三人称有限视角的恰当使用使得作品的内容与形式完美地结合在一起,给波特带来了如潮的好评,波特也因此成为二十世纪最杰出的小说家之一。  相似文献   

论中国当代小说的反讽艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反讽是人类文化发展中自我反思的必然结果 ,传统的文化逻辑与现代文化意识猛烈冲撞的文化背景导致了中国当代小说反讽形式的勃发。当代小说所普遍存在的言语反讽、情境反讽与结构性反讽等方式 ,构筑了多重反讽视境 ,从而促成了当代小说叙事艺术的超越性位移  相似文献   

东西对现实世界有着清醒澄明的洞悉,他善于用委婉幽隐的反讽叙事来冲击悖立的本真生活。他的反讽叙事主要体现在以下三个层面:言语反讽、结构反讽和情境反讽。他的反讽叙事不仅揭示了生存的艰辛与苦难,颠覆了亲情、友情和爱情等神话,颠覆了人与人之间的关系,还直指我们的心灵,对中国人当下的人性给予了犀利深刻而又不失诗意的剖析。  相似文献   

在众多地域文学作品中,曹文轩和迟子建笔下有一种与众不同的纯净美。他们都擅用朴素温情的笔调,营造出一个美好的精神世界,呈现出一种纯净的精神之光。但两者也有相应的差异性,如在故乡情怀上分别体现为回忆的永恒和现实的观照;在儿童视角上分别采用第三人称和第一人称;在对苦难的叙写上,前者落脚点在孩子,后者落脚点在成人身上。  相似文献   

反讽及其限制——论《围城》的叙事伦理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙事伦理主要追问叙述行为的正当性与叙述话语的合法性。《围城》的立场是反讽。从叙述话语看,反讽不仅体现在遣词造句,而且还体现在谋篇布局、性格塑造上。从叙述行为看,反讽一方面与讽刺、怀疑、伪装、预言相区分,另一方面对其自身也有限制。这种区分与限制既是《围城》叙事的正当性之所在,也是形成《围城》话语悲剧性反讽的基础。  相似文献   

本着重探讨明人自传的体类型、写作动机与叙事特征,体类型包括序、状、述、传、记、墓志铭、祭、吊;写作动机可以分为写实与写趣两种倾向;叙事方式,可以分为记叙与问答两种体式;人称有第一人称叙事、第三人称叙事和第二人称叙事。明人自传大都长于描绘生活状况、刻画人物个性和剖析自我灵魂,堪称一幅幅士人自我形象的自画像。  相似文献   

弗兰纳里.奥康纳的短篇小说代表作《好人难寻》,通过描述老祖母一家外出游玩,不幸遇到"不合时宜的人"而惨遭杀害的简单故事,再现了基督教中原罪和救赎的深刻主题,而其杰出的叙事视角的转换,有限全知视角、第一人称视角和第三人称有限视角的恰当使用更是把作品推到一个新的高度,使《好人难寻》成为后人研究叙事学的良好典范。  相似文献   

反讽作为一种文学技巧,主要分为言语反讽、情景反讽、结构反讽和模式反讽四种类型。在简.奥斯丁的小说《傲慢与偏见》中,不同类型的反讽灵活地运用于四桩婚姻大事之中,以评判当时以追求金钱为目的的婚姻观念。  相似文献   

《尘埃落定》是以”傻子”为叙述者的第一人称叙事,但它同时又超越第一人称叙事视角。形成了一个作为叙事主角的”傻子”及其叙事补充”翁波意西”这一显一隐的叙事窗口。傻子以表面上的失聪状态和翁波意西在主体意识中话语权力被剥夺的情况。二者潜移默化,相互影响共同构成的一显一隐叙事主体串联于作品的叙事情节之中,形成了一种串联式叙事,从而使《尘埃落定》的叙事结构错落有致,有条不紊。递归式隐喻的运用,更使作品语言极富张力。  相似文献   

影片《肖申克的救赎》与《圣经》互文指涉,影片的故事情节架构与《旧约·出埃及记》的神话模式相似,而且,影片运用了圣经u型叙事结构来刻画人物命运并实现主题寓意;不仅如此,影片还采用了不可靠叙述及反讽叙事策略,使观众在观看影片的时候需要进行双重解码。后现代派叙事策略的运用增强了影片的艺术性,深化了影片的主题意义。  相似文献   

本文通过一定规模的真实语料对不同人称主语了2句与传信语的使用情况进行了定量考察,发现了2偏爱出现在与话主第一人称相关联的句子之中,第三人称主语了2句使用传信语的数量要比其他人称多,第一人称主语了2句偏爱主观传信语而第二、三人称则偏爱客观传信语,并从交际双方对信息的知晓度和权威性角度来解释上述规律。本文从人称、语气、信息传递等多角度研究汉语传信范畴在言语交际中的表现,有助于动态考察传信范畴,以及传信范畴与其他范畴的互动关系。  相似文献   

This article presents a first-person narrative about the author's experiences in learning to become a psychotherapist. Among the issues which are touched upon are beginning therapists' initial anxieties in working with patiennts, countertransference, training, supervision and how others outside the mental health field often regard psychotherpists with overvaluation or trepidation. The author concludes that continued training, experience and greater self-knowledge help dissipate the paralyzing effects of early performance anxiety.  相似文献   

在小学语文教材的文图系统中,插图是与文字互相配合的第一语言,是培养学生语文核心素养的重要载体。在文本、读者(师生)、编者、画家生成的对话空间中,可以从氛围渲染、文本表现、文图配合三个方面展开对插图叙事的考量。聚焦小学低年级课文,例谈统编小学语文教科书插图的叙事优缺点,并从图文叙事入手,介绍单幅图、多幅图、图文教学的策略,有助于为教材插图的设计和利用提供思路。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that pictures can be effective in enhancing text memory. For example, Waddill and McDaniel (1992) found that pictures depicting detail information in an expository text effectively enhanced recall of those details and pictures depicting relational information effectively enhanced recall of those relations. However, the research on picture enhancement effects raises the question of whether the mnemonic value of pictures is simply a by‐product of having drawn attention to parts of the text through selective repetition of text content. The present study addressed the question by comparing the relative effectiveness of pictures versus simple verbal captions in promoting text memory. The results replicated the Waddill and McDaniel (1992) pictorial enhancement effect. However, the results showed that repeating the targeted information in a verbal caption was as effective as providing a pictorial illustration, thus suggesting that repetition of text content rather than nonverbal pictorial illustrations produced the effect. The findings generalized across three texts that differed in the amount of spatial content they conveyed.  相似文献   


The purpose of this pilot study was to examine and refine an oral narrative intervention addressing personal narratives of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and severe language impairment. A multiple baseline across participants design investigated the effect of the intervention on the macrostructure of personal narratives. Three five–six year olds participated in a 1:1 intervention that targeted the where, who with, what and feelings of personal narrative. Intervention included macrostructure icons, pictures, modelling and participants telling the entire narrative. Participants received training with two or three narratives each session. The intervention was effective for all three participants. Two participants showed evidence of maintenance and generalisation across settings. The results show that children with autism and severe language impairment may benefit from oral narrative intervention targeting the macrostructure of personal narrative. These results are consistent with previous findings. Areas for future research include investigation of generalisation across people.  相似文献   

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