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目前,新课程改革正在深入推进,新课程要求改变学生现有的学生方式,使他们学会学习、学会发现问题、学会解决问题、增强动手实践能力和创新思维能力。新课程注重"过程与方法"、倡导发挥学生能动性的"探究式"学习方式。如何在信息技术课中培养学生的创新能力,  相似文献   

正一、问题的提出新课程改革的总目标是:"改变课程过于注重知识传授的倾向,强调形成积极的学习态度,使获得基础知识与基本技能的过程同时成为学会学习和形成正确价值观的过程。"要实现新课程在教学总目标、课程结构与内容、学生学习方式、教育教学评价与管理等方面的改变,教师必须改变以往的教育教学理念,既要重视学生掌握基础知识和基本技能,还要着眼于学生能力、情感、态度和价值观等的整体发展。"问题导学"教学能使学生掌握扎实的基础知识、提高思考技能、发展科学探究问题能力、学会语言表达能力、强化合作意识与技能、增强学生实践与创新能力。因此,"问题导学"教学目标与新课程改革的总目标是一致的,培养有效的解决问题的学习者和具有创新合作意识的实践者。  相似文献   

新课程改革要求以创新精神和实践能力为中心,因而需要在学校的教育教学实践中构建一种有助于学生学会学习、学会探究、学会创新的情景,探究式教学可以适应这种要求,它改变了传统教学中封闭的、交流单一的、脱离现实生活实际的教学模式,改变了偏重于知识传授、轻视创新精神的培养倾向,使学生养成一种对知识进行主动探究,并重视运用知识解决实际问题的学习方式。探究式教学是培养学生创新精神和实践能力,推行素质教育的一种有效的教学方式。  相似文献   

初中化学新课程标准不仅要求学生获得知识与技能,更重要的是使学生体验学习的过程,学会关注自己的学习方式,从而掌握获取知识的方法。新课标改革倡导的新观念,深刻地引领着化学教学实践的改变。随着学生学习方式的改变,教师将由原来课堂教学的主导者转变为学生学习活动的组织者、探究发现的引导者、与学生共同学习的合作者。因此,必须改革教学方法,发展学生思维,培养学生自学能力,提高学生学习兴趣与解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

新一轮新课程改革为教育技术装备的开发创新提供了新的发展空间,作为条件性课程资源的教育技术装备,必须依据课程标准所确定的目标进行全方位的开发创新,使教育技术装备具有更好地激发学生的学习兴趣和求知欲的功用。一、新课程改革的目标为充分利用教育技术装备明确了方向新课程改革的主要目标是要改变学生现有的学习方式,使他们学会学习、学会发现问题,掌握解决问题的能力,提高动手实践能力和创新思维能力。因此,一段时期以来,教育技术装备在新课程标准中受到普遍重视,地位得到空前提升。这也对教师运用教育技术装备提出了更高、更为明确的要求。  相似文献   

袁亚萍 《科学教育》2007,13(6):21-22
新课程改革的具体目标之一就是改变学生的学习方式,强调让学生学会学习。“教会学生学会学习”已成为我国基础教育课程改革具有时代特征的教育理念之一。在教学中培养学生的反思意识和反思能力,是教会学生学会学习的有效方式。下面结合笔者在科学教学实践中的体会,谈谈如何培养  相似文献   

我国在世纪之交进行的这场新一轮课程改革,必将使基础教育从教育思想到教学内容,教学方法都坚持与时俱进,反映鲜明的时代特征。新课程将改变学生的学习生活,也将改变教师的教学生活;新课程中学生可能会改变他们的一生,教师也将焕发出新的生命;教师与新课程同行,与学生共同成长。  相似文献   

新课程标准把学习方式的改革重点放在强化学生的自主学习、创新学习和主动探究上。改变学习方式,由被动接受学习转变为主动探究学习,是新课程改革的重点之一。改变学生学习过程与方式的根本目的是使学生学会学习。  相似文献   

曹晶 《教师》2016,(4):33
近年来,新课程改革如火如荼,在新理念引领下,小学数学课堂出现了翻天覆地的变化,教师的教育观念与教学方式、学生的学习观念与学习方式都发生了很大的改变。笔者认为,要想更好地践行新课程理念,提高小学数学的教学实效,应该运用恰当的教学策略,创新教学方法,使数学教学生活化,使学生学会高效思考、学会快乐学习。  相似文献   

王增云 《贵州教育》2012,(10):29-31
我国《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》中明确提出要实现学生学习方式的根本转变。家庭作业作为学生学习能力获得和成长得以体现的一个重要途径,扮演着及其重要的角色。但自新课程改革以来,由于受旧的教育理念的影响,家庭作业布置存在严重的弊端。笔者认为:新课程视野中的家庭作业应该走进学生的生活世界,“引导学生深入生活、感悟体验,多经历、多实践、多创造,使学生学会应变、学会学习、学会生活,使不同层次学生的个性得到充分的发展”。  相似文献   

本将高等代数的中的“矩阵的转置”定义为“矩阵的主转置”,由此给出矩阵的次转置、行转置、列转置的定义,得出相关结论,并予以严格证明,这对矩阵的深入研究有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》这部小说中含有150多首诗词,有传统诗词之美,小说人物命运的叙述生动感人,又有当今语体文甚至口语的色彩,红楼梦的艺术世界是多彩诱人的,小说学为读者营造了一方“诗词天地”。忽略诗词鉴赏,就不能全面把握《红楼梦》艺术特征,也不能真正认识它的作者,因此,读懂这部书的文辞,品味其诗词韵味,会是一种享受,《红楼梦》以小说文本的可接爱性而雅供共赏,一定会在当前素质教育的诗文美育中起到促进作用。  相似文献   

上古韵部划分是上古音研究的核心部分,韵部划分至清代虽已渐臻完备,但学界对韵部进行再划分的工作一直未断。李新魁先生在二十九部基础上分出祭、废、至、队、曷、桓、戈七部,将上古韵部分为三十六部,其分部的依据不合理,故不必立祭、废、至、队、曷、桓、戈七部。  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine the use of litigation as a strategic tool of resistance for thwarting school desegregation. Utilizing Cowan v. Bolivar County Board of Education as a case study, I argue that, despite losing the constitutional right to racially segregate public schools according to an explicit white supremacist doctrine, whites in Bolivar County, Mississippi, were successful in stemming the impending tide of social change associated with school desegregation through litigation. Litigious resistance not only provided southern whites with a racially moderate epistemology for undermining school desegregation regionally, but their legal challenges to school desegregation also laid the groundwork for non-southern white animus toward all federal education policies that promoted racial inclusion.  相似文献   

通过考察中国戏曲与小说的发展轨迹,结合两的整体关系,指出《西游记》杂剧记叙唐僧取经内容完整,结构宏大,由此演进为小说具有必然性,并进而对它在后世百回本小说《西游记》成书过程中的影响和作用作了具体、客观的评析。  相似文献   

The author presents a concept of the didactics of history, geography, and civics that seeks to link, through a single dynamic, the civic, political, and social goals of school knowledge with everyday classroom practice and pupils' learning. Two concepts occupy the heart of this construction: those of school disciplines and social representations. The concept of school disciplines addresses the fact that school knowledge is a creation of the school, designed to enable it to achieve the social goals it is assigned. A school discipline is thus a particular combination of goals, content (in the form of shared knowledge), methods, and practices. The concept of social representations is a tool serving to analyze knowledge as theories of the natural and social world, its production, and its reception by the different actors involved.  相似文献   

Research involving standardized reading achievement tests has been widespread, but there has been little investigation into the relationships among the more widely used tests of reading achievement. In the present study, the Reading subtest of the WRAT, the Reading Comprehension subtest of the PIAT, and the SORT were compared with each other and with the WISC-R. Results showed a high correlation between the WRAT and the PIAT, a moderately high correlation between the SORT and the PIAT, and a very low correlation between the SORT and the WRAT. The WRAT and the PIAT had higher correlations with the various components of the WISC-R than did the SORT. These findings imply that the WRAT and the PIAT measure essentially the same dimension of reading achievement, possibly verbal fluency, but that the SORT is measuring a different dimension, one that is also tapped to some extent by the PIAT.  相似文献   

It has been widely documented that accountability systems, including school inspections, bring with them unintended side effects. These unintended effects are often negative and have the potential to undo the intended positive effects. However the empirical evidence is limited. Through a European comparative study we have had the rare opportunity to collect empirical evidence and study the effects (both intended and unintended) of school inspections (a key system of accountability) in a systematic way, across seven countries. We present the findings of the unintended effects in this paper. Survey self-report responses from school principals in each country, with differing school inspection systems, are analysed to measure the prevalence of these unintended effects and to investigate the part played by pressure to do well in inspections. A key finding is that increasing pressure in school inspection systems is associated with the undesired effect of the narrowing and refocusing of the curriculum and instructional strategies. We also show that a proportion of school principals admit to misrepresenting the school in data sent to the inspectorate and show evidence for formalisation/proceduralisation (excessive focus on records) and ossification (fear of experimentation in teaching), although these factors are less related to changes in pressure.  相似文献   

Two education reports commissioned by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Learning to be, otherwise known as the Faure report (1972) and Learning: The treasure within, otherwise known as the Delors report (1996), have been associated with the establishment of lifelong learning as a global educational paradigm. In this article, which draws on archival research and interviews, I will explore how these two reports have contributed to debates on the purpose of education and learning. In the first half, I will shed light on their origins, the context in which they came about, how they have been received by the education community and by UNESCO member states and how they have been discussed in the scholarly literature. In the second half, I will discuss the key themes of the reports, in particular lifelong learning as the global educational ‘master concept’. In the last section, I will reflect on how the Faure report and the Delors report are still relevant for our debates about learning today. I will argue that the concept of lifelong learning, as put forward by these reports, was a political utopia which is at odds with today's utilitarian view of education.  相似文献   

借助功能语言学主位和主位推进模式有关理论来分析语篇的衔接、信息分布、连贯、语篇发展以及译者如何利用这些分析结果充分解读翻译源文,在以语篇为翻译单位时,采取何种相应的翻译对策,生成在功能和效果上与之相当的目的语语篇。  相似文献   

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