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Fantasy literature is fantasy in written form.Historically speaking,the majority of fantasy works have been literature.Since the 1950s however,a growing part of the fantasy genre (流派) has taken the form of video games,  相似文献   

This study provides a glimpse into understanding the potential benefits as well as harm of playing video games from the perspective of six Malaysian secondary school students, aged 16-17 years old. The rationale of the study is to enable parents, educators, administrators and policy makers to develop a sound understanding on the impact of playing video games before making any judgment on the contemporary youth culture. Thus, further decision on the acceptance of video games as a new innovation in school or at home could be considered. Although this study is not very extensive, the findings suggest that playing video games contributes to cognitive, social, motivational and emotional development. However, potential harms do exist. Parents play an important role in guiding their children either directly or indirectly, as indicated by the respective students. Caution is advised in the interpretation of the study's findings as it is solely based on the perspectives of the students, as the first person's views. Nevertheless, each student has their very own perspective on the impact of video games on them.  相似文献   

谢岩 《林区教学》2008,(1):67-69
Vocabulary acquisition is increasingly viewed as crucial to language acquisition.However,learning vocabulary is often perceived as a tedious and laborious process.This leaves us teachers a big problem of how to teach vocabulary effectively.This paper will answer the question.The paper first discusses the scope of the definition of "game",and then goes to the value of games in vocabulary teaching.In the third part,the author lists some useful games for vocabulary teaching and explores the response from the students.The fourth part illustrates the problems encountered in vocabulary teaching.The final part of this paper is the conclusion.  相似文献   

龚腾龙 《海外英语》2012,(7):113-115
Vocabulary acquisition is increasingly viewed as crucial to language acquisition.Meanwhile,learning vocabulary is often perceived as a tedious and laborious process.Chinese students usually feel bored in vocabulary lessons because they have not changed their learning habits,such as writing word on paper,trying to learn by heart.To help students find vocabulary lessons more interesting,we can use games.This paper analyses the traditional method of teaching vocabulary is not effective,whereas there are some advantages of using games,such as,games bring in fun,games are motivating and create context for language use and then gives two examples of applying games in my vocabulary teaching.Students prefer games and puzzles.Games motivate and entertain students but also help them memorize and recall the material easily.The conclusion is that learning vocabulary through the games is an effective and interesting means which should be used in any classrooms.  相似文献   

Leaving now the questions of formal geometrical propositions, I proceed to enumerate a few games or puzzles which depend mainly on the relative position of things. Some writers regard draughts, solitaire, chess, and such like games as subjects for geometrical treatment in the same way as they treat dominoes, backgammon,  相似文献   

Cybercrime Forensics is one of the fastest areas of growth within Computing. This is a direct response to the growing complexity and vulnerability of computer systems and the new forms of criminal activities making use of them. The demand for people qualified to assist in Cybercrime investigations is very large and growing. This has led to many universities world-wide offering undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in this new area and a wealth of commercial training courses.  相似文献   

肖红 《海外英语》2014,(20):280-281
Computer video games,which are based on personal computers,game consoles,and portable devices,can be played solo or multiplayer,and over networks. Interaction,which is the basic characteristic of games,provides rich communication opportunities for audiences. Meanwhile,narrative is a far more diverse concept to be considered as a distinctly important way of communication. This essay will compare and contrast the communication opportunities provided by narratives and computer games.  相似文献   

Long ago,there lived a tiger in the forest. All the other ani-mals were afraid of the tiger. Every morning the tiger shouted at the animals in the forest to tell them to play games for it. It was not important whether the games were interesting or not,for the tiger didn't know about it. One morning,a great roar(吼)came out,all the animals quick-ly gathered before the tiger. They performed programmes one after another. One of them was the following:Monkey:(Wearing a red mask(面具))Hey…  相似文献   

I am nearsighted(近视的).My eyesight has gotten worse over the years from playing too many computer games and watching too much TV.I have been playing computer games a lot.There are so many different games but so little time to play.I am one of those kids who can get onto the computer and totally(完全地)forget about my other plans.I am a bit ashamed of (感到羞愧)  相似文献   

Su  Zhehong  陈碧清 《广东教育》2006,(4):71-71
On a hot summer night, Ⅰ went downstairs to cool off myself under the tree after Ⅰ played basketball with my friends. Ⅰ felt a little bored and sleepy. Then Ⅰ turned on the radio. The pro- gram was about the news of the Olympics Games in 2008. Ⅰ learnt that a lot of things would be done before the games were hold. The radio said that now we were improving the natural environment so that we would have a better place to hold the games, that we were bringing in and also self-researehing the high technology so as to help us hold the game more easily, and that we were enhancing our country's fame in history culture, economy achievement, politic function and so on. A picture began to form in my mind slowly.  相似文献   

The idea of digital game-based learning (DGBL) is that students (or players) learn something by playing a computer or video game and that an educator can employ digital games to assist and boost both formal and informal learning. There is game software that is not specifically produced for educational use but which is nonetheless regularly implemented in educational settings by educators. These so-called COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) games are particularly effective in socialization processes. COTS sports computer and video games can be divided into three main categories: sports simulation games, sports arcade games and sports management games. After taking a closer look at these sports computer and video games, specifically sports simulation games, it is possible to posit dimensions of competencies that are developed by playing those games. Various examples for each dimension of competencies can be generated: motor competence, cognitive competence, meta-cognitive competence, social competence, emotional competence, personal competence and media competence. Furthermore, examples of implementing digital sports-games in physical education can easily be generated. After comparing the postulated dimensions of competencies of COTS digital sports-simulations with those of "real" sports, the following question arises: Are their respective educational results comparable?  相似文献   

This was one of the interesting games I liked best whela I was a little girl. My sisters and1 used to play it for hours at a time.  相似文献   

The fossilization of interlanguage has long been a universal problem in foreign language learning and teaching, thus winning the concerns of foreign teachers and researchers. The paper analyzes the causes of this phenomenon which is expected to be beneficial to oral English teaching of growing cadre students in military academy, and then gives some suggestions in their oral English teaching, combining with the characteristics of growing cadre students’ English learning.  相似文献   

In contemporary society, as the development of globalization a growing tendency of how to communication effective?ly between different culture and languages has becoming a matter of fact. Even though a...  相似文献   

1 Introduction 1 In recent years there is a growing understanding of the importance of effective design management to facilitate a coordinated building design within budget, and to ensure the smooth operation of a project [1]. Therefore, it becomes a certain tendency that management of construction design project should combine with information technology (IT) to approach information share and process integration. Since the application of computer-aided design technology (CAD) in China at la…  相似文献   

With the deepening of China‘s reform and open-door pohcy, the ability to participate mrectly m oral interactions in English becomes more and more important, hence the focus of English language teaching on improving students‘ oral English proficiency. The CET Spoken English Test (CET-SET), which is a face-to-face oral proficiency test, is a component part of the CET test. Since its first administration on a national scale in November 1999, it has been receiving a growing amount of attention from teachers and students in universities in China. As the number of studen tstaking the CET-SET is growing rapidly year by year, it has become crucial to develop an alternative to the CET-SET that can be operationally more practical. My views on the CET-SET are expounded in this paper, which is structured as follows. First, I provide an overview of the CET-SET. Next, I identify several aspects of the test that are amenable to changes. Finally, I put forward some suggestions as to the development of an alternative approach for the CET-SET.  相似文献   

杜倩 《英语辅导》2017,(11):48-49
While other children play soccer or video games,twelve-year-old Campbell Remess 1 lots of free time making Teddy Bears. Campbell was inspired to make them when he was nine,after his parents told him they did not have enough 2 to buy Christmas presents for the sick children in hospital.So the little boy decided to make the gifts 3 He set himself a goal of 365 a year,4 everyday.  相似文献   

This paper reports a qualitative study in response to the growing research interest in teacher learning. Informed by a sociocultural perspective, teacher learning is considered as a process of identity construction in the paper. This paper taps into the development of teacher identity embedded in teacher learning and views reflection as a social practice for enhancing teacher learning. Through a close analysis of a selected discussion thread, this paper aims to demonstrate that teacher-learners' reflective practice in the online learning community provided a site of engagement for developing their professional identity and shaping the practice of teaching in their process of learning to teach.  相似文献   

This letter proposes a categorization matrix to analyze the playing style of a computer game player for a shooting game genre. Our aim is to use human-centered modeling as a strategy for adaptive games based on entertainment measure to evaluate the playing experience. We utilized a self-organizing map (SOM) to cluster the player's style with the data obtained while playing the game. We further argued that style-based adaptation contributes to higher enjoyment, and this is reflected in our experiment using a supervised multilayered perceptron (MLP) network.  相似文献   

Football is one of the most popular, interesting and exciting games. Football is popular among tens of millions of people all over the world.I am a football fan. I began to watch football games when the league football match first took place in China. Then, I became interested in football. In the match, I enjoy the wonderful goal shootings and the players courage and endurance(勇气和耐力). The most interesting thing is the result which anyone can hardly tell.The world cup is held every four…  相似文献   

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