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The field of technical communication has made notable progress in researching and teaching intercultural issues. Not enough discussion, however, is available on assessing students’ intercultural competence. This article attempts to start this discussion and invite further research. It suggests a working definition to conceptualize intercultural competence and draws upon diverse disciplines to review different assessment methods, including their strengths, drawbacks, and potential applications in technical communication classes.  相似文献   

作为以超链接为技术平台,以超文本实践为基础的网际对话活动,网络交流解构了权威的宰制和独白式的叙事法则,衍生出一种全新的主体际交流模式.然而,站在审美的角度予以反思,便会发现,作为网络技术构建的产物,网络交流正滋生着泛审美交流意识的暗流,人类文化传统的神圣性由此遭遇被消解的危机.为此,只有恪守审美化网络交流的新理念,努力使科技创新的旋律与原点性的人文情怀达成和谐统一,方可尽量遏制网络技术的异化因素,最终实现"我-你"相遇的审美化网络交流的理想境界.  相似文献   

赛博空间伦理学研究人们在赛博空间中的行为应遵守的道德准则和规范,赛博空间因智能系统的应用引起了复杂的道德选择,从而使道德问题具有了全新的维度。哈姆林克从"人性"出发,用现实生活中的"平等"概念来建构赛博空间的道德性,他的基本假设是人有理性对自己的信念进行批判,从而有能力在赛博空间中展开"伦理对话"寻找符合共同利益的道德。这个假设在应用上是有局限的,我们还需要考虑赛博空间内外行为的差异这个现状,为此我们需要对其进行修改。我们认为,行为者的信念在一个由其他人设定的现实中受到其他信念的限制,赛博空间中某种交往的条件限制着需要形成这些潜在信念条件的证据的可用性。  相似文献   

不同的性别有着自身不同的性别文化,男性和女性按照各自的性别文化规则来规范自己的交际行为。在网络这个虚拟空间,男性和女性的交际与面对面交际一样反映出根深蒂固的性别文化差异。笔者尝试从男性与女性在网络交际与面对面交际中的文化差异、男性与女性网络交际的风格及网络交际道德规范等方面探讨网络交际的性别文化差异,并针对网络交际中出现的性骚扰等现象提出一些看法。  相似文献   

This article presents theory and research forming the framework of a graduate course in cyberethics education. The course content includes theory and research on the psychology of the Internet, moral development, and character education. Discussion includes application of these constructs to issues such as empathy, privacy, and other issues as they appear in cyberspace. Core virtues and analyses through ethical theories provide the moral framework for the course and ground it in character education as it has emerged from the physical world. I also briefly present the course curriculum prompting teacher's lesson plans for teaching cyberethics.  相似文献   

Issues related to technological literacy can provide a useful frame for thinking critically about computer-based instruction in technical communication. This article identifies issues of technological literacy related to performance, contextual factors, and linguistic activities. When considered collectively, these issues provide technical communication students with a mechanism to identify and analyze a range of perspectives associated with technology and communication.  相似文献   

Issues related to technological literacy can provide a useful frame for thinking critically about computer-based instruction in technical communication. This article identifies issues of technological literacy related to performance, contextual factors, and linguistic activities. When considered collectively, these issues provide technical communication students with a mechanism to identify and analyze a range of perspectives associated with technology and communication.  相似文献   

本文从高校网络空间的信息传播结构出发,从传播过程、传播体制和传播环境结构出发探索新时代高校网络空间意识形态安全治理路径。新时代下维护高校网络空间意识形态安全应构建完善的领导机制,推进安全管理体制制度建设,提高信息价值质量,提升信息发布者和接收者的质素与能力,以应对高校网络意识形态安全工作中的问题,回应新时代对高校网络空间意识形态安全治理的新要求。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代前后,健康传播学在美国源起。如今,健康传播学已经成为一门独立的学科。由医患传播、健康传播运动、大众媒介上的健康传播、危机传播、健康传播中的新技术以及健康传播研究方法这六个方面可以对美国健康传播目前的研究问题、理论和方法进行分析与解读。  相似文献   


In this article, we build on arguments in risk communication that the predominant linear risk communication models are problematic for their failure to consider audience and additional contextual issues. The “failure”; of these risk communication models has led, some scholars argue, to a number of ethical and communicative problems. We seek to extend the critique, arguing that “risk”; is socially constructed. The claim for the social construction of risk has significant implications for both risk communication and the roles of technical communicators in risk situations. We frame these implications as a “critical rhetoric”; of risk communication that (1) dissolves the separation of risk assessment from risk communication to locate epistemology within communicative processes; (2) foregrounds power in risk communication as a way to frame ethical audience involvement; (3) argues for the technical communicator as one possessing the research and writing skills necessary for the complex processes of constructing and communicating risk.  相似文献   

网络空间的公共性不仅意味着进入的自由性、信息的共享性、交流的民主性,还应符合于诉求理性化、表达人性化、论争有序化等要求。网络文学公共空间不但必然具有进入的自由性等网络空间公共性的基始内涵,而且更容易达到诉求理性化等网络空间公共性的高一级要求。因此,网络文学公共空间的建构不但有利于文学自身的繁荣以及其他艺术的发展乃至当代美学建设,而且对于整个网络公共空间较高程度或较大范围的真正形成有着某种示范作用或启迪意义。众多文学网站的存在和发展对于当代社会具有既特殊又不可或缺的文化建设意义,这也就意味着同样面临着市场经济的强大压力的文学网站理当在运行机制和文化影响方面向自己提出极高的要求,其最核心的任务则是在持续地“海纳百川”的同时持续地进行“精品化”的工作。  相似文献   

校本研修是当今推动教师专业化发展的重要手段,同伴互助、个人反思和专业引领是校本教研的核心。文章立足教研组,阐述了基于网络环境下的校本研修方法和成效。教研组成员通过对话、协作、帮助、个人反思,专业引领等基本形式和途径,充分利用博客、moodle、Diggo等网络和信息化交流平台,开展自我反思、进行网络研修,实施同伴互助,形成一支学习型团队,促进教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

The authors performed an interdisciplinary literature review of research on communication and climate change. The authors reviewed STEM, social science, and risk analysis journals to synthesize recent publications on climate change communication which could support research in technical communication. Several applications are proposed for technical communication research, including using this review to contextualize local qualitative work, to spur interdisciplinary projects and address gaps in multidisciplinary literature, and reconsider a role for advocacy in technical communication.  相似文献   

The writers of this paper are currently engaged in research concerning the lives of young adults who are multi-sensory impaired; they are particularly interested in the areas of communication and the development of meaningful relationships. Part of their fieldwork has involved the use of video recordings. The paper considers the use of video technology in qualitative research, together with the technical issues and ethical sensitivities which might be involved. The issue of emancipatory research is explored, with a particular focus on how this might be applied to research with people who have pronounced and complex disabilities and who use modes of communication which are idiosyncratic and mainly non-verbal. Finally, the writers describe their own work-in-progress in this area.  相似文献   

As the discipline of technical communication undergoes increasing scrutiny by scholars and teachers and as the discipline continues to evolve with advancements in technology, we should pause to consider some foundational, historical issues that led to the formation of a technical communication pedagogy in the first place. This piece evaluates shifts in an engineering curriculum from roughly 1850 to 1960 that made possible the development of a technical communication curriculum.  相似文献   

This article examines a range of issues related to the development of nonstandard methods for the analysis of videotapes of problem-solving sessions. It proposes some rather stringent standards for novel methods, standards concerned with issues of validity, reliability, and the communication of methods and data. The discussion is illustrated by the detailed examination of two case studies that employ two different grain sizes of analysis—the first macroscopic, the second microscopic. In the light of those case studies, theoretical issues regarding the relationships among theory-based, method-based, and problem-based approaches to programmatic research in the learning sciences are considered.  相似文献   

Creation of multimedia (MM) could be a valuable diversification of assessment methods within non‐technical modules. The apparent popularity of sites based on user‐generated video content such as YouTube and also of podcasting suggests that relevant skills and interest are becoming more mainstream. Translating book learned knowledge into visual forms involves a specific type of intellectual challenge. It seems possible that generating short MM presentations will increasingly come to be part of organisational communication, making it an increasingly authentic form of assessment. It could simply be a fun and creative variant of the group presentation. However, there is an entrenched cultural suspicion of the visual as superficial. The ‘technical skills’ involved may give unfair advantage to some students. Any change process is likely to meet resistance and raise novel and unexpected obstacles to its perception as a fair form of assessment. The paper explores these issues and outlines the investigation of them in the MAIK (Multimedia Assessment In Knowledge) action research project. It discusses in detail justifications for the design of the assessment task in this context, evaluates the success of this structure and reflects on what was learned from the project about the issues.  相似文献   

网络人际交往及其与网络成瘾倾向的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究运用问卷法探讨网络人际交往及其与网络成瘾倾向的关系.通过对409名大、中学生的调查结果表明:(1)QQ聊天、电子邮件和在线互动游戏,是青少年网络人际交往的重要方式;(2)女性较男性更多地将网络人际交往作为现实生活人际交往的延续;(3)在线互动游戏、网上聊天等对青少年网络成癌有一定的预测作用;(4)不断与陌生人交流以及通过这种交流结识网友,是网络成瘾倾向者人际交往的一个显著特征.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a research project that investigated the use of touchscreens by children in early childhood and junior primary settings by introducing touchscreens in five classrooms in Melbourne. Several methods to obtain information about how children interacted with the touchscreens were used including observation, journals and field notes, and interviews. The research identified five key themes, relating to developmental issues, input device preference, technical issues, individual differences in children's use of the touchscreen and issues of collaboration.  相似文献   

网络作为当代社会一种新型的沟通方式,它对当代大学生的人际交往能力的影响巨大,由于它的隐蔽性、包容性、便捷性等特征,不仅为大学生的人际交往搭建了一个全新的平台,显示了它的优越性,但同时,也由于网络的虚拟性、时空跨越性等特征,也对大学生的交往能力产生了消极的影响,本文在分析网络对大学生的人际交往能力的正反影响的基础上,积极探讨在网络时代如何加强对大学生的人际交往能力的培养及对策研究。  相似文献   

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