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周博文 《音乐世界》2008,(8):118-121
清新明媚的春日,总能感受到最灿烂的阳光味道!在这个缤纷多彩的季节里,最想找到属于自己的那款最钟爱的色彩!近期小编就为你精挑细选了多种不同 Colour 的数码品,大饱眼福的同时,别忘记 Choose your favourite!  相似文献   

Pre‐college philosophy has proliferated greatly over the last few decades, including in the form of ‘philosophy across the curriculum’. However, there has been very little sustained examination of the nature of philosophy as a subject relative to other standard pre‐college subjects and the kinds of expertise an effective philosophy teacher at this level should possess. At face value, the minimal academic preparation expected for competence in secondary philosophy instruction, compared to the high standards for teaching other subjects, raises questions and concerns. In this paper I make some provisional observations about the subject of philosophy and how it is taught from p4c through to the post‐secondary level. I begin by examining the concept of ‘philosophy across the curriculum’ and offer a working analysis of the main features of philosophy's form and content that enable us to determine its relevance to, and difference from, other subjects. Next, I examine and critique what I term the ‘populist’ conception of philosophy, which correlates to lower expectations of teacher training, and use my own experience of teaching philosophy across the curriculum to shed doubt on the viability of this approach. In the third section I consider what I term the ‘autonomous’ conception of philosophy, which correlates to more stringent expectations of teacher capacity, and explain why it is preferable to the populist conception with some qualifications. I conclude by reflecting on how philosophy compares to other subjects that are advanced cross‐curricularly and argue for more training of high school philosophy teachers.  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术的发展,网络已逐渐渗透到人们的工作、学习和生活等各个领域,并对人们,尤其青少年的心理健康产生了一定的冲击.本文主要从青少年心理健康的角度,论述青少年沉溺于上网的主要原因及网络可能给青少年心理健康带来的双重影响.网络带来的思考主要是学校、家庭及社会协同,加强网络文明工程建设,发挥网络积极的心理效应,控制和减少其消极心理作用.  相似文献   

本文针对图书馆开架借阅模式书刊乱架、污损、丢失等问题,提出要从根本上解决这些问题措施与建议,以使开架借阅摸式发挥更大效能。  相似文献   

城市社区:共同体还是"互不相关的邻里"   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
当代城市社区是共同体吗,这是一个悬而未决的问题。作者综合分析现有的实证研究后发现:虽然当代城市社区存在中等程度的社区归属感,但邻里关系的重要性却日渐下降,居民的邻里互动减少,社区参与水平低下。换言之,城市居民与社区之间缺乏紧密的社会联系与经济联系。城市社区不再是传统意义上的共同体。并且,随着商品房社区的增加,城市社区的共同体色彩可能会进一步淡化。  相似文献   

In this article a graduate level diversity course, “Diversity & Equity in Higher Education” that is based on Johnson’s (2005) Privilege, Power, and Difference, and Critical Race Theory (CRT) (Tate in Rev Res Educ 22:195–247, 1997) is described. Johnson’s concepts, such as paths of least resistance, are explained, as well as CRT, and forms of multiculturalism. The course format, the instructor’s philosophy toward this course, and course assignments are shared. Using the CRT analysis tool developed by former students of this course, an example from a student’s paper is provided as an example of how to use the tool, and how theory is used to help students “see” injustice and oppression. Challenges, such as tackling a complex topic in one semester, are discussed and recommendations are made, such extending the course for two semesters.  相似文献   

Build It     
阳阳和强强搭了几艘火箭?你会怎样搭一艘火箭呢?你的火箭要飞去哪里呢?  相似文献   

It Depends     
One day a doctor went to a store and bought a pair of shoes. Before he left the store, he asked the salesgirl, "How long will this pair of shoes last?"  相似文献   

三鹿奶粉被爆含有三聚氰胺之后,全国一片哗然。作为著名品牌.三鹿集团应对这场公关危机的方式备受抨击。造成数千名婴幼儿患病的“奶粉门”不仅使三鹿集团本身面临倾覆.也使国产奶粉集体面临尴尬.更使整个民族乳业陷入前所未有的信任危机。伊利、蒙牛等著名品牌也“榜上有名”.随后国家质检总局废止了存在八年之久的免检制度。三鹿“奶粉门”  相似文献   

Build It     
妮妮给自己搭了一个家。 她在家里做什么呢? 你会搭一个什么样的家呢? 你会在家里做什么呢?  相似文献   

Peter,anAmericanboy ,ispayinghisfirstvisittoParis.Hesetsoutto  1 somefamousplacesinthecitywithafriend .Whentheycome  2 theEiffelTower(埃菲尔铁塔 ) ,Peteraskshisfriend ,“Howlongdidittaketobuildthistower?”“Twoyears,”sayshisFrenchfriend .“Twoyears ?”shoutsPeter,“Wecan  3 itjustinsixmonthsin  4 city.”Thetwo  5 attheTriumphalArch (凯旋门 )whenPeterasksthe  6 question .Afterhehearsthatittooksixmonths ,hecan’thelp  7  .Hetellshisfriend ,“Weonlyneedonemonthtodothejob .”…  相似文献   

Creativity:What Is It? Can You Assess It? Can It Be Taught?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article takes the subject of visual arts in Sweden as the point of departure in a discussion of how, with the help of portfolios, assessments may extend to include both the unpredictable and the ambiguous. The notion that assessments of learning outcomes must be either limited to superficial knowledge or completely arbitrary is shown to be a misconception. The author has made a study of the progression of young people's creativity in the visual arts from preschool to upper secondary school. The assessment was based on both product criteria and process criteria (investigative work, inventiveness, ability to use models, capacity for self‐assessment). The materials assessed were portfolios of work containing sketches, drafts and finished works, log books, sources of inspiration and videotaped interviews with the students. Is there any progression in students' visual design, in their ability to work independently and assess their work? What is the degree of correlation in the assessments of different judges of student portfolios? These are some of the questions that this article attempts to answer, which concludes with a discussion of how schools can build a culture of learning that fosters the creative powers of young people.  相似文献   

人不同于物的特点在于人既是思想者又是行动者,人作为战争的物质力量之时渗透着情感、意志、智慧之光。参加反法西斯斗争的各国人民表现的高度的历史能动性加速了法西斯势力的灭亡,推动了人类历史发展的进程。“落后就要挨打”,只有依靠全国亿万人民振奋精神,努力奋斗才能改变落后面貌,在一定意义上可以说比落后更为可怕的是人缺少上进拼搏的精神。  相似文献   

Privatization Or Marketization: Educational Development in Post-Mao China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In the post-Mao era, the reformers have taken significant steps to privatize social policy and social welfare. Revamping the social security system and commodifying social services have become more prominent since the mid-eighties. Despite the post-Mao leaders' discomfort about the term "privatization", signs of state withdrawal from the provision of social policy and welfare are clear. The author argues that the emergence of private educational institutions indicates that China's educational development has gone through a similar process of privatization or quasi-marketization though the Chinese experience is different from that of Western counterparts. Specifically, this paper tries to examine how the flourishing market economy and the policy of decentralization have affected the development of China's higher education. No longer solely relying on public schools, private and minban (people run) educational institutions are becoming more popular in the new socialist market system. This paper attempts to examine how privatization and quasi- marketization have affected educational development in mainland China. The paper concludes with a discussion of the policy implications of the privatization of education in China.  相似文献   

艾伦夜里老是睡不好,早上老是起不来,所以上班总是迟到。他的老板很生他的气,警告他如果他不能有所改善的话就炒他的鱿鱼。于是,艾伦去看医生。医生给了他一颗药丸并告诉他要在睡觉前服下这颗  相似文献   

Do It Yourself     
说明: 1.本剧改编自Success with English五年级上册Unit 5 What Can the Robot Do?一课。本剧的内容来源于课本,但又不拘泥于课本。在引导学生学会询问机器人Rob能力的情景基础上增加了一些信息:机器人的来历、机器人与Jiamin之间的有趣故事和Jiamin的自我反省等情节,使整个故事更完整、有趣,更有教育意义。  相似文献   

Do It Yourself     
Last Saturday evening I went home as usual. After I had supper with my family, we sat in the yard enjoying the cool summer wind. We talked about the things that happened during the whole week. Suddenly I remembered that my trousers had come apart at the seams. So I brought it out and said to my mother, "Mum, can you help me mend my broken trousers?" My mother looked at me for a while, then turned back  相似文献   

Think It Over     
K. B. Athreya 《Resonance》2010,15(12):1127-1131

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