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晚清时期,早期报人、维新派、革命派等对政论报刊兴趣格外浓厚,提出不尽相同的报学理论,使之服务于现实的政治需要。基于既成的文本史料,本文通过分析晚清政论报刊的理论建构,认为政论报刊逐渐由民报角色转变为党报角色,报刊的主体功能也由建言通达演变为政治动员。晚清报人对政论报刊的理论建构反映了晚清报人的特殊立场和政治追求,体现了中国报人的特殊价值和理想。  相似文献   

清末政论报人的组织离合受到传统政治文化与现代政治文化的双重影响。门户意识、省界意识等颇具传统内涵的政治文化因素成为政论报人组织离合的基本纽带。随着近代西方民主政治观念的传入,这一纽带逐步向以自主、权利、民主等为内涵的现代政治价值认同方向发展。“破门户”、“非省界”,成为政论报人组织离合的现代强音。但是,自主性的缺乏、无意识服从等传统政治心理,依然不同程度地发挥作用。它直接阻碍了政论报刊向具有理性的、主体性内涵的现代报刊组织方向发展的进程。  相似文献   

政治心态是分析清末政论报刊资本来源的视角之一。维新报刊与其所代表的阶级主体的游离,革命报刊与国内阶级主体的脱节,海外革命报刊资本募捐中的阶级错位,这些特征并不是对历史唯物主义的违背,它所突出的是政治心态在历史发展中的重要作用。社会群体的政治心态变化所形成的资本效应,展现出新闻事业阶级性历史生成的复杂过程。  相似文献   

晚清时期被称为中国报纸的政论时代.是因为那个时代迫切需要政论来开启民众的智慧。当时所办的报刊以及读者所关注的对象主要是报刊的政论文章:报刊影响力的大小也取决于所登政论的好坏。因此。维新派有影响的报人都是声名远播的政论家,如王韬、梁启超和汪康年就是杰出的代表。政论时代必然会产生政论写作的理论,研究和总结维新报人言论写作思想,不仅有助于我们进一步认识当时代表报人言论写作的特色,而且可以为当代言论写作提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

李亚娟 《编辑之友》2017,(6):97-102
“小说界革命”兴起后,晚清报刊小说被赋予鲜明的政治功用性,小说地位得到明显提升,成为启蒙利器.但自光绪三十一年起,报刊小说格局发生新变,小说创作实践与“新小说”理论渐行渐远,小说的快速商品化促使娱乐压倒启蒙.晚清报刊小说的崛起源自被动式的政治热情,但其演转离不开对自身文体本质的能动性追求.晚清报刊小说注定是一场步步深入的渐变式文学变革,在平衡自身艺术品格与社会政治生活的矛盾与张力中找寻出路,并将成为日后中国现当代小说现实主义品格的基本动机和起源.  相似文献   

张梦雅 《今传媒》2013,(1):72-73
晚清报人陈独秀在安徽芜湖创办的《安徽俗话报》,诞生于20世纪初白话报大发展时期,与此前的近代政论性报刊相比,出现了由救国向救民、由维新到革命的转型,在传播内容和传播形式上进行了改革,体现出近代报刊大众化的传播趋势。  相似文献   

张德民 《新闻界》2023,(11):77-87
晚清官员饬令购阅维新报刊是近代中国报刊史上出现的特殊景象。甲午之后,张之洞饬令湖北官销《时务报》。随后,多省官员效仿札饬购阅维新报刊,推广范围遍及全国乃至日本,官僚士绅和书院学子是重点购发对象。晚清官员之所以集体推广维新报刊,离不开光绪帝对译办报刊的允准、维新报人靠人脉关系的游说、朝廷新学取士的转向与出于裨益政学的需要等原因驱动。在晚清官员的推广下,维新报刊不仅从民间通行官衙,利于“官智”开启,还在书院学子间广泛传阅,裨助新式人才培育,其言论生存空间和报人活动空间也得以拓展。饬令购阅甚至一度成为晚清政府推广报刊的体制化手段。晚清官员和维新报刊的复杂互动,折射出国人办报背后的政治动力,亦是理解报刊助推维新运动的重要环节。  相似文献   

晚清时期报人、读者借助于报刊小说建构起了以社会批判话语为核心的公共领域,报刊小说成为晚清时期聚集主流社会文化的载体,对于推动社会变革起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

作为晚清著名的民间报人,汪康年先后创立过6家报刊,撰写并刊登大量文章,阐明其改革救国的思想,向当政者建言献策。他不仅推动了中国近代报刊产业的发展,而且是晚清时期政治改革思潮的启蒙领袖之一。《中国近代思想家文库——汪康年卷》(中国人民大学出版社2014年2月出版)向读者完整展现了汪康年的人生轨迹、思想历程和政治影响。该书的出版是汪康年研究领域的新贡献,为晚清思想、政治和文化研究提供了珍贵史料。  相似文献   

刘斌 《传媒》2006,(3):66-67
晚清是我国的政治报刊兴盛时期,当时的确有许多政治报刊是靠资助生存,但也有相当多的报刊是靠自身的能力、魅力以及有效的发行手段取得成功,其经验值得我们借鉴.<时务报>就是其中的一个典型.  相似文献   

本文通过对当代中美政治修辞观念演进的历史梳理,对中美政治修辞文本构成的核心要素的比较,分析中美在政治修辞认识论与方法论上的异同,并尝试提出新时期中国政治修辞的策略要点。本文认为,政治修辞对实现跨文化认同具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

Drawing on a national survey of 1,157 South Korean adults, the present study finds that social media use for political news is positively associated with knowledge about political issues, but not with knowledge about political processes. Professional media use for political news is significantly associated with both political issue knowledge and political process knowledge. The impact of social media for news on political issue knowledge increases with the additive role of professional media news use. This study also finds that political talk strengthens the positive association between social media use for news and political issue knowledge.  相似文献   

This study examines political and communicative factors predicting trust in mainstream newspapers and television by analyzing a set of survey data collected in South Korea. The results show that supporters of the opposition party are less likely to trust the mainstream news media than supporters of the ruling party. Daily Internet use negatively predicted trust in media only for nonpartisans. However, for supporters of the opposition party, daily Internet use moderated the interaction effect between political discussion and exposure to political news on trust in media.  相似文献   

This study, guided by family communication patterns theory, examined the role of family communication in political socialization. We tested whether certain communication styles were associated with higher levels of political similarity within the family. Additionally, the independent influences of the mother and father, as well as the direction of these influences, were considered. Results suggest that different communication styles are associated with higher levels of political similarity. Additionally, it was found that children were more likely to share their mothers' political attitudes than their fathers'. Explanations for these findings are discussed and implications focusing on the role of communication in the socialization literature are considered.  相似文献   

Political fact-checking assumes that a rational public will use accurate information to update their opinions, especially on important issues of public policy and political campaigns. Current research on the effectiveness of fact-checking does not provide a clear conclusion. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of political affiliation and type of fact-check criticism (false/half-true) on evaluation of President Obama’s statement that immigration reform would not provide amnesty to undocumented persons living in the U.S. Results confirm differences for political affiliation and type of fact-check.  相似文献   

媒体是否能促进民主、怎样的媒体才能促进民主,这样的问题作为政治传播宏观效果研究的核心问题是当代中国政治传播的研究重点。经典自由主义理论和"公共领域"理论是西方政治传播学在该问题上的两大最重要的理论资源,本文对其进行批判式评析,以期对当代中国的政治传播宏观效果研究有所启示。  相似文献   

Many have noted the immense potential of social media as a catalyst for political engagement. While we know a great deal about the people who use social media for politics, and even why they do it, we know very little about when, or under what conditions, political uses of social media actually occur. In this article I extend interpersonal goals theory to examine when political social media use happens. Results suggest that, above and beyond cognitive political engagement, interpersonal goals contribute significantly in explaining political behaviors on Facebook. I find that political posts entail greater affective and interaction-related risks than following political pages or updating one’s profile, while “liking” political posts affords users a low-cost/low-reward strategy for managing interactions. As such, this study provides evidence that political expression on Facebook takes several distinct forms.  相似文献   

The emergence and the widespread adoption of the Internet have brought about many dramatic changes on different levels. Due to its inherent characteristics, the Internet has become an engine of political mobilization and participation, and has led to the proliferation of online communities. Few studies examine how political groups use the Internet to build communities and forge alliances in cyberspace, and this study attempts to bridge this gap. Registered political parties and political expression groups in Singapore were selected for this study. Through hyperlink analysis, the study shows that reciprocity and similarity, two main characteristics observed in online communities, were found in the groupings formed by these political groups. Interestingly, most of the online affiliations that exist among these groups reflect those offline.  相似文献   


A typology of information needs for political science allows academic librarians to match local and Internet resources with materials relevant to public users, non-major undergraduates, political science majors, graduate students, and professional political scientists. Recognizing public and non-specialist users, we may distinguish needs for information about politics from that which is specifically political science information. Second, the needs of majors, graduate students, and political science professionals often fall within the bounds created by the discipline's generally recognized subfields. Finally, as academics, graduate students and professionals have functional needs for information that helps them teach, publish, and participate in professional affairs. Because the number of potentially relevant topics is singularly broad and the literature of the discipline spans two and a half millennia, this article emphasizes gateway or directory Web sites appropriate to each type of information need.  相似文献   

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