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"纸上钻石"--藏书票   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年,南京大学、南京师范大学不约而同地各自出版了一套百帧通用藏书票并毁版发行,以庆贺其百年华诞。这两套藏书票制作精美,以高等学府为题材,票面设计采用古典藏书票图文并茂的构式,以珍贵的历史照片为主体,阐发百年学府深厚的文化底蕴和光辉历程,布局传统典雅而不落俗套,艺术气息浓郁。既是对其历史的珍贵纪念,也是难得的艺术珍品。那么到底何为藏书票呢?  相似文献   

文章以"现代纸书"创新服务模式为基础,结合案例分析,从平台技术引领下的编辑素质的提升、出版流程优化下编辑地位的提升、编辑激励机制下编辑生产积极性的提升三个方面,分析"现代纸书"出版融合模式对编辑队伍高质量发展的重要作用.  相似文献   

Outsourcing as a business strategy is discussed in relation to library practices. While contracting out services is being touted as a solution to many management problems, some government operations are moving to reduce use of contractors. As with other business arrangements, preliminary steps before considering outsourcing, such as defining quality and the expectations of both parties, must be taken. Acquisitions and collection development librarians have extensive experience with managing contracts with vendors but also have to think in new terms and develop new relationships, with vendor services expanding. Acquisitions librarians have many skills to offer in managing outsourcing arrangements, and general management and leadership abilities will still be necessary both for the staff working within the library and the contract services.  相似文献   

外文图书信息源调研--美国著名大学出版社简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文介绍了三家美国著名大学出版社的特色、学科范围、著名的出版物及获得荣誉等,用以帮助图书馆采访人员进行搜集或建立特色藏书体系。  相似文献   

意大利大学图书馆   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
文章从组织机构、服务、人员聘任及图书馆之间的协作介绍了意大利大学图书馆的情况。  相似文献   

This article explores the basic principles of web-scale discovery systems and how they are being implemented in libraries. "Web scale discovery" refers to a class of products that index a vast number of resources in a wide variety formats and allow users to search for content in the physical collection, print and electronic journal collections, and other resources from a single search box. Search results are displayed in a manner similar to Internet searches, in a relevance ranked list with links to online content. The advantages and disadvantages of these systems are discussed, and a list of popular discovery products is provided. A list of library websites with discovery systems currently implemented is also provided.  相似文献   

私人藏书在保存和传播我国古代文化上具有重要地位,但长期以来,人们认可的中国的藏书观念是以藏为主、为藏而藏、藏而不用;谈论古代藏书楼也多批判其保守的一面,但我国古代也不乏开放型的藏书家,他们敞开门户、广招来学,把私人藏书从狭小的天地里解放出来。该文在汇总6个著名的开放的私人藏书楼的基础上,归纳这些藏书楼主人的"储书供众"、"传布为藏"、"流通开放"等开放思想。最后分析这类私人藏书楼致用开放的思想和行为对藏书家自己、  相似文献   

制定和实施博物馆法,使博物馆管理纳人法治轨道,是我国博物馆事业深化改革、健康发展的迫切要求。博物馆立法,有许多理论问题和实际问题需要探索研究,笔者拟就此进行系列探讨。这里,先就立法原则谈一点个人看法。博物馆法是我国法律体系建设的组成部分,是调整国家与博物馆、博物馆与各级政府组织、博物馆与公众之间关系的法律规范。保障、推进博物馆事业的繁荣发展,充分发挥博物馆特有的职能,进而促进科学文化事业和整个社会主义现代化建设,是博物馆立法的根本目的。为准确地体现博物馆法的本质和相应的法律意识,坚持正确的立法宗…  相似文献   

针对目前各种审稿方法存在的问题,研究开发出学术论文审稿意见书V1.0软件。该绿色软件无须注册而直接运行,专用数据格式文件处理保存其各项数据,尤其是稿件评价自动得分、审稿意见、鼠标数字签名等保存后不可修改。该软件简单、易操作,自主性、普适性、保密性、真实性强,适于所有期刊编辑部审稿之用。  相似文献   

文章重点介绍了EI Compendex Web数据库推行的一些个性化服务,如存储服务、电子邮件通告服务等。  相似文献   

A partnership was initiated between educators of the College of Medicine and the McGoogan Library at the University of Nebraska Medical Center to establish a new educational component for incoming medical students. The objective was to encourage the development of the students' independent information seeking skills. A three-day seminar was introduced in which the process of seeking information was emphasized rather than the final product. Cooperative development of the seminar resulted in a fresh approach to educating medical students at the College of Medicine and the emergence of an ongoing instructional link between the library faculty and educators in the College of Medicine.  相似文献   

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