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南极洲面积约 14 0 0万平方千米 ,是世界上惟一没有明确归属的国际区域。环绕南极大陆的海域部分被称为南大洋 ,面积为 3 6× 10 6平方千米。南大洋具有丰富的生物资源 ,如鲸、企鹅、海豹等。虽然企鹅被称为“南极的主人” ,但实际上南大洋最丰富的动物资源是南极磷虾。磷虾属于甲壳动物 ,世界上共有 85种 ,生活在南大洋的磷虾有七八种 ,通称南极磷虾。而人们通常所说的“南极磷虾”特指南极大磷虾 ,体长一般为 5厘米~ 6厘米。南极磷虾支撑着世界上最庞大的须鲸、海豹、企鹅等高层捕食者的种群 ,同时也形成巨大的潜在渔业资源 ,现存量估计…  相似文献   

在碧波万顷的南极水域中,生活着一种体型小巧,为数极多的甲壳类,这种甲壳类,挪威的捕鲸工人称之为磷虾。自一八二○年起,苏联的船员就开始对磷虾进行观察。本世纪二十和三十年代,British Discovery考察队进行广泛的调查研究,但是,真正以开发利用为目的研究只是到了一九四七年以后才开始。到了一九五八年,有关方面便决定捕捞和利用磷虾。一九六二年和一九七○年两年期间,有相当一部分船只在这一方面进行工作。自此以后,对南极磷虾的研究日趋活跃。根据初步研究的估计,在南极周围水域的磷虾资源量有10—50亿吨。每年捕捞1—1.5亿吨(相当于世界水产总量的2倍)不会破坏生态平衡,因此,南  相似文献   

南极大陆一片冰雪,气候寒冷,除背风的岩石上有少量苔藓植物和耐寒的昆虫外,难得发现其他生物。然而南极洋却不同,虽然冰山座座,却有一个巨大兴旺的海洋生态系统。根据考察,南极海域是世界海洋生产力最高的海区之一,它具有的生物量要比世界其他任何海域都大得多。这里的大陆架栖息着无数海豹、鲸、企鹅、鸟类和鱼类。特别是这里的磷虾,一直被认为是一个重要的生物资源,据科学家测算南极磷虾的生物量有10~30亿吨,它是海洋生态系统中大型动物的食物链中的一环,也是人类未来很有希望的食品来源,因此引起世界各国的极大重视。 一、磷虾的形态和分布 18、19世纪的航海家、探险家多次发现南极一些岛屿附近的海面,有大量的小虾把大片海面染成红色。由于它们是鲸鱼的食物,被称为“鲸食”。现在科学家称它们为南极磷虾,但日本人管它叫“海酱虾”,挪威称它“克里尔”。因为其眼睛特别黑,又有“黑眼睛”的  相似文献   

南极海洋中最不可缺少的动物就是磷虾了。磷虾体长5厘米左右,红色,群居。以细小的浮游生物为食。磷虾夜间能发出一种蓝绿色的磷光,使整个大海都变得透明发亮,因此而得名。磷虾的寿命比较长,可以活3~4年。有趣的是,它们按年龄分群,不同年龄的磷虾不在一起生活。似乎它们之间也有代沟。冬天,磷虾为冰层所覆盖,销声匿迹。只有夏天才能看到它们,浩浩荡荡的磷虾大军,使大海都变成深红的颜色。  相似文献   

在南大洋,海洋生物资源非常丰富,大个头的鲸鱼、可爱的企鹅、憨憨的海豹随处可见,自然小小的磷虾就很容易被人们忽视。但你知道吗,就是这小小的磷虾构成了南极甚至世界最大的海洋生物资源呢!磷虾是龙虾和对虾的祖辈,辈分很高,但进化很慢,不善于游泳,在海洋中过着漂移的生活,属浮游甲壳动物。  相似文献   

神秘的南极,有一个谜,为什么在这冰雪世界里,竟能生活着成千上万的企鹅和象鼻海豹。你瞧,企鹅胖乎乎,海豹壮得像大水牛。它们靠吃什么长大?是什么食品使他们能抗拒冰雪天气,不怕寒冷,并且能自由自在地在这样恶劣的环境中生存?为了解开这个谜,科学家进行了考察。发现在靠近南极洲的海里,有着许许多多的磷虾,企鹅和象鼻海豹就靠吃磷虾生活。南极磷虾长6~8厘米,很像对虾,但比对虾稍稍小一点。磷虾的背是红色的,腹部有微红色的、像珍珠一样的发光器,每当夜晚,或者是在受到惊吓而逃跑时,会发出粉红色  相似文献   

记得南极的磷虾对我说:"嗨!朋友,到我们南极来吧,我会让你领略到千里冰雪的壮丽。"记得杭州的西湖告诉我:"嗨!朋友,杭州是个休闲之都,旅游天堂,如果你想要体验淡妆浓抹总  相似文献   

樊燕  侯虎 《实验技术与管理》2023,(10):184-192+222
该文融合海洋资源、食品化学、化学分析及仪器分析等多学科知识,进行了南极磷虾风味研究综合性教学实验设计。以美拉德反应为模型,探讨了温度和时间对南极磷虾油氧化的影响,采用感官评价、气相质谱联用技术等解析了特征风味物质,通过主成分分析探讨了温度、时间与特征风味物质形成的相关性,为水产风味物质研究提供了理论和技术依据。该综合性实验不仅加深了学生对海洋生物制品研发知识的运用,而且能够促使学生形成良好的多学科交叉创新意识,提升科研素养和实践创新能力。  相似文献   

一座桔红色的建筑物屹立在南极白雪皑皑的冰天雪地里,分外鲜艳夺目,这就是我国南极科学考察基地——“长城站”。为什么要在那么寒冷、不见人烟的遥远的地方建造“长城站”呢?为什么要到远离祖国的南极去考察研究呢?这是因为南极是块没有开发的宝地,那里有丰富的磷虾、企鹅、鲸鱼等生物资源,蕴藏着世界上最大的铁矿、煤矿以及金、锰、石油等220余  相似文献   

人类的宝地南极洲是自然资源的宝库。它的地下埋藏着丰富的矿产,其中,煤和铁的储量最为丰富。现已查明,在查尔王子山脉有一个世界最大的铁矿床,矿层厚200米,绵延120千米,矿石含铁量为38%,据估计可供全世界的炼铁厂用200年。南极大陆沿岸栖息着无数海洋生物,仅南极海域的磷虾储量就高达10亿吨。南极大陆堪称“地球上最后一片净土”,是世界上惟一保持着大自然原始面貌的大陆。这一切都使得南极洲成为既有经济价值,又有科学研究价值的宝地。迄今为止,已有20个国家在南极建立了150多个科学考察站。从1984年至今,我国先后21次赴南极进行科学考察,…  相似文献   

Lifelong learning is not only an established psychological fact, it is a compelling political and educational slogan that appeals equally to those concerned with the fulfilment and realisation of human potential, and those who are interested in the pragmatic need to keep up with rapid social and technological change.

A number of recent discussion papers and government reports (see, e.g., Aulich, 1990; Australia Council, 1990; Butler, 1989; Dawkins, 1988; DEET, 1990; Johnson, 1990) have mentioned the concept of lifelong learning as either a cause or an effect of recommended changes in the structure, administration or policy of higher education in Australia.

The purpose of this paper is to examine lifelong learning and to distinguish it from a number of other concepts and practices with which it is frequently associated. The paper then moves on to a consideration of lifelong learning in the Australian context, and in particular in higher education. It is argued that in many instances the rhetoric has outstripped the reality. Yet there are positive signs that notwithstanding the dominant ideology of instrumentalism so prominent at present, there are many initiatives and programs which, taken together, are contributing towards the fulfilment of lifelong learning. It is concluded that Australian higher education institutions are able to realise the ideal of contributing to a learning society, while at the same time being more pragmatic and accountable in aspects of their work.  相似文献   

This paper—a complement to Retaining Faculty: A Tale of Two Campuses (Matier, 1990)—examines the factors influencing individuals with firm offers to join the faculty at two research universities. Particular attention is paid to the relative weight and importance placed on the tangible, intangible, and non-work-related benefits in the decision-making process. Comparisons are drawn to previous faculty recruitment studies and to the complementary retention study, as well as between the urban and rural subject universities. Given that faculty are an institution's most valuable asset, and that in some fields they are either already in short supply or will be soon, the methods and findings of this research should interest those concerned with developing and maintaining a quality faculty.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Louisville, KY, May 13–16, 1990.  相似文献   

The pedagogic work of inculcation. .. is one of the major occasions for formulating and converting practical schemes into explicit norms.. .. Excellence (that is, practical mastery in its accomplished form) has ceased to exist once people start asking whether it can be taught, as soon as they seek to base "correct" practice on rules extracted, for the purposes of transmission, from the practices of earlier periods or their products. (Bourdieu, 1980/1990, p. 103)  相似文献   

This article examines adult education policy in two settings. The cases of Mexico and Nicaragua illustrate how the goals, content, methods, and outcomes of adult education differ according to state policy. Mexico (1970-1990) represents a "corporatist" state that undertook an incrementalist approach to literacy provision for purposes of political legitimation and social integration, while Nicaragua (1979-1990) represents a "revolutionary state" that pursued a structuralist approach to achieve fundamental changes in education and society. Despite their contrasting orientations, these two countries share many characteristics typical of dependent capitalist states in Latin America.  相似文献   

"90年代诗歌"已成为当下诗歌批判界一个很重要的理论术语.从上世纪90年代初至今,"90年代诗歌"的命名大体经历了三个阶段.在每一阶段的命名中,诗人、批评者都赋予了它不同的含义,但总体上讲是三种认识:一是大多数研究者所认定的中性的时间命名;一是以"知识分子写作"为主体的诗人、诗评家的文学史意义上的命名;三是对"90年代诗歌"命名的否定性命名.分析比较而言,以中性的时间意义命名更具有可行性与科学性.  相似文献   

The present paper uses as a point of departure two of Benton and Hoyt's (1990) survey items concerning undergraduate teaching and their finding that Holmes Group and Division 15 members favored more sweeping changes in teacher education whereas TESCSU members favored more incremental changes. It: (a) suggests that reform is unlikely to succeed without change in the behavior of those who teach prospective teachers; (b) suggests ways in which educational psychologists can improve the effectiveness of teachers and teacher training; and (c) questions whether moving teacher training to the graduate level will in fact improve such education.  相似文献   

Language of the knowledge base of teaching is common parlance in educational circles today, yet the constructs under discussion are still unclear. Some educators talk of domains of knowledge, such as pedagogical content knowledge. Some talk of ways of knowing, such as practical knowledge. Others talk of credit hours of particular topics, such as curriculum and instruction. Still others talk of ways of doing, such as effective teaching practices. The purpose of this article is not to give a detailed account of the historical development of what we now think of as the knowledge base of teaching. Neither is it within the scope of the article to explore the various epistemologies from which discussions of the knowledge base emerge. Others have already initiated these conversations (Carter, 1990; Shulman, 1986a; Tom & Valli, 1990). Rather, the goal is to identify what others have said about what teachers do and know, to offer some clarifications, and then to integrate them in a theoretical framework that might be useful for those involved in the education and assessment of teachers. In the process, three issues are addressed: (1) why a theoretical framework is necessary; (2) what a comprehensive framework might consist of; and (3) how the proposed framework might be used.  相似文献   

Pay Now, Learn Later Plan Proves Popular in Michigan, said the headline (N.Y.Times, August 12, 1988). The plan was the Michigan Education Trust (MET) advance tuition payment plan proposed by Governor James Blanchard in 1986. The Michigan Legislature approved MET at the end of 1986, and open enrollment for the first round took place in 1988. The second round of enrollment occurred in October, 1989. This research paper examines the characteristics of the first- and second-round enrollees, and it then compares the beneficiary (the legal term for the child who was enrolled) characteristics with those of the general population of the state and with the 1988 entering freshman classes of public universities in Michigan.Presented at the Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Louisville, KY, May 13–16, 1990.  相似文献   

This study examined young children's (M = 38 months) beliefs about the aging of language competence using a modified mutual exclusivity paradigm (cf. Markman, 1990 Markman , E. M. ( 1990 ). Constraints children place on word meanings . Cognitive Science , 14 ( 1 ), 5777 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Children were shown pairs of objects (familiar and unfamiliar) and were asked by a younger and older experimenter to point to the object in the pair to which a novel non-word referred. Showing reliance on a mutual exclusivity heuristic (a new word must refer to something I do not already know), children selected more unfamiliar objects as the referent. Children who had relatively little contact with older adults showed more reliance on mutual exclusivity when tested by a younger experimenter than an older experimenter. This pattern was reversed for children who had more frequent contact with older adults. These results suggest that with infrequent contact with older adults, children rely on common stereotypes linking old age with diminished competence to judge an older interlocutor's behavior. More frequent contact allows for positive stereotypes associating older age with enhanced language competence to dominate, making an older experimenter the better teacher of new words.  相似文献   


This paper argues that the Scottish Education Department (SED) has dispensed with its earlier advocacy of human relations management approaches to staff development. The concept of ‘collaboration’, stressed in the National Committee for the In‐service Training of Teachers (NCITT) reports of 1984, is not mentioned in the SED's consultation paper School Teachers’ Professional Development into the 1990s. The period between 1979 and 1984 is analysed briefly. This period was typified by a declared preference for collaborative INSET. Consideration is given to the SED's consultation paper School Teachers’ Professional Development into the 1990s, and the SED's concept of ‘professional development’ is examined. The SED's management ethos as implied in Curriculum and Assessment in Scotland: a policy for the 1990s is incorporated into the analysis.  相似文献   

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