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Before 1980, most people experiencing common nervous problems and who sought medical help complained of anxiety and were treated for anxiety. Similar experiences increasingly led to complaints of or treatment for panic attacks in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and to complaints of or treatment for mood disorders by the mid-1990s. Today, such patients seem once again increasingly likely to complain of and be treated for anxiety. This paper reviews a series of mechanisms whereby company marketing can both transform the perceptions of physicians and shape the experiences of those seeking treatment and the self-understanding of those not in treatment. These include the standard ploys of company sales departments to increase demand for products, including celebrity endorsements, the sponsoring of educational events and a host of reminders. The portfolio of marketing manoeuvres has grown, though, by translating educational events and celebrity events into the arena of scientific research: clinical trials have increasing become part of the marketing of disorders and their treatments; ghost-written scientific papers are authored by celebrity researchers. The portfolio of marketing manoeuvres has also grown to encompass new ways of creating fashion through medical activism, by setting up patient groups and disease awareness campaigns. The result is a transformation and growth in disorders tailor-made to fit ever more visible drugs.  相似文献   

刘力  陈浩  韦瑛 《资源科学》2015,37(8):1588-1597
聘请名人担任形象代言人逐渐成为一种流行的目的地营销策略,但旅游学界对名人代言的研究才刚刚起步。采用准实验设计研究方法,以大学生为样本收集数据,使用结构方程模型检验了名人代言的主流范式“一致性假说”在旅游研究领域的适用性。研究发现:①名人/目的地一致性通过名人可信度影响旅游者的目的地态度和旅游意向,即旅游者感知到名人形象与目的地形象越一致,他们对该名人担任代言人的信任度就越高,进而就会对其代言的目的地形成好感并产生较强的旅游意向;②名人/自我一致性通过名人认同影响旅游者的目的地态度和旅游意向,即旅游者感知到名人形象与自我形象越相似,他们对该名人的认同度就越高,因而对其代言的目的地就会产生较好的态度和较强的旅游意向。  相似文献   

马遵平  谢泽氡  艾晓玉 《资源科学》2021,43(8):1700-1710
历史名人故里是一种普遍存在的目的地产品形态,对地方发展文化旅游、带动相关产业发展具有重要的意义。但某个目的地是否确实是某位历史名人的故里,在很多地方仍存在争议。目前鲜有关于争议名人故里理论结合实证的研究,也缺乏名人故里旅游行为意向的研究。据此,本文基于名人代言营销理论的一致性假说构建理论模型,并获取四川江油“李白故里”的相关数据进行实证分析。结果表明:①名人与目的地的一致性正向影响旅游者的真实性感知和地方认同,后两者正向影响体验质量;②名人与目的地的一致性通过真实性感知和地方认同的中介作用,间接正向影响体验质量;③旅游者的体验质量正向影响旅游行为意向。本文进一步讨论了以上结论的理论意义、对争议名人故里的管理启示以及未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

Ruskin S 《Endeavour》2001,25(1):23-27
In 1833 Sir John Herschel sailed to the British Cape Colony in southern Africa. It was a private voyage, the purpose of which was to undertake an astronomical survey of the southern heavens. But his private voyage was interpreted by both the British Government and the British public as a voyage of Imperial scientific exploration. Despite Herschel's explicitly private scientific intentions, he nonetheless became popularly incorporated into the ranks of imperial scientific explorers.  相似文献   

The incidence of revealed fraud and dishonesty in academia is on the rise, and so is the number of studies seeking to explain scientific misconduct. This paper builds on the concepts of competing logics and institutional fields to analyze a serious case of medical and scientific misconduct at a leading research institute, Karolinska in Sweden, home to the Nobel Prize in Medicine.By distinguishing between a market-oriented, a medical and an academic logic, the study analyzes how various actors ? executives, research leaders, co-authors, journal editors, medical doctors, science bloggers, investigative journalists and documentary filmmakers ? sustained or tried to expose the misconduct. Despite repeated warnings from patient-responsible doctors and external academic reviewers, Karolinska protected the surgeon, Paolo Macchiarini, until a documentary film at the Swedish national public TV exposed the fraud which led to public inquiries and proposals for a new national ethics legislation.The analysis illustrates the power of a market-oriented logic focused on brand and image at the research institute and at a leading journal, but also the perseverance of the logics of scientific scrutiny and medical care among practicing doctors and independent academics although the carriers of these logics were less well organized than the carriers of the market-oriented logic. Furthermore, the analysis shows the problem of fragmented control in the academic institutional field. The discussion of remedies compares the Karolinska case, where media actors were instrumental in sanctioning the perpetrators, with a similar instance of medical misconduct at Duke in the US where the government agency (ORI) intervened and shows the limitations of both types of actors. The conclusion highlights the importance of studying misconduct management and institution-building in different fields to develop effective remedies.  相似文献   

构建高校科技创新能力综合评价指标体系,采用因子分析法对我国31个省份的高校科技创新能力进行比较,总体上呈现出从东部到西部梯形递减的趋势.进一步对投入和产出能力分析发现,可以将31个省份高校分为投入产出协调型、投入领先型和产出领先型.因此,在智慧专业化均衡发展背景下,中西部地区的高校可建立科研资源补偿机制和深化产学研合作...  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(10):104591
Universities play an important role in any scientific and technological innovation system. Previous studies have indicated that more generous public research funding resulted in higher research output in universities. Our study, however, proposes that the positive impact of public funds is much weaker in less-prestigious universities than in prestigious ones, and that overdependence on public research funding in fact even hurts academic output quality in less-prestigious universities. We find evidence for this claim in a dataset from among Chinese 622 universities in the period 2010–2017. The negative correlation between high dependence on public research funding and academic output quality is not uniform but depends on specific conditions. It is likely to be weaker in less-prestigious research-oriented universities and in less prestigious universities dedicated to fundamental research. Moreover, we find that for them collaboration with top universities and a high proportion of senior scientists can mitigate the negative impact that high dependence on public research funding has on academic output quality and improve the efficiency in the spending of public funds. Our study contributes to the literature by highlighting differences between prestigious and less-prestigious universities in terms of how public funds affect academic output and by evaluating the impact of government involvement in scientific research at the university-level and it is the first study globally to do so.  相似文献   

现阶段,中日科技合作面临“三重变局”影响——中国科技创新发展势头一定程度超越日本、中美科技博弈加剧以及新冠肺炎疫情带来复杂影响。通过系统梳理中日科技合作的发展过程,并聚焦“三重变局”背景下双方科技交往进展,从官方合作与民间合作、科学研究合作与技术合作等分层次探讨中日科技合作的新变化。可以发现在“三重变局”背景下的中日科技合作,官方合作明显受双边关系与国际形势影响,民间高科技合作阻力增加,双方在国际论文合作中的存在感发生变化;尽管中日双方技术合作紧密,但是日本对华高科技领域的局部“脱钩”存在可能性,而且面临来自日本国内与美国因素的双重挑战,中日科技合作的固有问题也可能愈加凸显。鉴于此,应强化政府间交流,以民间科技合作为着力点,围绕双方利益需求全方位强化中日科技合作的支撑链条,努力化解分歧与冲突等。  相似文献   

新型研发机构作为一种新型的科研组织方式,是深化科技体制改革的“试验田”,本文梳理广东省事业单位性质新型研发机构的运营特点、总结规律,分析其发展建设过程中存在的风险点,并提出防范对策建议,以供参考。  相似文献   

基于2005—2014年长江中游城市群28个城市的面板数据,运用PVAR模型对新型城镇化与科技创新间的关联性进行估计,结果显示:科技创新有助于新型城镇化的发展,且近期的科技创新对新型城镇化的影响程度为正,较远期的科技创新会对新型城镇化的发展产生反向效果;新型城镇化的发展有利于科技创新,远期影响为正,中期影响效应变为负,近期又会由负转正。即科技创新与新型城镇化之间的动态关联关系具有时滞性,前期两者之间的互动效应为负,随时间的推移两者之间的影响由负转正;且新型城镇化对科技创新的影响效应强于科技创新对新型城镇化的影响效应,两者的互动关系存在较强的区域差异性。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 新型冠状肺炎防治的科研信息报道是公众关注的重要话题,极易引发网络信息泛滥和社会公众恐慌。如何引导突发公共卫生事件科研信息报道网络舆情走向成为重要课题。[方法/过程] 本文选取"双黄连事件"作为研究案例,在新浪微博上分别爬取原始话题和回应话题下的发帖、转发和评论等数据,通过统计分析法、情感分析法等方法讨论科研信息报道的社会热度和公众态度,分析官方媒体和权威专家的回应对事件舆情发展的影响。[结果/结论] 研究结果发现,公众高度关注科研信息报道,并表现出较为极端的情绪;而官方媒体和专家的权威回应会影响到事件的话题热度,进而影响公众情感取向。官方媒体具有强大的传播力和影响力,成为公众获取科研信息的主要途径。在此基础上,构建了"官方媒体-权威专家-普通公众"三方协同的管控机制,以有效应对突发公共卫生事件科研信息报道所引发的网络舆情。  相似文献   

刘耀煊  马书琴  赵丹 《情报科学》2022,40(4):179-185
【目的/意义】探索新媒体时代短视频网络舆情传播的影响因素及动态演化,了解短视频用户的影响因素及 动态演化过程,有助于网络舆情监管部门加强短视频网络舆情管理,为相关机构或部门在进行社会治理的过程中 提供更及时有效的信息服务。【方法/过程】以计划行为、信息行为理论为基础,以新媒体机构官方账号为研究案例, 获取短视频新闻对应用户信息数据,设置影响因素指标权重,构建新媒体短视频网络舆情传播影响因素模型;综合 信息因素、信息技术、信息环境和信息主体等多个维度测算短视频传播影响因素权重,分析其传播影响效果;同时 构建短视频传播行为的动态演化模型,并做出仿真动态演化过程。【结果/结论】研究结果表明,信息因素对新媒体 短视频网络舆情传播有显著影响,信息技术对新媒体短视频网络舆情传播影响较低,动态演化过程说明传播易感 者的数量与未被感染的易感者逐渐趋同,最终即使有新媒体的不断加入,舆情传播也不再继续。【创新/局限】从多 维角度构建用户行为的影响因素模型,用仿真法对短视频传播的动态演化进行分析,为正确引导短视频网络舆情 传播提供科学管理依据。未来的研究将获取更广泛的数据源进行更深层次的网络模型研究。  相似文献   

Brock WH 《Endeavour》2002,26(3):87-91
Forging a scientific career in 19th-century Britain was difficult for most middle-class scientists. Despite his discovery of thallium in 1861 and later distinction as an experimental physicist that led him to the Presidency of the Royal Society (1913-1915), William Crookes (1832-1919) never obtained one of the limited number of academic or official positions. Scientific journalism and commercial activities were eventually to bring him financial security, but before that he was an opportunist willing to try his hand at anything that would win him national publicity. This is illustrated by his intervention in the great cattle plague epidemic that swept the UK between 1865 and 1866.  相似文献   

熊晓英  刘琼 《科技通报》2012,28(3):177-181,185
以材料科学类期刊为例,对影响因子与被引半衰期等其它评价指标进行了系统分析,指出了片面强调影响因子所带来的偏差与危害,讨论了如何综合利用JCR的各项指标对科学期刊进行正确评价的问题。提出了分别对待不同性质研究领域的主张,即时髦领域主要看影响因子、兼顾被引半衰期,经典领域主要看被引半衰期、兼顾影响因子。  相似文献   

大科学装置在中国一直被默认为公共品,在简单套用现有公共品理论进行分析的情况下,可以发现大科学装置具有很强的私人品性质,这造成了理论与实践之间的矛盾和张力。通过对已有理论的回顾,提出一个修正的公共品界定方式,认为"非竞争属性"和"非排他手段"是物品得以转变为公共品的主要依据。基于这个修正的界定方式指出,"知识生产和扩散"是大科学装置的"非竞争属性",系统的法律政策体系和灵活的管理体制机制是实现大科学装置"非竞争属性"的"非排他手段"。最后,在这个视角下,分析美国和中国在大科学装置建设及运营上的区别,并提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

公民科学素质是反映一个国家或地区教育事业改革和发展水平、科学技术传播与普及程度以及社会发展变迁的重要指标,我国公民科学素质水平反映了建国以来这些因素的聚集结果。基于2010-2020年三次中国公民科学素质调查数据,构建“年龄—时期—世代”模型,探讨年龄、时期和世代效应对我国公民科学素质变迁的贡献情况。研究发现,世代效应对我国公民科学素质提升具有显著作用,教育事业发展使年轻世代为科学素质整体水平快速提升提供增量;《全民科学素质行动计划纲要(2006-2010-2020年)》的实施推动公民科学素质建设长足发展,产生了显著的时期效应;而个体生命周期中不同阶段的也存在显著影响作用,青少年是科学素质提升的关键期,中老年对科学素质提升产生制约性影响。通过解析公民科学素质发展的内在因素和外部因素,进一步加深对科学素质发展规律的认识,有助于探索新时期我国公民科学素质建设的有效路径。  相似文献   

构成古城镇前旅游感知形象的要素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李锋 《软科学》2008,22(5):23-28
通过"结构法"和"非结构法"调查相结合,初步获得影响潜在旅游者对古城镇前旅游感知形象的要素。运用Logit模型,对调查数据进行处理,结果表明,影响潜在旅游者对古城镇前旅游感知形象的主要要素(影响度从大到小排序)依次是古城镇风貌、闲适氛围、地理位置、原生态生活、旅游安全、餐饮美食、历史名人、特色文化、文物古迹、自然气候等。  相似文献   

随着人工智能的井喷式发展,其涉及的伦理风险,也从科幻作品中走进现实,成为众多主体热议的话题。本文以技术接受模型及风险感知理论为基础,以信任为中介,构建了公众对于人工智能伦理风险的感知与其参与风险治理意愿的研究框架,并通过实证检验了相关假设。结果显示:人工智能伦理风险感知对公众参与意向具有显著的负向影响,其中公众对科研机构和政府的信任在人工智能伦理风险感知与公众参与之间起部分中介作用。该结论为构建“政府主导、专家引领、公众参与、社会监督”的治理新格局提供了科学依据,对于新兴技术实现科技向善具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS conspiracy theories constitute a loosely grouped set of meanings that share the notion of secret collusion among allied parties. This paper traces one woman's etiological narrative of HIV/AIDS. Such embodied experience and cultural understanding when placed against the backdrop of current thinking on the topic in the United States builds a new framework for understanding the emergence and circulation of HIV/AIDS conspiracy theories as "counter-narratives" employed by individuals and publics in the face of the AIDS pandemic. Such counter-narrative creates a rhetorical space for challenges to power through the articulation of oppositional ideas about dominant scientific knowledge. Without a critical exploration of HIV/AIDS conspiracy theories that examines their emergence and effects as a form of discourse circulating in the public domain, public health advocates will not be able to trace and respond to these narratives' impact on HIV prevention efforts or consider their relevance for other emerging infectious diseases.  相似文献   

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