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This paper investigates the design problem of asynchronous output feedback controller via sliding mode for a class of discrete-time fuzzy Markovian jump systems. Considering the non-synchronization phenomenon between the Markovian jump systems and the sliding controller, an asynchronous control method with a stochastic variable is adopted to describe the connections of the systems and controller. On the other hand, not full of states are accessible for the controller since it is impossible or very expensive to estimate all of states, while the output information can be acquired to the controller all the time. Based on the above aspects, the asynchronous output feedback controller via sliding mode for fuzzy Markovian jump systems is investigated to ensure the sliding mode dynamics to be stochastically stable, besides, several sufficient conditions are given to find a set of feasible solutions of the controller parameters. The asynchronous sliding mode control law is synthesized to guarantee the reachability of the trajectories of the closed-loop systems. Finally, a simulation example is to verify the effectiveness of the control strategy.  相似文献   

This article is dedicated to the issue of asynchronous adaptive observer-based sliding mode control for a class of nonlinear stochastic switching systems with Markovian switching. The system under examination is subject to matched uncertainties, external disturbances, and quantized outputs and is described by a TS fuzzy stochastic switching model with a Markovian process. A quantized sliding mode observer is designed, as are two modes-dependent fuzzy switching surfaces for the error and estimated systems, based on a mode dependent logarithmic quantizer. The Lyapunov approach is employed to establish sufficient conditions for sliding mode dynamics to be robust mean square stable with extended dissipativity. Moreover, with the decoupling matrix procedure, a new linear matrix inequality-based criterion is investigated to synthesize the controller and observer gains. The adaptive control technique is used to synthesize asynchronous sliding mode controllers for error and SMO systems, respectively, so as to ensure that the pre-designed sliding surfaces can be reached, and the closed-loop system can perform robustly despite uncertainties and signal quantization error.Finally, simulation results on a one-link arm robot system are provided to show potential applications as well as validate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

This paper studies the robust stochastic stabilization problem for a class of fuzzy Markovian jump systems with time-varying delay and external disturbances via sliding mode control scheme. Based on the equivalent-input-disturbance (EID) approach, an online disturbance estimator is implemented to reject the unknown disturbance effect on the considered system. Specifically, to obtain exact EID estimation Luenberger fuzzy state observer and a low-pass filter incorporated to the closed-loop system. Moreover, novel fuzzy EID-based sliding mode control law is constructed to ensure the stability of the closed-loop system with satisfactory disturbance rejection performance. By employing Lyapunov stability theory and some integral inequalities, a new set of delay-dependent robust stability conditions is derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The resulting LMI is used to find the gains of the state-feedback controller and the state observer a for the resulting closed-loop system. At last, numerical simulations based on the single-link arm robot model are provided to illustrate the proposed design technique.  相似文献   

In this paper, an intelligent self-repairing control scheme is proposed for a class of nonlinear MIMO system. A direct self-repairing controller of a nonlinear SISO system is firstly designed, and then the control scheme is promoted to a nonlinear MIMO system. The error signals are replaced by the state variables to deal with the high derivate problems of the desired signals and a nonlinear regulating function is brought in to improve the performances of the sliding mode. The self-repairing controller is made up of four parts: the nonlinear regulator, the equal controller, the compensator I and the compensator II. The control method is applied to a helicopter flight control system with loss-in-effectiveness faults. Some simulation results illustrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed control scheme in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of the dissipative control for a class of nonlinear Markovian jump systems through Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy model approach. The transition rates of Markovian process under consideration are assumed to be partly known. We aim to design retarded feedback controllers such that the resulting closed-loop system is stochastically stable and strictly (Q,S,R)-θ-dissipative(Q,S,R)-θ-dissipative. By introducing a novel augmented Lyapunov functional and some free Markovian switching matrices, some sufficient conditions for the solvability of the above problem are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, two numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, the consensus control problem of Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy multiagent systems (MASs) is investigated by using an observer based distributed adaptive sliding mode control. A distributed nonfragile observer is put forward to estimate the unmeasured state of agents. Based on such an observer, a novel distributed integral sliding surface is designed to suppress the disturbance and uncertainty of T-S fuzzy MASs. In order to achieve the consensus objective, a nominal distributed protocol and an adaptive sliding mode controller are separately designed. Futhermore, the nominal distributed protocol solves the consensus control problem of T-S fuzzy MASs in the absence of disturbance and uncertainty by using the information of adjacent agents obtained by the observer, while the adaptive sliding mode controller suppresses the disturbance and uncertainty. Finally, the proposed method is applied to two examples. Example 1 verifies the superiority of the method by comparing with the fuzzy-based dynamic sliding mode controller. Example 2 is used to illustrate that our control scheme can effectively solve the consensus control problem of T-S fuzzy MASs.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of composite control for a class of uncertain Markovian jump systems (MJSs) with partial known transition rates, multiple disturbances and actuator saturation. Compared with the existing results, a novel robust composite control scheme is put forward by virtue of adaptive neural network technique. For MJSs, the partial unknown information on transition rates and the actuator saturation influence the design of disturbance observer and the robust H controller. Firstly, without taking account of external disturbances, the network reconstruction error and saturation, a novel robust adaptive control strategy is established to ensure that all the signals of the closed-loop system are asymptotically bounded in mean square. Secondly, the solvability condition for ensuring the robust H performance is given by using a modified adaptive law, where the saturation is treated as a disturbance-like signal. Finally, the simulations for a numerical example and an application example are performed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed results.  相似文献   

The finite-time stochastic boundedness (FTSB) via the sliding mode control (SMC) approach is analyzed for Markovian jumping systems (MJSs) with time-delays. First, an integral switching surface is constructed. And to make sure the reachability of the sliding mode surface in a finite-time, an SMC law is designed. In addition, the delay-dependent criteria for FTSB are obtained over the reaching phase and the sliding motion phase. Furthermore, in line with linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), sufficient conditions are provided to guarantee the FTSB of systems over the whole finite-time interval. Lastly, an example is given to indicate the validity of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper investigates sliding mode control of stochastic singular Markovian jump systems with nonlinearity. The unmatched nonlinearity satisfies one-sided Lipschitz condition and quadratically inner-boundedness. In term of a new technical variable transformation, sufficient conditions are developed for nonlinear stochastic singular Markovian jump systems constrained on sliding manifold to guarantee stochastic admissibility and uniqueness of solution based on implicit function theorem. The sliding mode control law by which the trajectories of system can be compelled to the predefined sliding surface in finite time no matter what initial state value is, is synthesized. The derivative singular matrix is fully considered in the whole design process such that the derived conditions can be checked easily.The technical treatment of the nonlinear matrix term avoids the classification discussion of sliding mode controller design. Convex optimization problems subject to linear matrix inequalities are formulated to optimize the desired indexes of interest. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is illustrated by a numerical example and a practical example.  相似文献   

This paper considers the sliding mode control (SMC) problem of a class of uncertain Markovian jump systems, in which there exist randomly occurring parameter uncertainties and random gain variations in the controller. By introducing two independent random variables obeying Bernoulli distribution, the random characteristics of parameter uncertainties and controller gain variations are described. A mode-dependent sliding surface is constructed, and then, the non-fragile SMC scheme is synthesized such that the specified sliding surface is reached in finite time. Furthermore, the stochastic finite-time boundedness over both the reaching and sliding stages are ensured simultaneously under some sufficient conditions. Finally, the developed non-fragile SMC approach is verified by a practical example.  相似文献   

This paper considers the tracking control of fractional-order nonlinear systems (FONSs) in triangular form with actuator faults by means of sliding mode control (SMC) and composite learning SMC (CLSMC). In SMC design, a fractional sliding surface is introduced, and an adaptation law is designed to update the estimation of the mismatched parametric uncertainty in the actuator faults. The proposed SMC can guarantee the convergence of the tracking error where a persistent excitation (PE) condition should be satisfied. To overcome this limitation, by using the online recorded data and the instantaneous data, a prediction error of the parametric uncertainty is defined. Both the tracking error and the prediction error are utilized to generate a composite learning law. A composite learning law is designed by using the prediction error and the tracking error. The proposed CLSMC can guarantee not only the stability of system but also the accurate estimation of the parametric uncertainties in the actuator faults. In CLSMC, only an interval-excitation (IE) condition that is weaker than the PE one should be satisfied. Finally, simulation example is presented to show the control performance of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

The high-performance control requires the system to be stable, fast and accurate simultaneously. However, various systems (e.g., motors, industrial robots) generally face technical challenges such as nonlinearities, uncertainties, external disturbances and physical constraints, which make it difficult to reach the hardware potential of the systems to track the desired trajectories when satisfying the high-performance control requirements. Therefore, take a two-order nonlinear system for example, an optimization-based adaptive neural sliding mode control based on a two-loop control structure is proposed in this paper, where the outer and inner loops are designed separately to achieve different control requirements. Namely, the outer loop is designed as a model predictive control (MPC)-based optimization problem, which can optimize the desired trajectories to meet the state and input constraints, and maximize the converging speed of transient response as fast as possible, and the inner loop is designed with a recurrent neural network (RNN)-based adaptive neural sliding mode controller, which can guarantee the tracking of the replanned desired trajectories from outer loop as accurate as possible. The stability of the system is guaranteed by Lyapunov theorem, the optimal tracking performance is achieved under nonlinearities, uncertainties, external disturbances and physical constraints, and comparative simulation with a motor system is carried out to verify the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This work is concerned with the finite-time sliding mode control for a class of Markovian jump systems subject to actuator nonlinearities, where the elements in the transition rate matrix are uncertain or even completely unknown. A suitable sliding mode controller is designed such that the finite-time stochastic boundedness of state trajectories is attained during a given finite-time interval, in which two different robust terms are introduced for the known and unknown modes to deal with the effect of uncertain transition rates. Moreover, the connections among sliding functions under Markovian jumping for SMC systems are analyzed. Finally, some simulation results with a wheeled mobile manipulator are provided.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the distributed fuzzy learning sliding mode cooperative control issue for non-affine nonlinear multi-missile guidance systems. The dynamics of each follower is non-affine form with unknown lumped factor. To estimate the unknown lumped factor, a generalized fuzzy hyperbolic model (GFHM) based prescribed performance observer (PPO) is proposed. Different from the traditional disturbance observers, a residual set of error transient behavior is incorporated additionally so that the peak phenomenon can be avoided. Meanwhile, an auxiliary system is employed to convert the system of each follower to augmented affine form. Then, a distributed fuzzy learning sliding mode cooperative control approach is designed which consists of two parts. The adaptive sliding mode control (SMC) part is designed to force the states to move along the predefined integral sliding surface. For the equivalent sliding dynamics, the distributed optimal control part with GFHM is developed to minimize the cooperative performance function. Thus, the stability and the optimality of the closed-loop system are guaranteed synchronously. Finally, all signals of closed-loop system are rigorously proved bounded and the multi-missile cooperative guidance scenario is applied to verify the effectiveness of proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with integrated event-triggered fault estimation (FE) and sliding mode fault-tolerant control (FTC) for a class of discrete-time Lipschtiz nonlinear networked control systems (NCSs) subject to actuator fault and disturbance. First, an event-triggered fault/state observer is designed to estimate the system state and actuator fault simultaneously. And then, a discrete-time sliding surface is constructed in state-estimation space. By the use of a reformulated Lipschitz property and delay system analysis method, the sliding mode dynamics and state/fault error dynamics are converted into a unified linear parameter varying (LPV) networked system model by taking into account the event-triggered scheme, actuator fault, external disturbance and network-induced delay. Based on this model and with the aid of Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional method, a delay-dependent sufficient condition is derived to guarantee the stability of the resulting closed-loop system with prescribed H performance. Furthermore, an observed-based sliding mode FTC law is synthesized to make sure the reachability of the sliding surface. Finally, simulation results are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the sliding mode control problem for semi-Markovian jump systems with state saturation, in which the controller may not be synchronized with the considered systems. A mode-detector is introduced to estimate the unavailable system mode, based on which an asynchronous sliding mode controller is designed. Then, both the μ-exponential mean-square stability and the reachability of sliding surface are analyzed. Furthermore, a solving algorithm is given to acquire the feasible controller gains. Finally, the proposed asynchronous sliding mode control approach under state-saturation is illustrated via simulation results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the non-fragile control for positive Markovian jump systems both in continuous-time and discrete-time cases with actuator uncertainty. It is assumed that the coefficient matrices of the non-fragile controller is unknown and bounded. The state-feedback controller gain consists of nominal controller gain and gain perturbation. First, a set of state-feedback controllers for the considered system are designed by using a stochastic co-positive Lyapunov function integrated with linear programming approach. Under the designed controllers, the resulting closed-loop systems are positive and stochastically stable. Then, the proposed controller design approach is extended to discrete-time systems. Through comparisons, it is shown that existing results are special cases of the presented ones in the paper. Finally, two examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design.  相似文献   

In the presence of system uncertainties, external disturbances and input nonlinearity, this paper is concerned with the adaptive terminal sliding mode controller to achieve synchronization between two identical attractors which belong to a class of second-order chaotic system. The proposed controller with adaptive feedback gains can compensate nonlinear dynamics of the synchronous error system without calculating the magnitudes of them. Meanwhile, these feedback gains are updated by the novel adaptive rules without required that the bounds of system uncertainties and external disturbances have to be known in advance. Some sufficient conditions for stability are provided based on the Lyapunov theorem and numerical studies are performed to verify the effectiveness of presented scheme.  相似文献   

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