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This article studies adaptive prescribed performance tracking control problem for a class of strict-feedback nonlinear systems with parametric uncertainties and actuator failures. Firstly, in order to compensate the multiple uncertainties and eliminate the influence of actuator failure, a new adaptive tracking controller based on first-order filter technology will be proposed, which simplifies the algorithm design process. Then, by introducing an asymmetric state transition function, the transient and steady performances of the output tracking error are both constrained such that the predetermined performance control goal is achieved. Moreover, to reduce the communication burden from the controller to the actuator, the event-triggered mechanism is designed, and there will be no Zeno phenomenon. Based on Lyapunov stability theory, it is strictly proved that output signal can track the reference signal and all the signals of the closed-loop system are bounded. Finally, a simulation example is performed and the results demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed strategy.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel event-triggered adaptive fault-tolerant control scheme is proposed for a class of nonlinear systems with unknown actuator faults. Multiplicative faults and additive faults are taken into account simultaneously, both of which may vary with time. Different from existing results, our controller fuses static reliability information and dynamic online information, which is helpful to enhance the fault-tolerant capability. With the aid of an event-triggering mechanism, an actuator switching strategy and a bound estimation approach, the communication burden is significantly reduced and the impacts of the actuator faults as well as the network-induced error are effectively compensated for. Moreover, by employing the prescribed performance control technique, the system tracking error can converge to a predefined arbitrarily small residual set with prescribed convergence rate and maximum overshoot, which implies that the proposed scheme is able to ensure rapid and accurate tracking. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the distributed adaptive output-feedback tracking control problem of uncertain multi-agent systems in non-affine pure-feedback form under a directed communication topology. Since the control input is implicit for each non-affine agent, we introduce an auxiliary first-order dynamics to circumvent the difficulty in control protocol design and avoid the algebraic loop problem in control inputs and the unknown control gain problem. A decentralized input-driven observer is applied to reconstruct state information of each agent, which makes the design and synthesis extremely simplified. Based on the dynamic surface control technique and neural network approximators, a distributed output-feedback control protocol with prescribed tracking performance is derived. Compared with the existing results, the restrictive assumptions on the partial derivative of non-affine functions are removed. Moreover, it is proved that the output tracking errors always stay in a prescribed performance bound. The simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This work considers a decentralized control problem for non-affine large-scale systems with non-affine functions possibly being discontinuous. A semi-bounded condition for non-affine functions is presented to guarantee the controllability, and the non-affine system is transformed to an equivalent pseudo-affine one based on the mild condition. Different from conventional control schemes on specific actuator nonlinearity, the controller proposed in this paper can deal with a series of actuator nonlinearities such as backlash and deadzone nonlinearity. A time-varying stable manifold involving the tracking error and its high-order derivatives is utilized to handle the high-order dynamics of each subsystem. Besides an improved prescribed performance controller independent of the initial condition is constructed to ensure the finite-time convergence of the error manifold to a predefined region. The boundedness and convergence of the closed-loop system are proved by Lyapunov theory and the counter-evidence method. Two examples are performed to verify the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the event-triggered fault estimation and fault-tolerant control for continuous-time dynamic systems subject to system fault and external disturbance under network environment. Firstly, based on the event-triggered sampling, a fault diagnosis observer is constructed to estimate both the system state and the system fault simultaneously, and a multi-objective constraint is established to guarantee the estimation accuracy. Based on the estimated system state and fault signal, a fault-tolerant controller is proposed to compensate the influence of occurred faults and maintain the system performance. The event-triggered scheme and the fault-tolerant controller are co-designed to guarantee the required performance of faulty system and reduce the consumption of communication resources. Finally, simulation results of an F-404 aircraft engine system are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of adaptive output feedback neural network controller design for a SISO non-affine nonlinear system. Since in practice all system states are not available in output measurement, an observer is designed to estimate these states. In comparison with the existing approaches, the current method does not require any information about the sign of control gain. In order to handle the unknown sign of the control direction, the Nussbaum-type function is utilized. In order to approximate the unknown nonlinear function, neural network is firstly exploited, and then to compensate the approximation error and external disturbance a robustifying term is employed. The proposed controller is designed based on strict-positive-real (SPR) Lyapunov stability theory to ensure the asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system. Finally, two simulation studies are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed scheme.  相似文献   

This paper considers the topic of adaptive leader-following fault-tolerant tracking control for a class of non-strict feedback nonlinear multi-agent systems with or without state constraints in a unified solution. Through the use of certain transformation techniques, the original constraint system is recast as a new completely unconstrained system. Compared with the existing results, the limitation that the constraint functions need upper bound is relaxed. By employing radial basis function neural networks (RBFNNs) to approximate the unknown functions. A novel adaptive fault-tolerant consensus tracking control (CTC) manner is raised with command filtered backstepping design. Then, through the Lyapunov stability analysis, the proposed scheme can ensure all signals in the closed-loop system are cooperative semi-globally uniformly ultimately bounded (SGUUB). Finally, simulation example confirms the efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper studies the control problem of uncertain stochastic systems, which takes into account the impact of network attacks. The types of network attacks considered are denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, deception attacks and replay attacks. In order to save network resources and improve communication utilization, the static event-triggered mechanism and adaptive event-triggered mechanism are cited respectively. Firstly, a new Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional is constructed, employing improved Wirtinger-based integral inequality and Jensens inequality, the criteria on stochastic stability in the mean square for uncertain stochastic systems are proposed. Secondly, the design methods of static event-triggered controller and adaptive event-triggered controller are given respectively. Finally, a practical example is given to manifest the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the event-triggered sliding mode control problem for a class of cyber-physical switched systems, in which the Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks may randomly occur according to the Bernoulli distribution. A key issue is how to design the output feedback sliding mode control (SMC) law for guaranteeing the dynamical performance of the closed-loop system under DoS attacks. To this end, an event-triggered mechanism is firstly introduced to reduce the communication load, under which the measurement signal is transmitted only when a certain triggering condition is satisfied. An usable output signal for the controller is constructed to compensate the effect of unmeasured states and DoS attacks. And then, a dynamic output feedback sliding mode controller is designed by means of the attack probability and the compensated output signals. Both the reachability and the mean-square exponential stability of sliding mode dynamics are investigated and the corresponding sufficient conditions are obtained. Finally, some numerical simulation results are provided.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a robust adaptive control strategy for a class of state-constrained uncertain nonlinear systems with prescribed transient and steady-state behavior. The prescribed tracking performance can be characterized by constraints on an output tracking error. Both state and output constraints are achieved by bounding integral barrier Lyapunov functions in the backstepping procedure. A robust adaptive term is designed to compress auxiliary system uncertainties without the knowledge of their bounds. The satisfaction of control constraints and tracking error convergence are verified by theoretical analysis and are illustrated by simulation results.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with event-triggered adaptive fuzzy tracking control for high-order stochastic nonlinear systems. The approach of fuzzy logic systems (FLSs) approximation is extended to high-order stochastic nonlinear systems to deal with the unknown nonlinear uncertainties. A novel high-order adaptive fuzzy tracking controller is firstly presented via a backstepping approach and event-triggering mechanism which can mitigate the unnecessary waste of computation and communication resources. Based on the above techniques, frequently-used growth assumptions imposed on unknown system nonlinearities are removed and the influence for the high order is handled. The proposed high-order adaptive fuzzy tracking control method not only deals with the influence of high order, but also ensures that the tracking error converges to a small neighborhood of the origin in probability. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed control method is illustrated by a numerical example.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the consensus tracking control problem of a class of strict-feedback multi-agent systems (MASs) with uncertain nonlinear dynamics, input saturation, output and partial state constraints (PSCs) which are assumed to be time-varying. An adaptive distributed control scheme is proposed for consensus achievement via output feedback and event-triggered strategy in directed networks containing a spanning tree. To handle saturated control inputs, a linear form of the control input is adopted by transforming the saturation function. The radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) is applied to approximate the uncertain nonlinear dynamics. Since the system outputs are the only available data, a high-gain adaptive observer based on RBFNN is constructed to estimate the unmeasurable states. To ensure that the constraints of system outputs and partial states are never violated, a barrier Lyapunov function (BLF) with time-varying boundary function is constructed. Event-triggered control (ETC) strategy is applied to save communication resources. By using backstepping design method, the proposed distributed controller can guarantee the boundedness of all system signals, consensus tracking with a bounded error and avoidance of Zeno behavior. Finally, the correctness of the theoretical results is verified by computer simulation.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with integrated event-triggered fault estimation (FE) and sliding mode fault-tolerant control (FTC) for a class of discrete-time Lipschtiz nonlinear networked control systems (NCSs) subject to actuator fault and disturbance. First, an event-triggered fault/state observer is designed to estimate the system state and actuator fault simultaneously. And then, a discrete-time sliding surface is constructed in state-estimation space. By the use of a reformulated Lipschitz property and delay system analysis method, the sliding mode dynamics and state/fault error dynamics are converted into a unified linear parameter varying (LPV) networked system model by taking into account the event-triggered scheme, actuator fault, external disturbance and network-induced delay. Based on this model and with the aid of Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional method, a delay-dependent sufficient condition is derived to guarantee the stability of the resulting closed-loop system with prescribed H performance. Furthermore, an observed-based sliding mode FTC law is synthesized to make sure the reachability of the sliding surface. Finally, simulation results are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of event-triggered adaptive neural network (NN) control for multi-input multi-output (MIMO) switched nonlinear systems with output and state constraints and non-input-to-state practically stable (ISpS) unmodeled dynamics. A nonlinear mapping is firstly utilized to deal with output and state constraints. Also, by developing a new switching signal with persistent dwell-time (PDT) and a switching dependent dynamic signal, the difficulty caused by some non-ISpS unmodeled dynamics is overcome. Then, a type of switching event-triggering mechanisms (ETMs) and event-triggered adaptive NN controllers of subsystems are designed, which handle the issue of asynchronous switching without requiring any known restriction on maximum asynchronous time. A piecewise constant introduced into this ETM effectively ensures a strict positive lower bound of inter-event times. Zeno behavior is thus ruled out. Finally, by proposing a novel class of switching signals with reset PDT, it is ensured that all output and state constrains are never violated and all signals of the switched closed-loop system are semi-global uniform ultimate boundedness (SGUUB). A two inverted pendulum system and a numerical example are provided for illustrating the applicability and validity of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of adaptive fuzzy fault-tolerant control is investigated for a class of switched uncertain pure-feedback nonlinear systems under arbitrary switching. The considered actuator failures are modeled as both lock-in-place and loss of effectiveness. By utilizing mean value theorem, the considered pure-feedback systems are transformed into a class of switched nonlinear strict-feedback systems. Under the framework of backstepping design technique and common Lyapunov function (CLF), an adaptive fuzzy fault-tolerant control (FTC) method with predefined performance bounds is developed. It is proved that under the proposed controller, all the signals of the close-loop systems are bounded and the state tracking error for each step remains within the prescribed performance bound (PPB) regardless of actuator faults and the system switchings. In addition, the tracking errors and magnitudes of control inputs can be reduced by adjusting the PPB parameters of errors in the first and last steps. The simulation results are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the event-triggered H control problem for network-based Markov jump systems subject to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. In order to reduce the amount of signal transmission, the event-triggering scheme (ETS) is adopted between sensor and controller. Due to DoS attacks invalidating data over networks, a new switched time-delay Markov jump model with unstable subsystems is developed based on state feedback controller. Then with the help of piecewise Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional method, a set of sufficient conditions incorporating constraints of DoS attacks are provided, which guarantees that the resulting switched time-delay Markov jump system is stochastically stable with a certain H performance. Subsequently, we present criterions to obtain the parameters of state feedback gain and ETS. Finally, an example is provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptive finite-time funnel control for non-affine strict-feedback nonlinear systems preceded by unknown non-smooth input nonlinearities is proposed. The input nonlinearities include backlash-like hysteresis and dead-zone. Unknown nonlinear functions are handled using fuzzy logic systems (FLS), based on the universal approximation theorem. An improved funnel error surface is utilized to guarantee the steady-state and transient predetermined performances while the differentiability problem in the controller design is averted. Using the Lyapunov approach, all the adaptive laws are extracted. In addition, an adaptive continuous robust term is added to the control input to relax the assumption of knowing the bounds of uncertainties. All the signals in the closed-loop system are shown to be semi-globally practically finite-time bounded with predetermined performance for output tracking error. Finally, comparative numerical and practical examples are provided to authenticate the efficacy and applicability of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the adaptive fuzzy output feedback fault-tolerant tracking control problem for a class of switched uncertain nonlinear systems with unknown sensor faults. In this paper, since the sensor may suffer from an unknown constant loss scaling failure, only actual output can be used for feedback design. A failure factor is employed to represent the loss of effectiveness faults. Then, an adaptive estimation coefficient is introduced to estimate the failure factor, and a state observer based on the actual output is constructed to estimate the system states. Fuzzy logic systems are used to approximate the unknown nonlinear functions. Based on the Lyapunov function method and the backstepping technique, the proposed control scheme with average dwell time constraints can guarantee that all states of the closed-loop system are bounded and the tracking error can converge to a small neighborhood of zero. Finally, two simulation examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

This paper studies the adaptive fuzzy fault-tolerant control design problem for a class of stochastic multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) nonlinear systems in pure-feedback form. The nonlinear systems under study contain unknown functions, unmeasured states and actuator faults, which are described by the loss of effectiveness and lock-in-place modes. With the help of fuzzy logic systems identifying uncertain stochastic nonlinear systems, a fuzzy state observer is established for estimating the unmeasured states. Based on the backstepping design technique with the nonlinear tolerant-fault control theory, an adaptive fuzzy output feedback faults-tolerant control approach is developed. It is proved that the proposed fault-tolerant control approach can guarantee that all the signals of the resulting closed-loop system are bounded in probability. Moreover, the observer errors and tracking errors can be regulated to a small neighborhood of the origin by choosing design parameters appropriately. A simulation example is provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the optimal control of a DC torque motor servo system which represents a class of continuous-time linear uncertain systems with unknown jumping internal dynamics. A data-driven adaptive optimal control strategy based on the integration of adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) and switching control is presented to minimize a predefined cost function. This takes the first step to develop switching ADP methods and extend the application of ADP to time-varying systems. Moreover, an analytical method to give the initial stabilizing controller for policy iteration ADP is proposed. It is shown that under the proposed adaptive optimal control law, the closed-loop switched system is asymptotically stable at the origin. The effectiveness of the strategy is validated via simulations on the DC motor system model.  相似文献   

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