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论文首先对国内外档案、图书、情报一体化管理研究的现状进行数据分析,再从信息交流的视角对档案、图书、情报一体化管理的国内外研究内容进行主题分析,重点进行理论基础、存在问题、发展对策三个方面的对比剖析;最后归纳出三者一体化管理的问题及相应对策.  相似文献   

基于粒子群的模糊C均值文本聚类算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用模糊C均值算法解决文本聚类问题时,随机选取的初始聚类中心和聚类数会导致不同的聚类结果,且容易陷入局部最优。提出利用粒子群优化算法确定模糊C均值的初始聚类中心,并通过向量空间模型和特征提取,再利用模糊C均值进行文档聚类。实验表明,这种基于粒子群的模糊C均值聚类算法迭代次数少,能解决经典模糊C均值算法对初始值敏感和易陷入局部极小的缺点,且聚类速度和效果得到明显提高。  相似文献   

贝叶经分散保存于世界许多国家,对于这份珍贵的文献遗产,各国保存机构的保存方式和保护措施各不相同。中国、尼泊尔和泰国在过去的几十年时间里先后在贝叶经写本保护、缩微复制抢救、数字化利用等方面开展工作,形成了具有特色的保护方式。本文通过分析三个国家开展的在全球引起较大反响的贝叶经保护项目,对比其保护的任务、内容及成果等,归纳得出三种保护模式。文章在分析属地保护、属地保存+跨国合作保护、集中保存与保护三种模式特点的基础上,构建了面向利用的贝叶经保护体系。贝叶经保护的三种模式是不同时代、不同环境、不同文化背景的产物,数字化抢救、加强贝叶经信息资源的建设、构建利用共享平台是实现“藏”与“用”并重的重要举措。  相似文献   

1939年9月16日,毛泽东和中央社等三位记者就国际形势和抗战问题进行了谈话,后被整理成《毛泽东同志与“中央社”记者刘尊棋先生、〈扫荡报〉记者耿坚白先生、〈新民报〉记者张西洛先生的谈话》在1939年10月6日《新中华报》发表。其后,《新华日报》《解放》《八路军军政杂志》等相继刊载。中华人民共和国成立后,毛泽东修改了此文,改题为《和中央社、扫荡报、新民报三记者的谈话》,收入《毛泽东选集》第二卷。以往研究多集中于毛泽东与三记者谈话的背景及过程,对版本的校勘、研究相对缺乏。本文试对《和中央社、扫荡报、新民报三记者的谈话》进行版本校勘、研究,通过校勘考异,分析修改原因。  相似文献   

互联网的深入发展为媒体的转型注入了活力,网络媒体在带来全新信息传播环境的同时,也带来了诸多新的陷阱,从而导致了虚假新闻的产生.而在虚假新闻的陷阱当中,又以情绪、情感陷阱为典型之一.本文将从新闻专业原则、信息把关机制和媒体精准定位三个方面着手,以情绪、情感陷阱为对象,提供切实可行的策略研究分析.  相似文献   

本文分析了目前我校图书馆文献采访的现状,提出了适合我校图书馆的文献采访模式,即"校、系两级文献采访模式",并阐述了实行校、系两级文献采访的优越性及实施过程。  相似文献   

本文分析了目前我校图书馆文献采访的现状,提出了适合我校图书馆的文献采访模式,即"校、系两级文献采访模式",并阐述了实行校、系两级文献采访的优越性及实施过程.  相似文献   

郗杨 《出版广角》2018,(6):85-87
16世纪末至17世纪,席卷欧洲大陆的巴罗克文化对英国文学产生了重要影响,这一时期的英国文学表现了鲜明的巴罗克特征.《英国16、17世纪巴罗克文学研究》系统梳理了16、17世纪英国文学与巴罗克文化之间的复杂关系,从总体论、作家论和影响论三个方面探究了英国巴罗克文学的表现形态和对现代作家的影响,对研究英国巴罗克文学有重要的历史价值和现实意义.  相似文献   

王洋 《档案学研究》2021,35(3):121-126
本文在分析当前档案智能鉴定普遍做法的基础上,结合计算机系统中常用的黑白名单技术原理,介绍了一种综合档案鉴定要求和"大数据"建设思想的"黑白名单鉴定法",并辅以程序流程图、伪代码和黑白名单作进一步说明,提出此方法在电子档案管理系统中的实现方式和有关要求,为更好地实现电子档案智能鉴定提供参考借鉴.  相似文献   

本文提出一种以拼音与笔画相结合的中文报纸排架排序法。因其依照"拼音为主、笔画为辅,拼音与笔画相结合"的原则,根据报纸名称的拼音和笔画对报纸进行编码排序,故称为音画码排架排序法。此方法可灵活运用在开架报纸排架和闭架报纸库排架中,能给读者和图书馆工作人员带来极大的便利。  相似文献   

英藏敦煌黡子图CH.00209、S.5976是惟一保存较好的唐代相痣图。本文在拼合这两个卷号的相图残片的基础上,从相图布局结构、内容等方面入手,并与传世相图比较,综合考察了这件相图的名称、绘制年代及意义特点。  相似文献   

Museum objects are often highly complex and composed of materials with varying properties, some of which may have changed as a result of ageing and/or conservation treatments. Research into defining sustainable environmental conditions by balancing energy cost and risk to these vulnerable objects has mainly focused on experiments in laboratories with new, single materials or on computer modelling, but only to a limited extent on actual objects. This paper presents a method to collect empirical data from a large group of decorated wooden panels in order to investigate the effects of humidity fluctuations on these objects and relate them to their material properties and construction. Wooden panels were chosen as they are regarded to be particularly sensitive to fluctuations in relative humidity. The fluctuations may cause the wood to shrink and swell and can result in open glue joints, cracks, and deformation of the panels as well as losses and cracks in the decorative layers. Empirical data are scarcely available as yet but are essential to study relationships between material properties, type of construction, damage, and as input and validation for modelling and experimental studies. The method, referred to as the Rijksmuseum Study, was performed on a group of 300 objects from the furniture and paintings collections of the Rijksmuseum.  相似文献   

网络环境下图书馆用户研究   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:26  
本文以网络环境为背景,论述了图书馆信息服务环境的变化及其对用户的影响。进而对用户的需求变化、需求心理以及影响用户数量的若干因素进行讨论。  相似文献   

在古代书目发展史中,图谱之学经历了由分到合,再合而复分的反复过程。《七略》《中经新簿》分别开创谱学和图学之端。而后,《七志》的"图谱志"首次将图、谱合并,对图谱学的建立有导夫先路之功。与此同时,图谱与文本文献的著录矛盾也随之暴露,《七录》鉴于此,遂取消了图谱志,并以图归部类,附谱于纪传之末。爰及《通志》,图谱文献既因主旨与文本文献并立于"艺文略",又以表现形式独立存在于"图谱略",两"略"联动,不但调和了图谱与文本文献的著录矛盾,而且丰富了图谱文献的内涵,图谱学正式确立。不过,南宋以后,图、谱二学重新分化,走上了不同的发展道路。  相似文献   

以"佛山市社会经济发展综合数据库"建设为例,阐述基于市情的决策参考特色数据库建设的意义和原则,对数据库建设策略和应注意的问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

文摘法与引证法的比较研究陈广杰ABSTRACTAbstractmethodandcitationmethodaretwoimportantretrievaltoolsininformationretrievalsystemwithdiferentco...  相似文献   

图书馆网站的一种综合评价方法*   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对图书馆网站的分析,建立其评价指标体系,利用灰色关联分析来确定评价指标的权重,并运用模糊方法对网站进行综合评价,以为提高图书馆网站建设质量提供有益的理论参考。  相似文献   


Aiming at contributing to the preservation of black and white (B&W) film-based negatives held by Portuguese archives, four photographic collections from the first half of the twentieth century were selected for study. During the macro assessment of the collections the preservation condition and hues found in photographic negatives from the Elmano Cunha e Costa (ECC) were noticed, distinguishing this collection from the remaining ones. Additional attention was given considering that the ECC collection was formed in a colonial context in the 1930s, while the others were formed on the Portugal mainland. The ECC collection results from an ethnographic survey of Angolan tribes recorded with B&W film-based negatives. In this collection, sets of negatives with pink, lemon yellow, greenish, orange brownish, and red brownish hues were found. To identify the origin of such hues, the image layer was analysed by microscale energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (μ EDXRF) and scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX). Additionally, to assess the base decay and its effect on the formation of hues, the plastic supports were characterized by Fourier transform infrared microscopy (μ FTIR). To complement the assessment of the film-base decay, pH was measured by using combined microelectrodes. The identification of mercury, iodine, chromium, and iron by μ EDXRF allowed correlation of the hues found in the negatives with chemical corrective treatments performed to improve the image quality. SEM-EDX confirmed those results and proved that the elements found were in the photographic emulsion layer. The results obtained are relevant since the hues identified may now be used as markers to indicate the technical work performed on colonial photography. Additionally, the visual and molecular assessment of the negatives’ supports (good to fair condition) allow proposing that the original storage conditions may have had a beneficial contribution to their present condition.  相似文献   

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