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《数学课程标准》明确指出:数学教学要求紧密联系学生的生活实际,从学生的生活经验和已有知识出发,创设各种情境,为学生提供从事数学活动的机会,激发对数学的兴趣以及学好数学的愿望。建构主义学习理论也认为:学习是学生主动的建构活动。学习应与一定的情境相联系,在实际情境下进行教学,可以使学生利用原有知识和经验同化当前要学习的新知识,这样获取的新知识,不但便于保持,而且容易进入迁移创新的情境中去。  相似文献   

陈伟 《西藏教育》2012,(8):19-20
教育理论中的建构理论认为:学生的学习是在学生已有的知识水平上延伸、拓展、构建的过程。受多种因素影响,西藏地区初中生的化学基础知识较薄弱,欠缺基本的化学素养,导致进入高中后,教师在授课以及学生学习时遇到很大困难。  相似文献   

认知灵活性理论是基于对高级学习的研究而提出的学习理论,是教学的重要依据之一,它强调知识的学习是一个双向建构的过程。在教学实践中应用认知灵活性理论应结合学习领域特征、考虑学生的年龄、任务难度及情绪等影响因素,运用认知灵活性超文本随机进入教学,培养学生的多元认知表征,最终达到促进迁移的教学目的。  相似文献   

赵开兰 《生物学教学》2007,32(11):23-25
《普通高中生物课程标准》明确指出:生物科学与人们的日常生活、医疗保健、环境保护、经验活动等方面密切相关。这说明生物知识跟学生的生活经验紧密联系,不可分割。建构主义理论认为,学生总是以已有的知识经验为基础来建构对新学知识的理解。如果学生已有的知识经验来自于生活经验,在学习新知识的过程中就可能会出现记住了新知识,但并没有真正理解新知识的实质,甚至存在一些模糊、错误的认识。从而造成进一步学习新知识的困难。本文就如何有效利用学生的经验知识进行生物学教学做一初步探讨。1学生生物学经验知识的成因学生进入高中时,其头…  相似文献   

李冲 《考试周刊》2010,(21):182-183
初中学生升入高中,要进入新的学习,化学作为一门自然的基础学科,继初三之后还要深入学习,但由于初中只是零散地学习化学知识,学生并没有真正进入化学的正规学习.记忆型的知识占一定比重。如何搞好初高中化学教学的衔接.值得化学老师思考。根据教学实践,我认为在教学中注重查找高中化学知识与初中化学知识衔接的主要问题,查找学生存在的知识缺陷,注重激发学生学习激情,培养学生学习兴趣.有利于使学生做好学习高中化学的知识与心理准备,从而提高教学质量。  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论,强调学生的主体参与性,教师是学生学习的引导者和合作者,要引领学生成长、唤醒学生的潜能、刺激并提高学生的学习动机,促进学生的知识构建。将建构主义学习理论运用于语文课堂教学,激发学生的学习动机,提高学生的学习兴趣,从而提高学生的学习能力,使学生的学习效果最优化,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

在物理教学实践中,学生较为普遍地体会到物理课学习比其它课程的学习困难更多。这种困难来自于教材体系、课程内容、学习环境和学生本身的知识基础、学习方法等,但分析初、高中阶段学生学习的特点和知识内容,困难主要出自于初中阶段学生的学习定势、习惯了的思维方式进入高中后不能按新的知识体系和内容及时调整学习方法。本文就此问题谈谈自己的浅见。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,教育学、教育心理学、教学论等各学科理论迅速发展,为人们研究大教育体系中的成人教育提供了直接的理论武器。上个世纪80年代,主体、主体性概念进入教育领域,更为成人教育理论及实践注入了新的活力。但是,在对成人实施主体性教学的过程中,还需进一步认识下面几个要素:预设目标和生成目标、能力培养和知识学习、教师主体和学生主体、合作学习和独立学习、接受学习和探究学习。  相似文献   

在具体的教育过程中不难发现,众多的物理理论原型都源于现实生活,这些理论和知识出现的目的,也是为了服务于我们的生活.因此,在具体的教育过程中,要充分结合学生的生活经验与物理理论,促使学生亲近生活,让生活中的物理理论进入到学生的视野与物理课堂中,促使物理学习更为直观详细、生动有效,促使学生认知到物理的意义与作用,学会利用物理理论理性认知周边事物.所以,作为物理老师,要提供学生熟知的生活经验,将学生所掌握的知识理论和熟知的生活全面结合起来,进行组织教育,促使学生能更好地对所学知识进行理解和感悟,假设把生活中的问题作为研讨对象,就会让学生觉得亲切自然,全面提升学生的学习兴致.  相似文献   

正高中语文教学情境创设,就是指在语文教学过程中结合教材内容和学生的具体心理状况,营造一种利于学生快速进入学习状态、接受语文知识的氛围。在实际语文教学情境创设实践中证明,情境创设对激发学生学习兴趣、提高学生学习质量都有很大的帮助。一、情境创设的意义(一)激发学生学习的兴趣和积极性情境教学的首要任务就是激发学生对知识的探求心,让学生在求知欲的推动下主动学习,其实这就是培养学生学习兴趣的一个过程。在高中语文情境教学的课堂上,老师通过对教材知识情境的创设带领学生进入相关语文知识  相似文献   

This paper examines how effectively thinking skills are being taught in the social studies component in Saudi Arabian secondary schools. Two methods of data collection were employed: (1) classroom observation in which instances of activities which promoted the teaching of thinking skills were recorded, and (2) interviews with the teachers to determine their perceptions of what thinking skills are, how well they believe they succeed in teaching thinking skills, and what factors they believe aid or impede their teaching of thinking skills. The major conclusion is that the social studies teachers were aware of the importance of teaching thinking skills, but were basically unaware of what that teaching involves. A second conclusion is that there are administrative, curricular, textual and extra-textual impediments hindering the teaching of thinking skills in the secondary-level social studies component.  相似文献   

Today people call those who teach in schools "teachers," and they call what they do "teaching," and they call the methods they use "teaching methods," as though teachers are people who do nothing but teach the students a little book learning. Apart from teaching, they seemingly have no other ability; apart from what is in books, they have nothing else to teach; and the students in this kind of school, apart from receiving instruction, have no other assignments. Teachers only concern themselves with teaching, and students only concern themselves with receiving instruction, as though the business of learning could be completely transacted by the act of teaching. If we are talking about names, such schools are of course "institutions of learning," but if we are discussing the reality, they are more like "institutions of teaching." This is because we have emphasized teaching too much. Without knowing it, we have caused teaching to become separated from learning, though learning and teaching really cannot be separated and should be united.  相似文献   

指导教学的是什么?这是个尚未言及的问题。人们往往认为指导教学的是教学论,而教学论的唯一哲学基础又是认识论的,这种流俗的观点有着浓厚的唯理性色彩。指导教学的是思,思的性质是“揭示”,按事物以其所是和如何是的方式去揭示事物。生活世界既是一个存在着规律的世界,又是一个富有诗意的世界,只有涵盖了理性和诗性这两种迥然不同的揭示方式之思,才能与生活世界相对应。只有把捉住这思,关于“指导教学的是什么”的问题,才算真正言及了。  相似文献   


Much of the debate about that which comprises teachers’ professional knowledge has been important in the academic literature but does not necessarily reflect the reality of how they think as they construct the knowledge that underpins their practice. Typically, teachers are not encouraged to spend time talking about teaching in ways that are theoretically robust, or to unpack their teaching in order to show others what they know, how and why. Because they are busy ‘doing teaching’ they are not commonly afforded opportunities to ‘unpack’ their practice to explore and articulate the reasoning underpinning what they do. This paper argues that the essence of teachers’ professional knowledge is bound up in the teaching procedures they employ and that knowledge is accessible and demonstrable through the pedagogical reasoning that underpins their decision-making, actions and intents; all of which come to the fore when their pedagogical reasoning is examined. If teaching is to be more highly valued, it is important to more closely examine the nature of teachers’ pedagogical reasoning as it offers a window into the complex and sophisticated knowledge of practice that influences what they do, how and why.  相似文献   

教学反思是教师对自己教学行为的内省和剖析,是从自己的经历中学习,从而进行自我调控。它有助于促进教师教学能力的发展和专业水平的提高。教师写教学反思必须实话实说,成败得失记录在案;及时反馈师生两方面的情况;综合分析教与学的关系;找准要点,写出活动中的某些特点;捕捉灵感,写随机生成的动态性教学资源和遐想;最后,可进行深度反思,写出有效性的建议。  相似文献   

The transition from school to university involves substantial change in the structure and organization of teaching, and in the nature and purpose of learning contexts. This paper, which reports some data from a broader study of learning and teaching in first year university physics, focuses on aspects of the school-university transition. In particular, we report perceptions of first year physics students about how they should learn physics, what it is intended they should learn, and what they believe to be the functions of the various teaching situations in which they are placed.  相似文献   

高职公共英语教学改革须基于学生的实际水平   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学生是学校教育的对象,也是教学活动的主体,高职院校公共英语的教学改革须从学生的实际水平出发,教师应更新教育思想观念,考虑他们的兴趣和学习需求,应他们所求,教他们所需,并利用学校多种资源,为学生创造良好的英语学习条件和环境,实现"教和学"良性互动,让教改落在实处。  相似文献   

教师教学计划决策是指教师在教学实施前所做出的一系列教学选择。本研究试图回答两个问题:教师在教学计划决策时所关注要素的内容和特点有哪些,以及教师在进行教学计划决策时的主要依据是什么。研究结果表明,在对象、内容、方法和评价这四个主要要素中,教师教学计划决策最关注的是教学内容,而对教学对象关注的目的是完成教学内容。教师教学决策的主要依据是教师知识、教师信念和实践经验,集中表现为教师的教学价值取向。  相似文献   


Preservice teachers enter professional teacher education programs with personally constructed (but often implicit and unexamined) knowledge of what good teaching is and what kind of teachers they wish to become. If they are unable to connect new and/or expanded professional knowledge of teaching with their own unexamined narrative knowledge of teaching, professional knowledge presented in courses remains decontextualized theory; their personal narrative knowledge of teaching remains implicit and unexamined; and they teach as they believe they were taught. Here the use of four versions of narrative inquiry with preservice teachers are examined. Each one—Response to Practicum Experiences, Responses to Readings, Small and Large Group Discussions, and Reflection Papers—is intended to enable students to explore narrative assumptions that contribute to their images of teaching. Each form of narrative inquiry enables students to explore unexamined parts of their personal and professional knowledge of teaching and link these in explicit ways.  相似文献   

多媒体网络教学是信息革命的必然产物。随着这门新兴技术的出现,大学英语教学模式也相应地发生了变化,多媒体网络技术是当代教师必须掌握的技能。  相似文献   

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