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刘香东 《教育探索》2009,(1):138-139
在积极心理学发展的影响下,美国产生了一种积极认识青少年发展的新理论一积极青少年发展理论(PYD).PYD是研究青少年发展的新术语,具有5个C的发展目标以及开放式的理论结构.正确认识PYD的积极意义与不足,对我国改善对"差生"的认识、加强青少年社区教育与整合青少年发展理论必将带来有益的启示.  相似文献   

高等教育的质量关乎大学生的整体素质及心理品质。目前,相当一部分高校存在学生课堂参与度低、课程评价方式单一、课程开发和研讨不足等问题。积极青少年发展理论重视发展能力、体现自我价值,可以为高校专业课的改革提供新的理念。教师通过构建以"情感"为中心的教学平台,建立多元化的课程评价机制,创设互动式的教学课堂等方式,优化教学模式,把积极青少年发展理论与教学改革相结合,在改善课堂教学的同时,有效促进青少年学生积极发展。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情的持续蔓延为儿童青少年的发展带来了风险.积极心理学强调人类自身的潜能、美德、积极情绪等对个体发展的意义,通过使用预防性心理保健帮助个体适应环境,儿童青少年获得积极发展后,能对个人、家庭、社区及人类社会做出积极的贡献,并大大降低出现问题行为和罹患精神疾病的风险,与儿童青少年在常态化疫情防控下的发展需求相契合....  相似文献   

本文在概述儿童心理理论发展展的观察与实验事实的基础上,分别对模拟论、模块论和理论论这三大解释理论的基本假设、主要观点和存在的问题作出了述评。论文表明,尽管这三种理论彼此之间进行着热烈的争论和批评,但它们似乎都过多地求助于各自所依据的观察与实验数据,而很少深究各自理论本身的缺陷。  相似文献   

探索影响青少年全面发展的因素具有重要的学术和现实意义.本研究基于科尔曼的社会资本理论,使用似不相关回归(SUR)分析父母参与对本地和流动青少年认知能力、心理和行为问题的影响.研究发现:第一,亲子沟通、父母监督和家校联系显著影响青少年发展,家庭间联系的影响并不显著.第二,亲子沟通和家校联系对本地和流动青少年的影响存在差异.第三,父母参与可以通过改变子女和父母的未来信心间接影响青少年发展.因此,应充分发挥学校在父母参与中的指导作用;同时,向弱势家庭尤其是流动家庭提供教育补偿计划,并努力完善配套改革以提升青少年和父母的未来信心.  相似文献   

探索影响青少年全面发展的因素具有重要的学术和现实意义.本研究基于科尔曼的社会资本理论,使用似不相关回归(SUR)分析父母参与对本地和流动青少年认知能力、心理和行为问题的影响.研究发现:第一,亲子沟通、父母监督和家校联系显著影响青少年发展,家庭间联系的影响并不显著.第二,亲子沟通和家校联系对本地和流动青少年的影响存在差异.第三,父母参与可以通过改变子女和父母的未来信心间接影响青少年发展.因此,应充分发挥学校在父母参与中的指导作用;同时,向弱势家庭尤其是流动家庭提供教育补偿计划,并努力完善配套改革以提升青少年和父母的未来信心.  相似文献   

攻击行为对青少年身心健康有诸多负性影响,促进青少年健康发展需要开展积极有效的预防攻击行为教育。双系统模型理论指出青少年出现攻击行为的原因与个体社会情绪系统和认知控制系统的发展有关,快速成熟的社会情绪系统使青少年被攻击行为的冒险刺激性吸引并卷入其中,而发展相对滞后的认知控制系统还不能控制青少年卷入攻击行为。学校应结合青少年社会情绪和认知控制系统发展与攻击行为的关系,改变“堵+减”的攻击行为教育策略,构建“防疏一体”的积极教育策略,激发青少年远离攻击行为的主动性,从源头降低攻击行为发生率。学校可从建立“防疏一体”积极教育观,攻击行为筛查制度化,建构攻击行为积极教育课程群,强化家校共育四方面开展攻击行为的积极预防和疏导教育。  相似文献   

一个国家的国情,内容相当广泛,包括政治、经济、文化、民族、科技、社会、历史、自然等各个领域,并且上述各方面的内容又处于相互联系与不断发展变化之中。国情是一个综合范畴和动态概念,其研究是一项复杂艰难的系统工程。国力是国情的重要内容和重要表现。要正确认识国情就必须科学把握国力。所谓国力,通常是指一个国家在一定时期所具有的经济实力、科技实力、国防实力、民族凝聚力及国际影响力,简言之,综合国力。综合国力全面反映一个国家经济、科技、政治、社会、军事、外交等经济基础和上层建筑领域主要方面的实际力量。其中经济实…  相似文献   


Sport has the potential to serve as a context in which youth can develop as players and people. Positive youth development (PYD) through sport is a prevalent strength-based approach that aims to promote life skills acquisition in youth participants. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the utility of critically interrogating PYD through sport using critical race theory (CRT). Select key tenets of CRT serve as analytical tools that can highlight potentially problematic assumptions that underline current approaches to PYD through sport. Interrogation of PYD through sport using CRT exposes its limitations in theory, research, and practice. This race-centered perspective can help to reimagine sport coaching for positive development from a more socially responsible, critical praxis.  相似文献   

Evidence has accumulated that confirms the success of a positive youth development (PYD) approach. Importantly, a positive development approach is just that—an approach. It is not a particular program or curriculum but a set of practices designed to achieve one or more positive outcomes. As such, PYD practices can be added onto other programs to make positive outcomes more likely. For example, a tutoring program can work hard to hire and train staff to work with students in a trusting, respectful relationship. Camp counselors can be encouraged to build rapport and positive bonds among the campers.  相似文献   

信息管理学:理论、实践与学科建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息管理学的学科建设是以信息管理的实践为基础的。信息管理有其宏观结构和微观结构。信息管理学的学科建设必须解决专业设置、课程体系和学生就业问题。  相似文献   

The importance of strategic planning in education has been increasingly recognised but observations of school principals have shown that little time is apparently devoted to reflective planning. This case study of a secondary college principal, aimed to discover if the reflective practitioner exists by extending non‐participant observation to include the content and timing of a principal's thinking periods. The evidence from observation was also used to find out if planned strategies were translated into actions.  相似文献   

Maltreated children are a vulnerable population, yet many of these youth follow positive developmental pathways. The primary aim was to identify social skills growth trajectories among at‐risk youth to understand processes underlying resilience. Nationally representative, longitudinal data from 1,179 families investigated for child maltreatment (Mage = 12.75) were obtained from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well‐Being. Four trajectories were identified—stress‐resistant, emergent resilience, breakdown, and unresponsive‐maladaptive. Protective resources from multiple levels of the youth ecology (individual, family, school, and social service) predicted positive growth social skills trajectories. Resilience process and attendant positive outcomes in multiple domains of functioning were evident among the stress‐resistant and emergent resilience trajectories. Results underscore the saliency of social skills development for resilient outcomes in youth.  相似文献   

A cross‐sectional study explored the presence and power of developmental assets in a sample of youth from rural South African townships. Learners (female = 58%; Mage = 17.1; N = 505) attending three township high schools completed self‐report measures of developmental assets and thriving outcomes. Participants reported contextual assets (e.g., family, school, community) in the vulnerable ranges, with gender, family structure, and school type accounting for some differences. Correlation and regression analyses revealed that five asset contexts (family, school, community, personal, social) were uniquely predictive of thriving outcomes. Discussion focuses on contextual expressions of positive youth development among Zulu township youth in challenging environments.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a positive youth development (PYD) intervention for adolescents in alternative high schools (209 African American and Hispanic American adolescents, aged 14–18; 118 females and 91 males). The intervention was guided by a self‐transformative model of PYD (Eichas, Meca, Montgomery, & Kurtines, 2014). This model proposes that the actions youth take to define themselves function as active ingredients in positive development over the life course. Consistent with the self‐transformative model, results provided support for direct or mediated intervention effects on the self‐transformative processes of self‐construction and self‐discovery, life goal development, identity synthesis, and internalizing problems. The findings illustrate the utility of using a self‐transformative approach to PYD in work with marginalized youth populations.  相似文献   

Attention to addressing child and youth disparities associated with race, gender, and class has significantly increased the demand for guidance on how to help local systems and organizations that already serve low‐income youth and youth of color sharpen program components and improve program practices in ways that address the broader and often more complex needs of these populations. In this commentary, the author reflects on how the research findings and themes in the articles included in the special section (a) advance our ability to answer specific questions such as how to improve social skill growth among trauma‐exposed children and (b) reinforce the importance of continuing to link positive youth development to the tenets of program quality and self‐transformation.  相似文献   

科学把握理解科学发展观,是推进中国特色社会主义事业的认识前提。党的十八大报告从科学发展观与马克思主义、与中国化马克思主义、与实践、与中国共产党、与自身之间的五重关系角度,阐述了科学发展观的基本内容;文章从实践主题、精髓、方法论原则、主要观点和概念范畴五个方面提出科学发展观理论构架设想,指出贯彻落实科学发展观要深刻把握科学发展观的体系性、全面性与开放性。  相似文献   

Interest in promoting positive development among children and adolescents has always been a focus of developmental science. Historically, many researchers framed this interest using a deficit model that sought to optimize positive development by reducing problems. In the context of the articles in this special section, the author discuss a different conception of positive youth development that has emerged across the past 25 years, one that capitalizes on human plasticity and tests a strength‐based model (instead of a deficit one). This model seeks to identify the process that could enhance the attributes of young people that are valued by them and others (e.g., parents, peers, teachers, mentors, coaches, and faith leaders), as compared to processes that reduce or prevent undesirable characteristics.  相似文献   

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