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科技文献配置水平评价方法初探孙学范Abstract:Scientificmethodsarerequiredforaunitoradepartmenttoevaluatetheallocationlevelanddocumentsafeguardab...  相似文献   

分析了以引文评定期刊和文献质量时,除引文率和引文量外,与质量有关的其他几个因素(他引和自引、引用人数、引用者所在地区的覆盖面、引用刊的级别、引用者的知名度),并在此基础上提出了引文综合定量评定法。  相似文献   


Sandstone is a common sedimentary rock that is easily carved due to its weakly cemented fine grains and relatively low strength. Therefore, numerous large-scale grottoes in China are made of sandstone. However, these sandstone cultural heritage structures are often seriously damaged due to temperature and humidity changes, air pollution, biodeterioration, and repeated dissolution and crystallization of soluble salts. In general, it is imperative that a consolidant capable of providing cohesion by infilling pores between the stone grains is synthesized. In recent years, it has been reported that using organic consolidation materials for sandstone protection comes with various negative effects, such as a short lifetime, poor compatibility, and preservation damage. Using inorganic consolidation materials to protect sandstone seems to be one of the research trends for the future. Herein, this paper introduces a permeable, inorganic magnesium-based material (MMH solution) for silica sand consolidation. To assess this consolidant, the paper investigates the influence of varying molar ratios of MgO:MgCl2·6H2O:H2O on properties such as penetration depth, consolidation weight, colour variation, and compressive strength. The results demonstrate that the molar ratios of MgO:MgCl2·6H2O:H2O can significantly affect the consolidation performance. Additionally, it is believed that the MMH solution of MgO:MgCl2·6H2O:H2O?=?5:1:16 can be successfully used for the consolidation of silica sand, as the cubic specimens’ surface micrographs show good compatibility between the consolidation product and sand grains. Experiments (i.e. weight loss rate and mineralogical compositions analysis) are performed to evaluate the cubic specimens’ water resistance properties after being immersed in water. Furthermore, the consolidation material’s failure mechanism as a self-sacrificing material is preliminarily analyzed. Results indicate that MMH solution is a promising conservation material that shows great potential for consolidating severely weathered sandstone.  相似文献   

晚清中国人对西方图书馆的考察(上)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
晚清时期中国人对西方图书馆的考察大致可以划分为鸦片战争时期、洋务运动时期、戊戌变法前后和清末新政时期等四个历史阶段。本文通过对晚清中国人对西方图书馆的历史考察 ,从一个侧面说明了西方图书馆观念向中国传播的历史过程及其影响  相似文献   

晚清中国人对西方图书馆的考察(中)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晚清时期中国人对西方图书馆的考察大致可以划分为鸦片战争时期、洋务运动时期、戊戌变法前后和清末新政时期等四个历史阶段。本文通过对晚清中国人对西方图书馆的历史考察 ,从一个侧面说明了西方图书馆观念向中国传播的历史过程及其影响  相似文献   

晚清中国人对西方图书馆的考察(下)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
晚清时期中国人对西方图书馆的考察大致可以划分为鸦片战争时期、洋务运动时期、戊戌变法前后和清末新政时期等四个历史阶段。本文通过对晚清中国人对西方图书馆的历史考察 ,从一个侧面说明了西方图书馆观念向中国传播的历史过程及其影响  相似文献   

教育科技用户对因特网使用情况的调查分析   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
文章是1998 年国家科学技术部的项目《中国科技电子信息资源开发与利用研究》的一部分,通过分析国内几家教育科研单位网络用户的构成及使用因特网的基本情况,发现对于这部分教育和科技界用户来说,通过因特网查询资源已经占居重要地位,仅次于使用图书馆。文章认为图书馆在提供高质量的中文信息资源方面应该发挥更积极和更重要的作用。  相似文献   

罗烨《新编醉翁谈录》甲集卷一《舌耕叙引》关系到宋代说话艺术的许多问题,是我们研究宋代说话的重要文献。本文对《舌耕叙引》的《小说引子》、《小说开辟》二篇作了比较细致的解读,并指出,宋代可能并不存在纯粹白话写作的所谓“话本”,而通俗文言传奇实为比较普遍的“话本”形态。  相似文献   

大学研究数据管理作为开放科学进程的重要组成部分,越来越受到各国政府、科学组织、研究机构的重视。通过对德国波茨坦大学RISE-DE模型在制定RDM面向利益相关者参与的结构化战略流程中的应用进行分析,对基于CMM的美国雪城大学RDM模型,借鉴康奈尔模型的格拉斯哥大学CARDIO模型,以及基于DCC的RISE模型的德国RISE-DE模型进行对比研究,梳理三种能力成熟度模型的差异和特点,为我国高校开展研究数据管理服务工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

《中国图书馆分类法》(第五版)医药卫生类目评析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新修订的《中国图书馆分类法》(第五版)医药卫生类目在类名、注释以及新增类目方面,都有不少的改进,但其在类目的设置、注释以及新增类目等方面仍存在不足。  相似文献   

The changing information landscape calls for a new leadership, new competences, and new approaches to library services. In today’s information age, information literate citizens must be able to assess the reliability of information, making information literacy instruction an important task for libraries. In this paper, five researchers present data from interviews they carried out with library leaders from Germany, Romania, Finland, UK, and Norway. The experiences of the library leaders were different, reflecting varying levels of economic austerity, and how closely each country adheres to New Public Management (NPM)-theory and practice. However, they also show how NPM and reduced budgets can lead to a greater and better cooperation.  相似文献   

Planning and implementing online professional development opportunities is challenging but attainable. This paper explains how a group of librarians from different institutions worked to plan, market, implement, and evaluate monthly webinars as well as an inaugural online conference, despite never meeting in person. The web conferences began in-state and grew to include presenters and attendees from across the nation. A review of available web-conferencing technologies will be provided, including free and open-source options. This paper includes details about the planning process, including subcommittee collaborations, social media marketing, and day-of logistics. Failures during event planning and execution—and tips to avoid them—will be discussed, as well as next steps looking forward.  相似文献   

《中国图书馆分类法》第五版于2010年9月问世,为适应十年来学科发展的需要,新版《中图法》在第四版的基础上进行了较大幅度的修订。现归纳第四版《中图法》医药卫生的修订概况,并利用多个性能指标,对第四版和第五版《中图法》R类性能进行定量对比和测评。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 阐述课程思政的核心思想,讨论课程思政和南开大学教育思想和理念的关联性。[方法/过程] 以南开大学图情学科的课程思政实践建设为案例,总结课程思政实现的不同路径,包括通识教育、专业教育和实践教育路径。[结果/结论] 通识教育将课程思政融入一系列的服务学习2.0课程中;专业教育将课程思政元素嵌入教学的不同环节;实践教育则通过暑期师生同行社会实践达到课程思政的目标。以不同的案例说明不同路径课程思政建设的方法和路径。可为高等学校课程思政建设提供实践指导。  相似文献   

The study is focused on finding out the level of use of on-line databases by faculty members and research scholars of the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), Delhi (India). Both are Central Universities and are funded by the University Grants Commission (UGC). A well-structured questionnaire was administered to faculty members and research scholars of the JNU and JMI to collect data regarding the use of on-line database. The survey reveals that all of the faculty members and research scholars are aware of the availability of on-line databases and largely use them for reference purposes in their research work and studies. The degree of usefulness and utilization of on-line databases is high among the universities' faculty members and research scholars. The survey further reveals that the respondents from both universities are aware of the search options for accessing on-line databases. It is also found that a large number of respondents of JNU and JMI are using field searching and Boolean operators to access information from on-line databases.  相似文献   

The study is focused on finding out the level of use of on-line databases by faculty members and research scholars of the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), Delhi (India). Both are Central Universities and are funded by the University Grants Commission (UGC). A well-structured questionnaire was administered to faculty members and research scholars of the JNU and JMI to collect data regarding the use of on-line database. The survey reveals that all of the faculty members and research scholars are aware of the availability of on-line databases and largely use them for reference purposes in their research work and studies. The degree of usefulness and utilization of on-line databases is high among the universities' faculty members and research scholars. The survey further reveals that the respondents from both universities are aware of the search options for accessing on-line databases. It is also found that a large number of respondents of JNU and JMI are using field searching and Boolean operators to access information from on-line databases.  相似文献   

从索引规模、索引标引深度、索引先组度、索引排版等角度对《军事信息资源分类法》索引与《中国图书馆分类法》(第四版)索引进行比较,基于大量数据分析,建议《军分法》索引扩大索引范围、改善索引款目格式、优化版面设计、加大索引密度。表5。参考文献4。  相似文献   

统计分析近6年来《图书情报工作》被《人大报刊复印资料》全文复印转载的情况,从被二次文献利用的角度对《图书情报工作》进行客观的评价。  相似文献   

学术期刊的数据库出版模式不能完全满足科研人员的科学交流需求,数据库涨价对图书馆造成较大影响,"独家协议"给期刊社带来负面效应,而开放获取出版模式可在一定程度上弥补这种不足。影响学术期刊开放获取发展的除了科研人员、期刊社、政府部门等对学术期刊实行开放获取的态度外,开放获取平台在其发展过程中也扮演着重要角色。  相似文献   

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