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Given the growing emphasis on academic research output and the challenges encountered in expediting completion of doctoral studies especially, mentorship is increasingly being utilised as a capacity development strategy for supporting scholars to complete post-graduate studies. This article reports on a mentorship project aimed at academic staff enrolled for doctoral studies in a health sciences faculty at a South African university, based on reflections drawn from annual feedback from the mentees and the annual report of the mentor, as well as a focus group conducted with mentees by an independent researcher. Participants found the mentorship, with its combination of individual and group meetings, as well as regular residential writing retreats, to be extremely helpful. A number of key features that enable the mentorship process emerged, and issues relating to supervision and mentorship were highlighted, especially regarding power dynamics.  相似文献   

Encouraging doctoral students to publish during their candidature is becoming more widely accepted and practised, both in Australia and internationally, although it is still less common in some fields. Almost all universities in Australia now offer candidates an option to include publications in their doctoral thesis. This paradigm shift has occurred over several decades as the role of doctoral education has been debated, but guidelines for students, supervisors and examiners have yet to catch up. While various benefits, challenges and criticisms have been discussed by established academics, the voices of the candidates themselves are limited. Using a narrative inquiry approach, this study helps to fill that void by reporting the personal experiences of the author, who recently completed a thesis with publications (TWP) in education. As such, this paper not only illuminates the potential challenges for doctoral candidates but it also offers possible ways in which universities, supervisors, examiners and candidates themselves can make the path to completing a doctoral TWP easier to navigate.  相似文献   

In this study, we present longitudinal data on changes in psychological distress among 232 Norwegian undergraduate students of nursing, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy. Psychological distress was assessed by applying the 12‐item version of the General Health Questionnaire. Nursing students became substantially more distressed during the three years of their programme compared to physiotherapy and occupational therapy students. Multivariate analyses showed that the students’ levels of psychological distress at the beginning of the study was the most important predictor of psychological distress at the end of the study. Other significant predictors were qualities of the individual student’s personal life, clarity in educational structure, subjective experience of study workload, and level of support in student milieu.  相似文献   

肖长路  陈利 《教育科学》2006,22(5):93-96
纵观经济发达国家心理训练的发展历史,心理训练的内容、训练模式和具体实施方法一直是心理训练的核心问题。本文依据心理学的基本理论,从基础心理品质、个性心理品质和心理健康标准等方面全面阐述了心理训练的内容,并在此基础上,结合经济发达国家心理训练的发展概况,对国内外心理训练模式的三大发展趋势进行了归纳性总结。最后,结合心理训练的内容,对如何进行心理训练的操作方法进行了具体分析和介绍。寄希望对不同领域的职员人员心理选拔、专业训练和自我教育发挥导向作用,为我国心理学专家在吸纳和借鉴国外先进理念与技术的基础上,创建规范、标准、科学、系统和有效的心理训练体系,提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   

近年来,我国社会经济高速发展对于高层次人才的需求不断攀升,扩大博士培养规模成为大势所趋。根据已有文献,GDP总量、R&D投入力度等经济指标对于博士培养规模具有很强的预测作用。本文通过与西方发达五国在相关指标上的国际比较,并与我国的人才供求预测相结合,得出研究结论:我国目前一年的博士人才培养规模应保持在9万人左右为宜,其扩招幅度应与经济总量和R&D投入保持联动。同时,还提出了促进我国博士培养规模和质量同步提高的对策建议。  相似文献   

作者通过长期的体操训练实践,对少年儿童体操运动员平时的心理训练和比赛前的心理训练作了较深入地分析研究.简述了少年儿童体操运动员在平时、比赛前心理训练中的一些心理训练方法、措施和应注意的问题.  相似文献   

李丽娟 《职业技术教育》2006,27(14):109-111
调节和控制心理活动,克服心理障碍,实施心理训练,是体育教师必须关注的问题。运动竞赛中的心理障碍包括动机障碍、情绪障碍、心理饱和障碍、激活障碍、攻击障碍。克服心理障碍的心理训练主要有:恢复体力和脑力的心理训练;回忆技术动作的心理训练;消除紧张情绪的心理训练;增强竞赛信心的心理训练。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between polyvictimization, psychological distress, and trauma symptoms in college men and women. Childhood victimization was common among participants. Regression analyses revealed that polyvictimization (i.e., high cumulative levels of victimization) is a better predictor of psychological distress and trauma symptoms than is any individual category of victimization (i.e., sexual, physical, peer/sibling, child maltreatment, witnessing/indirect, or property crime). Gender did not moderate the relation between victimization and distress and trauma symptoms. Implications for counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生心理健康状况分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生是否身心健康,能否适应现代竞争社会的各种压力和挑战,对于国家未来发展起着重要的作用。大学生的心理健康问题日益突出,在生活适应性、学业、人际交往、恋爱、家庭、就业、情绪等方面都存在一定的心理困扰和心理矛盾,这些问题已不同程度地影响了其正常的生活、学习和工作。因此,探讨提高大学生心理健康水平的措施与对策是非常必要的。  相似文献   

Psychological distress as experienced by higher education students is of major concern because of its potential to adversely impact academic performance, retention, mental health and lifestyle. This paper reports a mixed method investigation of student self-reported psychological distress and help-seeking behaviour. The sample comprised all students (n?=?1557) registered on undergraduate nursing/midwifery and teacher education programmes at an Irish university. Participants (n?=?1112) completed the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) to determine their self-reported psychological distress and the Lifestyle Behaviour Questionnaire to examine sources of distress, lifestyle and demographic variables. Individual interviews (n?=?59) explored student experiences of psychological distress and their help-seeking behaviours. Forty two percent of respondents exceeded the GHQ threshold ≥5, which signifies risk of mental or physical health problems. Sources of distress included academic, financial and psychosocial stressors. Regression analysis identified that demographic, programmatic and lifestyle variables predicted GHQ scores. Despite the distress experienced, students were reluctant users of support services. Many actively avoided seeking help. These findings raise serious concerns about the extent of psychological distress among this population. They also alert education providers to be vigilant for student psychological distress and to provide effective interventions, cognisant of the impact of stigma on help seeking.  相似文献   

心理战具有极强的杀伤力,其威力不仅危及军人,同时还波及民众。现代高科技条件下的心理战的对象不仅是军人,也包括民众,不仅其作战过程伴随整个战争的始终,其作战样式也变化多样,且极具欺骗性。它直接影响预备役部队及民众在战争中的行为反应速度及作战能力,甚至对指挥者的战略和战术决策产生干扰作用。因此,实施心理战教育训练,增强预备役部队及民众的心理战意识,提高心理防御能力将是打赢未来战争的重要保证。  相似文献   

在具备过硬的业务素质与健康体魄的同时,拥有完善健全的人格和良好的心理品质也是现代警察必备的素质之一。从警察职业的特殊性对警察的心理健康状况进行分析,并从提升警察心理品质、保障警察心理健康的理论和目标意义方面对作为心理训练内容之一的心理行为训练进行了论述。  相似文献   

发球效能的高低往往直接决定排球比赛的结果。而影响发球效能的心理因素可分为两类:一是运动员自身具有的心理品质,可称之静态的心理因素;一为外界环境施加于运动员的影响而造成的心理状态,可谓之动态的心理因素。据此,可主要采取目标设置、自信心、集中注意力、放松和意志等方面的针对性心理训练。  相似文献   

论述运动员的个性心理特征 ,并从情感教育、意志品质两个方面就田径运动员的个性心理素质培养进行了初步的探讨  相似文献   

警察心理咨询与训练的调查与思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在大量调查研究的基础上,借鉴国外经济发达国家警察心理咨询与训练的经验,结合我国的实际情况,对警察心理咨询与训练行了全面的理论思考。  相似文献   

This study examined how financial stress was related to psychological distress as measured by the Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms–62 (Locke et al., 2011). Data were collected from students seeking psychological services at a large midwestern university. Results indicated that higher levels of financial stress are associated with greater family distress, academic distress, overall distress, and lower grade point average. Group differences are presented and discussed. Suggestions for addressing financial stress in counseling are provided.  相似文献   

通过对心理训练的基本原理分析,论述了心理训练在教学过程中的具体运用方法,通过感知觉训练、动机训练、记忆和思维训练、注意训练、放松训练、意志训练等方法,培养学生“终生体育”的意识和能力,以达到增强体质的目的。  相似文献   

通过对衡阳师院体育代表队将参加第六届湖南省大学生运动会的几名投掷运动员的观察分析,发现参赛的投掷运动员存在一些心理障碍,并对其进行了赛前运动心理诊断和采取相应的心理训练,取得了初步的成效,同时,对心理训练提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

浅析篮球运动员的心理训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据运动心理研究的发展趋势,联系篮球运动训练与比赛的实际,提出篮球运动员的心理训练方向、任务和方法,使之形成训练与竞赛的最佳心理条件  相似文献   

在少年儿童篮球训练中进行心理训练,对于进一步开发少年儿童篮球队员的竞技水平有着积极的意义与作用.有利于加快和提高少年儿童篮球队员的心理素质及其发展个性心理特征,从而能保证和提高训练质量,促使在比赛中表现出良好的竞技状态.达到帮助少年儿童篮球队员形成具有个人特点的技战术风格.  相似文献   

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