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The paper reports the findings of an investigation into academic staff perceptions of a rapidly changing research work environment in UK university education departments. The study sheds light on the emotional landscape of an environment shaped by performance-driven change. Based on an integrated triplex framework of analysis, the study addresses the complex interrelationship between performativity, work-related emotions and collective research identities. The findings highlight concerns about the emotional impact of work intensification and barriers to collective research identities. However, there is also evidence of strong motivation and a performativity that is internally and intrinsically driven. The implications for research leaders are considered, both in terms of leadership strategy and the leadership of staff in building vibrant research cultures at a time of major change in the sector in response to global challenges and opportunities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present a specific approach to the practice of action research ‘in complex organisations’. Clearly, there are many approaches to the challenge of doing action research in organisations; approaches that are, and also must be, quite context dependent and specific. But my purpose is neither to give an overview nor a recommendation of how action research is or should be done in complex organisations by different schools of action researchers around the world. The approach I will present has grown through practical experience accumulated over many years with doing action research in many different Norwegian organisations with organisational change and development as the specific objective. I will limit myself to an outline of this Norwegian context, and to how I and others have worked specifically with organisational learning both practically and theoretically within or in relation to a broad Norwegian or Scandinavian approach to action research and organisation development represented by many individuals.  相似文献   

非研究型大学科研与教学关系的思考   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
非研究型大学是指除研究型大学以外的所有本科高校。非研究型大学应以教学为中心,但由于多种原因,我国相当多的非研究型大学过度重视科研,以至严重冲击教学。这与科学研究由"小科学"走向"大科学",高等教育从精英教育走向大众化教育的趋势相悖,既不利于教学也不利于科研,必须切实加以转变。  相似文献   

More prominent in the 21st century than ever are the internationalization of the competition for talents, the globalization of their mobility, and the diversity of the demand for them. This article analyzes the major features and content of the international cooperation and exchanges, and further discusses their tactics and measures in the process of internationalization of Chinese research universities, based on the latter's really situations.  相似文献   

As an empirical study based on undergraduate ratings of 2364 teachers lecturing in different courses during four semesters in Beijing Normal University, this paper studies the relationship between teaching effectiveness and research productivity. The results show that both of them are positively correlated, that is to say, teaching effectiveness benefits from research productivity. Translated from Xinli Fazhan Yu Jiaoyu 心理发展与教育 (Psychological Development and Education), 2006, (2): 85–88  相似文献   

浅议我国教学研究型大学管理学学科建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济社会对管理科学的重视、对管理人才的需求已成为教学研究型大学发展的契机。在当前教育模式由精英教育过渡到大众教育的过程中,教学研究型大学作为高等教育普及化的中坚力量,肩负着大力建设管理学科。加快培养国家急需的高层次创造性管理人才的重任。文章从我国教学研究型大学建设管理学学科的必要性和现状入手,着重分析了我国教学研究型大学管理学学科的建设思路。指出了教学研究型大学管理学学科建设的基本原则和具体措施。  相似文献   

The idea of the research university as a key institution for social and economic development in knowledge-intensive societies has been adopted by the Ukrainian government after the fall of the communist regime. Establishing research universities is a long journey during which many things might happen. To understand this journey better in the case of Ukrainian research universities, we applied an analytical framework derived from the concept of travel and translation of ideas. This concept analyses reform through three types of editing rules: the rules of context, logic and formulation. These editing rules have guided our analysis of data gathered from policy documents complemented by face-to-face interviews. We conclude that the idea as introduced came to little, as the turbulent political context precluded long-term planning and universities were faced with conflicting policies.  相似文献   

大学科学研究的性质、地位、作用之比较分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现代大学的科学研究已经成为国家科学事业及其创新体系的主要组成部分,在科学技术进步中发挥着重要的作用。有关统计数据表明,基础性、理论性仍是大学科学研究的基本性质。作为教育机构,大学科学研究的主要作用首先仍然是培养人才,特别是培养从事科学研究的人才;大学在科学事业发展上的贡献,主要在于通过基础研究产生新认识、创造新理论、扩大新知识;大学通过应用与开发研究对技术的贡献,在现代社会的经济发展中发挥着越来越积极和明显的作用。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a significant but virtually unexplored recent development within Canadian higher education, namely the growing importance of research grants to universities and academics. It addresses three main questions. First, the paper examines why and how research grants are becoming more important to Canadian universities and academics, focusing in particular on the role played by federal higher education policy. Next, it explores how the growing importance of research grants is transforming relations between and among the key players in Canadian higher education and academic research, including university administrators, academics, government, and the broader community. The paper’s final section takes up some of the actual and potential implications of these changes and raises concerns about detrimental effects on Canada’s universities and citizens. Prospects and possibilities for reform are also addressed.  相似文献   

从国际经验看研究型大学本科教学改革的基本原则   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
以2001年博伊委员会对美国研究型大学落实其1998年报告建议的跟踪调查结果为主要依据,反思欧美发达国家改革的经验和教训,研究型大学本科教学改革应当遵循以发展知识为根本的科研与教学同生共进原则,以集体智慧为特征的新型学术自由原则,以因材施教为基础的新式精英教育原则。本科生研究和研究性教学则是实现这些原则的“阿基米德支点”。  相似文献   

地方师院“多元一体”应用型人才培养模式的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着科学技术和社会的发展以及基础课程改革的进行,地方师院急需进行人才培养模式改革,“多元一体”应用型人才培养模式,以其合理的专业结构、创新的教学质量监控模式、灵活的课程结构以及全面的实践教学方式,能有效解决高等师范院校与社会脱节的问题,为地方经济和社会发展提供大量应用型人才。  相似文献   

研究型大学院系设置的比较分析与理论思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈佛大学与北京大学、麻省理工学院与清华大学的对比显示,每所学校与自己的对比方在总的学科设置上非常接近,但我国两所大学的学院数量远大于美国的两所大学。我国研究型大学应当适当减少学院数量,规范学院设置,提高学院内学科设置的综合性;加强和重视特色学院或特色学科的建设;分别设置本科生学院和研究生学院;重视交叉学科项目或研究中心的建立。  相似文献   

Like its 2008 predecessor, the, 2014 Research Excellence Framework was a high-stakes exercise. For universities and their constituent departments, it had zero-sum implications for league table position in a way that the 2001 exercise did not, and post facto it is having a significant effect on investment and disinvestment as departments vie with each other internally for dwindling estate and staffing resources. Yet there has never been an analysis of how different Units of Assessment compare with each other in terms of their competitiveness, and how the percentage of staff submitted in each discipline affects the competition space. The purpose of this paper is twofold: to introduce the Herfindahl Index, currently used as the basis for antitrust regulation in the US, to an educational setting; and to apply the Index to the 2008 and 2014 research assessment exercises to gauge the competitiveness of individual disciplines. It finds that competition in the UK research sector is exceptionally tough, but that competitiveness in some subjects, especially Education, is hugely increased when the metric used as base is the total number of staff eligible, rather than the total number of staff submitted, which suggests a very concentrated market in terms of quality.  相似文献   

In order to raise the international reputation and quality of higher education in China, the Ministry of Education initiated new university employment reform, which pressed academics to produce more research. Recent employment reform has aggravated the conflict between teaching and research. This study uses mixed methods to investigate how academics perceived the employment reform and how they employed various strategies to handle teaching and research. Our study indicates a trend of deprofessionalization in academic work and an increasing tension between teaching and research. Handling teaching and research required a strong and conscientious effort on the part of academics. Concerted efforts should be made to offer a more supportive environment for academics to balance teaching and research.  相似文献   

Background: The analysis of teachers’ conceptions about writing at university level allows the study of teaching practices associated with academic writing. At the same time, it is important to consider the context (disciplines, culture, institution, pedagogical organisation, etc.) where these practices take place.

Purpose: The present article explores the teachers’ conceptions about teaching and assessing writing skills at university level from two academic programmes of psychology: one in France and one in Colombia, through two questions: (a) the writing skills that teachers expect their students to acquire from attending their courses, and (b) the criteria used by the teachers to assess the written performance of their students. The main purpose is to analyse the teaching and evaluation practices that teachers describe in their discourse, taking into account the discipline and some similarities and differences between cultural contexts.

Sample: Ten university psychology teachers, five French and five Colombian, participated voluntarily in the study. The teachers were a heterogeneous group in terms of their ages and number of years of work experience. They taught a range of courses or subjects in the area of psychology.

Design and methods: The research was conducted using a qualitative method. The university teachers’ conceptions were collected during semi-structured interviews. A content analysis of the interviews, using an inductive approach, was undertaken.

Results: The analysis of the discourse indicates that the teachers focus their teaching practices on some specificities of the academic writing, and that they mainly assess different types of students’ knowledge. Additionally, a gap was observed between teaching and assessment practices, which concerns the cognitive dimensions of writing and the rules of academic discourse. This gap seems more evident in French teachers’ discourses. Colombian teachers described, in the main, teaching practices focused on the norms of academic writing.

Conclusions: These findings suggest that some similarities between the teachers’ conceptions are associated with the discipline. Specific differences could be explained by culturally distinct pedagogical practices related to the manner of teaching at university level.  相似文献   

高等学校教学与科研关系研究现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学和科研是高校的核心事业,二者之间的冲突和协调关系很早就引起学者们的广泛关注,近年来更是高等教育领域内学者们研究的重要课题之一.我国高校应以学科建设为载体,实现学科内教学与科研的交叉融合;建立良性的管理体制,发挥其导向作用;培养良好的学术氛围,提高教师积极性.  相似文献   

根据高水平研究型大学培养人才的要求,就建设研究型大学工程训练中心的指导理念、建设目标、功能定位和模式、管理体制及实践教学等问题进行了探讨和研究,并以河海大学“十五”“211工程”公共服务体系子项目工程训练中心的建设,提出了建设工程训练中心新的构想。  相似文献   

现行高等院校科研水平评估方案有许多共同之处。其中对检索系统的应用和利用检索系统原理创建的评估方法最为人诟病。评论指责它们为追求高效率过度依赖科研结果质量保证单位的数据,使得科研评估对于现在高校学术界的学术失范现象负有不可推卸的责任。为使以检索系统为核心的高校科研水平评估更加科学,文章提出临界评估作为补充。  相似文献   

当今社会是多元社会思潮流传和交锋最为活跃的时代。高校是意识形态斗争的重要阵地,多元社会思潮给高校意识形态工作带来严峻的考验。因此,要着力探索社会思潮的教育模式,充分发挥思政课的主渠道作用,主动占领思想文化舆论阵地,扎实开展社会实践教育活动,牢牢把握高校意识形态工作领导权,积极应对多元社会思潮的挑战。  相似文献   

In this article we discuss an action research experience that took place from 2002 to 2015. We analyze the inception and progress of several project-based learning-centered academic courses that were aimed at developing the project management skills of graduate and undergraduate students. The experience involved approximately 1800 students from two universities and 40 community partners. The students developed real-life projects on behalf of institutions and non-governmental organizations located in the area that help people in need; we refer to these agencies as ‘community partners.’ We analyze the development of the course from a systemic perspective, making use of causal loop diagrams in order to understand the main driving dynamics. We discuss the results achieved by these projects and the benefits brought to the community partners. We also present testimony from the community partners themselves. We conclude by presenting the lessons we learned over the years we have been running this course.  相似文献   

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