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For over a decade, debate has raged about the nature and purpose of the PhD, including its role as preparation for working in academia. Academic work has changed a great deal in the last 60 years, yet our doctoral curriculum has remained relatively static. While there is increasing interest in matching PhD programmes to ‘real world’ needs, there is a surprising lack of research to inform research curriculum development at this level. If we take the position that the PhD is still the best way to prepare for academic work, what skills and attributes should we help graduates develop for this destination? This article analyses a set of academic job advertisements and asks: What do academic employers really want from the PhD now?  相似文献   

当前大学生受挫的主要类型有 :学习挫折、理想挫折、交往挫折和恋爱挫折。挫折感的产生既有主观因素 ,也有客观因素。因此 ,对大学生加强挫折教育要从以下环节入手 :强化挫折认知、提高耐挫能力和做好情绪疗养等。  相似文献   

学业情绪动态转换指教学或学习过程中与学习者学习相关的各种情绪体验之间的相互转换。对学业情绪的研究不是静态地集中于某一种情绪,如焦虑、厌烦、困惑、好奇、挫折感等,而是在考虑学习情境、互动对象和学习材料之间关系的基础上研究学习者的情绪变化。学业情绪动态转换研究对学习者学习及其持续发展具有重要的影响。本文在相关实验研究的基础上,总结了不同情绪之间的转换关系、研究情境、研究方法以及学业情绪的表情特征。未来研究中如果对学习者的个体差异、学习情境以及不同学业情绪的调节方式之间的关系进一步探索,可以更进一步促进情绪对学习的积极作用。  相似文献   


When a liberal arts college decides to include computer science as one of its academic disciplines, a number of questions arise. What is an appropriate curriculum? What sort of laboratory support does this new discipline need? How does a small liberal arts school attract, retain, and evaluate faculty in this area? Do computer science faculty become a separate department or remain joined with mathematics or some other discipline? In short, what must be done to put computer science on equal footing with mathematics and other scientific disciplines? This paper addresses these questions.  相似文献   

What inherent personal leader qualities or dispositions do senior staff in universities say are necessary? What assumptions do we make about leadership in our universities and are they helpful? Are university staff surveys useful in giving both the leadership and staff a clear understanding of staff satisfaction levels related to how they are managed and led? This article looks at these important aspects of university leadership, gathering together HE leader/academic views, study findings and survey pointers to suggest dispositions and talents those in leadership positions should demonstrate in providing the right environment for staff.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the relationships among effortful control and frustration and literacy proficiency of preadolescence to determine which subcomponent of effortful control and/or emotion might be critical in achieving academic success. The participants included 72 children recruited from a larger longitudinal study. Children's frustration, effortful control, and literacy skills were assessed at Grade 5, and their nonverbal IQ levels were assessed at Grade 1. Effortful control and frustration were measured by a self-report questionnaire. Literacy proficiency was measured with tests of reading comprehension, written language, and the semestral grades in the subject of Chinese literacy. Results showed that children with higher effortful control perception had better literacy abilities, particularly writing and language academic achievement. The dispositional frustration moderated the predictive effect of attention control on children's reading comprehension. The findings support the importance of self-regulation and emotions on literacy proficiency.  相似文献   

Although the educational and psychological hazards of boredom are well documented, an increasing number of researchers have argued that boredom may be a helpful, rather than harmful, emotion for the growing individual. In this paper, we engage with this re-conception of boredom and explore its implications for contemporary education: Can boredom enhance student learning, or support certain forms of it? Can it be put to use in the classroom? What are the risks involved? In addressing these questions, we show that boredom can fulfil several important psychological functions under certain special conditions. At the same time, we argue that careful attention to the moral psychology of boredom reveals that it has significant disadvantages for helping students to develop a meaningful and fulfilling relationship to subject matter in the classroom. Against the backdrop of this analysis, we discuss the concept and experience of aspiration as a potential way of tempering and eventually obviating the psychological pitfalls of boredom. In the final section, we draw out several principles of an aspirational approach to grappling with boredom in education.  相似文献   

Teaching, like other caring professions, is emotional. These emotions tend to emerge as teachers’ goals, standards, and beliefs transact with other classroom stakeholders during everyday school activities. As such, for teachers, the classroom context involves both the extreme happiness and joy from a lesson that goes as planned to the intense frustration of working with a challenging student. These academic emotions have garnered the attention of a growing number of researchers, and will be the focus of this article. More specifically, my goal is to summarize and extend our thoughts about the nature of research and our program of research related to teacher emotion.  相似文献   

萧红与沈从均为体验型、情绪型作家,他们的作品所展现的是一个被情绪记忆中缠绕的世界。孩提时期那种强烈的缺失性体验,是构成《呼兰河传》独特风格的基础;而《边城》中对世外桃源般的景致及正直朴素的人情美的渲染,则源于另一种隐秘心理,因此,解读他们的作品不宜只用传统的社会学的单一角度和单向性思维方式,还应多从创作心理的角度去研究与探索。  相似文献   

Instructional Science - What makes someone a good writer? To begin to answer this question, we compared the discourse knowledge and self-regulation of good and poor writers, as well as the quality...  相似文献   

本篇系于“海外华文女作家协会”双年大会中一场演讲的内容,所以不采纯粹科学方法研究报告的形式,写成严肃的学术论文。心态尽管认真,愿书之以轻松笔调,俾可轻松读之。以宏观视野觅寻探究自古至今“女性书写”成长的轨迹,凡有阶段性前行的变化,便是我所说的跨越。题目虽大,不拟纵思跑马,跑遍每个角落,只以有限的资料作有限的事,观察历代文坛大势与女性书写在各时代的定位。论文由“从一本书鸟瞰中国文学史长河中的女‘流'”、“跨越的符码——抽样人与事”、“笔触情欲世界”三方面切入。昔往的男性中心社会常称女性为女流之辈,语势轻蔑,但在文学史长河后浪逐前浪的洪流中,“女流”并未缺席,以《中国古代女作家集》做为主干,探讨女子文坛的大势与在整个文学界中的地位;成为跨越的符码,当然不是一般的文学女子,能与众文学男士相提并论,或在各文类有开创性成绩、特殊造诣的女性是所选的抽样;对于以往隐讳暖昧而今天似为小说中必然的情节的情欲书写,文内展述历史也抒出己见。  相似文献   

There have been many attempts to assess the state of research in our field. This article is our attempt to both (1) synthesize recent analyses, opinions, and conclusions concerning the status of technical communication research and (2) propose an action plan aimed at redirecting our field's agenda for its research. We explore these questions: What are the recent research trends in our field? What is and is not promising about our recent approaches to research? Where do we need to go next? What are the critical components for a new agenda for our research?  相似文献   

What are our options if we have to let go of the idea of controllability in our ever more complex world? What tools do we have to navigate in a territory that we can’t ‘manage’ anymore, where the old instruments of command and control have lost their grip? What makes us ‘know’ when intellectual knowing capitulates in the face of complexity? This paper presents an action learning approach in four phases that explores how intuition or other forms of inner knowing can be used as a resource in leadership and organisational change. It looks at what helps us access ways of inner knowing in complex situations and how a learning process could take place in the corporate context. The endeavour aims at exploring and actualising dormant potential to navigate the volatility, uncertainty and complexity of our business environment whilst embodying and radiating our purpose and vision.  相似文献   

某些情感隐喻透过语言表层看没有变化,而有些却显示出重大的跨语言变化。到底是什么引发了语言中情感的概念化,基于英汉语料,可以说不同的情感是通过不同的隐喻机制而概念化的,并且情感隐喻的跨语言行为依赖于它形成中所运用的概念机制。  相似文献   

What do lecturers look for when marking essays? What impresses them and what frustrates them? In this paper, we present the results of a survey which asked lecturers to address these questions. Thirty‐two lecturers responded to an email survey in which they listed the problems they found most frustrating when marking essays and the factors which most impressed them. This resulted in 206 comments related to sources of frustration and 139 comments listing factors which impress them. The comments were then coded into themes and ranked in order of importance by 16 lecturers from the original sample. The results highlight a range of issues that may be useful for lecturers when discussing assignments, and instructive for students when writing their assignments.  相似文献   

见证文学是指为历史作见证的文学,当代作家在"文革"后的30多年里,通过小说对"文革"进行了自觉而持续的书写,这类丰富多姿的"文革"叙事多层面多角度地展现了"文革"历史对于中国社会和个体造成的创伤和破坏,见证了"极端年代"的社会景观和人性景观,这类小说在理论和实践意义上确实起到了见证历史的作用,开创了见证叙事的历史传统。论文分析了"文革"叙事的见证功能、如何见证历史以及这类文学叙事见证历史的意义等问题。  相似文献   

什么是爱情?怎样对待爱情?在青年刚懂得爱情的时候就要教育他们怎样去爱,怎样陶冶爱情这个心灵的高尚情感。苏霍姆林斯基视爱情为德育教育的重要内容,并从教育学的角度对此进行了深刻的分析研究,对我国的性教育有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper discusses four well‐attested criteria by which a given “subject area” might be judged to be or not to be an “academic discipline.” What can be said of “gerontological studies” under each of these criteria? In what ways might “gerontological studies” benefit from being more generally accepted as an “academic discipline?  相似文献   

What keeps students interested and engaged in school? Unfortunately, in today’s climate of increased rigor in classrooms, we are simultaneously losing sight of the need to provide students with an education that is both challenging and stimulating. In this paper, we discuss youth disengagement and offer suggestions to improve our overall knowledge of academic engagement issues. We discuss the historical concept of engagement, more specifically, its shift from a uni-dimensional to multidimensional concept, and suggest that research concentrate on better understanding the interplay among setting and identity when examining issues of youth engagement in schools. Fundamentally, we strongly assert that engagement research needs to adopt a more critical stance that provides students with opportunities to examine and to critique the educational system in which they participate (or sometimes refuse to participate). Only when students see the purpose of engaging in schools, as students and agents of change, will engagement and students’ academics and lives improve.  相似文献   

学术自由是大学的灵魂,明确学术自由的性质、对象、目的、范围等问题,有助于理解和把握大学的本质和特点。学术自由是学者的特权,抑或普通公民的权利?学术自由与言论自由、思想自由是何关系?学者在专业领域以外享有学术自由吗?学院和大学董事会以及校长是学术自由的"天敌"吗?除了解聘教师之外,还有哪些威胁学术自由的因素?这些问题的回答能够帮助我们全面理解学术自由的内涵。  相似文献   

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