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从认知语言学的视角出发,以斯佩伯和威尔逊(Sperber&Wilson)关联理论为基础,分析了语境要素在言语交际中的作用,强调语境研究的视角应转向语境的认知研究。通过对动态语境的概念、动态语境在言语交际中的特点等作初步的分析,指出语义受语境的制约,而语境本身就处于动态的变化当中。交际的核心不在于言语,而在于意义的理解,语义分析法只能在初步语境中实现.而言语分析及交际分析应该在动态语境中完成。在言语交际中强调动态语境突出了动态的语言形式,从而对言语交际的分析更加深入。  相似文献   

Researchers, policy officials, and the wider public in Japan and abroad often hold different views about the quality of Japanese education. Whereas Western researchers are attracted by the academic performance of Japanese students in international assessment studies, Japanese university professors launched a public debate in 1999 about declining achievement. Both advocates and detractors, however, assume that students perform equally well or bad, teachers do not differ in their methods, and students are treated similarly across schools. This study explored the validity of the mutually opposing views about the quality of Japanese education and addressed the issue of unequal educational opportunities, which has not been investigated based on representative, large-scale datasets. According to the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) studies, Japanese students performed well but a decline is visible between 2003 and 2006 for mathematics. The PISA studies also indicate that an achievement gap exists in Japan and that tracking leads to differential school experiences.  相似文献   

Many rural indigenous communities rely on science knowledge and innovation for survival and economic advancement, which requires community members to be motivated for learning science. Children in these communities have been viewed by some as unmotivated due to their low science achievement as they progress in school, particularly into majority secondary schools. Current theories of motivation, such as achievement goal theory, take classroom context into account when examining individual motivation. However, motivational climate can also be considered as tightly woven with the cultural and social practices of a community rather than individual perception. In this study, researchers spent time in two indigenous villages observing classrooms, participating in community events, and talking with community members. During those visits, Attayal/Sediq children in Taiwan (n?=?18) and Mopan Mayan children in Belize (n?=?18) participated in three semi-structured interviews about their experience learning science in school, home, and community. Results indicate that motivation for learning science is closely linked with their identity as science learners. Three themes emerged to illuminate how social practices may or may not support individual identity, and consequently motivation, for learning science—student/teacher relationships, support for learning, and motivational climate. Differences between children in Taiwan and Belize are explored. Implications for motivation theory, educational practice, and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

如何认识和处理科学的古今关系是科学史研究的一个重要理论问题。本文从这一角度讨论了科学史的研究传统和模式,将目前科学史研究方式概括为“以今论古”、“以今验古”、“厚古薄今”和“古今结合”四种方式,论述了各种模式的内涵、价值和作用,分析了各种模式的优点和缺陷  相似文献   

The 2006 Programme for International Student Assessment focussed on students’ scientific competencies, measured their knowledge and provided questionnaires focussed on different aspects of life. One aspect was students’ experience with information and communication technology (ICT). A secondary analysis of variance of the Czech Republic data (N?=?5,932 students) was conducted using the science knowledge test score and ICT familiarity items. The science knowledge items explored different thematic areas, such as evolution, mousepox, genetics and acid rain. The main result was that students who were connected in some way with ICT achieved better scores on the science knowledge test in comparison with students who were not. Furthermore, students whose ICT activity was connected with the educational process achieved a higher score in comparison with students whose ICT activity was not connected with the educational process.  相似文献   

在全球化语境下,中国文学批评面临三方面的危机:一是批评家的离去与批评视野的转移;二是批评原创性的匮乏;三是批评家的道德感的淡漠.据此,当代文学批评重建的可能性方案为:要建立当代文学批评的民族立场;批评家要关注现实,直面人生与现状;批评家要有自己的心灵尺度和价值立场.  相似文献   

The German education system does not traditionally rely on standardized testing. However, when the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study revealed an average performance of German students compared to other participating countries, a particular proportion of low-performing students, and remarkable disparities between the federal states, German policy makers decided for a major reform of the education system. A core piece of this reform was the introduction of National Education Standards. For science education, these standards were heavily influenced by the PISA results and its underlying framework. That is, with the standards, a paradigm shift took place from the German notion of Bildung towards the Anglo-American notion of literacy. With the introduction of these standards, a new field of empirical educational research was created: research on models of scientific literacy or competency models as a basis of benchmarking the standards. This article describes the German education system before PISA, summarizes the major findings from PISA, and describes how these findings informed the formulation of the performance standards for science education. It also details the measures undertaken to benchmark these standards. Finally, it provides insight into the issues with developing and benchmarking performance standards and points out future areas of research on evidence-based decision making in educational policy.  相似文献   

Studies which purport to demonstrate the adverse effects of television on the behaviour and moral standards of young people are consistent in that they refer to the media in isolation. It is frequently forgotten that television is merely one of many cues available to the child. Parents, peers and the demand characteristics of situations are more important as determiners of our social behaviour.

Experimental studies have demonstrated, however, that some children are more prone to be influenced by television than others, variables such as intelligence and the lack of a specific competence being of importance. Experiments are discussed which demonstrate that the extent of a child's pre‐experience affects the amount he is influenced by filmed models, and also that working‐class children are more influenced than their middle‐class counterparts because of their more limited experiences. It is suggested that a child's experiences “innoculate” him against the influence of television. Studies which show that children from relatively deprived home backgrounds are less able to fantasise and therefore are more vulnerable to the impact of television support the idea that the more deprived the child's own environment the greater the impact of television.  相似文献   

经济相关事务指这样一种理念,即大学不仅仅要产出发明,还要保证这些发明能够成为创新成果并通过专利和许可转化到商业经济之中,创建和培养新的公司,展开为工业界服务或与其合作的研究,并发展出对技术进步有所贡献的领域。本文讨论了导致教师角色和大学组织变化的因素,受经济相关事务影响而建立的项目带来了教师群体研究的深化和学科交叉性的增强,特别的手段还包括在经济相关领域聘请新增教师的专项基金、研究所和研究中心的增加以及推进学科交叉性的计划。新型的研究所出现,与工业界展开合作,整个大学校因也都致力于此,负责技术转化的机构极大地扩展了。  相似文献   

幽默话语是一种特殊的言语交际,它既是一种制笑机制,又是一种交际过程。本文试从关联理论的角度对言语幽默进行实例分析,来探讨幽默言语的基本规律,阐述关联理论对幽默话语的解释力,从而促进人们对幽默的欣赏。  相似文献   

论科学的本质与科学教育   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
科学的本质是科学教育领域中的一个重要问题。本文从定义和内涵两个角度对科学的本质进行了分析和阐述。科学既是一种过程,同时也是一种结果。科学活动的过程和科学活动的结果是紧密结合在一起的。作为探究与思维的科学、作为态度与精神的科学、作为知识与能力的科学是科学内涵的三个重要体现。在对科学本质进行分析的基础上,本文进一步对科学教育的目标与内容、过程与方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在全球化的历史语境下,中国电影艰难地跋涉在“走向世界”、“走向国际”的征程中。面对强大的西方文化霸权,中国电影是通过夸大渲染所谓民族文化差异、营造东方奇观去迎合西方观众的猎奇心理,还是通过对西方文化认同、接受的急切表达来证明自己的国际身份?中国电影到底该如何抒写自己的文化身份,有效地树立新世纪的中国形象,已成为我们必须做出回答的问题。  相似文献   

骆蓉 《巢湖学院学报》2007,9(1):103-106,112
商业广告是一种特殊的交际艺术,具有明显的认知特征。成功的广告总是能否抓住广告受众的心理,尤其是受众的认知心理。关联理论作为探索交际与认知关系的语用理论,对于解释广告语言对于受众的影响具有一定启示。本文在现有关联理论中的认知语境,最佳相关原则等概念的基础上,结合广告修辞中的具体言语实例,阐述了这一理论的语用价值,揭示了关联理论框架对实践的指导意义。  相似文献   

In this investigation, we replicated Skinner et al.’s study of the dynamics of engagement with a more diverse sample of Grades 6 and 7 students from a middle school with a large English learner (primarily Spanish‐speaking) student population. We tested dimensions of the self‐system model of motivational development in a specific academic domain (i.e., social studies). Some relationships found by Skinner and colleagues were supported, whereas others were not. Emotional engagement predicted changes in behavioral engagement and disaffection. The classroom context and students’ self‐perceptions predicted changes in engagement and disaffection. Students’ self‐perceptions also mediated the relation between teacher support and engagement and disaffection. None of these relations were moderated by language status.  相似文献   

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