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Four-day-old ducklings received visual-plus-tactile exposure to one novel object and visual-only exposure to a different novel object. In a subsequent test, strong suppression of ongoing distress vocalization was exerted only by the object to which visual-plus-tactile exposure had been given. With these results, the experimental conditions under which physical contact is known to facilitate the initiation of imprinting are extended to include subjects that are past the sensitive period.  相似文献   

Newly hatched Khaki Campbell ducklings were housed with a conspecific for 24 h beginning at either 1 or 5 days of age. A third group of ducklings received no social stimulation. When tested on Day 7, ducklings afforded early social stimulation exhibited less distress calling and crouching in a novel open field than ducklings exposed to late or no social stimulation. A second experiment asked whether the above result was due to early social stimulation per se or to the separation which occurred at its termination. Newly hatched ducklings were housed with a conspecific beginning on Day 1. One-half of the birds were separated from their companions on Day 2; the rest were separated on Day 6. On Day 7, the ducklings that were separated early exhibited less crouching and distress calling in a novel open field than the birds that were separated late. This finding implies that the withdrawal of social stimulation, rather than social stimulation perse, was responsible for the reduced emotional behavior observed in Experiment I. It is concluded that early withdrawal of social stimulation generated a strong aversive reaction and that it was the strength and timing of this reaction that mediated the emotionality moderating effects found here. Under these circumstances, the primary function of early social stimulation was to establish a condition whereby the aversive reaction generated by separation would occur early.  相似文献   

针对空调系统中的不同故障,分析了空调箱的故障特性,并讨论了不同故障对空调系统能耗及热舒适性的影响.仿真试验结果表明,送风温度的测量故障会导致系统能耗的增加.根据故障特性,提出了一种基于神经网络的数据处理方法,用以检测和诊断空调箱中的传感器故障.该方法首先选取历史数据对神经网络进行训练,实现对系统运行状态的识别和预测.然后,通过比较测量值与预测值,计算出相对误差,实现对故障的诊断.最后,利用基于TRNSYS的仿真器,对神经网络的故障诊断策略进行了验证.结果表明,神经网络可以有效诊断空调系统中的温度、流量和压力传感器故障.  相似文献   

The effects of early stimulation on low-birth-weight infants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The hypothesis that isolation rearing enhances exploration was tested in two settings which varied the extent to which exploratory behavior would be affected by competing hyperactivity. Experiment 1 measured exploration as contact of a discrete novel stimulus, in terms of bout frequency and duration. Locomotor activity was measured by photocell beam interruption. Isolation-reared rats were hyperactive, showed an increased incidence of exploratory bouts but no differences in duration of exploratory behavior, compared with group-reared controls. Experiment 2 measured, independently, locomotor activity and the preference for a novel environment over a familiar one. Isolation-reared rats, whether male or female, showed enhanced novelty preference compared with controls. No significant differences were found in locomotor activity. The results are discussed in terms of the hyperactivity of isolates interfering with investigative behavior by response incompatibility.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, three groups of rats received a tactile prepulse 0.5, 1, or 2 mA electric shock (to feet) .25, .5, 1, 5, 10, or 20 sec prior to an acoustic startle stimulus. The startle response was, maximally inhibited at the .25-sec interval and gradually recovered thereafter. Inhibition was larger with the intense stimuli, and for the .5-mA stimulus occurred reliably only in animals which responded to the prestimulus. In Experiment 2, the intensity of the prepulse was varied within subjects at intervals of .5, 1, and 2 sec. Inhibition was directly related to prestimulus intensity and was greatest at .5 sec. In Experiment 3, an EMG measure of startle reactivity allowed the use of shorter intervals. The maximal inhibitory interval between the prestimulus and startle stimulus was 40 msec compared with either a shorter 10-msec or a longer 250-msec separation.  相似文献   

This experiment investigated the effects of social isolation during development and during adulthood on the topography of the shock-induced aggressive behavior of rats. Rats isolated during development from weaning to adulthood displayed more shock-induced biting than rats housed in groups during that period. Isolation during development did not affect the frequency of the upright boxing behavior, but isolation during adulthood reduced the frequency of the boxing response regardless of rearing conditions during development.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed in which either White Plymouth Rock chicks or domestic turkeys were reared under three maintenance conditions (with a mirror, with a conspecific, or in visual isolation) from Day 1 posthatch until Day 7. On Day 7, the Ss were given a preference test to determine whether they spent more time before a mirror or with another bird. Ss reared with a mirror spent approximately two-thirds of their time in the vicinity of the mirror, whereas socially reared Ss spent approximately two-thirds of their time with an agemate. The social isolates, on the other hand, failed to show a preference for either mirror image of conspecific stimulation. A third experiment evaluated the choice behavior of turkeys socially reared in the presence of a mirror, and revealed that, like the social isolates, these Ss also failed to exhibit a reliable preference. The results are interpreted in terms of the effects of early rearing conditions upon social stimulus preferences.  相似文献   

Effects of tactile contact with an imprinting stimulus object on the initiation and maintenance of the following response in neonatal Japanese quail,Coturnix coturnix japonica, were examined. Tactile contact with an imprinting stimulus object was permitted during a preexposure period and/or during a following test. Results indicated that following was stronger when tactile contact was permitted during either the preexposure or test periods than when such contact was not given. Following occurred sooner when contact was permitted during the preexposure period than during following only, or when no contact was permitted. The greatest strength of following occurred when tactile stimulation was permitted during both preexposure and testing periods. It was concluded that the results support the hypothesis that tactile stimulation can facilitate both the initiation and maintenance of following behavior, and this is interpreted as being consistent with Schneirla’s (1965) theory.  相似文献   

主要通过文献资料法,揭示竞赛现场信息的含义及其构成因素。明确收集和处理竞赛现场信息能力培养目标,方法是以学校为中心、以市区教委和体委为基点、以专业竞赛体育组织为依托来进行的。  相似文献   

施工洞是为解决建筑物内部水平运输问题而设置的,如果留置与处理不当,容易产生开裂、空鼓,甚至影响结构安全.本文论述了施工洞的施工工艺与处理方法.  相似文献   

以污水处理厂的剩余活性污泥作为实验材料,在环境专业本科生中开展细菌的纯种分离与培养实验,巩固了学生专业基础理论知识,锻炼了学生实验操作技能,激发了学生学习的热情,促进了学生创新能力的培养。  相似文献   

Both the age at which housing conditions are imposed and the type of activity measured are shown to affect the results obtained in studies concerned with the effects of social density on the behavior of laboratory rats.  相似文献   

针对程序中异常处理代码难以测试和维护、影响软件的健壮性和可靠性的问题,提出了一种评测程序中异常处理策略的方法.通过简化程序的控制流图,得到一种描述大型程序中异常处理结构的方法--异常传播图,并用实例验证了其有效性.根据程序的异常传播图,可以检测出程序中不可达的异常处理代码、找到控制异常传播的最佳位置、修正不合理的异常处理策略等.并给出了异常传播图的构造算法,为该方法实现自动化处理提供基础.  相似文献   

This study tested Salk's hypothesis that the human fetus is prenatally imprinted to the repetitive intermittent sound of the maternal heartbeat. 2 groups of neonates were selected prior to birth based on low (70-80 bpm) and high (100-110 bpm) maternal resting heart rates. At 24-48 hours old, the neonates were exposed to a 75-bpm, 105-bpm, or a no-sound tape, each prior to 1 of 3 different mealtimes. The prediction, based on Salk's hypothesis, that neonates would quiet most to their own mother's heart rate compared with the unfamiliar heart rate was not supported. Greater arousal reduction was found for any rhythmic sound compared with no sound. M-st important, clear prenatal influences on postnatal quieting behavior were demonstrated. Babies born to low-heart-rate mothers fell asleep faster, slept longer, and cried less under all conditions than did high-maternal-heart-rate children.  相似文献   

在课堂教学中,教师的操作艺术是体现教育本质、展示教育美的重要方面,也是实现教育目的的重要途径。这个问题,应当是教育美学研究的核心内容之一。本文试图从教学言语的操作、教学体态的操作、教学节奏的操作以及教学简化的操作这几个角度来讨论一下课堂教学艺术的问题。  相似文献   

混沌理论在现代企业管理中的运用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
混沌理论是一种交叉学科的理论,当今它日益渗透到自己科学和社会科学各个领域,对两大科学的发展起到了重要的作用。依据混沌基本特点,把现代混沌理论与现代企业的管理有机地结合起来并把它作为一种新兴的管理方法论,这对现代企业管理中的预测,决策,组织设计,领导管理等都提供了重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

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