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Three experiments examined rats’ ability to discriminate a compound conditioned stimulus (CS) from the individual elements of that compound in a flavor aversion conditioning paradigm. In Experiment 1, presentations of a compound of sucrose and saline solutions were followed by lithium chloride injections, but presentations of those elements individually were nonrein-forced (positive patterning). Conversely, in Experiments 2 and 3, presentations of the individual elements were followed by lithium chloride injection, but compound presentations were non-reinforced (negative patterning). The discriminations were acquired in all three experiments. In addition, all three experiments investigated the effects of preexposure of the discriminative stimuli on subsequent acquisition of the patterned discriminations. In positive patterning, preexposure had no measurable effect on the acquisition of responding (suppression) to the reinforced compound stimulus, but slowed the loss of suppression to the nonreinforced elements. In negative patterning, preexposure slowed the acquisition of suppression to the reinforced elements but had little effect on the loss of suppression to the nonreinforced compound.  相似文献   

Two experiments with rat subjects examined conditioning of an aversion to a compound flavor stimulus after preexposing the compound, its constituent elements, or no explicit flavor stimulus. Experiment 1 used a short-term procedure in which preexposure and conditioning treatments occurred on the same day; Experiment 2 used a long-term procedure in which more extensive preexposure was administered several days before conditioning. In both experiments, preexposure of the elements slowed conditioning to the compound more than did preexposure of the compound itself. These effects were apparently not mediated by changes in pseudoconditioned or neophobic responses. The results were related to Lubow’s conditioned attention theory of stimulus preexposure effects.  相似文献   

On four occasions, Holtzman rats drank saccharin in a distinctive environment prior to lithium-induced toxicosis. Preconditioning exposure to saccharin either in the home cage or in the distinctive environment interfered significantly with the establishment of an environmental aversion. Animals preexposed to the experimental environment, however, showed environmental aversions substantially stronger than those in animals preexposed to saccharin and only slightly higher than those with no preexposure to either the taste or the environment. Subsequent saccharin tests revealed significantly stronger aversions in the group that received environmental preexposure than in any of the other groups. This pattern of outcomes demonstrates taste-mediated potentiation of novel and familiar environmental stimuli as well as overshadowing of the taste by novel environmental stimuli. Furthermore, it indicates that previous demonstrations of taste-mediated environmental potentiation involve facilitated conditioning of the environmental stimuli and decremented conditioning of the taste stimuli.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, animals poisoned following schedule-induced or prandial-induced saccharin consumption subsequently showed identical aversions to saccharin when tested under water deprivation. In Experiment 2, animals conditioned to avoid saccharin to similar levels under water deprivation were differentially affected when saccharin was subsequently presented on the baselines of schedule-induced and prandial-induced drinking. Together, these data indicate that the differential effects observed on schedule-induced and prandial-induced drinking when animals are poisoned following consumption under these two schedules do not reflect the differential acquisition of taste aversions, but instead reflect the differential tendencies to drink induced by the spaced and massed feedings.  相似文献   

These experiments confirmed previous reports that latent inhibition effects can be abolished if rats receive CS preexposures and CS-US pairings in different contexts. However, latent inhibition effects were restored if animals were given a cuing treatment in the conditioning context prior to the conditioning trials. This restoration of latent inhibition occurred only when the cuing treatment could have served to remind the animals of CS-alone presentations in the specific context used for conditioning. These findings are discussed in relation to various accounts of latent inhibition effects.  相似文献   

The present paper suggests that the difficulty in inducing animals to orally self-administer quantities of ethanol sufficient to produce dependence is related to the schedule of ethanol access. If the variables that control the various patterns of ethanol consumption can be identified, then the patterns of ethanol consumption leading to excessive intake and the development of dependence will be able to be identified and generated experimentally. Evidence is presented which shows that the amount of ethanol consumed per bout, the daily frequency of ethanol bouts, as well as the total amount of ethanol consumed, is a function of the frequency of ethanol access periods, feeding condition, ethanol concentration, and the temporal proximity of ethanol access periods.  相似文献   

The attenuation of an LiCl-induced conditioned taste aversion (CTA) by LiCl preexposure is mediated primarily by associative blocking via injection-related cues. Given that preexposure to morphine attenuates morphine-induced CTAs, it was of interest to determine whether injection cues also mediate this effect. Certain morphine-induced behaviors such as analgesic tolerance are controlled associatively, via injection-related cues. Accordingly, animals in the present experiments were preexposed to morphine (or vehicle) every other day for five total exposures, followed by an extinction phase, in which the subjects were given saline injections (or no treatment) for 8 (Experiment 1) or 16 (Experiment 2) consecutive days. All of the animals then received five CTA trials with morphine (or vehicle). The morphine-preexposed animals in Experiment 1 displayed an attenuation of the morphine CTA that was unaffected by extinction saline injections, suggesting that blocking by injection cues during morphine preexposure does not mediate this effect. All of the morphine-preexposed subjects in Experiment 2 displayed a weakened preexposure effect, an effect inconsistent with a selective extinction of drug-associated stimuli. The attenuating effects of morphine preexposure in aversion learning are most likely controlled by nonassociative mechanisms, like drug tolerance.  相似文献   

Latent inhibition, which refers to attenuated responding to a conditioned stimulus (CS) after CS-unconditioned stimulus (CS-US) pairings as a result of CS-alone presentations prior to the pairings, is often attenuated if preexposure and conditioning occur in different contexts (i.e., it is context specific). Here we report two conditioned lick suppression experiments, using rat subjects, that examined whether manipulations known to attenuate the context specificity of extinction could also eliminate the context specificity of latent inhibition. Context specificity of latent inhibition was eliminated when the CS was preexposed in multiple contexts (Experiment 1) and when the CS was massively pre-exposed in the training context alone (Experiment 2). These results and their practical implications are discussed in the framework of contemporary theories of latent inhibition.  相似文献   


In an increasingly competitive environment that positions students as consumers, universities have become ever more marketised, responding to policy contexts that foreground value for money, consumer choice and competition. The intensity of marketisation is argued to have profoundly affected the nature of academic work and scholars themselves, recreating academics as commodities to be weighed and measured, becoming corporatised, alienated and inauthentic in their practice. Yet with the majority of accounts of the commodification of higher education focusing on students, the actual process of how academics become consumed is under-theorised. This article therefore begins with a discussion of the historical context, providing evidence of the familiar indices of marketisation such as rampant self-promotion, the scramble for external funding and intense competition. It argues that this commodified DNA of the university provides the context for the seduction of the modern academic within the consumer society, a movement from the gratification of needs to the perpetual frustration of desires through the ‘Diderot Effect’ of policy shifts. It concludes with an examination of how contemporary academic work can be viewed through the lens of consumerism and how academics themselves have become consumers.  相似文献   

Conditioned attention theory (CAT) of latent inhibition (LI) states that parallel learning processes occur during reinforced and nonreinforced stimulus presentation. The present experiments investigated the effects of nonreinforced preexposure of either a compound CS or elements of that compound which differed in salience. Three predictions were advanced: (1) Both the compound and its elements will show an increase in LI as a function of the number of preexposures; (2) the two elements will show different levels of LI, with more LI accruing to the more salient element; (3) overshadowing will occur during compound preexposure. Two experiments, using rats as subjects and a conditioned suppression test, are reported. In Experiment 1, groups received 0, 20, 40, or 80 nonreinforced preexposures to a compound whose elements differed in salience. The results of the subsequent test confirmed predictions 1 and 2. Experiment 2, in which groups were preexposed to either the elements or the compound, provided evidence for an overshadowing effect, confirming prediction 3 from CAT.  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats (n = 228) received pretraining access to a distinctive novel flavor (saline) followed by aversion conditioning to a different novel conditioned stimulus (CS) (saccharin). Then the rats were tested for aversion to the CS (saccharin) or for conditioning-enhanced neophobia to a third novel flavor (casein hydrolysate). Pretraining access to a distinctive novel flavor that differed from the CS reliably reduced the magnitude of conditioning-enhanced neophobia to casein, but did not reliably affect conditioned aversion effects to the CS. Pretraining access to the CS reduced aversion effects to the CS and reduced postconditioning neophobia to casein to the performance level shown by ingestion-toxin controls. Results were consistent with the view (Braveman & Jarvis, 1978) that conditioned aversion and neophobia may be independent phenomena with separable underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

余显斌 《高中生》2011,(10):29-30
母亲睡在床上,头发散乱,脸色蜡黄,如一盏即将熬干的灯,风一吹,就会熄灭。母亲得的什么病,至今我们也没弄清。母亲是在一个冬天生病的。那时候,队里种了一块花生,挖过之后,地空在那儿。花生地里,花生一般是很难挖尽的,于是,母亲就想去翻捡一点,当然不能白天去,母亲就选择了晚上。  相似文献   

Nonreinforced exposure to a cue tends to attenuate subsequent conditioning with that cue—an effect referred to as latent inhibition (LI). In the two experiments reported here, we examined LI effects in the context of conditioned taste aversion by examining both the amount of consumption and the microstructure of the consummatory behavior (in terms of the mean size of lick clusters). The latter measure can be taken to reflect affective responses to, or the palatability of, the solution being consumed. In both experiments, exposure to a to-be-conditioned flavor prior to pairing the flavor with nausea produced by lithium chloride attenuated both the reduction in consumption and the reduction in lick cluster sizes typically produced by taste aversion learning. In addition, we observed a tendency (especially in the lick cluster measure) for nonreinforced exposure to reduce neophobic responses to the test flavors. Taken together, these results reinforce the suggestion from previous experiments using taste reactivity methods that LI attenuates the effects of taste aversion on both consumption and cue palatability. The present results also support the suggestion that the failure in previous studies to see concurrent LI effects on consumption and palatability was due to a context specificity produced by the oral taste infusion methods required for taste reactivity analyses. Finally, the fact that the pattern of extinction of conditioned changes in consumption and in lick cluster sizes was not affected by preexposure to the cue flavors suggests that LI influenced the quantity but not the quality of conditioned taste aversion.  相似文献   

Animals were presented with (1) one solution which differed from that of the test solution, (2) a series of distinctly flavored solutions whose flavors differed from that of the test solution, or (3) with a flavored solution whose flavor was the same as that of the test solution. When animals received the solution whose flavor was the same as that of the test solution prior to a test for neophobia and prior to a conditioning trial, neophobia was reduced and aversions were weakened. However, when animals received a solution or a series of solutions whose flavors differed from that of the test solution, neophobia was reduced but conditioned aversions were unaffected. Presentations of solutions that differed from the test solution following aversion formation left the association between the taste of the test solution and the effects of the aversion-inducing treatment intact. In a final experiment it was discovered that neophobia was reduced as much when animals drank solutions whose flavors changed every third day as when they drank the same solution throughout testing.  相似文献   

Social interactions between preschool behaviorally handicapped children were measured under three experimental conditions during free-play: (a) active teacher involvement in free-play, (b) no teacher involvement in free-play, and (c) teacher structured free-play. Significantly more child-child interactions occurred during teacher structured free-play than in either of the other two conditions, with the no teacher involvement condition producing significantly more child-child interactions when compared to the active teacher involvement condition. Additionally, significantly more teacher-child interactions occurred during the active teacher involvement condition than in either of the other two conditions, with nonsignificant differences in teacher-child interaction between the no teacher involvement and the teacher structured conditions. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for ameliorating social interaction deficits among young behaviorally handicapped children.  相似文献   

Latency measures of starting to drink and of consummatory behavior were used to investigate ingestional neophobia to novel visual and novel taste cues in chicks. In Experiment 1 (N = 36), latencies to start drinking were reliably shorter to ingesta that appeared familiar from previous rearing or preexposure procedures. After drinking started, consummatory responding occurred reliably more rapidly to familiar taste cues than to novel ones. However, the presence of familiar visual cues reliably facilitated consumption of a novel taste. Experiments 2 and 3 (Ns = 144 and 180) were performed to evaluate, respectively, whether the ingestional effects of taste stimulus intensity, 0%–6% vinegar, and of visual stimulus intensity, 0%–1.0% concentrations of red food-coloring in water, changed during ontogeny for chicks 3, 5, and 7 days old. In Experiment 2, reliable direct effects of taste concentration on consummatory response latencies occurred immediately in 7-day-olds but were delayed in 3-day-olds. In Experiment 3, each age group immediately showed reliably slower starting and consummatory response times, the higher the concentration of red food-coloring. Intake performance in both experiments was consistent with the latency data. Experiments 1–3 showed that visual and taste cues of ingesta separately influenced approach and consummatory behaviors of the ingestive response sequence and that these influences depend on ontogenetic events.  相似文献   

Rats that were given nonreinforced preexposure to either a warning signal or a safety signal were significantly retarded in the subsequent learning of a two-way shock-avoidance response compared to rats that were not preexposed. These results are consistent with Mackintosh’s “learned-irrelevance” formulation of latent inhibition. They do not support a prediction derived from an extension of Kalat and Rozin’s “learned-safety” hypothesis. These findings suggest that preexposures in the total absence of aversive events do not endow a stimulus with safety properties.  相似文献   

In the first experiment, rats given a 5-min period of preexposure (simple exploration) to a two-compartment box showed poorer passive avoidance of the compartment where they were subsequently shocked than a control group which was not preexposed to the apparatus. The second experiment involved preexposure to sugared milk (SM), flashing light and loud noise (LN), or simply the apparatus (EC). One group received no exposure to the apparatus (NC). Following one shock trial, the groups were ordered LN > NC > EC > SM from most to least passive avoidance. The results were discussed in the context of latent inhibition and an averaging model of positive and negative events.  相似文献   

Nonreinforced exposure to a nontarget stimulus that was followed by nonreinforced exposure to a target/nontarget simultaneous compound stimulus resulted in enhanced latent inhibition of the target. Conditioning was slower after this treatment than after nonreinforced exposure to the target stimulus alone (Experiment 1). However, a salient auditory stimulus presented immediately after the compound in the second phase reduced levels of latent inhibition, relative to the enhanced latent inhibition produced when no such extracompound stimulus was presented (Experiments 2 and 3). This effect was not noted if the salient auditory cue was presented 10 sec after the termination of the compound stimulus (Experiment 4). In Experiment 5, there was no disruption of simple latent inhibition produced by a salient stimulus. These results are consistent with enhanced latent inhibition’s being produced by the formation of within-compound associations, which are disrupted by the salient extracompound stimuli.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we examined the effects of signaling reinforcement during operant responding in order to illuminate the factors underlying instrumental overshadowing and potentiation effects. Specifically, we examined whether signaling reinforcement produces an enhancement and attentuation of responding when the response-reinforcer correlation is weak and strong, respectively. In Experiment 1, rats responded on variable-ratio (VR) or variable-interval (VI) schedules that were equated for the number of responses emitted per reinforcer. A signal correlated with reinforcement enhanced response rates on the VR schedule, but attenuated response rates were produced by the signal on the VI schedule. In Experiment 2, two groups of rats responded on a VI schedule while the two other groups received a conjoint VI, negative fixed-ratio schedule in which the subjects lost the availability of reinforcements if they emitted high response rates. A reinforcement signal attenuated responding for the simple VI groups but not for the animals given the negative fixed-ratio component, although the signal improved response efficiency in both groups. In Experiment 3, a poor correlation between responding and reinforcement was produced by a VI schedule onto which the delivery of response-independent food was superimposed. A signal for reinforcement initially elevated responding on this schedule, relative to an unsignaled condition; however, this pattern was reversed with further training. In sum, the present experiments provide little support for the view that signaling reinforcement enhances responding when the response-reinforcer correlation is weak and attenuates responding when this correlation is strong.  相似文献   

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