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Sculpture and painting are all that Western art means while calligraphy is unique to China, which is an art form between philosophy and design art. It is more concrete and lively than philosophy, but more abstract than painting and sculpture. Calligraphy is the very core of Chinese culture and homeland for Chinese spirit. --Xiong Bingming, renowned sculptor, painter and art theorist  相似文献   

Whenever I passed by the Forbidden City, would be impressed by its dazzling and spectacular large roofs covered by glazed tiles. In past months when I shot photos of traditional craftsmanship of Beijing, I discovered interest in colored glaze, a time-honored skill included in the National-level Intangible Cultural Heritage List.  相似文献   

ARTnews magazine, a prestigious USA-based art periodical with a history of 105 years,announced in 2007 the ARTnews 200, its annual list of the 200 most active players in the art market. However, only a few of Asian names were included in this annual list and there was no single Mainland Chinese name on the ARTnews 200 that year. What did that list on the world's leading art collectors mean to the overheated art market in China and 70 million Chinese who are involved with art collection?  相似文献   

Perhaps because I grew up in thiscity, everything here is familiar to me.Perhaps because I work in the transport-related media, any changes affectingpeople, cars and roads in the Chinesecapital catch my attention. And perhapsbecause I studied photography incollege, it is my habit to observe the citythrough camera lens.  相似文献   

Suzhou Art Museum, first built nearly one century ago, celebrated its 80th anniversarv this autumn. Despite so many ups and downs, this Greek-style structure, with 14 columns in its facade, still stands chicly at the bank of Canglangting (surging wavepavilion) River, housing art exhibitions and receiving numerous visitors every year.  相似文献   

On an early summer day of 1995 my wife and I viewed a painting exhibition on eight artists from South China at the Research Institute of Chinese Traditional Painting. After enjoying the nearly 100 painting masterpieces and walking out of the exhibition hall, I noticed a solo exhibition being held in the side hall. The 400-odd ink paintings of portrait and landscape in a freehand brushwork style immediately captured my attention.  相似文献   

Through the green-top, red-pillar archway, viewers are welcomed by two color-painted statues of Heavenly Icings, The floor paved with gray lotus-patterned bricks and the colored doom roof redemonstrate the miraculous grottoes in Dunhuang. On January 19,  相似文献   

In May 2011, Ren Shuaiying's Retrospective Exhibition was held in the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC) in commemoration of this master artist's 100th  相似文献   

传统工艺美术是中国传统文化的一部分,也是传统艺术的一部分;传统工艺美术是生活的艺术,也是生活文化的活化石,如世人熟知的陶瓷、玉雕、牙雕、景泰蓝、漆雕、木雕、金银器乃至皮影、风筝、灯彩、剪纸、蓝印花布、泥玩、刺绣、抽纱……其品类众多,花色无数。  相似文献   

Public art is an important comprising element for the development of urban culture and a direct physical barrier of urban culture. In addition to its unique artistic value, public art has more important cultural value because of its pubic nature. It connects the past and future of the city, add to the city's memory, narrate the city's story, meet urban dwellers' psychologi- cal and behavioral needs, create new cultural traditions, and present the city's kindness and friendship.  相似文献   

<正>Chinese culture is known for its obscurity,profundity and allusiveness.As the word "gourd"is homophonic with"fortune"and  相似文献   

The past decade has seen Quanzhou Marionette Troupe's most frequent exchanges with the outsideworld. The troupe has toured more than 30 countries and regions around the world, staging some 80 performances to show the marvelous art of Chinese marionettes which enjoy a history of 2000 years or so. In 2005, the troupe was invited to show at the UN headquarter in New York, gaining worldwide acclaims with its outstanding skills and performance.  相似文献   

Carma HintonGardon own a small Richard Gardonand her husband Richard film studio named Long Bow. Richard Gardon is the studio‘s boss and cameraman and employs several Harvard students as part-timers. Xiao Lan, a Shanghai girl oraduating from Harvard‘s East Asia Studies  相似文献   

The Second China Sculpture Art Festival, held in Hui‘an of Fujian province from Aug 22 throughart and modern experimentation,  相似文献   

My interview with Yu Fei, a senior tea art specialist of Wuyutai, took place at the second floor of Wuyutai's flagship store at Wangfujing, the most famous shopping street in Beijing. This teahouse is not only a place to drink tea, but also an exhibition space to display the history and tradition of Chinese tea culture. One of the most prominent exhibit is the old signboard made 127 years ago,inscribed with five Chinese calligraphic characters meaning "Wuyutai Tea Shop".  相似文献   

The exhibition on Lu Junjie's purple sand pottery art, held in the National Art Museum of China, offers viewers a rare opportunity to learn about explorations and innovations that the artist has made in this traditional form of art. His masterpieces present us a miraculous picture on the art of purple sand pottery and help us better understand his efforts in creating Innovative artworks by integrating traditions with modern concepts and techniques,  相似文献   

September 20, 2014 was Saturday, but it meant another work day for Fan Di hn, director of the Nation-al Art Museum of China (NAMOC). From early in the morning tie worked tirelessly tor a whole day and late in the evening he took the flight to Hang- zhou for the annual session of China Oil Painting Society that would take place the next day. In the eyes of his elder sister Fan Biyun, Fan Di'an was busy working all year round. " Perhaps because of hard work, my younger brother looks older than his age. When we are together, our iriends always joked, saying he is my el- der brother," Fan Biyun said.  相似文献   

A well-operated art museum should have diverse funding sources; its opera- tion capital should come both from do- nors and sponsors and from market op- eration. For private art museums in China today, the biggest challenge may be fund raising.  相似文献   

West Street is the oldest in Yangshuo, a small town in Guilin, with towering karst peaks and surrounded by Li River. In this lessthan-one-kilometer street, there are more than 100 cafes, bars, restaurants and hotels, all with both Chinese and English or French ads. Called "a foreigner street", West Street attracts tens of thousands of foreign tourists every year. Le De (happy), a French-styled restaurant, and Hong Fu (Big Fortune), a Chinese-styled hotel, are the most splendid restaurant & hotel in the street, which is situated in an old guild hall with the history of some 200 years and run by French twin brothers whose Chinese names are Wen Shuanefu and Wen Shuanelu.  相似文献   

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