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There is no doubt that what is generally referred to as 'Ph.D education' has undergone dramatic changes in Europe in recent years. Whereas the Bologna Process, launched in 1999, originally had in mind to make it easier for undergraduate students to gain international experience and enhance their employability by facilitating mobility and transparency of higher education in Europe, the idea of a 'third cycle' of doctoral studies came relatively late in the discussion (2003). For some academic cultures, the idea of educating doctoral students was and still is perceived as a threat against academic freedom, originality and credibility. Other academic cultures have already long adopted Ph.D training schemes as an integrated part of training future scientists and knowledge workers. This article presents the result of a recent survey on Ph.D training in the Nordic-Baltic Area (Andreas Önnerfors: 'Ph.D-training/PGT in the Nordic-Baltic Area', Exploring the North: papers in Scandinavian Culture and Society 2006:1, Lund 2006) initiated by the Nordic research organisation NordForsk, which discusses new concepts of doctoral education and training in the five Nordic and the three Baltic countries as well as in Russia, Poland and three northern states of the Federal Republic of Germany. Whereas there is great correspondence in the performance of doctoral training and education in the Nordic countries and changes have been introduced permanently for about 30 years, Poland, Germany and Russia are battling with their academic traditions and the challenge of adapting their academic cultures to joint European standards. This concerns especially the phenomenon of two postgraduate degrees (the Ph.D and a further degree) and the view upon training elements in doctoral studies. After their independence, the three Baltic countries rapidly adapted their systems of higher education to the Nordic model.  相似文献   

Transformative graduate education programs (TGP) are programs that are national in scope and are intended to impact the reformation of graduate education in the United States. We employ data from national sources and shift the unit of analysis from the individual doctoral student to the doctoral institution as whole in order to begin to assess the impact of TGPs on the number of doctoral degrees awarded, a critical outcome for such programs, and an educational priority in many countries. In addition, we examine the critical issue of whether TGPs enhance Ph.D. degree conferral for women and minorities, and if they do so at STEM-oriented institutions, typically the least hospitable of all environments for these groups.  相似文献   

At the crossroads of current innovation policies towards a European Research Area (ERA) and a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) lies an important province of higher learning and research: doctoral training and the further careers of PhD graduates. A considerable number of higher education systems across Europe shift their paradigms for doctoral training away from the traditional so-called Humboldtian model towards the so-called professional model. On this background, the paper discusses (1) the German pattern of a strong link of the PhD to the labor market outside academe that is based on a traditional academic-disciplinary mode of apprenticeship training, and (2) approaches that argue for a new mode of knowledge production replacing an academic-disciplinary model of research training by a hybrid model that crosses disciplinary and organizational borders. The paper argues that a diversity of organisational and structural forms as well as different validation criteria and procedures will probably determine the future face of research training.  相似文献   

数字化转型趋势下,欧洲正经受传统工业文化传承与创新双重挑战.近年来,随着"工业4.0"的提出和计划实施,为破解传统工业数字化转型带来的数字工程师短缺问题,欧盟及欧洲各国相继出台数字化战略.相关报告提出通过统一数字化能力标准、创新数字化学徒计划及培育数字化教育生态,构建工程师全覆盖的数字教育体系,培养具备数字化能力的工程...  相似文献   

美国教育博士专业学位教育与教育哲学博士学位教育的趋同问题由来已久。关于教育博士研究生该不该像教育哲学博士研究生那样撰写传统博士论文,一直聚讼不休。目前越来越多的大学认为传统博士论文不适于或者至少不能充分展现教育专业人员应掌握的专业知识和技能,并尝试用专题博士论文、项目研究、顶岗实习等新型毕业环节取而代之,以便突显教育博士专业学位教育的特点。  相似文献   

Accounting has been faced with a severe shortage in the supply of qualified doctoral faculty. Drawing upon the international mobility of foreign scholars and the spirit of the international medical graduate program, this article suggests a model to fill the demand in accounting doctoral faculty. The underlying assumption of the suggested model is that there is enough qualified international accounting doctoral scholars who are willing to work in the United States because of natural and artificial benefits, such as the existence of national innovation, knowledge‐intensive clusters system, favorable working conditions, and career and earning prospects. A 10‐week International Accounting Post‐Doctoral Program (IAPDP) is designed to prepare academically competent international accounting faculty to be qualified to work in the United States at AACSB International‐accredited institutions. A survey was employed to examine the viability of the proposed model. Our results indicate that qualified international accounting doctoral scholars are interested in the suggested model and the nondoctoral U.S. accounting programs will represent the major job market for these IAPDP graduates. This article should be of interest to accounting educators, business schools, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International, and the American Accounting Association (AAA).  相似文献   

马佳妮 《江苏高教》2021,(4):107-115
国际学生在一国发展中的战略地位毋庸置疑。在国际学生的招收和使用上,国家和政府不是被动的接收者,政府在国际学生的招收和使用方面扮演重要的建构性角色。通过梳理和解读国际学生流动政策和措施,文章进一步厘清了21世纪以来欧美发达国家国际学生流动政策背后的新自由主义和民族保守主义逻辑。欧美发达国家一方面意识到争夺国际学生对于在"全球人才竞赛"中增强国家竞争优势至关重要;另一方面为照顾本国日益消极的舆论和选民日益高涨的民族主义情绪,严格缩紧国际学生的移民签证。在不同阶段或者不同执政党领导时期,国际学生流动政策呈现出以国家利益为轴心,在新自由主义与民族保守主义之间来回摇摆的演变态势。如何在激烈的"全球人才竞赛"中保持优势与照顾到更加民族主义的国内舆论之间保持平衡,成为欧美国家国际学生流动政策的重点和难点。  相似文献   

This article deals with the current reform of European doctoral education. It is argued that the concrete results of the reform can be better understood by analysing changes in the management of doctoral programmes. This rests on the case study of a Norwegian PhD programme in finance and is based on an analytical framework composed of three public management narratives: New Public Management (NPM), Network Governance (NG) and Neo-Weberian-State (NWS). The latter allows for a particular focus on the instruments, actors and objectives of governance. The article concludes that the examined doctoral programme's management story can be divided into two episodes. The first — the 'internationalisation' episode — is shaped by the academic profession in finance which uses a wide range of constraining NPM instruments and applies them in a comprehensive manner to doctoral education in order to achieve its overall objective, namely to implement an internationally competitive PhD programme. The second — the 'integration' episode — is about a recently developed policy instrument with relatively non-constraining NWS elements, used by the State to establish National Research Schools. The latter are principally aimed at the better development and coordination of doctoral training between small and large higher education institutions. Due to those differences between the two episodes in terms of constraining character and scope, the reform of the examined doctoral programme is strongly shaped by the first episode. Hence, the reform essentially consists in a doctoral programme with an international and academic character.  相似文献   

Admissions personnel in the United States may question the necessity of American participation in the joint Council of Europe/UNESCO Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region. With a long history of international exchanges and given the decentralized system of education of the United States, it can be argued that there is no need for or practicality to U.S. participation. However, participation is viewed as an important agenda for the United States, presenting an opportunity for the sharing of information about American education, for the promotion of an international standard for the recognition of academic credentials, for building global relationships, and for strengthening democratization.  相似文献   

地矿类行业对高层次复合型人才的需求日趋强烈,地矿类专业在职博士研究生的人数逐渐增多。在借鉴欧美等西方国家工程博士学位培养模式的基础上,我国地矿类在职博士研究生的培养需要依据在职博士研究生自身的特点,录取时应着重考核工作能力和工作业绩,培养过程应坚持理论与实务并重,培养目标(学位论文)应强调解决工程实践问题。  相似文献   

While achieving research independence by becoming a principal investigator (PI) is a key aspiration for many postdocs, little is known of the trajectory from PhD graduation to first PI grant. This interview-based study examined how 16 PIs in science, technology engineering, mathematics or medicine, in the UK and continental Europe, prepared for and dealt with this career transition. Individuals demonstrated commitment to lengthy periods of postdoctoral work in a range of institutions (often involving international mobility) to achieve PI-status. Their emotionally laden journeys required resilience and self-belief, since getting a grant was conceived as partly luck. Once individuals had their grant they faced new challenges that distanced them from actively researching. Still, individuals navigated their intentions in a sustained fashion to create a distinct intellectual profile in the face of challenging circumstances. The results highlight the centrality of emotion in the journey, as well as curricular imperatives for both doctoral and postdoctoral learning.  相似文献   

Socialization has become a common framework through which to understand the doctoral student experience; however, the framework has predominately been used as a lens through which to understand traditional, single-discipline doctoral student experiences. Interdisciplinary doctoral programs are becoming increasingly common in both the United States and elsewhere but relatively little empirical research exists about this distinct experience. Through multiple interviews with 18 doctoral students and their 35 faculty members, we discuss differences in the socialization process for these students in regard to knowledge acquisition, investment, and involvement. Implications for practice and future research are included.  相似文献   

在国际人才争夺加剧、国家保护主义上升和国际学生流动多元化发展趋势背景下,美国、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大和欧盟等发达经济体在教育领域推出了调整就业签证政策、构建一体化国际教育体系、收紧敏感技术和新技术相关的国际教育合作与交流以及制定国际教育合作与交流风险防范指南等政策举措。这些政策举措将对其他经济体科技创新人才流失预防、国际教育话语权争取、知识和技术共享权利以及全球学术科研合作生态带来重要影响,应引起关注和重视。  相似文献   

国家之间联盟是国际关系中最重要的内容之一。美国作为当今最受瞩目的世界第一大强国,积极追求其"单极世界"的世界霸权,同时也积极拉拢一些其他国家来达到自己的政治目的。英国、加拿大两国分别是美国在欧洲和美洲的传统盟友,比较两大联盟的异同点可帮助我们考察美国以及西方国家在处理外交关系上的一些基本原则和因素。  相似文献   

电气电子信息类专业作为一个庞大的工科专业群,如何响应新工科需求,培养更多高质量的创新创业型人才,是未来走内涵发展之路的关键。本文从国际视角分析了美国、加拿大和英国电气电子信息相近专业设置,以这三个国家的七所世界一流大学为例,探究其专业设置和人才培养特色,最后总结了我国电气电子信息类专业创新创业人才培养模式,以期对我国高校新工科建设有所启示。  相似文献   

纺织业是“丝绸之府”湖州的传统优势产业,是湖州人建设小康社会的重要经济保障。但是,随着美国次级债及欧债危机带来的国际经济局势的动荡,出口趋紧成为湖州地区纺织行业面临的重大难题。文章分析了湖州纺织业面临着缺乏自主品牌、生产模式和标准落后、人民币升值、欧美债务危机等方面的问题,提出了“绿色”标准、自主品牌、科学发展;拓展新兴市场,减少对欧美传统市场的依赖;加强出口竞价核算,控制汇率风险等应对严峻出口形势的对策。  相似文献   

数字环境下技术措施滥用的版权法对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在数字环境下,技术措施在保护版权的同时,存在被滥用的现实危险。技术措施滥用有多种表现形式,版权法应对之采取相应的对策。我国版权立法对此的规定尚比较粗疏,应借鉴WIPO、美国、欧盟、德国等国际组织和国家立法的成功经验,加以完善。  相似文献   

本文采用数理统计法和比赛录像分析的方法,对第16届世界男子篮球锦标赛所呈现出的世界男子篮球的格局变化和中国队攻守能力进行了分析。结果表明,目前世界男子篮球竞争格局持续欧美抗衡、群雄纷争的局面,美国队在没有任何NBA大牌明星的基础上,凭借以老带新的组合夺冠,再次证明了美国队世界篮球的地位。欧洲篮球强调速度与对抗,注重整体攻防的特点在本届世锦赛中继续延续。中国队在个人攻守对抗能力和整体战术的执行能力上仍与世界强队存在着较大差距;提高国内CBA联赛水平,扩大运动员国际交流以及加强与欧美篮球强国间的比赛交流是提高中国队竞技水平的主要途径。  相似文献   

二战后,美苏主导的雅尔塔体系代替了凡尔赛体系,欧洲安全局势发生巨大变化。虽然美苏等国占领和分裂德国消除了长期以来德国对欧洲乃至世界的安全威胁,但是,争夺德国的矛盾使美苏等国走向了危险的军事集团对峙,而两大阵营的全面冷战又使得德国问题的解决更加困难。通过将两德分别拉入各自阵营,美苏完成了对欧洲势力范围的划分,新的力量均势的建立有利于欧洲安全局势的稳定,但成为欧洲安全平衡中心却使德国的分裂长期化。  相似文献   

难民问题因其自身政治性和人道性的错综复杂而长期困扰着国际社会.美国是战后世界上接纳难民最多的国家,美国的难民政策在接纳欧洲犹太难民和对欧洲知识难民的庇护上表现出了一定程度的人道性,却又因国家实力、对外政策和国际格局的影响在冷战期间对难民的接纳含有强烈的选择因素,具有浓厚的政治性.  相似文献   

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