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特尔斐法在现代远程教育研究中的应用述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从20世纪90年代开始,特尔斐法广泛地应用于远程教育的研究中,尤其是远程教育管理方面的主题。本文分为三个部分:第一部分介绍特尔斐法的定义、发展和应用范围;第二部分描述特尔斐法的步骤,包括组建专家小组;问卷表的编制;遂轮收集专家意见、并为专家提供反馈信息,直到专家的意见趋于一致,进而用远程教育研究的例子说明采用特尔斐法的过程。第三部分是用实例分析特尔斐法在现代远程教育研究中的应用,包括对远程教育人员的能力结构要求、远程教育的策略规划、网络课程评价、远程教育课程标准、网络信息服务等主题的研究。第四部分评价特尔斐法的优点和不足,作者提出,在远程教育研究中,我们应该发挥特尔斐法的优势,同是结合其他的研究方法,弥补这一方法的不足。  相似文献   

人种志是一种源自人类学的研究方法,教育人种志的研究兴起于20世纪末,在我国对教育人种志的研究尚处于起步阶段。本文试图对教育人种志的定义、特征、信度、效度,以及教育人种志研究的意义进行一些阐述。  相似文献   

教育人种志能深入理解教育的复杂性,推进教育研究的创新和深入发展。教育人种志基于人种志,作为一种研究方法,人种志的研究假设是开放的,研究情境是自然的,研究视角是整体的,研究时间是长期的,研究结论是深刻的。教育人种志契合教育研究的复杂性、情境性、比较性和反思性,对教育研究的改进具有方法论意义。从研究过程来看,教育人种志研究一般包括前期准备、进入田野、分析田野笔记和撰写研究报告四个阶段。当然,要开展好教育人种志研究,除了注意结合教育研究中主体、方法与对象的特征外,还要处理好研究的信度问题、效度问题、伦理问题和能力问题。  相似文献   

基于人种志视角的课堂观察理论与实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
课堂人种志运用文化教育人类学的教育人种志研究方法对课堂教学活动及其主体进行研究,试图真实、自然地认识、解释课堂文化共同体中主体的行为方式、实践意义、价值观念和交往模式等。基于课堂人种志视角的课堂观察应坚持“离我远去”的原则。其实施过程包括观察的准备、资料的收集与整理、分析与解释以及课堂人种志的撰写。  相似文献   

教育人种志是教育学与人类学结合的产物,它是一种质的研究方法,有其自身的优缺点。教师实施教育人种志研究的意义在于可以提高其教育智慧、科研能力和教学水平。但是,教师实施教育人种志研究也存在一定的弊病,表现在:教师的理论素养影响教育人种志研究的整体性;伦理道德认识掩蔽教育人种志研究的部分真实性;教师的认识观禁锢教育人种志研究的研究视角。  相似文献   

远程教育成本分析的方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
成本分析在我国远程教育领域中还是一个新的研究主题。本文从远程教育研究方法的角度出发,首先介绍远程教育中常用的成本分类.包括资本成本和经济成本;固定成本和可变资本;以及远程教育中广泛使用的资源共享成本。文章然后描述资本成本的使用年限、以及资本成本的年成本分析方法。作者进而探讨总成本和学生的人均成本的分析方法。包括单因素成本分析和远程教育课程成本分析,文章的最后一部分是考察远程教育的成本函数,包括远程教育中学生人数的变化对生均成本的影响、以及远程教育和面授教育方案的成本比较。作者指出,由于远程教育成本分析的复杂性,本文只能提供研究远程教育成本在方法论方面的指导。  相似文献   

人种志方法与课堂研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
人种志方法在课堂研究中的应用日益广泛 ,参与观察是它的基本特征 ,人种志方法的最大长处在于它的描述能力 ,并可对所获得的信息作细致、重复分析。研究过程中应尽可能采取客观的资料收集方法 ,多现场进行研究 ,以提高人种志研究方法的有效性  相似文献   

人种志是一种源自人类学的研究方法,教育人种志的研究兴起于20世纪末,在我国对教育人种志的研究尚处于起步阶段.本文试图对教育人种志的定义、特征、信度、效度,以及教育人种志研究的意义进行一些阐述.  相似文献   

科学技术的迅猛发展,促使远程教育不断进步,特别是计算机、通讯和多媒体技术的出现和完善,使远程教育迎来蓬勃发展的黄金时期。在不长的时期内我国的远程教育走过了三个阶段。第一阶段是函授教育、用邮寄文字、印刷品等阅读资料来传播知识;第二阶段是广播电视教育,用广播、电视录像等模拟信号手段教学,第三阶段是现代远程教育,主要是运用计算机、网络和多媒体技术,在数字化环境下进行交互式的学习。随着社会的发展、科学技术的进步以及知识经济时代的来临,现代远程教育在我国高等教育尤其是成人高等教育和职业教育中的作用将会越来…  相似文献   

教育人种志研究由于强调对个别教育现象进行动态描述和细致分析而逐渐受人青睐。教育人种志是描述性和解释性的研究,秉承整体观念与整合方法,注重从自然的教育情境中收集资料,采用多元化的研究策略与模式。作者认为,研究者必须充分了解教育人种志研究的特征,掌握其设计原则,否则,人种志研究成果有可能蜕变为经验总结式的报告。  相似文献   

本文在分析远程教育研究和质的研究特点之上,从关注弱势群体、远程研究者与被研究者间的关系、对远程学习者行为意义的深层理解及远程教育自我论证和自身发展的需要等四个方面举证了将质的研究方法应用于远程教育研究的重要性,并对质的研究者提出了建议。  相似文献   

This review study examines the current research literature in distance education for the years 2005 to 2012. The author found 382 research articles published during that time in four prominent peer-reviewed research journals. The articles were classified and coded as quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods. Further analysis found another category of articles in which qualitative data were obtained but results were reported as quantitative. The analysis shows that the publication of purely qualitative research occurs least often in The American Journal of Distance Education than in the other journals. The analysis also shows that, on average, prominent journals are publishing less qualitative research now than they were 2005. This study shows the need for further research and analysis of the methodologies currently utilized in distance education.  相似文献   

This article makes the claim that developing ethnographic work through follow-up interviews can add to our understanding of researched phenomena and explores how using concepts from Bourdieu and theories on the social construction of time strengthen the research design and add a stronger longitudinal diachronic element to data analysis. Extending an ethnographic study of learning to teach by interviewing respondents nine years after the study and after the completion of their teacher education course is shown to develop insights around the initial research findings by focusing on the temporal aspects of data. Adopting this methodological approach can develop small-scale qualitative work and contribute to an accumulation of research findings to avoid simply revisiting familiar research ground.  相似文献   

This article draws from ethnographic data produced inside mathematics teacher education in Sweden. It explores and makes visible the ongoing process of education during workshops in information and communication technology (ICT) laboratory contexts in which student teachers were working with spreadsheet applications on the computer. The main finding is that, contrary to the intentions to renew and revitalise education, ICT in use seemed to operate as a relay in the reproduction of traditional ways of teaching and learning. However, the investigation is not one of the failures of education to make use of ICT but one that tries to distance itself from the traditional enthusiastic rhetoric, with the ambition to contribute to a more realistic discussion. Bernstein's concept of pedagogical discourse has been used. One education setting has been studied in detail.  相似文献   

This paper presents analysis of qualitative data from a research project looking at staff perceptions of plagiarism at a post‐1992 university. Twenty‐six members of staff from departments and academic schools from across the university took part in open and semi‐structured interviews. Analysis shows that variable definitions of plagiarism exist; both regarding student activities that constitute plagiarism and the way in which plagiarism is perceived to be related to cheating. The factors underlying these personal definitions are unclear, but the analysis suggests that values perceived to underpin higher education may play an important role. This paper provides new empirical data on staff perceptions of student plagiarism, which complement previous research on student perceptions. The potential implications of different perceptions of plagiarism, and a mismatch between staff and student understandings is highlighted as an area for further consideration.  相似文献   

STEM教学已经成为跨学科教育的主流,然而目前我国针对学生STEM课堂情绪的研究主要以问卷调查等定量研究为主,质性研究较少。问卷调查作为一种课后的检测手段,降低了对学生直观情绪变化探究的真实性。而且情绪虽然通过个人表达,但它作用于日常社会交互并被社会交互所影响。描述微观社会环境中社会互动结果的情感能量(Emotional Energy),可以反映个体或集体在进行成功的社会交互后的情感体验,有助于人们从社会学视角分析情绪与认知间的相互作用。基于情感能量模型,采用民族志观察法,对某乐高课堂中的学生情绪状态进行分析后发现:(1)在STEM课程中情感能量有戏剧性和非戏剧性的波动,这种情绪能量体验会随着课程的深入而发生变化;(2)学生的情感能量与其课堂表现紧密相关;(3)高强度的小组情感能量更有助于科学知识的理解;(4)将情感注入STEM学习会增强学生的学习兴趣。因此,教师在STEM教学中要注意学生课堂情绪的调节,采取一定的教学支持或干预措施激励学生探究和小组合作,提升STEM教学质量。  相似文献   


The article and the following discussion were prompted after the authors’ participation in a recent qualitative research conference. In the article, a Black woman and Latina scholar share their experiences and reflections as scholar researchers. As a point of entry, they discuss how even qualitative research communities can be marginalizing spaces for scholars of color. Using theoretical perspectives of feminists of color, the authors provide snapshots into their personal dialogue around issues of research, theory, and practice. By examining their own personal and professional shared stories of coming to their scholarly identities, qualitative researchers will be able to better understand how women scholars of color grapple with and embrace a multiple consciousness to navigate academia and research communities. Based on these intellectual struggles and forms of resistance, the authors put forth suggestions for qualitative research theory and practice. The article has implications for qualitative research, higher education, and feminist theory.  相似文献   

随着科技的不断进步,远程教育的发展有了质的飞跃。ISI Proceeding数据库1987-2009年收录的国际远程教育会议文献反映:远程教育研究总体上呈不断上升的发展趋势;研究主题初期以教育理论为主,后期受新技术,如计算机技术、网络技术、通信技术等影响较大;研究机构以高等院校为主,国家和政府较少参与;研究分布十分广泛,研究力量集中在美国、欧洲和亚洲少数国家。发展我国远程教育事业需政府加大投入和扶持,引入市场机制,联合不同学科、不同研究机构,谋求教育理论和技术革新的共同发展。  相似文献   

Researchers' reflexivity about how they shape the phenomena that they study within the data collection process is often presented as a crucial component of ethnographic research methodology. Nevertheless, academic literature about ethnography is mostly silent around whether researchers' dreams are relevant to the research process and their interpretation can be considered a valuable material to be reflexive of. While using data from an ethnographic study in two public primary schools in Australia and Slovakia about inclusive education and school leadership, this paper demonstrates how researcher's dreams and their interpretation navigated his decisions about the data collection process, data analysis and ethical aspects of the study. This paper presents original implications for understanding the concept of reflexivity and putting it in practice when employing ethnographic research methodology.  相似文献   

Large‐scale research projects, conducted in a cross‐European context, are increasingly attractive to educational researchers and policy‐makers. However, this form of comparative research across cultures brings problems concerning the standardization of data collection and analysis, particularly where ethnographic research is concerned, as it prioritizes a full range of qualitative research strategies. This paper outlines the use of a universal model and the approaches recently taken by two research teams and contrasts these with another recent nine‐partner comparative European study that used ethnographic methods. We then describe the analytical procedures used in the project, which encouraged participant observation and individual researcher interpretation in order to generate grounded accounts and outline how they were culturally sensitive and meaningful to research teams who used varied analytical approaches. However, this raised difficult issues for the ‘final’ analysis and the production of a loosely coupled research report. Our pragmatic solution was a process of ‘qualitative synthesis’ whereby individual partner reports were collated by the Project Director and treated as data and a grounded theory approach was applied to generate tentative theory in respect of creative learning. The paper concludes by arguing that data generated by a loosely coupled approach to qualitative comparative research which uses a wide range of data collection methods can be effectively analysed with a qualitative synthesis.  相似文献   

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