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在青海河湟地区,文献记载和现存着一定数量的明清时期的祠庙戏楼,但没有受到戏剧研究者的关注。本文运用文献和文物(现存戏楼)相印证的方法,阐述了青海河湟地区古祠庙戏楼的特点。祠庙中酬神演戏是一项重要的宗教活动内容。祠庙演戏是青海河湟地区戏曲演出的主要形式。  相似文献   

清代民间经常以歌舞、演戏等形式祭神、酬神,在这个过程中,各地也相应形成了社区的文娱活动。民间有人或组织自行集资筹办,百姓积极参加,自娱自乐,以他们各自喜欢的形式投入其中。酬神演戏实际上成为某一地区民间定期举办的纵情娱乐盛会,甚至出现“载歌载舞”、“举国若狂”的欢乐场面。由于酬神演戏并非出自官府的强迫,人们可以本能地抒发自己的情感,享受平常所无法得到的一份快乐  相似文献   

在"神"支配一切的传统社会里,人们祈雨贺晴、消灾祈福、求子生财等都依靠神明的保佑,因此酬神献戏便成为一种风俗。酬神献戏往往以家族、宗族为主导,在佛山,酬神戏或神功戏则以八图里甲、世家大族为主导。在节庆时聘请戏班演出酬神戏有利于社区的整合及和谐氛围的建设。  相似文献   

闽南古代戏曲演出在闽南众多的神祗纪念日、普度、丧事等酬神酬鬼活动中,与鬼神信仰以及以这种信仰为基础的民俗之间有着密切的关系,往往演变成为酬神酬鬼活动的重要组成部分,甚至进而与鬼神信仰、与民俗“三合一”。由此,闽南古代戏曲获得了顽强的生命力,禁而益衍。  相似文献   

石刻是文献的一种重要存在形式,桂林碑刻内容十分丰富。其中关于桂林各种戏曲演出活动的状况,多是通过碑刻中一些只言片语来勾勒其貌:一是凑份集资"醮戏"演出;二是酬神祭祀表演傩戏;三是墟日贸易村民聚戏。这些记录提供了清代桂林戏曲演出活动的珍贵资料,对广西乃至我国戏曲发展的研究具有普遍价值。  相似文献   

清代民间常常用演戏、歌舞等形式祭神、酬神,祈求神灵保佑。这种活动带有浓厚的封建迷信色彩,也具有文化娱乐功能。百姓自行筹措活动经费,踊跃参加,乐在其中,呈现出“观者如堵,举国若狂”的场面。这种活动满足了百姓精神生活的需要,以至于官府禁不能止,成为各具地方特色的民俗文化现象。  相似文献   

在登上学校课本剧专场演出的舞台之前,我从不敢相信自己还会演戏,这还要从参加班级课本剧社团说起。我喜欢读书,平时喜欢模仿文中人物的精彩对话,经常把同学逗得哈哈大笑。有一天,老师找到我说:"孩子,你愿不愿意演戏?""演戏?我哪会呀?"我不好意思地摇摇  相似文献   

日前,井冈山大学的几千名大一学生,陆续观看了由中国井冈山干部学院、同济大学和井冈山大学联合创编,由井冈山大学一百多名学生演出的音乐舞蹈史诗《井冈山》,并将演戏看戏作为该校校本必修课程《井冈山精神与当代大学生〉教学内容的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

论丧仪中的戏曲演出特点及其民俗文化功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丧仪时演戏,在我国民间是一个较为普遍的习俗。丧仪中的演出有其特殊之处:一方面是有特用于这种场合的“例戏”,以引荐亡灵升天,另一方面是演出的“正本”戏中多带有祭灵、吊孝的情节。丧仪中演出有多方面的民俗文化功能:借其超度亡灵升入天堂;除煞驱邪,以使丧家“清吉”;以其“热闹”丧场,招待前来吊唁的宾客;丧家借其昭示对亡者的孝,显示身份,赢得“面子”等。  相似文献   

阳戏主要流布于我国西南地区,上演的剧目主要有祭祀仪式戏、世俗戏和仪式世俗混合戏三种基本类型。仪式性阳戏演出旨在实现驱鬼逐疫、祈福庆丰、酬神还愿的祭祀功能;仪式世俗混合性阳戏是在仪式程序的框架内演出世俗内容;世俗性阳戏包括历史演义、家庭生活、婚姻爱情、社会生活、民间传说等题材,表演旨趣侧重展示戏剧的艺术审美。阳戏的三种形态反映了传统戏剧发展的基本线索。  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated positive relations between a curricular emphasis during college and improvements in GRE performance for content that matches that emphasis. However, measurement issues and a lack of a theoretical approach have contributed to a lack of precision and detail in the estimates of the relation between college experiences and performance for relevant content. In the current study, we hypothesized that differences in training between students majoring in math related majors and students majoring in reading and writing related majors would be differentially related to the size of the changes on GRE performance. Further, we hypothesized the gender gap in GRE-Quant performance would be reduced when the higher likelihood of males majoring in math related majors was modelled. The expert performance approach was used to develop three path models (including curricular emphasis, college grade performance, previous performance on the SAT, and gender) to compare the effects of the relation of a curricular emphasis in math on GRE-Quant performance to the effects of the relation of an emphasis in reading and writing on GRE-Verbal performance. The results indicated support for our predictions that a math course emphasis was related to larger GRE performance gains and that gender differences in curricular emphasis during college partially mediated the large gender gap in GRE-Quant performance. Additionally, higher grade performance average was found to positively predict GRE performance with college experiences and previous performance statistically controlled. Implications for the relation between training accrued during college courses and changes in GRE performance are discussed.  相似文献   

中国政府绩效评估中公民参与问题仍然是公共管理领域中没有得到很好解决的一个重大问题。近些年来我国政府绩效评估实践当中公民介入有了长足的进展,表现为公民参与政府绩效评估的形式逐渐多样化,公民参与政府绩效评估的程度逐步提高,公民参与政府绩效评估的作用和意义逐渐显现,公民参与政府绩效评估的组织化开始出现,公民参与政府绩效评估的法制化有所探索;我国政府绩效评估仍然存在很多问题,建议重点从在政府绩效评估中坚持群众路线和加强政府绩效评估公民参与的法制化建设两个方面促进中国政府绩效评估中的公民参与。  相似文献   

90后员工已经成为多数企业最具潜力和活力的重要力量,为提高90后企业员工自我效能感、工作投入与工作绩效关系的理论基础,采用问卷调查的方法,以212名90后企业员工为样本,检验了工作投入对员工自我效能感与工作绩效的中介作用,结果表明:自我效能感和工作投入能显著正向预测90后员工的任务绩效和周边绩效;工作投入在自我效能感与任务绩效、周边绩效的关系中起中介作用。  相似文献   

Performance is a multi-dimensional but poorly defined construct. An extensive review of performance models in other fields revealed the need for a performance model that is parsimonious, sitxiationally adaptable, embraces multiple organizational types, embraces multiple organizational measures, and fits any performance system. An integrated taxonomy of performance domains is developed which incorporates performance outcomes and performance drivers to define more clearly appropriate performance domains for human resource development and performance improvement practice. An extensive research agenda is proposed based on the new model.  相似文献   

经理人报酬业绩关联性是设计以业绩为基础的经理人报酬契约的前提条件。较强的关联性将有利于系统化地引导企业业绩趋好。文章运用实证分析方法。考察我国上市公司经理人报酬业绩的关联性。验证公司性质、业绩的差异对谊关联性的影响。以期对已有的研究成果做一些有益的补充。研究结果表明:经理人报酬与业绩之问存在统计上的相关关系;国有性质上市公司的关联性弱于非国有性质的样本公司;业绩表现较好的上市公司较之业绩偏差的公司。经理人报酬业绩关联性更强。  相似文献   

Due to the rapid rate of organizational change, performance improvement professionals need innovative ways to analyze issues affecting performance. Because most organizations lack resources to address all performance concerns in a timely manner, performance improvement professionals need a myriad of performance analysis tools. This research focuses on framing as an innovative tool in performance analysis. Framing is a method of attributing different perspectives to performance analysis data and understanding the beliefs and organizing principles within an organization. Using qualitative coding and analysis techniques, the four frames of structural, human resources, political, and symbolic were applied to a sample of interview and observation data taken in a large public research/teaching hospital. Results revealed that the human resource frame was the predominate frame and that framing is an innovative method of analyzing organizational culture and making meaning in organizations, adding another dimension to performance analysis techniques.  相似文献   

提高农远教师培训有效性若干问题的绩效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为更好地提高农远工程教师培训项目的有效性,应以绩效观念为基础,将绩效管理而不是绩效评估贯穿项目始终;将绩效管理过程模式和绩效技术过程模式、六西格玛法的理念整合,提高项目系统绩效;通过建立学习型组织使农远工程教师培训项目得以延续,促进项目系统绩效的维持。  相似文献   

医务人员绩效考核是公立医院绩效管理的重要环节。传统的绩效考核存在着一些弊端,而新的医疗卫生环境对绩效考核模式提出了新的要求。PDCA循环不仅是一种方法,也是一种思想,PDCA绩效管理模式在公立医院绩效考核中具有较高的应用价值。可以逐步改进、优化、提高公立医院的绩效管理水平。  相似文献   

This article discusses three perceived challenges in the field of human performance technology: a missing link from training to performance, limitations in gap analysis and cause analysis, and a lack of attention to business and organization performance. It then provides possible alternatives for each issue, such as instructional system development frameworks for organizational learning, a soft performance technology framework, and a proposed framework for four levels of performance.  相似文献   

Many colleges use some form of an employee performance appraisal process. Yet, despite prevalent use, the performance appraisal process is facing growing criticism. The author reviews the literature regarding the process of performance appraisal in higher education, focusing on articles supportive of the use of the performance appraisal, and those that are not. The advocates of performance appraisals cite implementation flaws as the cause for dissatisfaction among users. Essentially, they contend that the process will work if properly used. Furthermore, it is noted that supervisors, more than the employees themselves, tend to favor the use of performance appraisals. Critics of performance appraisals question the validity of the process in general. Followers of W. Edwards Deming view the performance appraisal process as divisive within the organization, and thus counterproductive to organizational development. They state that the use of ratings in an employee performance appraisal establishes arbitrary divisions among employees. Furthermore, they contend that intrinsic rewards are far more effective as a motivator of employees. The author suggests that as an alternative to performance appraisal organizations should consider a professional growth model. Elements in this model include: (a) a focus on employee success, (b) a priority for leadership development training for supervisors, and (c) a special performance appraisal process for those employees who need targeted focus in performance.  相似文献   

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