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教学过程Step1.W arm ing-up学生演唱英文歌曲“Com e and Join intothe Gam e”.教师以一首简单的歌曲向学生问好。T:H ello,boys and girls.I'm Lily.S:H ello,Lily.T:Ilike singing and I like m aking friends.D o you like m aking friends?S:Y es.T:Let's m ake friends,O K?S:O K.T:Look,everyone has a sm iling face.W e havegreen sm iling faces,yellow sm iling faces,red sm ilingfaces,and different sm iling faces.Boys and girls,according to your sm iling faces,find your friendsquickly.Let's see who ca…  相似文献   

other,the other,others,the others,an other这五个词就像五胞胎。在写法、用法上区别不大,极易混淆——Other ①表示二者之中的另一个。例:Now open your other eye.睁开你的另一只眼吧。  相似文献   

有个故事:两个卖稀饭的摊主,一个问顾客:“先生要不要在稀饭里打个鸡蛋?”结果约有一半人说“不要”,而另一个摊主问顾客:“先生,稀饭里要打几个鸡蛋?”结果约有一半人说:“打一个”,另一半人中,有一半说:“不要”,有一半则说:“打两  相似文献   

LuYu:Todayisthelastdayofschool.今天是最后一天上课。Lily:Hooray!Nomoreschool.万岁!不用再上课了。Lily:Whatareyourplansforthesummerholidays?暑假里你有什么打算?LuYu:Iwillgotothesummercamp.我要去参加夏令营。Lily:Whatwillyoudo?你们会有什么活动?LuYu:Wewillhaveagoodswim,visitamuseumanddoalotofotherinterestingthings.我们要去游泳、参观博物馆,还要做一些有趣的事。Lily:Thatsoundsnice.听上去真不错。LuYu:Whataboutyou?那你呢?Lily:Iamgoingtovisitmygrandma.ShelivesinShanghai.我要去看望奶奶,她住在上海。…  相似文献   

The Elephant     
Lily goes to the zoo. Mum:Lily,which animal do you like best? Lily:The elephant. Mum:Why?  相似文献   

<正>在英语里,half是个常用词.它除作名词外,还可作形容词和副词.在使用时应注意以下几点:一、half作名词:“一半’1.We’ve bought some bananas.You can have half.我们买了些香蕉,你可以拿去一半.Her half is bigger than mine.她的那一半比我的一半大.Half of ten is five.十的一半是五.  相似文献   

早晨,A nn在上学的路上遇到了Lily,我们来听听她们在说什么。A nn:"Look!M y new sticker(小粘贴).It’sonly1dol-lar.?"Lily:"O h,it’sa steal."Lily在说什么,难道她说A nn的小粘贴是偷的?哈哈,那你就错了,其实Lily的意思是那个小粘贴太便宜了,就像偷的一样,很幽默却很恰当啊  相似文献   

Naff差劲的Jo:This is Real English from BBC Learning English.I'm Jo.Jean:And I'm Jean.Jo:Today w e're going to look at words and phrases that you might not find in your English textbook.  相似文献   

Since and For     
Clever Mouse:I haven’t seen Lily since last summer. Miss Bee:She is in Paris now.She’s been there for half a year. Clever Mouse:You know her well. Miss Bee:We’ve been good friends since we were nine.  相似文献   

Step 1.Warm up 1.T:Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls! Ss:Good morning/afternoon, Miss Chen! 2.Revision T:Hello,my kids,who’s she? Ss:Lily. T:Yes.this is Lily.she has some good friends.Who are they? Lily,please stand up,and introduce them. Lily:All right.This is… (学生  相似文献   

一、Other表“另外的”意思,后接复数名词,如与具体数词连用,则置于数词之后,但与定冠词the连用时,other要放在数词前,如:1.MrSmithisgoingshoppingwithboysnextSunday.(key:C)史密斯先生将于下周日与另外两个男孩一起去买东西。A.littletwootherB.twolittleotherC.twootherlittleD.littleothertwo2.MrBlackaskedmetofetchthreeotherbooks.布莱克先生让我再拿三本书来。3.Doyouknowwherehefoundtheotherfourchairs?你知道他是在哪儿找到另外四把椅子的吗?二、Anotheranother表“另一个”时只跟可数名词单数,而表“另外的、额外的、附…  相似文献   

一、同义句改写类这类转换通常以词、词组、句式、语法的改变及转换形式体现出来,转换前后的句意大致相同。请看以下转换题及例析:1.M y grandm other has a bad m em ory.M y grandm other things.2.H e thinks your answers are right.H e your answers.3.H e spent two hour  相似文献   

英语里 half 是个常用单词。它除作名词外,还可作形容词和副词。使用时值得留意以下几点:Ⅰ.half 作名词:“半、一半”I've bought some chocolate.You can have half.我买了些巧克力,你可拿一半去。Your half is bigger than mine.你的那半比我的那半大。名词 half 还需注意:(A)half 的复数为 halves,若带介词 in 用 half into 用 halyes,inhalf=into halves,形式不同含义相同。Martha cut the cake in half.玛莎把蛋糕切成两半。  相似文献   

Half是英语中使用频率较高的一个单词.它一词多性,位置多变,搭配不一.1 作名词用意思是“半、一半”,复数为halves.Half与可数名词单数或不可数名词连用作主语中心词时,谓语动词用单数形式;与可数名词的复数连用时,谓语动词用复数形式.例如:(1)Half of the work is done.工作已完成一半.(2)The half of four is two.4的一半是2.(3)About half of the books are his.大约有一半的书是他的.(4)It’s half past nine now.现在是九点半.2 作形容词用意思是“一半的、半的、不完全的”.例如:(1)It took him half a year(美国英语)tofinish the work.(=It took him a half year(英国英语)tofinish the work.)  相似文献   

Seashells com e in m any differentshapes,sizes,and colors.Som e shells grow as big as four feetlong.Som e shells are sm aller than half an inchlong.Som e shells have two sides that open likewings.Other shells are shaped like a curlingtube.Shells com e in allcolors:white,black,brown,yellow,green,red,orange,and pink.They are likea rainbow in the ocean.M any seashells are nam ed for other things weknow.The spider shell is one exam ple.The spidershell has long points that look like spider legs.…  相似文献   

half用作形容词时,表示"一半"的意思,例如:half an hour半小时,half a kilo半公斤。但是,我们若要说"一个(两个……)半某物"时,则既可说"a(an)+单数可数名词+and a half",也可说"one and a half+复数名词"。例如:A kilo and a half is enough.=One and a half kilos is enough.一公斤半就足够了。An hour and a half is OK.=One and a half hours is OK.一个半小  相似文献   

Jean:Welcome to my home!Here are all kinds of drink.Helpyourselves.Lucy,would you like a bottle of orange? Lucy:Yes,please. Jean:Lily,would you like a cup of lemonade,please? Lily:No,thanks. (Half an hour later,the supper is ready.)  相似文献   

Other is an important concept in Lacan’s psychology theory, which plays a critical role in a subject’s identity forma?tion. The formation of a subject’s self-identity is based on other, initially its m...  相似文献   

A) 5 11op assistant:_otlr shop. Mr Zhang:_· shoP assisran一:Caxlt0please? B:are。 A:Certai[lly!y()11I Mrl一anarlas.Z}iang:1 wallt solzle 51101) assisrant:_,wedon’t 11ave any. Mr Zhang:_— B) Li:Hi,Ji川!H()wy、,u to(J ay‘! J in一:Fine, B:Not ata!1. A:Oh,it,5 a 511(一rtn一ler.Who hasa()r一e‘了 B:1 llave orie,Mr Gr、、e,1.Here vou are. A:Thanky()t,,Lily. B:I)lease(l()11’t nleLily.I,ml·uey.Lily 15_there. A:_,LI一ey.You lookthe same.1 1 Le一,、。、h‘)01? Li、(hooldo you eor,l…  相似文献   

1.other形容词,"其他的,另外的"常放于复数名词前面。如:Whato the ranimals do you like?你喜欢什么别的其他动物?I’m plying with other children.我正在和别的其他孩子玩。other也可以修饰名词的单数形式,但必须与"no,any,some"等词连用。  相似文献   

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